123456789101112131415161718192021222324252627282930313233343536373839404142434445464748495051525354555657585960616263646566676869707172737475767778798081828384858687888990919293949596979899100101102103104105106107108109110111112113114115116117118119120121122123124125126127128129130131132133134135136137138139140141142143144145146147148149150151152153154155156157158159160161162163164165166167168169170171172173174175176177178179180181182183184185186187188189190191192193194195196197198199200201202203204205206207208209210211212213214215216217218219220221222223224225226227228229230231232233234235236237238239240241242243244245246247248249250251252253254255256257258259260261262263264265266267268269270271272273274275276277278279280281282283284285286287288289290291292293294295296297298299300301302303304305306307308309310311312313314315316317318319320321322323324325326327328329330331332333334335336337338339340341342343344345346347348349350351352353354355356357358359360361362363364365366367368369370371372373374375376377378379380381382383384385386387388389390391392393394395396397398399400401402403404405406407408409410411412413414415416417418419420421422423424425426427428429430431432433434435436437438439440441442443444445446447448449450451452453454455456457458459460461462463464465466467468469470471472473474475476477478479480481482483484485486487488489490491492493494495496497498499500501502503504505506507508509510511512513514515516517518519520521522523524525526527528529530531532533534535536537538539540541542543544545546547548549550551552553554555556557558559560561562563564565566567568569570571572573574575576577578579580581582583584585586587588589590591592593594595596597598599600601602603604605606607608609610611612613614615616617618619620621622623624625626627628629630631632633634635636637638639640641642643644645646647648649650651652653654655656657658659660661662663664665666667668669670671672673674675676677678679680681682683684685686687688689690691692693694695696697698699700701702703704705706707708709710711 |
- # Dual Annealing implementation.
- # Copyright (c) 2018 Sylvain Gubian <sylvain.gubian@pmi.com>,
- # Yang Xiang <yang.xiang@pmi.com>
- # Author: Sylvain Gubian, Yang Xiang, PMP S.A.
- """
- A Dual Annealing global optimization algorithm
- """
- import numpy as np
- from scipy.optimize import OptimizeResult
- from scipy.optimize import minimize, Bounds
- from scipy.special import gammaln
- from scipy._lib._util import check_random_state
- from scipy.optimize._constraints import new_bounds_to_old
- __all__ = ['dual_annealing']
- class VisitingDistribution:
- """
- Class used to generate new coordinates based on the distorted
- Cauchy-Lorentz distribution. Depending on the steps within the strategy
- chain, the class implements the strategy for generating new location
- changes.
- Parameters
- ----------
- lb : array_like
- A 1-D NumPy ndarray containing lower bounds of the generated
- components. Neither NaN or inf are allowed.
- ub : array_like
- A 1-D NumPy ndarray containing upper bounds for the generated
- components. Neither NaN or inf are allowed.
- visiting_param : float
- Parameter for visiting distribution. Default value is 2.62.
- Higher values give the visiting distribution a heavier tail, this
- makes the algorithm jump to a more distant region.
- The value range is (1, 3]. Its value is fixed for the life of the
- object.
- rand_gen : {`~numpy.random.RandomState`, `~numpy.random.Generator`}
- A `~numpy.random.RandomState`, `~numpy.random.Generator` object
- for using the current state of the created random generator container.
- """
- TAIL_LIMIT = 1.e8
- MIN_VISIT_BOUND = 1.e-10
- def __init__(self, lb, ub, visiting_param, rand_gen):
- # if you wish to make _visiting_param adjustable during the life of
- # the object then _factor2, _factor3, _factor5, _d1, _factor6 will
- # have to be dynamically calculated in `visit_fn`. They're factored
- # out here so they don't need to be recalculated all the time.
- self._visiting_param = visiting_param
- self.rand_gen = rand_gen
- self.lower = lb
- self.upper = ub
- self.bound_range = ub - lb
- # these are invariant numbers unless visiting_param changes
- self._factor2 = np.exp((4.0 - self._visiting_param) * np.log(
- self._visiting_param - 1.0))
- self._factor3 = np.exp((2.0 - self._visiting_param) * np.log(2.0)
- / (self._visiting_param - 1.0))
- self._factor4_p = np.sqrt(np.pi) * self._factor2 / (self._factor3 * (
- 3.0 - self._visiting_param))
- self._factor5 = 1.0 / (self._visiting_param - 1.0) - 0.5
- self._d1 = 2.0 - self._factor5
- self._factor6 = np.pi * (1.0 - self._factor5) / np.sin(
- np.pi * (1.0 - self._factor5)) / np.exp(gammaln(self._d1))
- def visiting(self, x, step, temperature):
- """ Based on the step in the strategy chain, new coordinates are
- generated by changing all components is the same time or only
- one of them, the new values are computed with visit_fn method
- """
- dim = x.size
- if step < dim:
- # Changing all coordinates with a new visiting value
- visits = self.visit_fn(temperature, dim)
- upper_sample, lower_sample = self.rand_gen.uniform(size=2)
- visits[visits > self.TAIL_LIMIT] = self.TAIL_LIMIT * upper_sample
- visits[visits < -self.TAIL_LIMIT] = -self.TAIL_LIMIT * lower_sample
- x_visit = visits + x
- a = x_visit - self.lower
- b = np.fmod(a, self.bound_range) + self.bound_range
- x_visit = np.fmod(b, self.bound_range) + self.lower
- x_visit[np.fabs(
- x_visit - self.lower) < self.MIN_VISIT_BOUND] += 1.e-10
- else:
- # Changing only one coordinate at a time based on strategy
- # chain step
- x_visit = np.copy(x)
- visit = self.visit_fn(temperature, 1)[0]
- if visit > self.TAIL_LIMIT:
- visit = self.TAIL_LIMIT * self.rand_gen.uniform()
- elif visit < -self.TAIL_LIMIT:
- visit = -self.TAIL_LIMIT * self.rand_gen.uniform()
- index = step - dim
- x_visit[index] = visit + x[index]
- a = x_visit[index] - self.lower[index]
- b = np.fmod(a, self.bound_range[index]) + self.bound_range[index]
- x_visit[index] = np.fmod(b, self.bound_range[
- index]) + self.lower[index]
- if np.fabs(x_visit[index] - self.lower[
- index]) < self.MIN_VISIT_BOUND:
- x_visit[index] += self.MIN_VISIT_BOUND
- return x_visit
- def visit_fn(self, temperature, dim):
- """ Formula Visita from p. 405 of reference [2] """
- x, y = self.rand_gen.normal(size=(dim, 2)).T
- factor1 = np.exp(np.log(temperature) / (self._visiting_param - 1.0))
- factor4 = self._factor4_p * factor1
- # sigmax
- x *= np.exp(-(self._visiting_param - 1.0) * np.log(
- self._factor6 / factor4) / (3.0 - self._visiting_param))
- den = np.exp((self._visiting_param - 1.0) * np.log(np.fabs(y)) /
- (3.0 - self._visiting_param))
- return x / den
- class EnergyState:
- """
- Class used to record the energy state. At any time, it knows what is the
- currently used coordinates and the most recent best location.
- Parameters
- ----------
- lower : array_like
- A 1-D NumPy ndarray containing lower bounds for generating an initial
- random components in the `reset` method.
- upper : array_like
- A 1-D NumPy ndarray containing upper bounds for generating an initial
- random components in the `reset` method
- components. Neither NaN or inf are allowed.
- callback : callable, ``callback(x, f, context)``, optional
- A callback function which will be called for all minima found.
- ``x`` and ``f`` are the coordinates and function value of the
- latest minimum found, and `context` has value in [0, 1, 2]
- """
- # Maximum number of trials for generating a valid starting point
- def __init__(self, lower, upper, callback=None):
- self.ebest = None
- self.current_energy = None
- self.current_location = None
- self.xbest = None
- self.lower = lower
- self.upper = upper
- self.callback = callback
- def reset(self, func_wrapper, rand_gen, x0=None):
- """
- Initialize current location is the search domain. If `x0` is not
- provided, a random location within the bounds is generated.
- """
- if x0 is None:
- self.current_location = rand_gen.uniform(self.lower, self.upper,
- size=len(self.lower))
- else:
- self.current_location = np.copy(x0)
- init_error = True
- reinit_counter = 0
- while init_error:
- self.current_energy = func_wrapper.fun(self.current_location)
- if self.current_energy is None:
- raise ValueError('Objective function is returning None')
- if (not np.isfinite(self.current_energy) or np.isnan(
- self.current_energy)):
- if reinit_counter >= EnergyState.MAX_REINIT_COUNT:
- init_error = False
- message = (
- 'Stopping algorithm because function '
- 'create NaN or (+/-) infinity values even with '
- 'trying new random parameters'
- )
- raise ValueError(message)
- self.current_location = rand_gen.uniform(self.lower,
- self.upper,
- size=self.lower.size)
- reinit_counter += 1
- else:
- init_error = False
- # If first time reset, initialize ebest and xbest
- if self.ebest is None and self.xbest is None:
- self.ebest = self.current_energy
- self.xbest = np.copy(self.current_location)
- # Otherwise, we keep them in case of reannealing reset
- def update_best(self, e, x, context):
- self.ebest = e
- self.xbest = np.copy(x)
- if self.callback is not None:
- val = self.callback(x, e, context)
- if val is not None:
- if val:
- return ('Callback function requested to stop early by '
- 'returning True')
- def update_current(self, e, x):
- self.current_energy = e
- self.current_location = np.copy(x)
- class StrategyChain:
- """
- Class that implements within a Markov chain the strategy for location
- acceptance and local search decision making.
- Parameters
- ----------
- acceptance_param : float
- Parameter for acceptance distribution. It is used to control the
- probability of acceptance. The lower the acceptance parameter, the
- smaller the probability of acceptance. Default value is -5.0 with
- a range (-1e4, -5].
- visit_dist : VisitingDistribution
- Instance of `VisitingDistribution` class.
- func_wrapper : ObjectiveFunWrapper
- Instance of `ObjectiveFunWrapper` class.
- minimizer_wrapper: LocalSearchWrapper
- Instance of `LocalSearchWrapper` class.
- rand_gen : {None, int, `numpy.random.Generator`,
- `numpy.random.RandomState`}, optional
- If `seed` is None (or `np.random`), the `numpy.random.RandomState`
- singleton is used.
- If `seed` is an int, a new ``RandomState`` instance is used,
- seeded with `seed`.
- If `seed` is already a ``Generator`` or ``RandomState`` instance then
- that instance is used.
- energy_state: EnergyState
- Instance of `EnergyState` class.
- """
- def __init__(self, acceptance_param, visit_dist, func_wrapper,
- minimizer_wrapper, rand_gen, energy_state):
- # Local strategy chain minimum energy and location
- self.emin = energy_state.current_energy
- self.xmin = np.array(energy_state.current_location)
- # Global optimizer state
- self.energy_state = energy_state
- # Acceptance parameter
- self.acceptance_param = acceptance_param
- # Visiting distribution instance
- self.visit_dist = visit_dist
- # Wrapper to objective function
- self.func_wrapper = func_wrapper
- # Wrapper to the local minimizer
- self.minimizer_wrapper = minimizer_wrapper
- self.not_improved_idx = 0
- self.not_improved_max_idx = 1000
- self._rand_gen = rand_gen
- self.temperature_step = 0
- self.K = 100 * len(energy_state.current_location)
- def accept_reject(self, j, e, x_visit):
- r = self._rand_gen.uniform()
- pqv_temp = 1.0 - ((1.0 - self.acceptance_param) *
- (e - self.energy_state.current_energy) / self.temperature_step)
- if pqv_temp <= 0.:
- pqv = 0.
- else:
- pqv = np.exp(np.log(pqv_temp) / (
- 1. - self.acceptance_param))
- if r <= pqv:
- # We accept the new location and update state
- self.energy_state.update_current(e, x_visit)
- self.xmin = np.copy(self.energy_state.current_location)
- # No improvement for a long time
- if self.not_improved_idx >= self.not_improved_max_idx:
- if j == 0 or self.energy_state.current_energy < self.emin:
- self.emin = self.energy_state.current_energy
- self.xmin = np.copy(self.energy_state.current_location)
- def run(self, step, temperature):
- self.temperature_step = temperature / float(step + 1)
- self.not_improved_idx += 1
- for j in range(self.energy_state.current_location.size * 2):
- if j == 0:
- if step == 0:
- self.energy_state_improved = True
- else:
- self.energy_state_improved = False
- x_visit = self.visit_dist.visiting(
- self.energy_state.current_location, j, temperature)
- # Calling the objective function
- e = self.func_wrapper.fun(x_visit)
- if e < self.energy_state.current_energy:
- # We have got a better energy value
- self.energy_state.update_current(e, x_visit)
- if e < self.energy_state.ebest:
- val = self.energy_state.update_best(e, x_visit, 0)
- if val is not None:
- if val:
- return val
- self.energy_state_improved = True
- self.not_improved_idx = 0
- else:
- # We have not improved but do we accept the new location?
- self.accept_reject(j, e, x_visit)
- if self.func_wrapper.nfev >= self.func_wrapper.maxfun:
- return ('Maximum number of function call reached '
- 'during annealing')
- # End of StrategyChain loop
- def local_search(self):
- # Decision making for performing a local search
- # based on strategy chain results
- # If energy has been improved or no improvement since too long,
- # performing a local search with the best strategy chain location
- if self.energy_state_improved:
- # Global energy has improved, let's see if LS improves further
- e, x = self.minimizer_wrapper.local_search(self.energy_state.xbest,
- self.energy_state.ebest)
- if e < self.energy_state.ebest:
- self.not_improved_idx = 0
- val = self.energy_state.update_best(e, x, 1)
- if val is not None:
- if val:
- return val
- self.energy_state.update_current(e, x)
- if self.func_wrapper.nfev >= self.func_wrapper.maxfun:
- return ('Maximum number of function call reached '
- 'during local search')
- # Check probability of a need to perform a LS even if no improvement
- do_ls = False
- if self.K < 90 * len(self.energy_state.current_location):
- pls = np.exp(self.K * (
- self.energy_state.ebest - self.energy_state.current_energy) /
- self.temperature_step)
- if pls >= self._rand_gen.uniform():
- do_ls = True
- # Global energy not improved, let's see what LS gives
- # on the best strategy chain location
- if self.not_improved_idx >= self.not_improved_max_idx:
- do_ls = True
- if do_ls:
- e, x = self.minimizer_wrapper.local_search(self.xmin, self.emin)
- self.xmin = np.copy(x)
- self.emin = e
- self.not_improved_idx = 0
- self.not_improved_max_idx = self.energy_state.current_location.size
- if e < self.energy_state.ebest:
- val = self.energy_state.update_best(
- self.emin, self.xmin, 2)
- if val is not None:
- if val:
- return val
- self.energy_state.update_current(e, x)
- if self.func_wrapper.nfev >= self.func_wrapper.maxfun:
- return ('Maximum number of function call reached '
- 'during dual annealing')
- class ObjectiveFunWrapper:
- def __init__(self, func, maxfun=1e7, *args):
- self.func = func
- self.args = args
- # Number of objective function evaluations
- self.nfev = 0
- # Number of gradient function evaluation if used
- self.ngev = 0
- # Number of hessian of the objective function if used
- self.nhev = 0
- self.maxfun = maxfun
- def fun(self, x):
- self.nfev += 1
- return self.func(x, *self.args)
- class LocalSearchWrapper:
- """
- Class used to wrap around the minimizer used for local search
- Default local minimizer is SciPy minimizer L-BFGS-B
- """
- def __init__(self, search_bounds, func_wrapper, **kwargs):
- self.func_wrapper = func_wrapper
- self.kwargs = kwargs
- self.minimizer = minimize
- bounds_list = list(zip(*search_bounds))
- self.lower = np.array(bounds_list[0])
- self.upper = np.array(bounds_list[1])
- # If no minimizer specified, use SciPy minimize with 'L-BFGS-B' method
- if not self.kwargs:
- n = len(self.lower)
- ls_max_iter = min(max(n * self.LS_MAXITER_RATIO,
- self.kwargs['method'] = 'L-BFGS-B'
- self.kwargs['options'] = {
- 'maxiter': ls_max_iter,
- }
- self.kwargs['bounds'] = list(zip(self.lower, self.upper))
- def local_search(self, x, e):
- # Run local search from the given x location where energy value is e
- x_tmp = np.copy(x)
- mres = self.minimizer(self.func_wrapper.fun, x, **self.kwargs)
- if 'njev' in mres:
- self.func_wrapper.ngev += mres.njev
- if 'nhev' in mres:
- self.func_wrapper.nhev += mres.nhev
- # Check if is valid value
- is_finite = np.all(np.isfinite(mres.x)) and np.isfinite(mres.fun)
- in_bounds = np.all(mres.x >= self.lower) and np.all(
- mres.x <= self.upper)
- is_valid = is_finite and in_bounds
- # Use the new point only if it is valid and return a better results
- if is_valid and mres.fun < e:
- return mres.fun, mres.x
- else:
- return e, x_tmp
- def dual_annealing(func, bounds, args=(), maxiter=1000,
- minimizer_kwargs=None, initial_temp=5230.,
- restart_temp_ratio=2.e-5, visit=2.62, accept=-5.0,
- maxfun=1e7, seed=None, no_local_search=False,
- callback=None, x0=None):
- """
- Find the global minimum of a function using Dual Annealing.
- Parameters
- ----------
- func : callable
- The objective function to be minimized. Must be in the form
- ``f(x, *args)``, where ``x`` is the argument in the form of a 1-D array
- and ``args`` is a tuple of any additional fixed parameters needed to
- completely specify the function.
- bounds : sequence or `Bounds`
- Bounds for variables. There are two ways to specify the bounds:
- 1. Instance of `Bounds` class.
- 2. Sequence of ``(min, max)`` pairs for each element in `x`.
- args : tuple, optional
- Any additional fixed parameters needed to completely specify the
- objective function.
- maxiter : int, optional
- The maximum number of global search iterations. Default value is 1000.
- minimizer_kwargs : dict, optional
- Extra keyword arguments to be passed to the local minimizer
- (`minimize`). Some important options could be:
- ``method`` for the minimizer method to use and ``args`` for
- objective function additional arguments.
- initial_temp : float, optional
- The initial temperature, use higher values to facilitates a wider
- search of the energy landscape, allowing dual_annealing to escape
- local minima that it is trapped in. Default value is 5230. Range is
- (0.01, 5.e4].
- restart_temp_ratio : float, optional
- During the annealing process, temperature is decreasing, when it
- reaches ``initial_temp * restart_temp_ratio``, the reannealing process
- is triggered. Default value of the ratio is 2e-5. Range is (0, 1).
- visit : float, optional
- Parameter for visiting distribution. Default value is 2.62. Higher
- values give the visiting distribution a heavier tail, this makes
- the algorithm jump to a more distant region. The value range is (1, 3].
- accept : float, optional
- Parameter for acceptance distribution. It is used to control the
- probability of acceptance. The lower the acceptance parameter, the
- smaller the probability of acceptance. Default value is -5.0 with
- a range (-1e4, -5].
- maxfun : int, optional
- Soft limit for the number of objective function calls. If the
- algorithm is in the middle of a local search, this number will be
- exceeded, the algorithm will stop just after the local search is
- done. Default value is 1e7.
- seed : {None, int, `numpy.random.Generator`, `numpy.random.RandomState`}, optional
- If `seed` is None (or `np.random`), the `numpy.random.RandomState`
- singleton is used.
- If `seed` is an int, a new ``RandomState`` instance is used,
- seeded with `seed`.
- If `seed` is already a ``Generator`` or ``RandomState`` instance then
- that instance is used.
- Specify `seed` for repeatable minimizations. The random numbers
- generated with this seed only affect the visiting distribution function
- and new coordinates generation.
- no_local_search : bool, optional
- If `no_local_search` is set to True, a traditional Generalized
- Simulated Annealing will be performed with no local search
- strategy applied.
- callback : callable, optional
- A callback function with signature ``callback(x, f, context)``,
- which will be called for all minima found.
- ``x`` and ``f`` are the coordinates and function value of the
- latest minimum found, and ``context`` has value in [0, 1, 2], with the
- following meaning:
- - 0: minimum detected in the annealing process.
- - 1: detection occurred in the local search process.
- - 2: detection done in the dual annealing process.
- If the callback implementation returns True, the algorithm will stop.
- x0 : ndarray, shape(n,), optional
- Coordinates of a single N-D starting point.
- Returns
- -------
- res : OptimizeResult
- The optimization result represented as a `OptimizeResult` object.
- Important attributes are: ``x`` the solution array, ``fun`` the value
- of the function at the solution, and ``message`` which describes the
- cause of the termination.
- See `OptimizeResult` for a description of other attributes.
- Notes
- -----
- This function implements the Dual Annealing optimization. This stochastic
- approach derived from [3]_ combines the generalization of CSA (Classical
- Simulated Annealing) and FSA (Fast Simulated Annealing) [1]_ [2]_ coupled
- to a strategy for applying a local search on accepted locations [4]_.
- An alternative implementation of this same algorithm is described in [5]_
- and benchmarks are presented in [6]_. This approach introduces an advanced
- method to refine the solution found by the generalized annealing
- process. This algorithm uses a distorted Cauchy-Lorentz visiting
- distribution, with its shape controlled by the parameter :math:`q_{v}`
- .. math::
- g_{q_{v}}(\\Delta x(t)) \\propto \\frac{ \\
- \\left[T_{q_{v}}(t) \\right]^{-\\frac{D}{3-q_{v}}}}{ \\
- \\left[{1+(q_{v}-1)\\frac{(\\Delta x(t))^{2}} { \\
- \\left[T_{q_{v}}(t)\\right]^{\\frac{2}{3-q_{v}}}}}\\right]^{ \\
- \\frac{1}{q_{v}-1}+\\frac{D-1}{2}}}
- Where :math:`t` is the artificial time. This visiting distribution is used
- to generate a trial jump distance :math:`\\Delta x(t)` of variable
- :math:`x(t)` under artificial temperature :math:`T_{q_{v}}(t)`.
- From the starting point, after calling the visiting distribution
- function, the acceptance probability is computed as follows:
- .. math::
- p_{q_{a}} = \\min{\\{1,\\left[1-(1-q_{a}) \\beta \\Delta E \\right]^{ \\
- \\frac{1}{1-q_{a}}}\\}}
- Where :math:`q_{a}` is a acceptance parameter. For :math:`q_{a}<1`, zero
- acceptance probability is assigned to the cases where
- .. math::
- [1-(1-q_{a}) \\beta \\Delta E] < 0
- The artificial temperature :math:`T_{q_{v}}(t)` is decreased according to
- .. math::
- T_{q_{v}}(t) = T_{q_{v}}(1) \\frac{2^{q_{v}-1}-1}{\\left( \\
- 1 + t\\right)^{q_{v}-1}-1}
- Where :math:`q_{v}` is the visiting parameter.
- .. versionadded:: 1.2.0
- References
- ----------
- .. [1] Tsallis C. Possible generalization of Boltzmann-Gibbs
- statistics. Journal of Statistical Physics, 52, 479-487 (1998).
- .. [2] Tsallis C, Stariolo DA. Generalized Simulated Annealing.
- Physica A, 233, 395-406 (1996).
- .. [3] Xiang Y, Sun DY, Fan W, Gong XG. Generalized Simulated
- Annealing Algorithm and Its Application to the Thomson Model.
- Physics Letters A, 233, 216-220 (1997).
- .. [4] Xiang Y, Gong XG. Efficiency of Generalized Simulated
- Annealing. Physical Review E, 62, 4473 (2000).
- .. [5] Xiang Y, Gubian S, Suomela B, Hoeng J. Generalized
- Simulated Annealing for Efficient Global Optimization: the GenSA
- Package for R. The R Journal, Volume 5/1 (2013).
- .. [6] Mullen, K. Continuous Global Optimization in R. Journal of
- Statistical Software, 60(6), 1 - 45, (2014).
- :doi:`10.18637/jss.v060.i06`
- Examples
- --------
- The following example is a 10-D problem, with many local minima.
- The function involved is called Rastrigin
- (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Rastrigin_function)
- >>> import numpy as np
- >>> from scipy.optimize import dual_annealing
- >>> func = lambda x: np.sum(x*x - 10*np.cos(2*np.pi*x)) + 10*np.size(x)
- >>> lw = [-5.12] * 10
- >>> up = [5.12] * 10
- >>> ret = dual_annealing(func, bounds=list(zip(lw, up)))
- >>> ret.x
- array([-4.26437714e-09, -3.91699361e-09, -1.86149218e-09, -3.97165720e-09,
- -6.29151648e-09, -6.53145322e-09, -3.93616815e-09, -6.55623025e-09,
- -6.05775280e-09, -5.00668935e-09]) # random
- >>> ret.fun
- 0.000000
- """
- if isinstance(bounds, Bounds):
- bounds = new_bounds_to_old(bounds.lb, bounds.ub, len(bounds.lb))
- # noqa: E501
- if x0 is not None and not len(x0) == len(bounds):
- raise ValueError('Bounds size does not match x0')
- lu = list(zip(*bounds))
- lower = np.array(lu[0])
- upper = np.array(lu[1])
- # Check that restart temperature ratio is correct
- if restart_temp_ratio <= 0. or restart_temp_ratio >= 1.:
- raise ValueError('Restart temperature ratio has to be in range (0, 1)')
- # Checking bounds are valid
- if (np.any(np.isinf(lower)) or np.any(np.isinf(upper)) or np.any(
- np.isnan(lower)) or np.any(np.isnan(upper))):
- raise ValueError('Some bounds values are inf values or nan values')
- # Checking that bounds are consistent
- if not np.all(lower < upper):
- raise ValueError('Bounds are not consistent min < max')
- # Checking that bounds are the same length
- if not len(lower) == len(upper):
- raise ValueError('Bounds do not have the same dimensions')
- # Wrapper for the objective function
- func_wrapper = ObjectiveFunWrapper(func, maxfun, *args)
- # minimizer_kwargs has to be a dict, not None
- minimizer_kwargs = minimizer_kwargs or {}
- minimizer_wrapper = LocalSearchWrapper(
- bounds, func_wrapper, **minimizer_kwargs)
- # Initialization of random Generator for reproducible runs if seed provided
- rand_state = check_random_state(seed)
- # Initialization of the energy state
- energy_state = EnergyState(lower, upper, callback)
- energy_state.reset(func_wrapper, rand_state, x0)
- # Minimum value of annealing temperature reached to perform
- # re-annealing
- temperature_restart = initial_temp * restart_temp_ratio
- # VisitingDistribution instance
- visit_dist = VisitingDistribution(lower, upper, visit, rand_state)
- # Strategy chain instance
- strategy_chain = StrategyChain(accept, visit_dist, func_wrapper,
- minimizer_wrapper, rand_state, energy_state)
- need_to_stop = False
- iteration = 0
- message = []
- # OptimizeResult object to be returned
- optimize_res = OptimizeResult()
- optimize_res.success = True
- optimize_res.status = 0
- t1 = np.exp((visit - 1) * np.log(2.0)) - 1.0
- # Run the search loop
- while not need_to_stop:
- for i in range(maxiter):
- # Compute temperature for this step
- s = float(i) + 2.0
- t2 = np.exp((visit - 1) * np.log(s)) - 1.0
- temperature = initial_temp * t1 / t2
- if iteration >= maxiter:
- message.append("Maximum number of iteration reached")
- need_to_stop = True
- break
- # Need a re-annealing process?
- if temperature < temperature_restart:
- energy_state.reset(func_wrapper, rand_state)
- break
- # starting strategy chain
- val = strategy_chain.run(i, temperature)
- if val is not None:
- message.append(val)
- need_to_stop = True
- optimize_res.success = False
- break
- # Possible local search at the end of the strategy chain
- if not no_local_search:
- val = strategy_chain.local_search()
- if val is not None:
- message.append(val)
- need_to_stop = True
- optimize_res.success = False
- break
- iteration += 1
- # Setting the OptimizeResult values
- optimize_res.x = energy_state.xbest
- optimize_res.fun = energy_state.ebest
- optimize_res.nit = iteration
- optimize_res.nfev = func_wrapper.nfev
- optimize_res.njev = func_wrapper.ngev
- optimize_res.nhev = func_wrapper.nhev
- optimize_res.message = message
- return optimize_res