test_fftlog.py 5.7 KB

  1. import warnings
  2. import numpy as np
  3. from numpy.testing import assert_allclose
  4. import pytest
  5. from scipy.fft._fftlog import fht, ifht, fhtoffset
  6. from scipy.special import poch
  7. def test_fht_agrees_with_fftlog():
  8. # check that fht numerically agrees with the output from Fortran FFTLog,
  9. # the results were generated with the provided `fftlogtest` program,
  10. # after fixing how the k array is generated (divide range by n-1, not n)
  11. # test function, analytical Hankel transform is of the same form
  12. def f(r, mu):
  13. return r**(mu+1)*np.exp(-r**2/2)
  14. r = np.logspace(-4, 4, 16)
  15. dln = np.log(r[1]/r[0])
  16. mu = 0.3
  17. offset = 0.0
  18. bias = 0.0
  19. a = f(r, mu)
  20. # test 1: compute as given
  21. ours = fht(a, dln, mu, offset=offset, bias=bias)
  22. theirs = [-0.1159922613593045E-02, +0.1625822618458832E-02,
  23. -0.1949518286432330E-02, +0.3789220182554077E-02,
  24. +0.5093959119952945E-03, +0.2785387803618774E-01,
  25. +0.9944952700848897E-01, +0.4599202164586588E+00,
  26. +0.3157462160881342E+00, -0.8201236844404755E-03,
  27. -0.7834031308271878E-03, +0.3931444945110708E-03,
  28. -0.2697710625194777E-03, +0.3568398050238820E-03,
  29. -0.5554454827797206E-03, +0.8286331026468585E-03]
  30. assert_allclose(ours, theirs)
  31. # test 2: change to optimal offset
  32. offset = fhtoffset(dln, mu, bias=bias)
  33. ours = fht(a, dln, mu, offset=offset, bias=bias)
  34. theirs = [+0.4353768523152057E-04, -0.9197045663594285E-05,
  35. +0.3150140927838524E-03, +0.9149121960963704E-03,
  36. +0.5808089753959363E-02, +0.2548065256377240E-01,
  37. +0.1339477692089897E+00, +0.4821530509479356E+00,
  38. +0.2659899781579785E+00, -0.1116475278448113E-01,
  39. +0.1791441617592385E-02, -0.4181810476548056E-03,
  40. +0.1314963536765343E-03, -0.5422057743066297E-04,
  41. +0.3208681804170443E-04, -0.2696849476008234E-04]
  42. assert_allclose(ours, theirs)
  43. # test 3: positive bias
  44. bias = 0.8
  45. offset = fhtoffset(dln, mu, bias=bias)
  46. ours = fht(a, dln, mu, offset=offset, bias=bias)
  47. theirs = [-7.3436673558316850E+00, +0.1710271207817100E+00,
  48. +0.1065374386206564E+00, -0.5121739602708132E-01,
  49. +0.2636649319269470E-01, +0.1697209218849693E-01,
  50. +0.1250215614723183E+00, +0.4739583261486729E+00,
  51. +0.2841149874912028E+00, -0.8312764741645729E-02,
  52. +0.1024233505508988E-02, -0.1644902767389120E-03,
  53. +0.3305775476926270E-04, -0.7786993194882709E-05,
  54. +0.1962258449520547E-05, -0.8977895734909250E-06]
  55. assert_allclose(ours, theirs)
  56. # test 4: negative bias
  57. bias = -0.8
  58. offset = fhtoffset(dln, mu, bias=bias)
  59. ours = fht(a, dln, mu, offset=offset, bias=bias)
  60. theirs = [+0.8985777068568745E-05, +0.4074898209936099E-04,
  61. +0.2123969254700955E-03, +0.1009558244834628E-02,
  62. +0.5131386375222176E-02, +0.2461678673516286E-01,
  63. +0.1235812845384476E+00, +0.4719570096404403E+00,
  64. +0.2893487490631317E+00, -0.1686570611318716E-01,
  65. +0.2231398155172505E-01, -0.1480742256379873E-01,
  66. +0.1692387813500801E+00, +0.3097490354365797E+00,
  67. +2.7593607182401860E+00, 10.5251075070045800E+00]
  68. assert_allclose(ours, theirs)
  69. @pytest.mark.parametrize('optimal', [True, False])
  70. @pytest.mark.parametrize('offset', [0.0, 1.0, -1.0])
  71. @pytest.mark.parametrize('bias', [0, 0.1, -0.1])
  72. @pytest.mark.parametrize('n', [64, 63])
  73. def test_fht_identity(n, bias, offset, optimal):
  74. rng = np.random.RandomState(3491349965)
  75. a = rng.standard_normal(n)
  76. dln = rng.uniform(-1, 1)
  77. mu = rng.uniform(-2, 2)
  78. if optimal:
  79. offset = fhtoffset(dln, mu, initial=offset, bias=bias)
  80. A = fht(a, dln, mu, offset=offset, bias=bias)
  81. a_ = ifht(A, dln, mu, offset=offset, bias=bias)
  82. assert_allclose(a, a_)
  83. def test_fht_special_cases():
  84. rng = np.random.RandomState(3491349965)
  85. a = rng.standard_normal(64)
  86. dln = rng.uniform(-1, 1)
  87. # let xp = (mu+1+q)/2, xm = (mu+1-q)/2, M = {0, -1, -2, ...}
  88. # case 1: xp in M, xm in M => well-defined transform
  89. mu, bias = -4.0, 1.0
  90. with warnings.catch_warnings(record=True) as record:
  91. fht(a, dln, mu, bias=bias)
  92. assert not record, 'fht warned about a well-defined transform'
  93. # case 2: xp not in M, xm in M => well-defined transform
  94. mu, bias = -2.5, 0.5
  95. with warnings.catch_warnings(record=True) as record:
  96. fht(a, dln, mu, bias=bias)
  97. assert not record, 'fht warned about a well-defined transform'
  98. # case 3: xp in M, xm not in M => singular transform
  99. mu, bias = -3.5, 0.5
  100. with pytest.warns(Warning) as record:
  101. fht(a, dln, mu, bias=bias)
  102. assert record, 'fht did not warn about a singular transform'
  103. # case 4: xp not in M, xm in M => singular inverse transform
  104. mu, bias = -2.5, 0.5
  105. with pytest.warns(Warning) as record:
  106. ifht(a, dln, mu, bias=bias)
  107. assert record, 'ifht did not warn about a singular transform'
  108. @pytest.mark.parametrize('n', [64, 63])
  109. def test_fht_exact(n):
  110. rng = np.random.RandomState(3491349965)
  111. # for a(r) a power law r^\gamma, the fast Hankel transform produces the
  112. # exact continuous Hankel transform if biased with q = \gamma
  113. mu = rng.uniform(0, 3)
  114. # convergence of HT: -1-mu < gamma < 1/2
  115. gamma = rng.uniform(-1-mu, 1/2)
  116. r = np.logspace(-2, 2, n)
  117. a = r**gamma
  118. dln = np.log(r[1]/r[0])
  119. offset = fhtoffset(dln, mu, initial=0.0, bias=gamma)
  120. A = fht(a, dln, mu, offset=offset, bias=gamma)
  121. k = np.exp(offset)/r[::-1]
  122. # analytical result
  123. At = (2/k)**gamma * poch((mu+1-gamma)/2, gamma)
  124. assert_allclose(A, At)