123456789101112131415161718192021222324252627282930313233343536373839404142434445464748495051525354555657585960616263646566676869707172737475767778798081828384858687888990919293949596979899100101102103104105106107108109110111112113114115116117118119120121122123124125126127128129130131132133134135136137138139140141142143144145146147148149150151152153154155156157158159160161162163164165166167168169170171172173174175176177178179180181182183184185186187188189190191192193194195196197198199200201202203204205206207208209210211212213214215216217218219220221222223224225226227228229230231232233234235236237238239240241242243244245246247248249250251252253254255256257258259260261262263264265266267268269270271272273274275276277278279280281282283284285286287288289290291292293294295296297298299300301302303304305306307308309310311312313314315316317318319320321322323324325326327328329330331332333334335336337338339340341342343344345346347348349350351352353354355356357358359360361362363364365366367368369370371372373374375376377378379380381382383384385386387388389390 |
- '''Fast Hankel transforms using the FFTLog algorithm.
- The implementation closely follows the Fortran code of Hamilton (2000).
- added: 14/11/2020 Nicolas Tessore <n.tessore@ucl.ac.uk>
- '''
- import numpy as np
- from warnings import warn
- from ._basic import rfft, irfft
- from ..special import loggamma, poch
- __all__ = [
- 'fht', 'ifht',
- 'fhtoffset',
- ]
- # constants
- LN_2 = np.log(2)
- def fht(a, dln, mu, offset=0.0, bias=0.0):
- r'''Compute the fast Hankel transform.
- Computes the discrete Hankel transform of a logarithmically spaced periodic
- sequence using the FFTLog algorithm [1]_, [2]_.
- Parameters
- ----------
- a : array_like (..., n)
- Real periodic input array, uniformly logarithmically spaced. For
- multidimensional input, the transform is performed over the last axis.
- dln : float
- Uniform logarithmic spacing of the input array.
- mu : float
- Order of the Hankel transform, any positive or negative real number.
- offset : float, optional
- Offset of the uniform logarithmic spacing of the output array.
- bias : float, optional
- Exponent of power law bias, any positive or negative real number.
- Returns
- -------
- A : array_like (..., n)
- The transformed output array, which is real, periodic, uniformly
- logarithmically spaced, and of the same shape as the input array.
- See Also
- --------
- ifht : The inverse of `fht`.
- fhtoffset : Return an optimal offset for `fht`.
- Notes
- -----
- This function computes a discrete version of the Hankel transform
- .. math::
- A(k) = \int_{0}^{\infty} \! a(r) \, J_\mu(kr) \, k \, dr \;,
- where :math:`J_\mu` is the Bessel function of order :math:`\mu`. The index
- :math:`\mu` may be any real number, positive or negative.
- The input array `a` is a periodic sequence of length :math:`n`, uniformly
- logarithmically spaced with spacing `dln`,
- .. math::
- a_j = a(r_j) \;, \quad
- r_j = r_c \exp[(j-j_c) \, \mathtt{dln}]
- centred about the point :math:`r_c`. Note that the central index
- :math:`j_c = (n-1)/2` is half-integral if :math:`n` is even, so that
- :math:`r_c` falls between two input elements. Similarly, the output
- array `A` is a periodic sequence of length :math:`n`, also uniformly
- logarithmically spaced with spacing `dln`
- .. math::
- A_j = A(k_j) \;, \quad
- k_j = k_c \exp[(j-j_c) \, \mathtt{dln}]
- centred about the point :math:`k_c`.
- The centre points :math:`r_c` and :math:`k_c` of the periodic intervals may
- be chosen arbitrarily, but it would be usual to choose the product
- :math:`k_c r_c = k_j r_{n-1-j} = k_{n-1-j} r_j` to be unity. This can be
- changed using the `offset` parameter, which controls the logarithmic offset
- :math:`\log(k_c) = \mathtt{offset} - \log(r_c)` of the output array.
- Choosing an optimal value for `offset` may reduce ringing of the discrete
- Hankel transform.
- If the `bias` parameter is nonzero, this function computes a discrete
- version of the biased Hankel transform
- .. math::
- A(k) = \int_{0}^{\infty} \! a_q(r) \, (kr)^q \, J_\mu(kr) \, k \, dr
- where :math:`q` is the value of `bias`, and a power law bias
- :math:`a_q(r) = a(r) \, (kr)^{-q}` is applied to the input sequence.
- Biasing the transform can help approximate the continuous transform of
- :math:`a(r)` if there is a value :math:`q` such that :math:`a_q(r)` is
- close to a periodic sequence, in which case the resulting :math:`A(k)` will
- be close to the continuous transform.
- References
- ----------
- .. [1] Talman J. D., 1978, J. Comp. Phys., 29, 35
- .. [2] Hamilton A. J. S., 2000, MNRAS, 312, 257 (astro-ph/9905191)
- Examples
- --------
- This example is the adapted version of ``fftlogtest.f`` which is provided
- in [2]_. It evaluates the integral
- .. math::
- \int^\infty_0 r^{\mu+1} \exp(-r^2/2) J_\mu(k, r) k dr
- = k^{\mu+1} \exp(-k^2/2) .
- >>> import numpy as np
- >>> from scipy import fft
- >>> import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
- Parameters for the transform.
- >>> mu = 0.0 # Order mu of Bessel function
- >>> r = np.logspace(-7, 1, 128) # Input evaluation points
- >>> dln = np.log(r[1]/r[0]) # Step size
- >>> offset = fft.fhtoffset(dln, initial=-6*np.log(10), mu=mu)
- >>> k = np.exp(offset)/r[::-1] # Output evaluation points
- Define the analytical function.
- >>> def f(x, mu):
- ... """Analytical function: x^(mu+1) exp(-x^2/2)."""
- ... return x**(mu + 1)*np.exp(-x**2/2)
- Evaluate the function at ``r`` and compute the corresponding values at
- ``k`` using FFTLog.
- >>> a_r = f(r, mu)
- >>> fht = fft.fht(a_r, dln, mu=mu, offset=offset)
- For this example we can actually compute the analytical response (which in
- this case is the same as the input function) for comparison and compute the
- relative error.
- >>> a_k = f(k, mu)
- >>> rel_err = abs((fht-a_k)/a_k)
- Plot the result.
- >>> figargs = {'sharex': True, 'sharey': True, 'constrained_layout': True}
- >>> fig, (ax1, ax2) = plt.subplots(1, 2, figsize=(10, 4), **figargs)
- >>> ax1.set_title(r'$r^{\mu+1}\ \exp(-r^2/2)$')
- >>> ax1.loglog(r, a_r, 'k', lw=2)
- >>> ax1.set_xlabel('r')
- >>> ax2.set_title(r'$k^{\mu+1} \exp(-k^2/2)$')
- >>> ax2.loglog(k, a_k, 'k', lw=2, label='Analytical')
- >>> ax2.loglog(k, fht, 'C3--', lw=2, label='FFTLog')
- >>> ax2.set_xlabel('k')
- >>> ax2.legend(loc=3, framealpha=1)
- >>> ax2.set_ylim([1e-10, 1e1])
- >>> ax2b = ax2.twinx()
- >>> ax2b.loglog(k, rel_err, 'C0', label='Rel. Error (-)')
- >>> ax2b.set_ylabel('Rel. Error (-)', color='C0')
- >>> ax2b.tick_params(axis='y', labelcolor='C0')
- >>> ax2b.legend(loc=4, framealpha=1)
- >>> ax2b.set_ylim([1e-9, 1e-3])
- >>> plt.show()
- '''
- # size of transform
- n = np.shape(a)[-1]
- # bias input array
- if bias != 0:
- # a_q(r) = a(r) (r/r_c)^{-q}
- j_c = (n-1)/2
- j = np.arange(n)
- a = a * np.exp(-bias*(j - j_c)*dln)
- # compute FHT coefficients
- u = fhtcoeff(n, dln, mu, offset=offset, bias=bias)
- # transform
- A = _fhtq(a, u)
- # bias output array
- if bias != 0:
- # A(k) = A_q(k) (k/k_c)^{-q} (k_c r_c)^{-q}
- A *= np.exp(-bias*((j - j_c)*dln + offset))
- return A
- def ifht(A, dln, mu, offset=0.0, bias=0.0):
- r'''Compute the inverse fast Hankel transform.
- Computes the discrete inverse Hankel transform of a logarithmically spaced
- periodic sequence. This is the inverse operation to `fht`.
- Parameters
- ----------
- A : array_like (..., n)
- Real periodic input array, uniformly logarithmically spaced. For
- multidimensional input, the transform is performed over the last axis.
- dln : float
- Uniform logarithmic spacing of the input array.
- mu : float
- Order of the Hankel transform, any positive or negative real number.
- offset : float, optional
- Offset of the uniform logarithmic spacing of the output array.
- bias : float, optional
- Exponent of power law bias, any positive or negative real number.
- Returns
- -------
- a : array_like (..., n)
- The transformed output array, which is real, periodic, uniformly
- logarithmically spaced, and of the same shape as the input array.
- See Also
- --------
- fht : Definition of the fast Hankel transform.
- fhtoffset : Return an optimal offset for `ifht`.
- Notes
- -----
- This function computes a discrete version of the Hankel transform
- .. math::
- a(r) = \int_{0}^{\infty} \! A(k) \, J_\mu(kr) \, r \, dk \;,
- where :math:`J_\mu` is the Bessel function of order :math:`\mu`. The index
- :math:`\mu` may be any real number, positive or negative.
- See `fht` for further details.
- '''
- # size of transform
- n = np.shape(A)[-1]
- # bias input array
- if bias != 0:
- # A_q(k) = A(k) (k/k_c)^{q} (k_c r_c)^{q}
- j_c = (n-1)/2
- j = np.arange(n)
- A = A * np.exp(bias*((j - j_c)*dln + offset))
- # compute FHT coefficients
- u = fhtcoeff(n, dln, mu, offset=offset, bias=bias)
- # transform
- a = _fhtq(A, u, inverse=True)
- # bias output array
- if bias != 0:
- # a(r) = a_q(r) (r/r_c)^{q}
- a /= np.exp(-bias*(j - j_c)*dln)
- return a
- def fhtcoeff(n, dln, mu, offset=0.0, bias=0.0):
- '''Compute the coefficient array for a fast Hankel transform.
- '''
- lnkr, q = offset, bias
- # Hankel transform coefficients
- # u_m = (kr)^{-i 2m pi/(n dlnr)} U_mu(q + i 2m pi/(n dlnr))
- # with U_mu(x) = 2^x Gamma((mu+1+x)/2)/Gamma((mu+1-x)/2)
- xp = (mu+1+q)/2
- xm = (mu+1-q)/2
- y = np.linspace(0, np.pi*(n//2)/(n*dln), n//2+1)
- u = np.empty(n//2+1, dtype=complex)
- v = np.empty(n//2+1, dtype=complex)
- u.imag[:] = y
- u.real[:] = xm
- loggamma(u, out=v)
- u.real[:] = xp
- loggamma(u, out=u)
- y *= 2*(LN_2 - lnkr)
- u.real -= v.real
- u.real += LN_2*q
- u.imag += v.imag
- u.imag += y
- np.exp(u, out=u)
- # fix last coefficient to be real
- u.imag[-1] = 0
- # deal with special cases
- if not np.isfinite(u[0]):
- # write u_0 = 2^q Gamma(xp)/Gamma(xm) = 2^q poch(xm, xp-xm)
- # poch() handles special cases for negative integers correctly
- u[0] = 2**q * poch(xm, xp-xm)
- # the coefficient may be inf or 0, meaning the transform or the
- # inverse transform, respectively, is singular
- return u
- def fhtoffset(dln, mu, initial=0.0, bias=0.0):
- '''Return optimal offset for a fast Hankel transform.
- Returns an offset close to `initial` that fulfils the low-ringing
- condition of [1]_ for the fast Hankel transform `fht` with logarithmic
- spacing `dln`, order `mu` and bias `bias`.
- Parameters
- ----------
- dln : float
- Uniform logarithmic spacing of the transform.
- mu : float
- Order of the Hankel transform, any positive or negative real number.
- initial : float, optional
- Initial value for the offset. Returns the closest value that fulfils
- the low-ringing condition.
- bias : float, optional
- Exponent of power law bias, any positive or negative real number.
- Returns
- -------
- offset : float
- Optimal offset of the uniform logarithmic spacing of the transform that
- fulfils a low-ringing condition.
- See Also
- --------
- fht : Definition of the fast Hankel transform.
- References
- ----------
- .. [1] Hamilton A. J. S., 2000, MNRAS, 312, 257 (astro-ph/9905191)
- '''
- lnkr, q = initial, bias
- xp = (mu+1+q)/2
- xm = (mu+1-q)/2
- y = np.pi/(2*dln)
- zp = loggamma(xp + 1j*y)
- zm = loggamma(xm + 1j*y)
- arg = (LN_2 - lnkr)/dln + (zp.imag + zm.imag)/np.pi
- return lnkr + (arg - np.round(arg))*dln
- def _fhtq(a, u, inverse=False):
- '''Compute the biased fast Hankel transform.
- This is the basic FFTLog routine.
- '''
- # size of transform
- n = np.shape(a)[-1]
- # check for singular transform or singular inverse transform
- if np.isinf(u[0]) and not inverse:
- warn('singular transform; consider changing the bias')
- # fix coefficient to obtain (potentially correct) transform anyway
- u = u.copy()
- u[0] = 0
- elif u[0] == 0 and inverse:
- warn('singular inverse transform; consider changing the bias')
- # fix coefficient to obtain (potentially correct) inverse anyway
- u = u.copy()
- u[0] = np.inf
- # biased fast Hankel transform via real FFT
- A = rfft(a, axis=-1)
- if not inverse:
- # forward transform
- A *= u
- else:
- # backward transform
- A /= u.conj()
- A = irfft(A, n, axis=-1)
- A = A[..., ::-1]
- return A