123456789101112131415161718192021222324252627282930313233343536373839404142434445464748495051525354555657585960616263646566676869707172737475767778798081828384858687888990919293949596979899100101102103104105106107108109110111112113114115116117118119120121122123124125126127128129130131132133134135136137138139140141142143144145146147148149150151152153154155156157158159160161162163164165166167168169170171172173174175176177178179180181182183184185186187188189190191192193194195196197198199200201202203204205206207208209210211212213214215216217218219220221222223224225226227228229230231232233234235236237238239240241242243244245246247248249250251252253254255256257258259260261262263264265266267268269270271272273274275276277278 |
- import importlib
- import codecs
- import unicodedata
- import pytest
- import numpy as np
- from numpy.f2py.crackfortran import markinnerspaces
- from . import util
- from numpy.f2py import crackfortran
- import textwrap
- class TestNoSpace(util.F2PyTest):
- # issue gh-15035: add handling for endsubroutine, endfunction with no space
- # between "end" and the block name
- sources = [util.getpath("tests", "src", "crackfortran", "gh15035.f")]
- def test_module(self):
- k = np.array([1, 2, 3], dtype=np.float64)
- w = np.array([1, 2, 3], dtype=np.float64)
- self.module.subb(k)
- assert np.allclose(k, w + 1)
- self.module.subc([w, k])
- assert np.allclose(k, w + 1)
- assert self.module.t0("23") == b"2"
- class TestPublicPrivate:
- def test_defaultPrivate(self):
- fpath = util.getpath("tests", "src", "crackfortran", "privatemod.f90")
- mod = crackfortran.crackfortran([str(fpath)])
- assert len(mod) == 1
- mod = mod[0]
- assert "private" in mod["vars"]["a"]["attrspec"]
- assert "public" not in mod["vars"]["a"]["attrspec"]
- assert "private" in mod["vars"]["b"]["attrspec"]
- assert "public" not in mod["vars"]["b"]["attrspec"]
- assert "private" not in mod["vars"]["seta"]["attrspec"]
- assert "public" in mod["vars"]["seta"]["attrspec"]
- def test_defaultPublic(self, tmp_path):
- fpath = util.getpath("tests", "src", "crackfortran", "publicmod.f90")
- mod = crackfortran.crackfortran([str(fpath)])
- assert len(mod) == 1
- mod = mod[0]
- assert "private" in mod["vars"]["a"]["attrspec"]
- assert "public" not in mod["vars"]["a"]["attrspec"]
- assert "private" not in mod["vars"]["seta"]["attrspec"]
- assert "public" in mod["vars"]["seta"]["attrspec"]
- def test_access_type(self, tmp_path):
- fpath = util.getpath("tests", "src", "crackfortran", "accesstype.f90")
- mod = crackfortran.crackfortran([str(fpath)])
- assert len(mod) == 1
- tt = mod[0]['vars']
- assert set(tt['a']['attrspec']) == {'private', 'bind(c)'}
- assert set(tt['b_']['attrspec']) == {'public', 'bind(c)'}
- assert set(tt['c']['attrspec']) == {'public'}
- class TestModuleProcedure():
- def test_moduleOperators(self, tmp_path):
- fpath = util.getpath("tests", "src", "crackfortran", "operators.f90")
- mod = crackfortran.crackfortran([str(fpath)])
- assert len(mod) == 1
- mod = mod[0]
- assert "body" in mod and len(mod["body"]) == 9
- assert mod["body"][1]["name"] == "operator(.item.)"
- assert "implementedby" in mod["body"][1]
- assert mod["body"][1]["implementedby"] == \
- ["item_int", "item_real"]
- assert mod["body"][2]["name"] == "operator(==)"
- assert "implementedby" in mod["body"][2]
- assert mod["body"][2]["implementedby"] == ["items_are_equal"]
- assert mod["body"][3]["name"] == "assignment(=)"
- assert "implementedby" in mod["body"][3]
- assert mod["body"][3]["implementedby"] == \
- ["get_int", "get_real"]
- def test_notPublicPrivate(self, tmp_path):
- fpath = util.getpath("tests", "src", "crackfortran", "pubprivmod.f90")
- mod = crackfortran.crackfortran([str(fpath)])
- assert len(mod) == 1
- mod = mod[0]
- assert mod['vars']['a']['attrspec'] == ['private', ]
- assert mod['vars']['b']['attrspec'] == ['public', ]
- assert mod['vars']['seta']['attrspec'] == ['public', ]
- class TestExternal(util.F2PyTest):
- # issue gh-17859: add external attribute support
- sources = [util.getpath("tests", "src", "crackfortran", "gh17859.f")]
- def test_external_as_statement(self):
- def incr(x):
- return x + 123
- r = self.module.external_as_statement(incr)
- assert r == 123
- def test_external_as_attribute(self):
- def incr(x):
- return x + 123
- r = self.module.external_as_attribute(incr)
- assert r == 123
- class TestCrackFortran(util.F2PyTest):
- # gh-2848: commented lines between parameters in subroutine parameter lists
- sources = [util.getpath("tests", "src", "crackfortran", "gh2848.f90")]
- def test_gh2848(self):
- r = self.module.gh2848(1, 2)
- assert r == (1, 2)
- class TestMarkinnerspaces:
- # gh-14118: markinnerspaces does not handle multiple quotations
- def test_do_not_touch_normal_spaces(self):
- test_list = ["a ", " a", "a b c", "'abcdefghij'"]
- for i in test_list:
- assert markinnerspaces(i) == i
- def test_one_relevant_space(self):
- assert markinnerspaces("a 'b c' \\' \\'") == "a 'b@_@c' \\' \\'"
- assert markinnerspaces(r'a "b c" \" \"') == r'a "b@_@c" \" \"'
- def test_ignore_inner_quotes(self):
- assert markinnerspaces("a 'b c\" \" d' e") == "a 'b@_@c\"@_@\"@_@d' e"
- assert markinnerspaces("a \"b c' ' d\" e") == "a \"b@_@c'@_@'@_@d\" e"
- def test_multiple_relevant_spaces(self):
- assert markinnerspaces("a 'b c' 'd e'") == "a 'b@_@c' 'd@_@e'"
- assert markinnerspaces(r'a "b c" "d e"') == r'a "b@_@c" "d@_@e"'
- class TestDimSpec(util.F2PyTest):
- """This test suite tests various expressions that are used as dimension
- specifications.
- There exists two usage cases where analyzing dimensions
- specifications are important.
- In the first case, the size of output arrays must be defined based
- on the inputs to a Fortran function. Because Fortran supports
- arbitrary bases for indexing, for instance, `arr(lower:upper)`,
- f2py has to evaluate an expression `upper - lower + 1` where
- `lower` and `upper` are arbitrary expressions of input parameters.
- The evaluation is performed in C, so f2py has to translate Fortran
- expressions to valid C expressions (an alternative approach is
- that a developer specifies the corresponding C expressions in a
- .pyf file).
- In the second case, when user provides an input array with a given
- size but some hidden parameters used in dimensions specifications
- need to be determined based on the input array size. This is a
- harder problem because f2py has to solve the inverse problem: find
- a parameter `p` such that `upper(p) - lower(p) + 1` equals to the
- size of input array. In the case when this equation cannot be
- solved (e.g. because the input array size is wrong), raise an
- error before calling the Fortran function (that otherwise would
- likely crash Python process when the size of input arrays is
- wrong). f2py currently supports this case only when the equation
- is linear with respect to unknown parameter.
- """
- suffix = ".f90"
- code_template = textwrap.dedent("""
- function get_arr_size_{count}(a, n) result (length)
- integer, intent(in) :: n
- integer, dimension({dimspec}), intent(out) :: a
- integer length
- length = size(a)
- end function
- subroutine get_inv_arr_size_{count}(a, n)
- integer :: n
- ! the value of n is computed in f2py wrapper
- !f2py intent(out) n
- integer, dimension({dimspec}), intent(in) :: a
- if (a({first}).gt.0) then
- print*, "a=", a
- endif
- end subroutine
- """)
- linear_dimspecs = [
- "n", "2*n", "2:n", "n/2", "5 - n/2", "3*n:20", "n*(n+1):n*(n+5)",
- "2*n, n"
- ]
- nonlinear_dimspecs = ["2*n:3*n*n+2*n"]
- all_dimspecs = linear_dimspecs + nonlinear_dimspecs
- code = ""
- for count, dimspec in enumerate(all_dimspecs):
- lst = [(d.split(":")[0] if ":" in d else "1") for d in dimspec.split(',')]
- code += code_template.format(
- count=count,
- dimspec=dimspec,
- first=", ".join(lst),
- )
- @pytest.mark.parametrize("dimspec", all_dimspecs)
- def test_array_size(self, dimspec):
- count = self.all_dimspecs.index(dimspec)
- get_arr_size = getattr(self.module, f"get_arr_size_{count}")
- for n in [1, 2, 3, 4, 5]:
- sz, a = get_arr_size(n)
- assert a.size == sz
- @pytest.mark.parametrize("dimspec", all_dimspecs)
- def test_inv_array_size(self, dimspec):
- count = self.all_dimspecs.index(dimspec)
- get_arr_size = getattr(self.module, f"get_arr_size_{count}")
- get_inv_arr_size = getattr(self.module, f"get_inv_arr_size_{count}")
- for n in [1, 2, 3, 4, 5]:
- sz, a = get_arr_size(n)
- if dimspec in self.nonlinear_dimspecs:
- # one must specify n as input, the call we'll ensure
- # that a and n are compatible:
- n1 = get_inv_arr_size(a, n)
- else:
- # in case of linear dependence, n can be determined
- # from the shape of a:
- n1 = get_inv_arr_size(a)
- # n1 may be different from n (for instance, when `a` size
- # is a function of some `n` fraction) but it must produce
- # the same sized array
- sz1, _ = get_arr_size(n1)
- assert sz == sz1, (n, n1, sz, sz1)
- class TestModuleDeclaration:
- def test_dependencies(self, tmp_path):
- fpath = util.getpath("tests", "src", "crackfortran", "foo_deps.f90")
- mod = crackfortran.crackfortran([str(fpath)])
- assert len(mod) == 1
- assert mod[0]["vars"]["abar"]["="] == "bar('abar')"
- class TestEval(util.F2PyTest):
- def test_eval_scalar(self):
- eval_scalar = crackfortran._eval_scalar
- assert eval_scalar('123', {}) == '123'
- assert eval_scalar('12 + 3', {}) == '15'
- assert eval_scalar('a + b', dict(a=1, b=2)) == '3'
- assert eval_scalar('"123"', {}) == "'123'"
- class TestFortranReader(util.F2PyTest):
- @pytest.mark.parametrize("encoding",
- ['ascii', 'utf-8', 'utf-16', 'utf-32'])
- def test_input_encoding(self, tmp_path, encoding):
- # gh-635
- f_path = tmp_path / f"input_with_{encoding}_encoding.f90"
- with f_path.open('w', encoding=encoding) as ff:
- ff.write("""
- subroutine foo()
- end subroutine foo
- """)
- mod = crackfortran.crackfortran([str(f_path)])
- assert mod[0]['name'] == 'foo'
- class TestUnicodeComment(util.F2PyTest):
- sources = [util.getpath("tests", "src", "crackfortran", "unicode_comment.f90")]
- @pytest.mark.skipif(
- (importlib.util.find_spec("charset_normalizer") is None),
- reason="test requires charset_normalizer which is not installed",
- )
- def test_encoding_comment(self):
- self.module.foo(3)