123456789101112131415161718192021222324252627282930313233343536373839404142434445464748495051525354555657585960616263646566676869707172737475767778798081828384858687888990919293949596979899100101102103104105106107108109110111112113114115116117118119120121122123124125126127128129130131132133134135136137138139140141142143144145146147148149150151152153154155156157158159160161162163164165166167168169170171172173174175176177178179180181182183184185186187188189190191192193194195196197198199200201202203204205206207208209210211212213214215216217218219220221222223224225226227228229230231232233234235236237238239240241242243244245246247248249250251252253254255256257258259260261262263264265266267268269270271272273274275276277278279280281282283284285286287288289290291292293294295296297298299300301302303304305306307308309310311312313314315316317318319320321322323324325326327328329330331332333334335336337338339340341342343344345346347348349350351352353354355356357358359360361362363364365366367368369370371372373374375376377378379380381382383384385386387388389390391392393394395396397398399400401402403404405406407408409410411412413414415416417418419420421422423424425426427428429430431432433434435436437438439440441442443444445446447448449450451452453454455456457458459460461462463464465466467468469470471472473474475476477478479480481482483484485486487488489490491492493494495496497498499500501502503504505506507508509510511512513514515516517518519520521522523524525526527528529530531532533534535536537538539540541542543544545546547548549550551552553554555556557558559560561562563564565566567568569570571572573574575576577578579580581582583584585586587588589590591592593594595596597598599600601602603604605606607608609610611612613614615616617618619620621622623624625626627628629630631632633634635636637638639640641642643644645646647648649650651652653654655656657658659660661 |
- """Module to build FeatureVariation tables:
- https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/typography/opentype/spec/chapter2#featurevariations-table
- NOTE: The API is experimental and subject to change.
- """
- from fontTools.misc.dictTools import hashdict
- from fontTools.misc.intTools import bit_count
- from fontTools.ttLib import newTable
- from fontTools.ttLib.tables import otTables as ot
- from fontTools.ttLib.ttVisitor import TTVisitor
- from fontTools.otlLib.builder import buildLookup, buildSingleSubstSubtable
- from collections import OrderedDict
- from .errors import VarLibError, VarLibValidationError
- def addFeatureVariations(font, conditionalSubstitutions, featureTag="rvrn"):
- """Add conditional substitutions to a Variable Font.
- The `conditionalSubstitutions` argument is a list of (Region, Substitutions)
- tuples.
- A Region is a list of Boxes. A Box is a dict mapping axisTags to
- (minValue, maxValue) tuples. Irrelevant axes may be omitted and they are
- interpretted as extending to end of axis in each direction. A Box represents
- an orthogonal 'rectangular' subset of an N-dimensional design space.
- A Region represents a more complex subset of an N-dimensional design space,
- ie. the union of all the Boxes in the Region.
- For efficiency, Boxes within a Region should ideally not overlap, but
- functionality is not compromised if they do.
- The minimum and maximum values are expressed in normalized coordinates.
- A Substitution is a dict mapping source glyph names to substitute glyph names.
- Example:
- # >>> f = TTFont(srcPath)
- # >>> condSubst = [
- # ... # A list of (Region, Substitution) tuples.
- # ... ([{"wdth": (0.5, 1.0)}], {"cent": "cent.rvrn"}),
- # ... ([{"wght": (0.5, 1.0)}], {"dollar": "dollar.rvrn"}),
- # ... ]
- # >>> addFeatureVariations(f, condSubst)
- # >>> f.save(dstPath)
- The `featureTag` parameter takes either a str or a iterable of str (the single str
- is kept for backwards compatibility), and defines which feature(s) will be
- associated with the feature variations.
- Note, if this is "rvrn", then the substitution lookup will be inserted at the
- beginning of the lookup list so that it is processed before others, otherwise
- for any other feature tags it will be appended last.
- """
- # process first when "rvrn" is the only listed tag
- featureTags = [featureTag] if isinstance(featureTag, str) else sorted(featureTag)
- processLast = "rvrn" not in featureTags or len(featureTags) > 1
- _checkSubstitutionGlyphsExist(
- glyphNames=set(font.getGlyphOrder()),
- substitutions=conditionalSubstitutions,
- )
- substitutions = overlayFeatureVariations(conditionalSubstitutions)
- # turn substitution dicts into tuples of tuples, so they are hashable
- conditionalSubstitutions, allSubstitutions = makeSubstitutionsHashable(
- substitutions
- )
- if "GSUB" not in font:
- font["GSUB"] = buildGSUB()
- else:
- existingTags = _existingVariableFeatures(font["GSUB"].table).intersection(
- featureTags
- )
- if existingTags:
- raise VarLibError(
- f"FeatureVariations already exist for feature tag(s): {existingTags}"
- )
- # setup lookups
- lookupMap = buildSubstitutionLookups(
- font["GSUB"].table, allSubstitutions, processLast
- )
- # addFeatureVariationsRaw takes a list of
- # ( {condition}, [ lookup indices ] )
- # so rearrange our lookups to match
- conditionsAndLookups = []
- for conditionSet, substitutions in conditionalSubstitutions:
- conditionsAndLookups.append(
- (conditionSet, [lookupMap[s] for s in substitutions])
- )
- addFeatureVariationsRaw(font, font["GSUB"].table, conditionsAndLookups, featureTags)
- def _existingVariableFeatures(table):
- existingFeatureVarsTags = set()
- if hasattr(table, "FeatureVariations") and table.FeatureVariations is not None:
- features = table.FeatureList.FeatureRecord
- for fvr in table.FeatureVariations.FeatureVariationRecord:
- for ftsr in fvr.FeatureTableSubstitution.SubstitutionRecord:
- existingFeatureVarsTags.add(features[ftsr.FeatureIndex].FeatureTag)
- return existingFeatureVarsTags
- def _checkSubstitutionGlyphsExist(glyphNames, substitutions):
- referencedGlyphNames = set()
- for _, substitution in substitutions:
- referencedGlyphNames |= substitution.keys()
- referencedGlyphNames |= set(substitution.values())
- missing = referencedGlyphNames - glyphNames
- if missing:
- raise VarLibValidationError(
- "Missing glyphs are referenced in conditional substitution rules:"
- f" {', '.join(missing)}"
- )
- def overlayFeatureVariations(conditionalSubstitutions):
- """Compute overlaps between all conditional substitutions.
- The `conditionalSubstitutions` argument is a list of (Region, Substitutions)
- tuples.
- A Region is a list of Boxes. A Box is a dict mapping axisTags to
- (minValue, maxValue) tuples. Irrelevant axes may be omitted and they are
- interpretted as extending to end of axis in each direction. A Box represents
- an orthogonal 'rectangular' subset of an N-dimensional design space.
- A Region represents a more complex subset of an N-dimensional design space,
- ie. the union of all the Boxes in the Region.
- For efficiency, Boxes within a Region should ideally not overlap, but
- functionality is not compromised if they do.
- The minimum and maximum values are expressed in normalized coordinates.
- A Substitution is a dict mapping source glyph names to substitute glyph names.
- Returns data is in similar but different format. Overlaps of distinct
- substitution Boxes (*not* Regions) are explicitly listed as distinct rules,
- and rules with the same Box merged. The more specific rules appear earlier
- in the resulting list. Moreover, instead of just a dictionary of substitutions,
- a list of dictionaries is returned for substitutions corresponding to each
- unique space, with each dictionary being identical to one of the input
- substitution dictionaries. These dictionaries are not merged to allow data
- sharing when they are converted into font tables.
- Example::
- >>> condSubst = [
- ... # A list of (Region, Substitution) tuples.
- ... ([{"wght": (0.5, 1.0)}], {"dollar": "dollar.rvrn"}),
- ... ([{"wght": (0.5, 1.0)}], {"dollar": "dollar.rvrn"}),
- ... ([{"wdth": (0.5, 1.0)}], {"cent": "cent.rvrn"}),
- ... ([{"wght": (0.5, 1.0), "wdth": (-1, 1.0)}], {"dollar": "dollar.rvrn"}),
- ... ]
- >>> from pprint import pprint
- >>> pprint(overlayFeatureVariations(condSubst))
- [({'wdth': (0.5, 1.0), 'wght': (0.5, 1.0)},
- [{'dollar': 'dollar.rvrn'}, {'cent': 'cent.rvrn'}]),
- ({'wdth': (0.5, 1.0)}, [{'cent': 'cent.rvrn'}]),
- ({'wght': (0.5, 1.0)}, [{'dollar': 'dollar.rvrn'}])]
- """
- # Merge same-substitutions rules, as this creates fewer number oflookups.
- merged = OrderedDict()
- for value, key in conditionalSubstitutions:
- key = hashdict(key)
- if key in merged:
- merged[key].extend(value)
- else:
- merged[key] = value
- conditionalSubstitutions = [(v, dict(k)) for k, v in merged.items()]
- del merged
- # Merge same-region rules, as this is cheaper.
- # Also convert boxes to hashdict()
- #
- # Reversing is such that earlier entries win in case of conflicting substitution
- # rules for the same region.
- merged = OrderedDict()
- for key, value in reversed(conditionalSubstitutions):
- key = tuple(
- sorted(
- (hashdict(cleanupBox(k)) for k in key),
- key=lambda d: tuple(sorted(d.items())),
- )
- )
- if key in merged:
- merged[key].update(value)
- else:
- merged[key] = dict(value)
- conditionalSubstitutions = list(reversed(merged.items()))
- del merged
- # Overlay
- #
- # Rank is the bit-set of the index of all contributing layers.
- initMapInit = ((hashdict(), 0),) # Initializer representing the entire space
- boxMap = OrderedDict(initMapInit) # Map from Box to Rank
- for i, (currRegion, _) in enumerate(conditionalSubstitutions):
- newMap = OrderedDict(initMapInit)
- currRank = 1 << i
- for box, rank in boxMap.items():
- for currBox in currRegion:
- intersection, remainder = overlayBox(currBox, box)
- if intersection is not None:
- intersection = hashdict(intersection)
- newMap[intersection] = newMap.get(intersection, 0) | rank | currRank
- if remainder is not None:
- remainder = hashdict(remainder)
- newMap[remainder] = newMap.get(remainder, 0) | rank
- boxMap = newMap
- # Generate output
- items = []
- for box, rank in sorted(
- boxMap.items(), key=(lambda BoxAndRank: -bit_count(BoxAndRank[1]))
- ):
- # Skip any box that doesn't have any substitution.
- if rank == 0:
- continue
- substsList = []
- i = 0
- while rank:
- if rank & 1:
- substsList.append(conditionalSubstitutions[i][1])
- rank >>= 1
- i += 1
- items.append((dict(box), substsList))
- return items
- #
- # Terminology:
- #
- # A 'Box' is a dict representing an orthogonal "rectangular" bit of N-dimensional space.
- # The keys in the dict are axis tags, the values are (minValue, maxValue) tuples.
- # Missing dimensions (keys) are substituted by the default min and max values
- # from the corresponding axes.
- #
- def overlayBox(top, bot):
- """Overlays ``top`` box on top of ``bot`` box.
- Returns two items:
- * Box for intersection of ``top`` and ``bot``, or None if they don't intersect.
- * Box for remainder of ``bot``. Remainder box might not be exact (since the
- remainder might not be a simple box), but is inclusive of the exact
- remainder.
- """
- # Intersection
- intersection = {}
- intersection.update(top)
- intersection.update(bot)
- for axisTag in set(top) & set(bot):
- min1, max1 = top[axisTag]
- min2, max2 = bot[axisTag]
- minimum = max(min1, min2)
- maximum = min(max1, max2)
- if not minimum < maximum:
- return None, bot # Do not intersect
- intersection[axisTag] = minimum, maximum
- # Remainder
- #
- # Remainder is empty if bot's each axis range lies within that of intersection.
- #
- # Remainder is shrank if bot's each, except for exactly one, axis range lies
- # within that of intersection, and that one axis, it extrudes out of the
- # intersection only on one side.
- #
- # Bot is returned in full as remainder otherwise, as true remainder is not
- # representable as a single box.
- remainder = dict(bot)
- extruding = False
- fullyInside = True
- for axisTag in top:
- if axisTag in bot:
- continue
- extruding = True
- fullyInside = False
- break
- for axisTag in bot:
- if axisTag not in top:
- continue # Axis range lies fully within
- min1, max1 = intersection[axisTag]
- min2, max2 = bot[axisTag]
- if min1 <= min2 and max2 <= max1:
- continue # Axis range lies fully within
- # Bot's range doesn't fully lie within that of top's for this axis.
- # We know they intersect, so it cannot lie fully without either; so they
- # overlap.
- # If we have had an overlapping axis before, remainder is not
- # representable as a box, so return full bottom and go home.
- if extruding:
- return intersection, bot
- extruding = True
- fullyInside = False
- # Otherwise, cut remainder on this axis and continue.
- if min1 <= min2:
- # Right side survives.
- minimum = max(max1, min2)
- maximum = max2
- elif max2 <= max1:
- # Left side survives.
- minimum = min2
- maximum = min(min1, max2)
- else:
- # Remainder leaks out from both sides. Can't cut either.
- return intersection, bot
- remainder[axisTag] = minimum, maximum
- if fullyInside:
- # bot is fully within intersection. Remainder is empty.
- return intersection, None
- return intersection, remainder
- def cleanupBox(box):
- """Return a sparse copy of `box`, without redundant (default) values.
- >>> cleanupBox({})
- {}
- >>> cleanupBox({'wdth': (0.0, 1.0)})
- {'wdth': (0.0, 1.0)}
- >>> cleanupBox({'wdth': (-1.0, 1.0)})
- {}
- """
- return {tag: limit for tag, limit in box.items() if limit != (-1.0, 1.0)}
- #
- # Low level implementation
- #
- def addFeatureVariationsRaw(font, table, conditionalSubstitutions, featureTag="rvrn"):
- """Low level implementation of addFeatureVariations that directly
- models the possibilities of the FeatureVariations table."""
- featureTags = [featureTag] if isinstance(featureTag, str) else sorted(featureTag)
- processLast = "rvrn" not in featureTags or len(featureTags) > 1
- #
- # if a <featureTag> feature is not present:
- # make empty <featureTag> feature
- # sort features, get <featureTag> feature index
- # add <featureTag> feature to all scripts
- # if a <featureTag> feature is present:
- # reuse <featureTag> feature index
- # make lookups
- # add feature variations
- #
- if table.Version < 0x00010001:
- table.Version = 0x00010001 # allow table.FeatureVariations
- varFeatureIndices = set()
- existingTags = {
- feature.FeatureTag
- for feature in table.FeatureList.FeatureRecord
- if feature.FeatureTag in featureTags
- }
- newTags = set(featureTags) - existingTags
- if newTags:
- varFeatures = []
- for featureTag in sorted(newTags):
- varFeature = buildFeatureRecord(featureTag, [])
- table.FeatureList.FeatureRecord.append(varFeature)
- varFeatures.append(varFeature)
- table.FeatureList.FeatureCount = len(table.FeatureList.FeatureRecord)
- sortFeatureList(table)
- for varFeature in varFeatures:
- varFeatureIndex = table.FeatureList.FeatureRecord.index(varFeature)
- for scriptRecord in table.ScriptList.ScriptRecord:
- if scriptRecord.Script.DefaultLangSys is None:
- raise VarLibError(
- "Feature variations require that the script "
- f"'{scriptRecord.ScriptTag}' defines a default language system."
- )
- langSystems = [lsr.LangSys for lsr in scriptRecord.Script.LangSysRecord]
- for langSys in [scriptRecord.Script.DefaultLangSys] + langSystems:
- langSys.FeatureIndex.append(varFeatureIndex)
- langSys.FeatureCount = len(langSys.FeatureIndex)
- varFeatureIndices.add(varFeatureIndex)
- if existingTags:
- # indices may have changed if we inserted new features and sorted feature list
- # so we must do this after the above
- varFeatureIndices.update(
- index
- for index, feature in enumerate(table.FeatureList.FeatureRecord)
- if feature.FeatureTag in existingTags
- )
- axisIndices = {
- axis.axisTag: axisIndex for axisIndex, axis in enumerate(font["fvar"].axes)
- }
- featureVariationRecords = []
- for conditionSet, lookupIndices in conditionalSubstitutions:
- conditionTable = []
- for axisTag, (minValue, maxValue) in sorted(conditionSet.items()):
- if minValue > maxValue:
- raise VarLibValidationError(
- "A condition set has a minimum value above the maximum value."
- )
- ct = buildConditionTable(axisIndices[axisTag], minValue, maxValue)
- conditionTable.append(ct)
- records = []
- for varFeatureIndex in sorted(varFeatureIndices):
- existingLookupIndices = table.FeatureList.FeatureRecord[
- varFeatureIndex
- ].Feature.LookupListIndex
- combinedLookupIndices = (
- existingLookupIndices + lookupIndices
- if processLast
- else lookupIndices + existingLookupIndices
- )
- records.append(
- buildFeatureTableSubstitutionRecord(
- varFeatureIndex, combinedLookupIndices
- )
- )
- featureVariationRecords.append(
- buildFeatureVariationRecord(conditionTable, records)
- )
- if hasattr(table, "FeatureVariations") and table.FeatureVariations is not None:
- if table.FeatureVariations.Version != 0x00010000:
- raise VarLibError(
- "Unsupported FeatureVariations table version: "
- f"0x{table.FeatureVariations.Version:08x} (expected 0x00010000)."
- )
- table.FeatureVariations.FeatureVariationRecord.extend(featureVariationRecords)
- table.FeatureVariations.FeatureVariationCount = len(
- table.FeatureVariations.FeatureVariationRecord
- )
- else:
- table.FeatureVariations = buildFeatureVariations(featureVariationRecords)
- #
- # Building GSUB/FeatureVariations internals
- #
- def buildGSUB():
- """Build a GSUB table from scratch."""
- fontTable = newTable("GSUB")
- gsub = fontTable.table = ot.GSUB()
- gsub.Version = 0x00010001 # allow gsub.FeatureVariations
- gsub.ScriptList = ot.ScriptList()
- gsub.ScriptList.ScriptRecord = []
- gsub.FeatureList = ot.FeatureList()
- gsub.FeatureList.FeatureRecord = []
- gsub.LookupList = ot.LookupList()
- gsub.LookupList.Lookup = []
- srec = ot.ScriptRecord()
- srec.ScriptTag = "DFLT"
- srec.Script = ot.Script()
- srec.Script.DefaultLangSys = None
- srec.Script.LangSysRecord = []
- srec.Script.LangSysCount = 0
- langrec = ot.LangSysRecord()
- langrec.LangSys = ot.LangSys()
- langrec.LangSys.ReqFeatureIndex = 0xFFFF
- langrec.LangSys.FeatureIndex = []
- srec.Script.DefaultLangSys = langrec.LangSys
- gsub.ScriptList.ScriptRecord.append(srec)
- gsub.ScriptList.ScriptCount = 1
- gsub.FeatureVariations = None
- return fontTable
- def makeSubstitutionsHashable(conditionalSubstitutions):
- """Turn all the substitution dictionaries in sorted tuples of tuples so
- they are hashable, to detect duplicates so we don't write out redundant
- data."""
- allSubstitutions = set()
- condSubst = []
- for conditionSet, substitutionMaps in conditionalSubstitutions:
- substitutions = []
- for substitutionMap in substitutionMaps:
- subst = tuple(sorted(substitutionMap.items()))
- substitutions.append(subst)
- allSubstitutions.add(subst)
- condSubst.append((conditionSet, substitutions))
- return condSubst, sorted(allSubstitutions)
- class ShifterVisitor(TTVisitor):
- def __init__(self, shift):
- self.shift = shift
- @ShifterVisitor.register_attr(ot.Feature, "LookupListIndex") # GSUB/GPOS
- def visit(visitor, obj, attr, value):
- shift = visitor.shift
- value = [l + shift for l in value]
- setattr(obj, attr, value)
- @ShifterVisitor.register_attr(
- (ot.SubstLookupRecord, ot.PosLookupRecord), "LookupListIndex"
- )
- def visit(visitor, obj, attr, value):
- setattr(obj, attr, visitor.shift + value)
- def buildSubstitutionLookups(gsub, allSubstitutions, processLast=False):
- """Build the lookups for the glyph substitutions, return a dict mapping
- the substitution to lookup indices."""
- # Insert lookups at the beginning of the lookup vector
- # https://github.com/googlefonts/fontmake/issues/950
- firstIndex = len(gsub.LookupList.Lookup) if processLast else 0
- lookupMap = {}
- for i, substitutionMap in enumerate(allSubstitutions):
- lookupMap[substitutionMap] = firstIndex + i
- if not processLast:
- # Shift all lookup indices in gsub by len(allSubstitutions)
- shift = len(allSubstitutions)
- visitor = ShifterVisitor(shift)
- visitor.visit(gsub.FeatureList.FeatureRecord)
- visitor.visit(gsub.LookupList.Lookup)
- for i, subst in enumerate(allSubstitutions):
- substMap = dict(subst)
- lookup = buildLookup([buildSingleSubstSubtable(substMap)])
- if processLast:
- gsub.LookupList.Lookup.append(lookup)
- else:
- gsub.LookupList.Lookup.insert(i, lookup)
- assert gsub.LookupList.Lookup[lookupMap[subst]] is lookup
- gsub.LookupList.LookupCount = len(gsub.LookupList.Lookup)
- return lookupMap
- def buildFeatureVariations(featureVariationRecords):
- """Build the FeatureVariations subtable."""
- fv = ot.FeatureVariations()
- fv.Version = 0x00010000
- fv.FeatureVariationRecord = featureVariationRecords
- fv.FeatureVariationCount = len(featureVariationRecords)
- return fv
- def buildFeatureRecord(featureTag, lookupListIndices):
- """Build a FeatureRecord."""
- fr = ot.FeatureRecord()
- fr.FeatureTag = featureTag
- fr.Feature = ot.Feature()
- fr.Feature.LookupListIndex = lookupListIndices
- fr.Feature.populateDefaults()
- return fr
- def buildFeatureVariationRecord(conditionTable, substitutionRecords):
- """Build a FeatureVariationRecord."""
- fvr = ot.FeatureVariationRecord()
- fvr.ConditionSet = ot.ConditionSet()
- fvr.ConditionSet.ConditionTable = conditionTable
- fvr.ConditionSet.ConditionCount = len(conditionTable)
- fvr.FeatureTableSubstitution = ot.FeatureTableSubstitution()
- fvr.FeatureTableSubstitution.Version = 0x00010000
- fvr.FeatureTableSubstitution.SubstitutionRecord = substitutionRecords
- fvr.FeatureTableSubstitution.SubstitutionCount = len(substitutionRecords)
- return fvr
- def buildFeatureTableSubstitutionRecord(featureIndex, lookupListIndices):
- """Build a FeatureTableSubstitutionRecord."""
- ftsr = ot.FeatureTableSubstitutionRecord()
- ftsr.FeatureIndex = featureIndex
- ftsr.Feature = ot.Feature()
- ftsr.Feature.LookupListIndex = lookupListIndices
- ftsr.Feature.LookupCount = len(lookupListIndices)
- return ftsr
- def buildConditionTable(axisIndex, filterRangeMinValue, filterRangeMaxValue):
- """Build a ConditionTable."""
- ct = ot.ConditionTable()
- ct.Format = 1
- ct.AxisIndex = axisIndex
- ct.FilterRangeMinValue = filterRangeMinValue
- ct.FilterRangeMaxValue = filterRangeMaxValue
- return ct
- def sortFeatureList(table):
- """Sort the feature list by feature tag, and remap the feature indices
- elsewhere. This is needed after the feature list has been modified.
- """
- # decorate, sort, undecorate, because we need to make an index remapping table
- tagIndexFea = [
- (fea.FeatureTag, index, fea)
- for index, fea in enumerate(table.FeatureList.FeatureRecord)
- ]
- tagIndexFea.sort()
- table.FeatureList.FeatureRecord = [fea for tag, index, fea in tagIndexFea]
- featureRemap = dict(
- zip([index for tag, index, fea in tagIndexFea], range(len(tagIndexFea)))
- )
- # Remap the feature indices
- remapFeatures(table, featureRemap)
- def remapFeatures(table, featureRemap):
- """Go through the scripts list, and remap feature indices."""
- for scriptIndex, script in enumerate(table.ScriptList.ScriptRecord):
- defaultLangSys = script.Script.DefaultLangSys
- if defaultLangSys is not None:
- _remapLangSys(defaultLangSys, featureRemap)
- for langSysRecordIndex, langSysRec in enumerate(script.Script.LangSysRecord):
- langSys = langSysRec.LangSys
- _remapLangSys(langSys, featureRemap)
- if hasattr(table, "FeatureVariations") and table.FeatureVariations is not None:
- for fvr in table.FeatureVariations.FeatureVariationRecord:
- for ftsr in fvr.FeatureTableSubstitution.SubstitutionRecord:
- ftsr.FeatureIndex = featureRemap[ftsr.FeatureIndex]
- def _remapLangSys(langSys, featureRemap):
- if langSys.ReqFeatureIndex != 0xFFFF:
- langSys.ReqFeatureIndex = featureRemap[langSys.ReqFeatureIndex]
- langSys.FeatureIndex = [featureRemap[index] for index in langSys.FeatureIndex]
- if __name__ == "__main__":
- import doctest, sys
- sys.exit(doctest.testmod().failed)