/******************************************************************************* * Copyright (c) 2009, 2022 IBM Corp. * * All rights reserved. This program and the accompanying materials * are made available under the terms of the Eclipse Public License v2.0 * and Eclipse Distribution License v1.0 which accompany this distribution. * * The Eclipse Public License is available at * https://www.eclipse.org/legal/epl-2.0/ * and the Eclipse Distribution License is available at * http://www.eclipse.org/org/documents/edl-v10.php. * * Contributors: * Ian Craggs - initial API and implementation and/or initial documentation * Ian Craggs - updates for the async client * Ian Craggs - fix for bug #427028 *******************************************************************************/ /** * @file * \brief Logging and tracing module * * */ #include "Log.h" #include "MQTTPacket.h" #include "MQTTProtocol.h" #include "MQTTProtocolClient.h" #include "Messages.h" #include "LinkedList.h" #include "StackTrace.h" #include "Thread.h" #include #include #include #include #include #if !defined(_WIN32) && !defined(_WIN64) #include #include #define GETTIMEOFDAY 1 #else #define snprintf _snprintf #endif #if defined(GETTIMEOFDAY) #include #else #include #endif #if !defined(_WIN32) && !defined(_WIN64) /** * _unlink mapping for linux */ #define _unlink unlink #endif #if !defined(min) #define min(A,B) ( (A) < (B) ? (A):(B)) #endif trace_settings_type trace_settings = { #if defined(HIGH_PERFORMANCE) LOG_ERROR, #else TRACE_MINIMUM, #endif 400, INVALID_LEVEL }; #define MAX_FUNCTION_NAME_LENGTH 256 typedef struct { #if defined(GETTIMEOFDAY) struct timeval ts; #else struct timeb ts; #endif int sametime_count; int number; thread_id_type thread_id; int depth; char name[MAX_FUNCTION_NAME_LENGTH + 1]; int line; int has_rc; int rc; enum LOG_LEVELS level; } traceEntry; static int start_index = -1, next_index = 0; static traceEntry* trace_queue = NULL; static int trace_queue_size = 0; static FILE* trace_destination = NULL; /**< flag to indicate if trace is to be sent to a stream */ static char* trace_destination_name = NULL; /**< the name of the trace file */ static char* trace_destination_backup_name = NULL; /**< the name of the backup trace file */ static int lines_written = 0; /**< number of lines written to the current output file */ static int max_lines_per_file = 1000; /**< maximum number of lines to write to one trace file */ static enum LOG_LEVELS trace_output_level = INVALID_LEVEL; static Log_traceCallback* trace_callback = NULL; static traceEntry* Log_pretrace(void); static char* Log_formatTraceEntry(traceEntry* cur_entry); static void Log_output(enum LOG_LEVELS log_level, const char *msg); static void Log_posttrace(enum LOG_LEVELS log_level, traceEntry* cur_entry); static void Log_trace(enum LOG_LEVELS log_level, const char *buf); #if 0 static FILE* Log_destToFile(const char *dest); static int Log_compareEntries(const char *entry1, const char *entry2); #endif static int sametime_count = 0; #if defined(GETTIMEOFDAY) struct timeval now_ts, last_ts; #else struct timeb now_ts, last_ts; #endif static char msg_buf[512]; #if defined(_WIN32) || defined(_WIN64) mutex_type log_mutex; #else static pthread_mutex_t log_mutex_store = PTHREAD_MUTEX_INITIALIZER; static mutex_type log_mutex = &log_mutex_store; #endif int Log_initialize(Log_nameValue* info) { int rc = SOCKET_ERROR; char* envval = NULL; #if !defined(_WIN32) && !defined(_WIN64) struct stat buf; #endif if ((trace_queue = malloc(sizeof(traceEntry) * trace_settings.max_trace_entries)) == NULL) goto exit; trace_queue_size = trace_settings.max_trace_entries; if ((envval = getenv("MQTT_C_CLIENT_TRACE")) != NULL && strlen(envval) > 0) { if (strcmp(envval, "ON") == 0 || (trace_destination = fopen(envval, "w")) == NULL) trace_destination = stdout; else { size_t namelen = 0; if ((trace_destination_name = malloc(strlen(envval) + 1)) == NULL) { free(trace_queue); goto exit; } strcpy(trace_destination_name, envval); namelen = strlen(envval) + 3; if ((trace_destination_backup_name = malloc(namelen)) == NULL) { free(trace_queue); free(trace_destination_name); goto exit; } if (snprintf(trace_destination_backup_name, namelen, "%s.0", trace_destination_name) >= namelen) trace_destination_backup_name[namelen-1] = '\0'; } } if ((envval = getenv("MQTT_C_CLIENT_TRACE_MAX_LINES")) != NULL && strlen(envval) > 0) { max_lines_per_file = atoi(envval); if (max_lines_per_file <= 0) max_lines_per_file = 1000; } if ((envval = getenv("MQTT_C_CLIENT_TRACE_LEVEL")) != NULL && strlen(envval) > 0) { if (strcmp(envval, "MAXIMUM") == 0 || strcmp(envval, "TRACE_MAXIMUM") == 0) trace_settings.trace_level = TRACE_MAXIMUM; else if (strcmp(envval, "MEDIUM") == 0 || strcmp(envval, "TRACE_MEDIUM") == 0) trace_settings.trace_level = TRACE_MEDIUM; else if (strcmp(envval, "MINIMUM") == 0 || strcmp(envval, "TRACE_MINIMUM") == 0) trace_settings.trace_level = TRACE_MINIMUM; else if (strcmp(envval, "PROTOCOL") == 0 || strcmp(envval, "TRACE_PROTOCOL") == 0) trace_output_level = TRACE_PROTOCOL; else if (strcmp(envval, "ERROR") == 0 || strcmp(envval, "TRACE_ERROR") == 0) trace_output_level = LOG_ERROR; } Log_output(TRACE_MINIMUM, "========================================================="); Log_output(TRACE_MINIMUM, " Trace Output"); if (info) { while (info->name) { snprintf(msg_buf, sizeof(msg_buf), "%s: %s", info->name, info->value); Log_output(TRACE_MINIMUM, msg_buf); info++; } } #if !defined(_WIN32) && !defined(_WIN64) if (stat("/proc/version", &buf) != -1) { FILE* vfile; if ((vfile = fopen("/proc/version", "r")) != NULL) { int len; strcpy(msg_buf, "/proc/version: "); len = strlen(msg_buf); if (fgets(&msg_buf[len], sizeof(msg_buf) - len, vfile)) Log_output(TRACE_MINIMUM, msg_buf); fclose(vfile); } } #endif Log_output(TRACE_MINIMUM, "========================================================="); exit: return rc; } void Log_setTraceCallback(Log_traceCallback* callback) { trace_callback = callback; } void Log_setTraceLevel(enum LOG_LEVELS level) { if (level <= LOG_ERROR) /* the lowest we can go is LOG_ERROR */ trace_settings.trace_level = level; trace_output_level = level; } void Log_terminate(void) { free(trace_queue); trace_queue = NULL; trace_queue_size = 0; if (trace_destination) { if (trace_destination != stdout) fclose(trace_destination); trace_destination = NULL; } if (trace_destination_name) { free(trace_destination_name); trace_destination_name = NULL; } if (trace_destination_backup_name) { free(trace_destination_backup_name); trace_destination_backup_name = NULL; } start_index = -1; next_index = 0; trace_output_level = INVALID_LEVEL; sametime_count = 0; } static traceEntry* Log_pretrace(void) { traceEntry *cur_entry = NULL; /* calling ftime/gettimeofday seems to be comparatively expensive, so we need to limit its use */ if (++sametime_count % 20 == 0) { #if defined(GETTIMEOFDAY) gettimeofday(&now_ts, NULL); if (now_ts.tv_sec != last_ts.tv_sec || now_ts.tv_usec != last_ts.tv_usec) #else ftime(&now_ts); if (now_ts.time != last_ts.time || now_ts.millitm != last_ts.millitm) #endif { sametime_count = 0; last_ts = now_ts; } } if (trace_queue_size != trace_settings.max_trace_entries) { traceEntry* new_trace_queue = malloc(sizeof(traceEntry) * trace_settings.max_trace_entries); if (new_trace_queue == NULL) goto exit; memcpy(new_trace_queue, trace_queue, min(trace_queue_size, trace_settings.max_trace_entries) * sizeof(traceEntry)); free(trace_queue); trace_queue = new_trace_queue; trace_queue_size = trace_settings.max_trace_entries; if (start_index > trace_settings.max_trace_entries + 1 || next_index > trace_settings.max_trace_entries + 1) { start_index = -1; next_index = 0; } } /* add to trace buffer */ cur_entry = &trace_queue[next_index]; if (next_index == start_index) /* means the buffer is full */ { if (++start_index == trace_settings.max_trace_entries) start_index = 0; } else if (start_index == -1) start_index = 0; if (++next_index == trace_settings.max_trace_entries) next_index = 0; exit: return cur_entry; } static char* Log_formatTraceEntry(traceEntry* cur_entry) { struct tm *timeinfo; int buf_pos = 31; #if defined(GETTIMEOFDAY) timeinfo = localtime((time_t *)&cur_entry->ts.tv_sec); #else timeinfo = localtime(&cur_entry->ts.time); #endif strftime(&msg_buf[7], 80, "%Y%m%d %H%M%S ", timeinfo); #if defined(GETTIMEOFDAY) snprintf(&msg_buf[22], sizeof(msg_buf)-22, ".%.3lu ", cur_entry->ts.tv_usec / 1000L); #else snprintf(&msg_buf[22], sizeof(msg_buf)-22, ".%.3hu ", cur_entry->ts.millitm); #endif buf_pos = 27; snprintf(msg_buf, sizeof(msg_buf), "(%.4d)", cur_entry->sametime_count); msg_buf[6] = ' '; if (cur_entry->has_rc == 2) strncpy(&msg_buf[buf_pos], cur_entry->name, sizeof(msg_buf)-buf_pos); else { const char *format = Messages_get(cur_entry->number, cur_entry->level); if (cur_entry->has_rc == 1) snprintf(&msg_buf[buf_pos], sizeof(msg_buf)-buf_pos, format, cur_entry->thread_id, cur_entry->depth, "", cur_entry->depth, cur_entry->name, cur_entry->line, cur_entry->rc); else snprintf(&msg_buf[buf_pos], sizeof(msg_buf)-buf_pos, format, cur_entry->thread_id, cur_entry->depth, "", cur_entry->depth, cur_entry->name, cur_entry->line); } return msg_buf; } static void Log_output(enum LOG_LEVELS log_level, const char *msg) { if (trace_destination) { fprintf(trace_destination, "%s\n", msg); if (trace_destination != stdout && ++lines_written >= max_lines_per_file) { fclose(trace_destination); _unlink(trace_destination_backup_name); /* remove any old backup trace file */ rename(trace_destination_name, trace_destination_backup_name); /* rename recently closed to backup */ trace_destination = fopen(trace_destination_name, "w"); /* open new trace file */ if (trace_destination == NULL) trace_destination = stdout; lines_written = 0; } else fflush(trace_destination); } if (trace_callback) (*trace_callback)(log_level, msg); } static void Log_posttrace(enum LOG_LEVELS log_level, traceEntry* cur_entry) { if (((trace_output_level == -1) ? log_level >= trace_settings.trace_level : log_level >= trace_output_level)) { char* msg = NULL; if (trace_destination || trace_callback) msg = &Log_formatTraceEntry(cur_entry)[7]; Log_output(log_level, msg); } } static void Log_trace(enum LOG_LEVELS log_level, const char *buf) { traceEntry *cur_entry = NULL; if (trace_queue == NULL) return; cur_entry = Log_pretrace(); memcpy(&(cur_entry->ts), &now_ts, sizeof(now_ts)); cur_entry->sametime_count = sametime_count; cur_entry->has_rc = 2; strncpy(cur_entry->name, buf, sizeof(cur_entry->name)); cur_entry->name[MAX_FUNCTION_NAME_LENGTH] = '\0'; Log_posttrace(log_level, cur_entry); } /** * Log a message. If possible, all messages should be indexed by message number, and * the use of the format string should be minimized or negated altogether. If format is * provided, the message number is only used as a message label. * @param log_level the log level of the message * @param msgno the id of the message to use if the format string is NULL * @param aFormat the printf format string to be used if the message id does not exist * @param ... the printf inserts */ void Log(enum LOG_LEVELS log_level, int msgno, const char *format, ...) { if (log_level >= trace_settings.trace_level) { const char *temp = NULL; va_list args; /* we're using a static character buffer, so we need to make sure only one thread uses it at a time */ Thread_lock_mutex(log_mutex); if (format == NULL && (temp = Messages_get(msgno, log_level)) != NULL) format = temp; va_start(args, format); vsnprintf(msg_buf, sizeof(msg_buf), format, args); Log_trace(log_level, msg_buf); va_end(args); Thread_unlock_mutex(log_mutex); } } /** * The reason for this function is to make trace logging as fast as possible so that the * function exit/entry history can be captured by default without unduly impacting * performance. Therefore it must do as little as possible. * @param log_level the log level of the message * @param msgno the id of the message to use if the format string is NULL * @param aFormat the printf format string to be used if the message id does not exist * @param ... the printf inserts */ void Log_stackTrace(enum LOG_LEVELS log_level, int msgno, thread_id_type thread_id, int current_depth, const char* name, int line, int* rc) { traceEntry *cur_entry = NULL; if (trace_queue == NULL) return; if (log_level < trace_settings.trace_level) return; Thread_lock_mutex(log_mutex); cur_entry = Log_pretrace(); memcpy(&(cur_entry->ts), &now_ts, sizeof(now_ts)); cur_entry->sametime_count = sametime_count; cur_entry->number = msgno; cur_entry->thread_id = thread_id; cur_entry->depth = current_depth; strcpy(cur_entry->name, name); cur_entry->level = log_level; cur_entry->line = line; if (rc == NULL) cur_entry->has_rc = 0; else { cur_entry->has_rc = 1; cur_entry->rc = *rc; } Log_posttrace(log_level, cur_entry); Thread_unlock_mutex(log_mutex); } #if 0 static FILE* Log_destToFile(const char *dest) { FILE* file = NULL; if (strcmp(dest, "stdout") == 0) file = stdout; else if (strcmp(dest, "stderr") == 0) file = stderr; else { if (strstr(dest, "FFDC")) file = fopen(dest, "ab"); else file = fopen(dest, "wb"); } return file; } static int Log_compareEntries(const char *entry1, const char *entry2) { int comp = strncmp(&entry1[7], &entry2[7], 19); /* if timestamps are equal, use the sequence numbers */ if (comp == 0) comp = strncmp(&entry1[1], &entry2[1], 4); return comp; } /** * Write the contents of the stored trace to a stream * @param dest string which contains a file name or the special strings stdout or stderr */ int Log_dumpTrace(char* dest) { FILE* file = NULL; ListElement* cur_trace_entry = NULL; const int msgstart = 7; int rc = -1; int trace_queue_index = 0; if ((file = Log_destToFile(dest)) == NULL) { Log(LOG_ERROR, 9, NULL, "trace", dest, "trace entries"); goto exit; } fprintf(file, "=========== Start of trace dump ==========\n"); /* Interleave the log and trace entries together appropriately */ ListNextElement(trace_buffer, &cur_trace_entry); trace_queue_index = start_index; if (trace_queue_index == -1) trace_queue_index = next_index; else { Log_formatTraceEntry(&trace_queue[trace_queue_index++]); if (trace_queue_index == trace_settings.max_trace_entries) trace_queue_index = 0; } while (cur_trace_entry || trace_queue_index != next_index) { if (cur_trace_entry && trace_queue_index != -1) { /* compare these timestamps */ if (Log_compareEntries((char*)cur_trace_entry->content, msg_buf) > 0) cur_trace_entry = NULL; } if (cur_trace_entry) { fprintf(file, "%s\n", &((char*)(cur_trace_entry->content))[msgstart]); ListNextElement(trace_buffer, &cur_trace_entry); } else { fprintf(file, "%s\n", &msg_buf[7]); if (trace_queue_index != next_index) { Log_formatTraceEntry(&trace_queue[trace_queue_index++]); if (trace_queue_index == trace_settings.max_trace_entries) trace_queue_index = 0; } } } fprintf(file, "========== End of trace dump ==========\n\n"); if (file != stdout && file != stderr && file != NULL) fclose(file); rc = 0; exit: return rc; } #endif