import contextlib import functools import itertools import os import pathlib import random import re import shutil import sys import tempfile import warnings from subprocess import CalledProcessError, check_output, STDOUT import numpy as np import PIL.Image import pytest import torch import torch.testing from PIL import Image from torch.testing._comparison import BooleanPair, NonePair, not_close_error_metas, NumberPair, TensorLikePair from torchvision import io, tv_tensors from torchvision.transforms._functional_tensor import _max_value as get_max_value from torchvision.transforms.v2.functional import to_image, to_pil_image IN_OSS_CI = any(os.getenv(var) == "true" for var in ["CIRCLECI", "GITHUB_ACTIONS"]) IN_RE_WORKER = os.environ.get("INSIDE_RE_WORKER") is not None IN_FBCODE = os.environ.get("IN_FBCODE_TORCHVISION") == "1" CUDA_NOT_AVAILABLE_MSG = "CUDA device not available" MPS_NOT_AVAILABLE_MSG = "MPS device not available" OSS_CI_GPU_NO_CUDA_MSG = "We're in an OSS GPU machine, and this test doesn't need cuda." @contextlib.contextmanager def get_tmp_dir(src=None, **kwargs): tmp_dir = tempfile.mkdtemp(**kwargs) if src is not None: os.rmdir(tmp_dir) shutil.copytree(src, tmp_dir) try: yield tmp_dir finally: shutil.rmtree(tmp_dir) def set_rng_seed(seed): torch.manual_seed(seed) random.seed(seed) class MapNestedTensorObjectImpl: def __init__(self, tensor_map_fn): self.tensor_map_fn = tensor_map_fn def __call__(self, object): if isinstance(object, torch.Tensor): return self.tensor_map_fn(object) elif isinstance(object, dict): mapped_dict = {} for key, value in object.items(): mapped_dict[self(key)] = self(value) return mapped_dict elif isinstance(object, (list, tuple)): mapped_iter = [] for iter in object: mapped_iter.append(self(iter)) return mapped_iter if not isinstance(object, tuple) else tuple(mapped_iter) else: return object def map_nested_tensor_object(object, tensor_map_fn): impl = MapNestedTensorObjectImpl(tensor_map_fn) return impl(object) def is_iterable(obj): try: iter(obj) return True except TypeError: return False @contextlib.contextmanager def freeze_rng_state(): rng_state = torch.get_rng_state() if torch.cuda.is_available(): cuda_rng_state = torch.cuda.get_rng_state() yield if torch.cuda.is_available(): torch.cuda.set_rng_state(cuda_rng_state) torch.set_rng_state(rng_state) def cycle_over(objs): for idx, obj1 in enumerate(objs): for obj2 in objs[:idx] + objs[idx + 1 :]: yield obj1, obj2 def int_dtypes(): return (torch.uint8, torch.int8, torch.int16, torch.int32, torch.int64) def float_dtypes(): return (torch.float32, torch.float64) @contextlib.contextmanager def disable_console_output(): with contextlib.ExitStack() as stack, open(os.devnull, "w") as devnull: stack.enter_context(contextlib.redirect_stdout(devnull)) stack.enter_context(contextlib.redirect_stderr(devnull)) yield def cpu_and_cuda(): import pytest # noqa return ("cpu", pytest.param("cuda", marks=pytest.mark.needs_cuda)) def cpu_and_cuda_and_mps(): return cpu_and_cuda() + (pytest.param("mps", marks=pytest.mark.needs_mps),) def needs_cuda(test_func): import pytest # noqa return pytest.mark.needs_cuda(test_func) def needs_mps(test_func): import pytest # noqa return pytest.mark.needs_mps(test_func) def _create_data(height=3, width=3, channels=3, device="cpu"): # TODO: When all relevant tests are ported to pytest, turn this into a module-level fixture tensor = torch.randint(0, 256, (channels, height, width), dtype=torch.uint8, device=device) data = tensor.permute(1, 2, 0).contiguous().cpu().numpy() mode = "RGB" if channels == 1: mode = "L" data = data[..., 0] pil_img = Image.fromarray(data, mode=mode) return tensor, pil_img def _create_data_batch(height=3, width=3, channels=3, num_samples=4, device="cpu"): # TODO: When all relevant tests are ported to pytest, turn this into a module-level fixture batch_tensor = torch.randint(0, 256, (num_samples, channels, height, width), dtype=torch.uint8, device=device) return batch_tensor def get_list_of_videos(tmpdir, num_videos=5, sizes=None, fps=None): names = [] for i in range(num_videos): if sizes is None: size = 5 * (i + 1) else: size = sizes[i] if fps is None: f = 5 else: f = fps[i] data = torch.randint(0, 256, (size, 300, 400, 3), dtype=torch.uint8) name = os.path.join(tmpdir, f"{i}.mp4") names.append(name) io.write_video(name, data, fps=f) return names def _assert_equal_tensor_to_pil(tensor, pil_image, msg=None): # FIXME: this is handled automatically by `assert_equal` below. Let's remove this in favor of it np_pil_image = np.array(pil_image) if np_pil_image.ndim == 2: np_pil_image = np_pil_image[:, :, None] pil_tensor = torch.as_tensor(np_pil_image.transpose((2, 0, 1))) if msg is None: msg = f"tensor:\n{tensor} \ndid not equal PIL tensor:\n{pil_tensor}" assert_equal(tensor.cpu(), pil_tensor, msg=msg) def _assert_approx_equal_tensor_to_pil( tensor, pil_image, tol=1e-5, msg=None, agg_method="mean", allowed_percentage_diff=None ): # FIXME: this is handled automatically by `assert_close` below. Let's remove this in favor of it # TODO: we could just merge this into _assert_equal_tensor_to_pil np_pil_image = np.array(pil_image) if np_pil_image.ndim == 2: np_pil_image = np_pil_image[:, :, None] pil_tensor = torch.as_tensor(np_pil_image.transpose((2, 0, 1))).to(tensor) if allowed_percentage_diff is not None: # Assert that less than a given %age of pixels are different assert (tensor != pil_tensor).to(torch.float).mean() <= allowed_percentage_diff # error value can be mean absolute error, max abs error # Convert to float to avoid underflow when computing absolute difference tensor = pil_tensor = err = getattr(torch, agg_method)(torch.abs(tensor - pil_tensor)).item() assert err < tol, f"{err} vs {tol}" def _test_fn_on_batch(batch_tensors, fn, scripted_fn_atol=1e-8, **fn_kwargs): transformed_batch = fn(batch_tensors, **fn_kwargs) for i in range(len(batch_tensors)): img_tensor = batch_tensors[i, ...] transformed_img = fn(img_tensor, **fn_kwargs) torch.testing.assert_close(transformed_img, transformed_batch[i, ...], rtol=0, atol=1e-6) if scripted_fn_atol >= 0: scripted_fn = torch.jit.script(fn) # scriptable function test s_transformed_batch = scripted_fn(batch_tensors, **fn_kwargs) torch.testing.assert_close(transformed_batch, s_transformed_batch, rtol=1e-5, atol=scripted_fn_atol) def cache(fn): """Similar to :func:`functools.cache` (Python >= 3.8) or :func:`functools.lru_cache` with infinite cache size, but this also caches exceptions. """ sentinel = object() out_cache = {} exc_tb_cache = {} @functools.wraps(fn) def wrapper(*args, **kwargs): key = args + tuple(kwargs.values()) out = out_cache.get(key, sentinel) if out is not sentinel: return out exc_tb = exc_tb_cache.get(key, sentinel) if exc_tb is not sentinel: raise exc_tb[0].with_traceback(exc_tb[1]) try: out = fn(*args, **kwargs) except Exception as exc: # We need to cache the traceback here as well. Otherwise, each re-raise will add the internal pytest # traceback frames anew, but they will only be removed once. Thus, the traceback will be ginormous hiding # the actual information in the noise. See for details. exc_tb_cache[key] = exc, exc.__traceback__ raise exc out_cache[key] = out return out return wrapper def combinations_grid(**kwargs): """Creates a grid of input combinations. Each element in the returned sequence is a dictionary containing one possible combination as values. Example: >>> combinations_grid(foo=("bar", "baz"), spam=("eggs", "ham")) [ {'foo': 'bar', 'spam': 'eggs'}, {'foo': 'bar', 'spam': 'ham'}, {'foo': 'baz', 'spam': 'eggs'}, {'foo': 'baz', 'spam': 'ham'} ] """ return [dict(zip(kwargs.keys(), values)) for values in itertools.product(*kwargs.values())] class ImagePair(TensorLikePair): def __init__( self, actual, expected, *, mae=False, **other_parameters, ): if all(isinstance(input, PIL.Image.Image) for input in [actual, expected]): actual, expected = [to_image(input) for input in [actual, expected]] super().__init__(actual, expected, **other_parameters) self.mae = mae def compare(self) -> None: actual, expected = self.actual, self.expected self._compare_attributes(actual, expected) actual, expected = self._equalize_attributes(actual, expected) if self.mae: if actual.dtype is torch.uint8: actual, expected =, mae = float(torch.abs(actual - expected).float().mean()) if mae > self.atol: self._fail( AssertionError, f"The MAE of the images is {mae}, but only {self.atol} is allowed.", ) else: super()._compare_values(actual, expected) def assert_close( actual, expected, *, allow_subclasses=True, rtol=None, atol=None, equal_nan=False, check_device=True, check_dtype=True, check_layout=True, check_stride=False, msg=None, **kwargs, ): """Superset of :func:`torch.testing.assert_close` with support for PIL vs. tensor image comparison""" __tracebackhide__ = True error_metas = not_close_error_metas( actual, expected, pair_types=( NonePair, BooleanPair, NumberPair, ImagePair, TensorLikePair, ), allow_subclasses=allow_subclasses, rtol=rtol, atol=atol, equal_nan=equal_nan, check_device=check_device, check_dtype=check_dtype, check_layout=check_layout, check_stride=check_stride, **kwargs, ) if error_metas: raise error_metas[0].to_error(msg) assert_equal = functools.partial(assert_close, rtol=0, atol=0) DEFAULT_SIZE = (17, 11) NUM_CHANNELS_MAP = { "GRAY": 1, "GRAY_ALPHA": 2, "RGB": 3, "RGBA": 4, } def make_image( size=DEFAULT_SIZE, *, color_space="RGB", batch_dims=(), dtype=None, device="cpu", memory_format=torch.contiguous_format, ): num_channels = NUM_CHANNELS_MAP[color_space] dtype = dtype or torch.uint8 max_value = get_max_value(dtype) data = torch.testing.make_tensor( (*batch_dims, num_channels, *size), low=0, high=max_value, dtype=dtype, device=device, memory_format=memory_format, ) if color_space in {"GRAY_ALPHA", "RGBA"}: data[..., -1, :, :] = max_value return tv_tensors.Image(data) def make_image_tensor(*args, **kwargs): return make_image(*args, **kwargs).as_subclass(torch.Tensor) def make_image_pil(*args, **kwargs): return to_pil_image(make_image(*args, **kwargs)) def make_bounding_boxes( canvas_size=DEFAULT_SIZE, *, format=tv_tensors.BoundingBoxFormat.XYXY, dtype=None, device="cpu", ): def sample_position(values, max_value): # We cannot use torch.randint directly here, because it only allows integer scalars as values for low and high. # However, if we have batch_dims, we need tensors as limits. return torch.stack([torch.randint(max_value - v, ()) for v in values.tolist()]) if isinstance(format, str): format = tv_tensors.BoundingBoxFormat[format] dtype = dtype or torch.float32 num_objects = 1 h, w = [torch.randint(1, c, (num_objects,)) for c in canvas_size] y = sample_position(h, canvas_size[0]) x = sample_position(w, canvas_size[1]) if format is tv_tensors.BoundingBoxFormat.XYWH: parts = (x, y, w, h) elif format is tv_tensors.BoundingBoxFormat.XYXY: x1, y1 = x, y x2 = x1 + w y2 = y1 + h parts = (x1, y1, x2, y2) elif format is tv_tensors.BoundingBoxFormat.CXCYWH: cx = x + w / 2 cy = y + h / 2 parts = (cx, cy, w, h) else: raise ValueError(f"Format {format} is not supported") return tv_tensors.BoundingBoxes( torch.stack(parts, dim=-1).to(dtype=dtype, device=device), format=format, canvas_size=canvas_size ) def make_detection_mask(size=DEFAULT_SIZE, *, dtype=None, device="cpu"): """Make a "detection" mask, i.e. (*, N, H, W), where each object is encoded as one of N boolean masks""" num_objects = 1 return tv_tensors.Mask( torch.testing.make_tensor( (num_objects, *size), low=0, high=2, dtype=dtype or torch.bool, device=device, ) ) def make_segmentation_mask(size=DEFAULT_SIZE, *, num_categories=10, batch_dims=(), dtype=None, device="cpu"): """Make a "segmentation" mask, i.e. (*, H, W), where the category is encoded as pixel value""" return tv_tensors.Mask( torch.testing.make_tensor( (*batch_dims, *size), low=0, high=num_categories, dtype=dtype or torch.uint8, device=device, ) ) def make_video(size=DEFAULT_SIZE, *, num_frames=3, batch_dims=(), **kwargs): return tv_tensors.Video(make_image(size, batch_dims=(*batch_dims, num_frames), **kwargs)) def make_video_tensor(*args, **kwargs): return make_video(*args, **kwargs).as_subclass(torch.Tensor) def assert_run_python_script(source_code): """Utility to check assertions in an independent Python subprocess. The script provided in the source code should return 0 and not print anything on stderr or stdout. Modified from scikit-learn test utils. Args: source_code (str): The Python source code to execute. """ with get_tmp_dir() as root: path = pathlib.Path(root) / "" with open(path, "w") as file: file.write(source_code) try: out = check_output([sys.executable, str(path)], stderr=STDOUT) except CalledProcessError as e: raise RuntimeError(f"script errored with output:\n{e.output.decode()}") if out != b"": raise AssertionError(out.decode()) @contextlib.contextmanager def assert_no_warnings(): # The name `catch_warnings` is a misnomer as the context manager does **not** catch any warnings, but rather scopes # the warning filters. All changes that are made to the filters while in this context, will be reset upon exit. with warnings.catch_warnings(): warnings.simplefilter("error") yield @contextlib.contextmanager def ignore_jit_no_profile_information_warning(): # Calling a scripted object often triggers a warning like # `UserWarning: operator() profile_node %$INT1 : int[] = prim::profile_ivalue($INT2) does not have profile information` # with varying `INT1` and `INT2`. Since these are uninteresting for us and only clutter the test summary, we ignore # them. with warnings.catch_warnings(): warnings.filterwarnings("ignore", message=re.escape("operator() profile_node %"), category=UserWarning) yield