import re from typing import Mapping, Match, Optional, Sequence # match $identifier or ${identifier} and replace with value in env # If this identifier is at the beginning of whitespace on a line # and its value is a list then it is treated as # block substitution by indenting to that depth and putting each element # of the list on its own line # if the identifier is on a line starting with non-whitespace and a list # then it is comma separated ${,foo} will insert a comma before the list # if this list is not empty and ${foo,} will insert one after. class CodeTemplate: substitution_str = r"(^[^\n\S]*)?\$([^\d\W]\w*|\{,?[^\d\W]\w*\,?})" substitution = re.compile(substitution_str, re.MULTILINE) pattern: str filename: str @staticmethod def from_file(filename: str) -> "CodeTemplate": with open(filename, "r") as f: return CodeTemplate(, filename) def __init__(self, pattern: str, filename: str = "") -> None: self.pattern = pattern self.filename = filename def substitute( self, env: Optional[Mapping[str, object]] = None, **kwargs: object ) -> str: if env is None: env = {} def lookup(v: str) -> object: assert env is not None return kwargs[v] if v in kwargs else env[v] def indent_lines(indent: str, v: Sequence[object]) -> str: return "".join( [indent + l + "\n" for e in v for l in str(e).splitlines()] ).rstrip() def replace(match: Match[str]) -> str: indent = key = comma_before = "" comma_after = "" if key[0] == "{": key = key[1:-1] if key[0] == ",": comma_before = ", " key = key[1:] if key[-1] == ",": comma_after = ", " key = key[:-1] v = lookup(key) if indent is not None: if not isinstance(v, list): v = [v] return indent_lines(indent, v) elif isinstance(v, list): middle = ", ".join([str(x) for x in v]) if len(v) == 0: return middle return comma_before + middle + comma_after else: return str(v) return self.substitution.sub(replace, self.pattern) if __name__ == "__main__": c = CodeTemplate( """\ int foo($args) { $bar $bar $a+$b } int commatest(int a${,stuff}) int notest(int a${,empty,}) """ ) print( c.substitute( args=["hi", 8], bar=["what", 7], a=3, b=4, stuff=["things...", "others"], empty=[], ) )