# flake8: noqa: F401 r""" This file is in the process of migration to `torch/ao/quantization`, and is kept here for compatibility while the migration process is ongoing. If you are adding a new entry/functionality, please, add it to the `torch/ao/ns/_numeric_suite.py`, while adding an import statement here. """ from torch.ao.ns._numeric_suite import ( NON_LEAF_MODULE_TO_ADD_OBSERVER_ALLOW_LIST, _find_match, compare_weights, _get_logger_dict_helper, get_logger_dict, Logger, ShadowLogger, OutputLogger, _convert_tuple_to_list, _dequantize_tensor_list, Shadow, prepare_model_with_stubs, _is_identical_module_type, compare_model_stub, get_matching_activations, prepare_model_outputs, compare_model_outputs, )