import builtins import torch from torch._dynamo.testing import rand_strided from .. import config, triton_ops from ..virtualized import V aten = torch.ops.aten def str2func(str): module, *name = str.split(".") if module == "aten": runnable = aten elif module == "triton_ops": runnable = triton_ops elif module == "torch": runnable = torch else: raise Exception(f"{str} could not be called") for n in name: runnable = getattr(runnable, n) return runnable class Autotuner: def __init__(self): self.cache = dict() def _bench(self, kernel, *args, **kwargs): def kernel_call(): kernel(*args, **kwargs) from triton.testing import do_bench return do_bench(kernel_call) autotune = Autotuner() def tuned_conv( x_shape, w_shape, x_stride, w_stride, stride, padding, dilation, transposed, output_padding, groups, device, dtype, adjust_triton=0.95, ): """ Return the best kernel name given inputs and layer parameters; Considering potential pointwise fusion of conv, we could adjust triton timing by multiplying adjust_triton (default=0.95) """ sizevars = V.graph.sizevars x_shape = [sizevars.size_hint(s) for s in x_shape] w_shape = [sizevars.size_hint(s) for s in w_shape] x_stride = [sizevars.size_hint(s) for s in x_stride] w_stride = [sizevars.size_hint(s) for s in w_stride] x = rand_strided(x_shape, x_stride, device=device, dtype=dtype) w = rand_strided(w_shape, w_stride, device=device, dtype=dtype) # the identifiable args for the layers id_args = [ *x_shape, *w_shape, stride, padding, dilation, transposed, output_padding, groups, # *x_stride, # *w_stride, ] use_cuda = x.is_cuda # gen_key key = tuple(id_args) key = ("conv",) + key # candidate kernels kernels = ["aten.convolution"] if use_cuda: kernels += ["triton_ops.conv"] # filter kernels that args/kwargs does not meet requirements remove_kernels = [] if groups > 1 or transposed: remove_kernels += ["triton_ops.conv"] kernels = [k for k in kernels if k not in remove_kernels] # if only one choice, return that kernel if len(kernels) == 1: kernel = kernels[0] # return kernel( # x, w, stride, padding, dilation, transposed, output_padding, groups # ) return kernel timings = {} if key not in autotune.cache: for kernel in kernels: runnable_kernel = str2func(kernel) if "triton_ops" in kernel: # because we use nhwc layout by default for triton conv x = run_args = ( x, w, None, stride, padding, dilation, transposed, output_padding, groups, ) timing, _, _ = autotune._bench(runnable_kernel, *run_args) if "triton_ops" in kernel: timing = timing * adjust_triton timings[kernel] = timing autotune.cache[key] = builtins.min(timings, key=timings.get) if config.debug: print("for key = ", key) print("timing", timings) print("best_kernel", autotune.cache[key]) best_kernel = autotune.cache[key] # if best_kernel == "triton_ops.conv": # print(key, best_kernel) return best_kernel def tuned_conv_layout( kernel, x_shape, w_shape, stride, padding, dilation, transposed, output_padding, groups, device, dtype, ): sizevars = V.graph.sizevars x_shape = [sizevars.size_hint(s) for s in x_shape] w_shape = [sizevars.size_hint(s) for s in w_shape] x = torch.randn(x_shape, device=device, dtype=dtype) w = torch.randn(w_shape, device=device, dtype=dtype) id_args = [ *x_shape, *w_shape, stride, padding, dilation, transposed, output_padding, groups, ] # gen_key key = tuple(id_args) key = ("conv_layout",) + key runnable_kernel = str2func(kernel) timings = {} if key not in autotune.cache: for memory_format in ["torch.contiguous_format", "torch.channels_last"]: x = run_args = ( x, w, None, stride, padding, dilation, transposed, output_padding, groups, ) timing, _, _ = autotune._bench(runnable_kernel, *run_args) timings[memory_format] = timing autotune.cache[key] = builtins.min(timings, key=timings.get) if config.debug: print("for key = ", key) print("timing", timings) print("best_layout", autotune.cache[key]) best_layout = autotune.cache[key] return best_layout