from __future__ import annotations from dataclasses import dataclass from typing import ClassVar import numpy as np import matplotlib as mpl from seaborn._marks.base import ( Mark, Mappable, MappableFloat, MappableString, MappableColor, resolve_properties, resolve_color, document_properties, ) @document_properties @dataclass class Path(Mark): """ A mark connecting data points in the order they appear. See also -------- Line : A mark connecting data points with sorting along the orientation axis. Paths : A faster but less-flexible mark for drawing many paths. Examples -------- .. include:: ../docstrings/objects.Path.rst """ color: MappableColor = Mappable("C0") alpha: MappableFloat = Mappable(1) linewidth: MappableFloat = Mappable(rc="lines.linewidth") linestyle: MappableString = Mappable(rc="lines.linestyle") marker: MappableString = Mappable(rc="lines.marker") pointsize: MappableFloat = Mappable(rc="lines.markersize") fillcolor: MappableColor = Mappable(depend="color") edgecolor: MappableColor = Mappable(depend="color") edgewidth: MappableFloat = Mappable(rc="lines.markeredgewidth") _sort: ClassVar[bool] = False def _plot(self, split_gen, scales, orient): for keys, data, ax in split_gen(keep_na=not self._sort): vals = resolve_properties(self, keys, scales) vals["color"] = resolve_color(self, keys, scales=scales) vals["fillcolor"] = resolve_color(self, keys, prefix="fill", scales=scales) vals["edgecolor"] = resolve_color(self, keys, prefix="edge", scales=scales) if self._sort: data = data.sort_values(orient, kind="mergesort") artist_kws = self.artist_kws.copy() self._handle_capstyle(artist_kws, vals) line = mpl.lines.Line2D( data["x"].to_numpy(), data["y"].to_numpy(), color=vals["color"], linewidth=vals["linewidth"], linestyle=vals["linestyle"], marker=vals["marker"], markersize=vals["pointsize"], markerfacecolor=vals["fillcolor"], markeredgecolor=vals["edgecolor"], markeredgewidth=vals["edgewidth"], **artist_kws, ) ax.add_line(line) def _legend_artist(self, variables, value, scales): keys = {v: value for v in variables} vals = resolve_properties(self, keys, scales) vals["color"] = resolve_color(self, keys, scales=scales) vals["fillcolor"] = resolve_color(self, keys, prefix="fill", scales=scales) vals["edgecolor"] = resolve_color(self, keys, prefix="edge", scales=scales) artist_kws = self.artist_kws.copy() self._handle_capstyle(artist_kws, vals) return mpl.lines.Line2D( [], [], color=vals["color"], linewidth=vals["linewidth"], linestyle=vals["linestyle"], marker=vals["marker"], markersize=vals["pointsize"], markerfacecolor=vals["fillcolor"], markeredgecolor=vals["edgecolor"], markeredgewidth=vals["edgewidth"], **artist_kws, ) def _handle_capstyle(self, kws, vals): # Work around for this matplotlib issue: # if vals["linestyle"][1] is None: capstyle = kws.get("solid_capstyle", mpl.rcParams["lines.solid_capstyle"]) kws["dash_capstyle"] = capstyle @document_properties @dataclass class Line(Path): """ A mark connecting data points with sorting along the orientation axis. See also -------- Path : A mark connecting data points in the order they appear. Lines : A faster but less-flexible mark for drawing many lines. Examples -------- .. include:: ../docstrings/objects.Line.rst """ _sort: ClassVar[bool] = True @document_properties @dataclass class Paths(Mark): """ A faster but less-flexible mark for drawing many paths. See also -------- Path : A mark connecting data points in the order they appear. Examples -------- .. include:: ../docstrings/objects.Paths.rst """ color: MappableColor = Mappable("C0") alpha: MappableFloat = Mappable(1) linewidth: MappableFloat = Mappable(rc="lines.linewidth") linestyle: MappableString = Mappable(rc="lines.linestyle") _sort: ClassVar[bool] = False def __post_init__(self): # LineCollection artists have a capstyle property but don't source its value # from the rc, so we do that manually here. Unfortunately, because we add # only one LineCollection, we have the use the same capstyle for all lines # even when they are dashed. It's a slight inconsistency, but looks fine IMO. self.artist_kws.setdefault("capstyle", mpl.rcParams["lines.solid_capstyle"]) def _plot(self, split_gen, scales, orient): line_data = {} for keys, data, ax in split_gen(keep_na=not self._sort): if ax not in line_data: line_data[ax] = { "segments": [], "colors": [], "linewidths": [], "linestyles": [], } segments = self._setup_segments(data, orient) line_data[ax]["segments"].extend(segments) n = len(segments) vals = resolve_properties(self, keys, scales) vals["color"] = resolve_color(self, keys, scales=scales) line_data[ax]["colors"].extend([vals["color"]] * n) line_data[ax]["linewidths"].extend([vals["linewidth"]] * n) line_data[ax]["linestyles"].extend([vals["linestyle"]] * n) for ax, ax_data in line_data.items(): lines = mpl.collections.LineCollection(**ax_data, **self.artist_kws) # Handle datalim update manually # ax.add_collection(lines, autolim=False) if ax_data["segments"]: xy = np.concatenate(ax_data["segments"]) ax.update_datalim(xy) def _legend_artist(self, variables, value, scales): key = resolve_properties(self, {v: value for v in variables}, scales) artist_kws = self.artist_kws.copy() capstyle = artist_kws.pop("capstyle") artist_kws["solid_capstyle"] = capstyle artist_kws["dash_capstyle"] = capstyle return mpl.lines.Line2D( [], [], color=key["color"], linewidth=key["linewidth"], linestyle=key["linestyle"], **artist_kws, ) def _setup_segments(self, data, orient): if self._sort: data = data.sort_values(orient, kind="mergesort") # Column stack to avoid block consolidation xy = np.column_stack([data["x"], data["y"]]) return [xy] @document_properties @dataclass class Lines(Paths): """ A faster but less-flexible mark for drawing many lines. See also -------- Line : A mark connecting data points with sorting along the orientation axis. Examples -------- .. include:: ../docstrings/objects.Lines.rst """ _sort: ClassVar[bool] = True @document_properties @dataclass class Range(Paths): """ An oriented line mark drawn between min/max values. Examples -------- .. include:: ../docstrings/objects.Range.rst """ def _setup_segments(self, data, orient): # TODO better checks on what variables we have # TODO what if only one exist? val = {"x": "y", "y": "x"}[orient] if not set(data.columns) & {f"{val}min", f"{val}max"}: agg = {f"{val}min": (val, "min"), f"{val}max": (val, "max")} data = data.groupby(orient).agg(**agg).reset_index() cols = [orient, f"{val}min", f"{val}max"] data = data[cols].melt(orient, value_name=val)[["x", "y"]] segments = [d.to_numpy() for _, d in data.groupby(orient)] return segments @document_properties @dataclass class Dash(Paths): """ A line mark drawn as an oriented segment for each datapoint. Examples -------- .. include:: ../docstrings/objects.Dash.rst """ width: MappableFloat = Mappable(.8, grouping=False) def _setup_segments(self, data, orient): ori = ["x", "y"].index(orient) xys = data[["x", "y"]].to_numpy().astype(float) segments = np.stack([xys, xys], axis=1) segments[:, 0, ori] -= data["width"] / 2 segments[:, 1, ori] += data["width"] / 2 return segments