name: Tests on: pull_request: push: branches: - nightly - main - release/* workflow_dispatch: jobs: unittests-linux: strategy: matrix: python-version: - "3.8" - "3.9" - "3.10" - "3.11" runner: ["linux.12xlarge"] gpu-arch-type: ["cpu"] include: - python-version: 3.8 runner: linux.g5.4xlarge.nvidia.gpu gpu-arch-type: cuda gpu-arch-version: "11.8" fail-fast: false uses: pytorch/test-infra/.github/workflows/linux_job.yml@release/2.1 with: repository: pytorch/vision runner: ${{ matrix.runner }} gpu-arch-type: ${{ matrix.gpu-arch-type }} gpu-arch-version: ${{ matrix.gpu-arch-version }} timeout: 120 script: | set -euo pipefail export PYTHON_VERSION=${{ matrix.python-version }} export GPU_ARCH_TYPE=${{ matrix.gpu-arch-type }} export GPU_ARCH_VERSION=${{ matrix.gpu-arch-version }} ./.github/scripts/ unittests-macos: strategy: matrix: python-version: - "3.8" - "3.9" - "3.10" - "3.11" runner: ["macos-12"] include: - python-version: "3.8" runner: macos-m1-12 fail-fast: false uses: pytorch/test-infra/.github/workflows/macos_job.yml@release/2.1 with: repository: pytorch/vision # We need an increased timeout here, since the macos-12 runner is the free one from GH # and needs roughly 2 hours to just run the test suite timeout: 240 runner: ${{ matrix.runner }} script: | set -euo pipefail export PYTHON_VERSION=${{ matrix.python-version }} export GPU_ARCH_TYPE=cpu export GPU_ARCH_VERSION='' ./.github/scripts/ unittests-windows: strategy: matrix: python-version: - "3.8" - "3.9" - "3.10" - "3.11" runner: ["windows.4xlarge"] gpu-arch-type: ["cpu"] include: - python-version: "3.8" runner: windows.g5.4xlarge.nvidia.gpu gpu-arch-type: cuda gpu-arch-version: "11.8" fail-fast: false uses: pytorch/test-infra/.github/workflows/windows_job.yml@release/2.1 with: repository: pytorch/vision runner: ${{ matrix.runner }} gpu-arch-type: ${{ matrix.gpu-arch-type }} gpu-arch-version: ${{ matrix.gpu-arch-version }} timeout: 120 script: | set -euxo pipefail export PYTHON_VERSION=${{ matrix.python-version }} export VC_YEAR=2019 export VSDEVCMD_ARGS="" export GPU_ARCH_TYPE=${{ matrix.gpu-arch-type }} export GPU_ARCH_VERSION=${{ matrix.gpu-arch-version }} ./.github/scripts/ onnx: uses: pytorch/test-infra/.github/workflows/linux_job.yml@release/2.1 with: repository: pytorch/vision script: | set -euo pipefail export PYTHON_VERSION=3.8 export GPU_ARCH_TYPE=cpu export GPU_ARCH_VERSION='' ./.github/scripts/ # Prepare conda CONDA_PATH=$(which conda) eval "$(${CONDA_PATH} shell.bash hook)" conda activate ci echo '::group::Install ONNX' pip install --progress-bar=off onnx onnxruntime echo '::endgroup::' echo '::group::Install testing utilities' pip install --progress-bar=off pytest echo '::endgroup::' echo '::group::Run ONNX tests' pytest --junit-xml="${RUNNER_TEST_RESULTS_DIR}/test-results.xml" -v --durations=25 test/ echo '::endgroup::' unittests-extended: uses: pytorch/test-infra/.github/workflows/linux_job.yml@release/2.1 with: repository: pytorch/vision script: | set -euo pipefail export PYTHON_VERSION=3.8 export GPU_ARCH_TYPE=cpu export GPU_ARCH_VERSION='' ./.github/scripts/ # Prepare conda CONDA_PATH=$(which conda) eval "$(${CONDA_PATH} shell.bash hook)" conda activate ci echo '::group::Pre-download model weights' pip install --progress-bar=off aiohttp aiofiles tqdm python scripts/ echo '::endgroup::' echo '::group::Install testing utilities' pip install --progress-bar=off pytest echo '::endgroup::' echo '::group::Run extended unittests' export PYTORCH_TEST_WITH_EXTENDED=1 pytest --junit-xml="${RUNNER_TEST_RESULTS_DIR}/test-results.xml" -v --durations=25 test/test_extended_*.py echo '::endgroup::'