import dataclasses import itertools import sympy # type: ignore[import] import operator import math import logging import torch from typing import Union log = logging.getLogger(__name__) @dataclasses.dataclass(frozen=True) class ValueRanges: lower: Union[sympy.Expr, sympy.Number, int, float, bool] upper: Union[sympy.Expr, sympy.Number, int, float, bool] def __contains__(self, x): # TODO This needs to be generalised if lower/upper are sympy.Expr assert not isinstance(x, sympy.Expr) return self.lower <= x <= self.upper @classmethod def wrap(cls, arg): if isinstance(arg, ValueRanges): return arg assert isinstance(arg, (int, float, bool)) return ValueRanges(arg, arg) @classmethod def increasing_map(cls, x, fn): """map lower and upper bound with fn""" x = cls.wrap(x) return ValueRanges(fn(x.lower), fn(x.upper)) @classmethod def decreasing_map(cls, x, fn): """map lower bound to upper bound and upper bound to lower bound""" x = cls.wrap(x) return ValueRanges(fn(x.upper), fn(x.lower)) @classmethod def monotone_map(cls, x, fn): """check the max and min of computed upper and lower bound for the output""" x = cls.wrap(x) l = fn(x.lower) u = fn(x.upper) return ValueRanges(min(l, u), max(l, u)) @classmethod def convex_min_zero_map(cls, x, fn): """the max is at one of the ends""" x = ValueRanges.wrap(x) if 0 in x: return ValueRanges(0, max(fn(x.lower), fn(x.upper))) else: return cls.monotone_map(x, fn) @classmethod def coordinatewise_increasing_map(cls, x, y, fn): """map upper and lower bounds accessing corresponding values of inputs""" x, y = cls.wrap(x), cls.wrap(y) return ValueRanges( fn(x.lower, y.lower), fn(x.upper, y.upper), ) @classmethod def coordinatewise_monotone_map(cls, x, y, fn): """compute the product of all lower and upper bounds and take min and max""" x, y = cls.wrap(x), cls.wrap(y) products = [ fn(a, b) for a, b in itertools.product([x.lower, x.upper], [y.lower, y.upper]) ] return ValueRanges(min(products), max(products)) class ValueRangeAnalysis: def __init__(self): = "ValueRangeAnalysis" boolean_operators = ( "eq", "ne", "lt", "gt", "le", "ge", "and_", "or_", "xor", "logical_and", "logical_or", "logical_not", ) for op in boolean_operators: setattr(self, op, self.bool_handler) @staticmethod def bool_handler(*args, **kwargs): # just assuming bools can have both values return ValueRanges(sympy.false, sympy.true) # type: ignore[arg-type] @staticmethod def default_handler(*args, **kwargs): # many ops are unlikely to show up in optimizable indexing compute, # so we dont have full coverage return ValueRanges(-math.inf, math.inf) def load(self, name: str, index: sympy.Expr): return ValueRanges(-math.inf, math.inf) def store(self, name, index, value, mode=None): return def reduction(self, name, dtype, src_dtype, reduction_type, index, value): return ValueRanges(-math.inf, math.inf) def index_expr(self, index, dtype): assert isinstance(index, ValueRanges) return index @staticmethod def to_dtype(x, dtype: torch.dtype): def is_bool(val): return isinstance(val, bool) or ( hasattr(val, "is_Boolean") and val.is_Boolean ) x = ValueRanges.wrap(x) low, up = x.lower, x.upper if is_bool(low): assert is_bool(up) if dtype.is_floating_point: return ValueRanges(sympy.Float(0.0), sympy.Float(1.0)) else: return ValueRanges(sympy.Integer(0), sympy.Integer(1)) return ValueRanges.wrap(x) @staticmethod def constant(value, dtype): # using nan makes subsequent computation throw, and for the purposes of optimization # returning -math.inf - math.inf is equivalent to giving up if math.isnan(value): return ValueRanges(-math.inf, math.inf) if isinstance(value, int): return ValueRanges(sympy.Integer(value), sympy.Integer(value)) else: return ValueRanges(sympy.Float(value), sympy.Float(value)) @staticmethod def reciprocal(x): x = ValueRanges.wrap(x) if 0 in x: return ValueRanges(-math.inf, math.inf) else: return ValueRanges.decreasing_map(x, lambda y: 1 / y) @staticmethod def square(x): return ValueRanges.convex_min_zero_map(x, lambda y: y * y) @staticmethod def abs(x): return ValueRanges.convex_min_zero_map(x, abs) @staticmethod def neg(x): return ValueRanges.decreasing_map(x, operator.neg) @staticmethod def truediv(a, b): b = ValueRanges.wrap(b) if 0 in b: return ValueRanges(-math.inf, math.inf) else: return ValueRangeAnalysis.mul(a, ValueRanges(1 / b.upper, 1 / b.lower)) @staticmethod def div(a, b): # We think of this as floor(a / b) out = ValueRangeAnalysis.truediv(a, b) return ValueRangeAnalysis.floor(out) @staticmethod def add(a, b): return ValueRanges.coordinatewise_increasing_map(a, b, operator.add) @staticmethod def mul(a, b): return ValueRanges.coordinatewise_monotone_map(a, b, operator.mul) @staticmethod def sub(a, b): b = ValueRanges.wrap(b) return ValueRangeAnalysis.add(a, ValueRanges(-b.upper, -b.lower)) @staticmethod def exp(x): return ValueRanges.increasing_map(x, sympy.functions.elementary.exponential.exp) @staticmethod def log(x): return ValueRanges.increasing_map( x, lambda y: -math.inf if y <= 0 else sympy.log(y) ) @staticmethod def sqrt(x): return ValueRanges.increasing_map(x, sympy.sqrt) @staticmethod def pow(a, b): def is_integer(val): return ( isinstance(val, int) or (isinstance(val, float) and val == int(val)) or (hasattr(val, "is_integer") and val.is_integer) ) a = ValueRanges.wrap(a) b = ValueRanges.wrap(b) if a.lower < 0 and not is_integer(b.lower): # The function is not defined return ValueRanges(-math.inf, math.inf) elif 0 in a and b.lower <= 0: return ValueRanges(-math.inf, math.inf) return ValueRanges.coordinatewise_monotone_map(a, b, operator.pow) @staticmethod def minimum(a, b): return ValueRanges.coordinatewise_increasing_map(a, b, min) @staticmethod def maximum(a, b): return ValueRanges.coordinatewise_increasing_map(a, b, max) @staticmethod def where(a, b, c): b = ValueRanges.wrap(b) c = ValueRanges.wrap(c) return ValueRanges(min(b.lower, c.lower), max(b.upper, c.upper)) @staticmethod def floor(x): return ValueRangeAnalysis.floor_ceil( x, sympy.functions.elementary.integers.floor ) @staticmethod def ceil(x): return ValueRangeAnalysis.floor_ceil( x, sympy.functions.elementary.integers.ceiling ) @staticmethod def floor_ceil(x, fn_int): def is_integer(val): return isinstance(val, int) or ( hasattr(val, "is_integer") and val.is_integer ) if is_integer(x): fn = fn_int else: def fn(x): return sympy.Float(fn_int(x)) return ValueRanges.increasing_map(x, fn) def __getattr__(self, name): log.warning(f"unhandled ValueRange op {name}") return self.default_handler