################################################################################################ # Exclude and prepend functionalities function(exclude OUTPUT INPUT) set(EXCLUDES ${ARGN}) foreach(EXCLUDE ${EXCLUDES}) list(REMOVE_ITEM INPUT "${EXCLUDE}") endforeach() set(${OUTPUT} ${INPUT} PARENT_SCOPE) endfunction(exclude) function(prepend OUTPUT PREPEND) set(OUT "") foreach(ITEM ${ARGN}) list(APPEND OUT "${PREPEND}${ITEM}") endforeach() set(${OUTPUT} ${OUT} PARENT_SCOPE) endfunction(prepend) ################################################################################################ # Clears variables from list # Usage: # caffe_clear_vars() macro(caffe_clear_vars) foreach(_var ${ARGN}) unset(${_var}) endforeach() endmacro() ################################################################################################ # Prints list element per line # Usage: # caffe_print_list() function(caffe_print_list) foreach(e ${ARGN}) message(STATUS ${e}) endforeach() endfunction() ################################################################################################ # Reads set of version defines from the header file # Usage: # caffe_parse_header( ..) macro(caffe_parse_header FILENAME FILE_VAR) set(vars_regex "") set(__parnet_scope OFF) set(__add_cache OFF) foreach(name ${ARGN}) if("${name}" STREQUAL "PARENT_SCOPE") set(__parnet_scope ON) elseif("${name}" STREQUAL "CACHE") set(__add_cache ON) elseif(vars_regex) set(vars_regex "${vars_regex}|${name}") else() set(vars_regex "${name}") endif() endforeach() if(EXISTS "${FILENAME}") file(STRINGS "${FILENAME}" ${FILE_VAR} REGEX "#define[ \t]+(${vars_regex})[ \t]+[0-9]+" ) else() unset(${FILE_VAR}) endif() foreach(name ${ARGN}) if(NOT "${name}" STREQUAL "PARENT_SCOPE" AND NOT "${name}" STREQUAL "CACHE") if(${FILE_VAR}) if(${FILE_VAR} MATCHES ".+[ \t]${name}[ \t]+([0-9]+).*") string(REGEX REPLACE ".+[ \t]${name}[ \t]+([0-9]+).*" "\\1" ${name} "${${FILE_VAR}}") else() set(${name} "") endif() if(__add_cache) set(${name} ${${name}} CACHE INTERNAL "${name} parsed from ${FILENAME}" FORCE) elseif(__parnet_scope) set(${name} "${${name}}" PARENT_SCOPE) endif() else() unset(${name} CACHE) endif() endif() endforeach() endmacro() ################################################################################################ # Parses a version string that might have values beyond major, minor, and patch # and set version variables for the library. # Usage: # caffe2_parse_version_str( ) function(caffe2_parse_version_str LIBNAME VERSIONSTR) string(REGEX REPLACE "^([0-9]+).*$" "\\1" ${LIBNAME}_VERSION_MAJOR "${VERSIONSTR}") string(REGEX REPLACE "^[0-9]+\\.([0-9]+).*$" "\\1" ${LIBNAME}_VERSION_MINOR "${VERSIONSTR}") string(REGEX REPLACE "[0-9]+\\.[0-9]+\\.([0-9]+).*$" "\\1" ${LIBNAME}_VERSION_PATCH "${VERSIONSTR}") set(${LIBNAME}_VERSION_MAJOR ${${LIBNAME}_VERSION_MAJOR} ${ARGN} PARENT_SCOPE) set(${LIBNAME}_VERSION_MINOR ${${LIBNAME}_VERSION_MINOR} ${ARGN} PARENT_SCOPE) set(${LIBNAME}_VERSION_PATCH ${${LIBNAME}_VERSION_PATCH} ${ARGN} PARENT_SCOPE) set(${LIBNAME}_VERSION "${${LIBNAME}_VERSION_MAJOR}.${${LIBNAME}_VERSION_MINOR}.${${LIBNAME}_VERSION_PATCH}" PARENT_SCOPE) endfunction() ### # Removes common indentation from a block of text to produce code suitable for # setting to `python -c`, or using with pycmd. This allows multiline code to be # nested nicely in the surrounding code structure. # # This function respsects PYTHON_EXECUTABLE if it defined, otherwise it uses # `python` and hopes for the best. An error will be thrown if it is not found. # # Args: # outvar : variable that will hold the stdout of the python command # text : text to remove indentation from # function(dedent outvar text) # Use PYTHON_EXECUTABLE if it is defined, otherwise default to python if("${PYTHON_EXECUTABLE}" STREQUAL "") set(_python_exe "python") else() set(_python_exe "${PYTHON_EXECUTABLE}") endif() set(_fixup_cmd "import sys; from textwrap import dedent; print(dedent(sys.stdin.read()))") file(WRITE "${CMAKE_BINARY_DIR}/indented.txt" "${text}") execute_process( COMMAND "${_python_exe}" -c "${_fixup_cmd}" INPUT_FILE "${CMAKE_BINARY_DIR}/indented.txt" RESULT_VARIABLE _dedent_exitcode OUTPUT_VARIABLE _dedent_text) if(NOT _dedent_exitcode EQUAL 0) message(ERROR " Failed to remove indentation from: \n\"\"\"\n${text}\n\"\"\" Python dedent failed with error code: ${_dedent_exitcode}") message(FATAL_ERROR " Python dedent failed with error code: ${_dedent_exitcode}") endif() # Remove supurflous newlines (artifacts of print) string(STRIP "${_dedent_text}" _dedent_text) set(${outvar} "${_dedent_text}" PARENT_SCOPE) endfunction() function(pycmd_no_exit outvar exitcode cmd) # Use PYTHON_EXECUTABLE if it is defined, otherwise default to python if("${PYTHON_EXECUTABLE}" STREQUAL "") set(_python_exe "python") else() set(_python_exe "${PYTHON_EXECUTABLE}") endif() # run the actual command execute_process( COMMAND "${_python_exe}" -c "${cmd}" RESULT_VARIABLE _exitcode OUTPUT_VARIABLE _output) # Remove supurflous newlines (artifacts of print) string(STRIP "${_output}" _output) set(${outvar} "${_output}" PARENT_SCOPE) set(${exitcode} "${_exitcode}" PARENT_SCOPE) endfunction() ### # Helper function to run `python -c ""` and capture the results of stdout # # Runs a python command and populates an outvar with the result of stdout. # Common indentation in the text of `cmd` is removed before the command is # executed, so the caller does not need to worry about indentation issues. # # This function respsects PYTHON_EXECUTABLE if it defined, otherwise it uses # `python` and hopes for the best. An error will be thrown if it is not found. # # Args: # outvar : variable that will hold the stdout of the python command # cmd : text representing a (possibly multiline) block of python code # function(pycmd outvar cmd) dedent(_dedent_cmd "${cmd}") pycmd_no_exit(_output _exitcode "${_dedent_cmd}") if(NOT _exitcode EQUAL 0) message(ERROR " Failed when running python code: \"\"\"\n${_dedent_cmd}\n\"\"\"") message(FATAL_ERROR " Python command failed with error code: ${_exitcode}") endif() # Remove supurflous newlines (artifacts of print) string(STRIP "${_output}" _output) set(${outvar} "${_output}" PARENT_SCOPE) endfunction() ############################################################################## # Macro to update cached options. macro(caffe2_update_option variable value) if(CAFFE2_CMAKE_BUILDING_WITH_MAIN_REPO) get_property(__help_string CACHE ${variable} PROPERTY HELPSTRING) set(${variable} ${value} CACHE BOOL ${__help_string} FORCE) else() set(${variable} ${value}) endif() endmacro() ############################################################################## # Add an interface library definition that is dependent on the source. # # It's probably easiest to explain why this macro exists, by describing # what things would look like if we didn't have this macro. # # Let's suppose we want to statically link against torch. We've defined # a library in cmake called torch, and we might think that we just # target_link_libraries(my-app PUBLIC torch). This will result in a # linker argument 'libtorch.a' getting passed to the linker. # # Unfortunately, this link command is wrong! We have static # initializers in libtorch.a that would get improperly pruned by # the default link settings. What we actually need is for you # to do -Wl,--whole-archive,libtorch.a -Wl,--no-whole-archive to ensure # that we keep all symbols, even if they are (seemingly) not used. # # What caffe2_interface_library does is create an interface library # that indirectly depends on the real library, but sets up the link # arguments so that you get all of the extra link settings you need. # The result is not a "real" library, and so we have to manually # copy over necessary properties from the original target. # # (The discussion above is about static libraries, but a similar # situation occurs for dynamic libraries: if no symbols are used from # a dynamic library, it will be pruned unless you are --no-as-needed) macro(caffe2_interface_library SRC DST) add_library(${DST} INTERFACE) add_dependencies(${DST} ${SRC}) # Depending on the nature of the source library as well as the compiler, # determine the needed compilation flags. get_target_property(__src_target_type ${SRC} TYPE) # Depending on the type of the source library, we will set up the # link command for the specific SRC library. if(${__src_target_type} STREQUAL "STATIC_LIBRARY") # In the case of static library, we will need to add whole-static flags. if(APPLE) target_link_libraries( ${DST} INTERFACE -Wl,-force_load,\"$\") elseif(MSVC) # In MSVC, we will add whole archive in default. target_link_libraries( ${DST} INTERFACE "$") target_link_options( ${DST} INTERFACE "-WHOLEARCHIVE:$") else() # Assume everything else is like gcc target_link_libraries(${DST} INTERFACE "-Wl,--whole-archive,\"$\" -Wl,--no-whole-archive") endif() # Link all interface link libraries of the src target as well. # For static library, we need to explicitly depend on all the libraries # that are the dependent library of the source library. Note that we cannot # use the populated INTERFACE_LINK_LIBRARIES property, because if one of the # dependent library is not a target, cmake creates a $ wrapper # and then one is not able to find target "src". For more discussions, check # https://gitlab.kitware.com/cmake/cmake/issues/15415 # https://cmake.org/pipermail/cmake-developers/2013-May/019019.html # Specifically the following quote # # """ # For STATIC libraries we can define that the PUBLIC/PRIVATE/INTERFACE keys # are ignored for linking and that it always populates both LINK_LIBRARIES # LINK_INTERFACE_LIBRARIES. Note that for STATIC libraries the # LINK_LIBRARIES property will not be used for anything except build-order # dependencies. # """ target_link_libraries(${DST} INTERFACE $) elseif(${__src_target_type} STREQUAL "SHARED_LIBRARY") if("${CMAKE_CXX_COMPILER_ID}" MATCHES "GNU") target_link_libraries(${DST} INTERFACE "-Wl,--no-as-needed,\"$\" -Wl,--as-needed") else() target_link_libraries(${DST} INTERFACE ${SRC}) endif() # Link all interface link libraries of the src target as well. # For shared libraries, we can simply depend on the INTERFACE_LINK_LIBRARIES # property of the target. target_link_libraries(${DST} INTERFACE $) else() message(FATAL_ERROR "You made a CMake build file error: target " ${SRC} " must be of type either STATIC_LIBRARY or SHARED_LIBRARY. However, " "I got " ${__src_target_type} ".") endif() # For all other interface properties, manually inherit from the source target. set_target_properties(${DST} PROPERTIES INTERFACE_COMPILE_DEFINITIONS $ INTERFACE_COMPILE_OPTIONS $ INTERFACE_INCLUDE_DIRECTORIES $ INTERFACE_SYSTEM_INCLUDE_DIRECTORIES $) endmacro() ############################################################################## # Creating a Caffe2 binary target with sources specified with relative path. # Usage: # caffe2_binary_target(target_name_or_src [] [] ...) # If only target_name_or_src is specified, this target is build with one single # source file and the target name is autogen from the filename. Otherwise, the # target name is given by the first argument and the rest are the source files # to build the target. function(caffe2_binary_target target_name_or_src) # https://cmake.org/cmake/help/latest/command/function.html # Checking that ARGC is greater than # is the only way to ensure # that ARGV# was passed to the function as an extra argument. if(ARGC GREATER 1) set(__target ${target_name_or_src}) prepend(__srcs "${CMAKE_CURRENT_SOURCE_DIR}/" "${ARGN}") else() get_filename_component(__target ${target_name_or_src} NAME_WE) prepend(__srcs "${CMAKE_CURRENT_SOURCE_DIR}/" "${target_name_or_src}") endif() add_executable(${__target} ${__srcs}) target_link_libraries(${__target} torch_library) # If we have Caffe2_MODULES defined, we will also link with the modules. if(DEFINED Caffe2_MODULES) target_link_libraries(${__target} ${Caffe2_MODULES}) endif() if(USE_TBB AND NOT USE_SYSTEM_TBB) target_include_directories(${__target} PUBLIC ${TBB_INCLUDE_DIR}) endif() install(TARGETS ${__target} DESTINATION bin) endfunction() function(caffe2_hip_binary_target target_name_or_src) if(ARGC GREATER 1) set(__target ${target_name_or_src}) prepend(__srcs "${CMAKE_CURRENT_SOURCE_DIR}/" "${ARGN}") else() get_filename_component(__target ${target_name_or_src} NAME_WE) prepend(__srcs "${CMAKE_CURRENT_SOURCE_DIR}/" "${target_name_or_src}") endif() caffe2_binary_target(${target_name_or_src}) target_compile_options(${__target} PRIVATE ${HIP_CXX_FLAGS}) target_include_directories(${__target} PRIVATE ${Caffe2_HIP_INCLUDE}) endfunction() ############################################################################## # Multiplex between adding libraries for CUDA versus HIP (AMD Software Stack). # Usage: # torch_cuda_based_add_library(cuda_target) # macro(torch_cuda_based_add_library cuda_target) if(USE_ROCM) hip_add_library(${cuda_target} ${ARGN}) elseif(USE_CUDA) add_library(${cuda_target} ${ARGN}) else() endif() endmacro() ############################################################################## # Get the HIP arch flags specified by PYTORCH_ROCM_ARCH. # Usage: # torch_hip_get_arch_list(variable_to_store_flags) # macro(torch_hip_get_arch_list store_var) if(DEFINED ENV{PYTORCH_ROCM_ARCH}) set(_TMP $ENV{PYTORCH_ROCM_ARCH}) else() # Use arch of installed GPUs as default execute_process(COMMAND "rocm_agent_enumerator" COMMAND bash "-c" "grep -v gfx000 | sort -u | xargs | tr -d '\n'" RESULT_VARIABLE ROCM_AGENT_ENUMERATOR_RESULT OUTPUT_VARIABLE ROCM_ARCH_INSTALLED) if(NOT ROCM_AGENT_ENUMERATOR_RESULT EQUAL 0) message(FATAL_ERROR " Could not detect ROCm arch for GPUs on machine. Result: '${ROCM_AGENT_ENUMERATOR_RESULT}'") endif() set(_TMP ${ROCM_ARCH_INSTALLED}) endif() string(REPLACE " " ";" ${store_var} "${_TMP}") endmacro() ############################################################################## # Get the NVCC arch flags specified by TORCH_CUDA_ARCH_LIST and CUDA_ARCH_NAME. # Usage: # torch_cuda_get_nvcc_gencode_flag(variable_to_store_flags) # macro(torch_cuda_get_nvcc_gencode_flag store_var) # setting nvcc arch flags if((NOT EXISTS ${TORCH_CUDA_ARCH_LIST}) AND (DEFINED ENV{TORCH_CUDA_ARCH_LIST})) message(WARNING "In the future we will require one to explicitly pass " "TORCH_CUDA_ARCH_LIST to cmake instead of implicitly setting it as an " "env variable. This will become a FATAL_ERROR in future version of " "pytorch.") set(TORCH_CUDA_ARCH_LIST $ENV{TORCH_CUDA_ARCH_LIST}) endif() if(EXISTS ${CUDA_ARCH_NAME}) message(WARNING "CUDA_ARCH_NAME is no longer used. Use TORCH_CUDA_ARCH_LIST instead. " "Right now, CUDA_ARCH_NAME is ${CUDA_ARCH_NAME} and " "TORCH_CUDA_ARCH_LIST is ${TORCH_CUDA_ARCH_LIST}.") set(TORCH_CUDA_ARCH_LIST TORCH_CUDA_ARCH_LIST ${CUDA_ARCH_NAME}) endif() # Invoke cuda_select_nvcc_arch_flags from proper cmake FindCUDA. cuda_select_nvcc_arch_flags(${store_var} ${TORCH_CUDA_ARCH_LIST}) endmacro() ############################################################################## # Add standard compile options. # Usage: # torch_compile_options(lib_name) function(torch_compile_options libname) set_property(TARGET ${libname} PROPERTY CXX_STANDARD 17) set(private_compile_options "") # ---[ Check if warnings should be errors. if(WERROR) list(APPEND private_compile_options -Werror) endif() # until they can be unified, keep these lists synced with setup.py if(MSVC) if(MSVC_Z7_OVERRIDE) set(MSVC_DEBINFO_OPTION "/Z7") else() set(MSVC_DEBINFO_OPTION "/Zi") endif() target_compile_options(${libname} PUBLIC $<$: ${MSVC_RUNTIME_LIBRARY_OPTION} $<$,$>:${MSVC_DEBINFO_OPTION}> /EHsc /DNOMINMAX /wd4267 /wd4251 /wd4522 /wd4522 /wd4838 /wd4305 /wd4244 /wd4190 /wd4101 /wd4996 /wd4275 /bigobj> ) else() list(APPEND private_compile_options -Wall -Wextra -Wno-unused-parameter -Wno-unused-function -Wno-unused-result -Wno-missing-field-initializers -Wno-write-strings -Wno-unknown-pragmas -Wno-type-limits -Wno-array-bounds -Wno-unknown-pragmas -Wno-sign-compare -Wno-strict-overflow -Wno-strict-aliasing -Wno-error=deprecated-declarations # Clang has an unfixed bug leading to spurious missing braces # warnings, see https://bugs.llvm.org/show_bug.cgi?id=21629 -Wno-missing-braces ) if("${CMAKE_CXX_COMPILER_ID}" MATCHES "Clang") list(APPEND private_compile_options -Wno-range-loop-analysis) else() list(APPEND private_compile_options # Considered to be flaky. See the discussion at # https://github.com/pytorch/pytorch/pull/9608 -Wno-maybe-uninitialized) endif() endif() if(MSVC) elseif(WERROR) list(APPEND private_compile_options -Wno-strict-overflow) endif() target_compile_options(${libname} PRIVATE $<$:${private_compile_options}>) if(USE_CUDA) string(FIND "${private_compile_options}" " " space_position) if(NOT space_position EQUAL -1) message(FATAL_ERROR "Found spaces in private_compile_options='${private_compile_options}'") endif() # Convert CMake list to comma-separated list string(REPLACE ";" "," private_compile_options "${private_compile_options}") target_compile_options(${libname} PRIVATE $<$:-Xcompiler=${private_compile_options}>) endif() if(NOT WIN32 AND NOT USE_ASAN) # Enable hidden visibility by default to make it easier to debug issues with # TORCH_API annotations. Hidden visibility with selective default visibility # behaves close enough to Windows' dllimport/dllexport. # # Unfortunately, hidden visibility messes up some ubsan warnings because # templated classes crossing library boundary get duplicated (but identical) # definitions. It's easier to just disable it. target_compile_options(${libname} PRIVATE $<$: -fvisibility=hidden>) endif() # Use -O2 for release builds (-O3 doesn't improve perf, and -Os results in perf regression) target_compile_options(${libname} PRIVATE $<$,$,$>>:-O2>) endfunction() ############################################################################## # Set old-style FindCuda.cmake compile flags from modern CMake cuda flags. # Usage: # torch_update_find_cuda_flags() function(torch_update_find_cuda_flags) # Convert -O2 -Xcompiler="-O2 -Wall" to "-O2;-Xcompiler=-O2,-Wall" if(USE_CUDA) separate_arguments(FLAGS UNIX_COMMAND "${CMAKE_CUDA_FLAGS}") string(REPLACE " " "," FLAGS "${FLAGS}") set(CUDA_NVCC_FLAGS ${FLAGS} PARENT_SCOPE) separate_arguments(FLAGS_DEBUG UNIX_COMMAND "${CMAKE_CUDA_FLAGS_DEBUG}") string(REPLACE " " "," FLAGS_DEBUG "${FLAGS_DEBUG}") set(CUDA_NVCC_FLAGS_DEBUG "${FLAGS_DEBUG}" PARENT_SCOPE) separate_arguments(FLAGS_RELEASE UNIX_COMMAND "${CMAKE_CUDA_FLAGS_RELEASE}") string(REPLACE " " "," FLAGS_RELEASE "${FLAGS_RELEASE}") set(CUDA_NVCC_FLAGS_RELEASE "${FLAGS_RELEASE}" PARENT_SCOPE) separate_arguments(FLAGS_MINSIZEREL UNIX_COMMAND "${CMAKE_CUDA_FLAGS_MINSIZEREL}") string(REPLACE " " "," FLAGS_MINSIZEREL "${FLAGS_MINSIZEREL}") set(CUDA_NVCC_FLAGS_MINSIZEREL "${FLAGS_MINSIZEREL}" PARENT_SCOPE) separate_arguments(FLAGS_RELWITHDEBINFO UNIX_COMMAND "${CMAKE_CUDA_FLAGS_RELWITHDEBINFO}") string(REPLACE " " "," FLAGS_RELWITHDEBINFO "${FLAGS_RELWITHDEBINFO}") set(CUDA_NVCC_FLAGS_RELWITHDEBINFO "${FLAGS_RELWITHDEBINFO}" PARENT_SCOPE) message(STATUS "Converting CMAKE_CUDA_FLAGS to CUDA_NVCC_FLAGS:\n" " CUDA_NVCC_FLAGS = ${FLAGS}\n" " CUDA_NVCC_FLAGS_DEBUG = ${FLAGS_DEBUG}\n" " CUDA_NVCC_FLAGS_RELEASE = ${FLAGS_RELEASE}\n" " CUDA_NVCC_FLAGS_RELWITHDEBINFO = ${FLAGS_RELWITHDEBINFO}\n" " CUDA_NVCC_FLAGS_MINSIZEREL = ${FLAGS_MINSIZEREL}") endif() endfunction() ############################################################################## # CHeck if given flag is supported and append it to provided outputvar # Also define HAS_UPPER_CASE_FLAG_NAME variable # Usage: # append_cxx_flag_if_supported("-Werror" CMAKE_CXX_FLAGS) function(append_cxx_flag_if_supported flag outputvar) string(TOUPPER "HAS${flag}" _FLAG_NAME) string(REGEX REPLACE "[=-]" "_" _FLAG_NAME "${_FLAG_NAME}") check_cxx_compiler_flag("${flag}" ${_FLAG_NAME}) if(${_FLAG_NAME}) string(APPEND ${outputvar} " ${flag}") set(${outputvar} "${${outputvar}}" PARENT_SCOPE) endif() endfunction() function(target_compile_options_if_supported target flag) set(_compile_options "") append_cxx_flag_if_supported("${flag}" _compile_options) if(NOT "${_compile_options}" STREQUAL "") target_compile_options(${target} PRIVATE ${flag}) endif() endfunction()