namespace at { namespace cuda { //windows doesn't like large string literals, so split in two const std::string reduction_template_0 = R"ESCAPE( #define C10_HOST_DEVICE __host__ __device__ #define C10_DEVICE __device__ #if defined(__clang__) && defined(__HIP__) #ifndef __forceinline__ #define __forceinline__ inline __attribute__((always_inline)) #endif // until ROCm support for kernel asserts is restored #define assert(expr) (static_cast(0)) #endif template __device__ __forceinline__ T WARP_SHFL_DOWN(T value, unsigned int delta, int width = warpSize, unsigned int mask = 0xffffffff) { #if defined(__clang__) && defined(__HIP__) return __shfl_down(value, delta, width); #else return __shfl_down_sync(mask, value, delta, width); #endif } #if ${complex} template __device__ __forceinline__ std::complex WARP_SHFL_DOWN(std::complex value, unsigned int delta, int width = warpSize, unsigned int mask = 0xffffffff) { return std::complex( #if defined(__clang__) && defined(__HIP__) __shfl_down(value.real(), delta, width), __shfl_down(value.imag(), delta, width)); #else __shfl_down_sync(mask, value.real(), delta, width), __shfl_down_sync(mask, value.imag(), delta, width)); #endif } #endif // aligned vector generates vectorized load/store on CUDA template struct alignas(sizeof(scalar_t) * vec_size) aligned_vector { scalar_t val[vec_size]; }; C10_HOST_DEVICE static void reduce_fraction(size_t &numerator, size_t &denominator) { // get GCD of num and denom using Euclid's algorithm. // Can replace this with std::gcd if we ever support c++17. size_t a = denominator; size_t b = numerator; while (b != 0) { a %= b; // swap(a,b) size_t tmp = a; a = b; b = tmp; } // a is now the GCD numerator /= a; denominator /= a; } struct ReduceConfig { //has to match host-side ReduceConfig in the eager code static constexpr int BLOCK_X = 0; static constexpr int BLOCK_Y = 1; static constexpr int CTA = 2; static constexpr int input_vec_size = 4; int element_size_bytes; int num_inputs; int num_outputs; int step_input = 1; int step_output = 1; int ctas_per_output = 1; int input_mult[3] = {0, 0, 0}; int output_mult[2] = {0, 0}; int block_width; int block_height; int num_threads; bool vectorize_input = false; int output_vec_size = 1; C10_HOST_DEVICE bool should_block_x_reduce() const { return input_mult[BLOCK_X] != 0; } C10_HOST_DEVICE bool should_block_y_reduce() const { return input_mult[BLOCK_Y] != 0; } C10_HOST_DEVICE bool should_global_reduce() const { return input_mult[CTA] != 0; } C10_DEVICE bool should_store(int output_idx) const { return output_idx < num_outputs && (!should_block_x_reduce() || threadIdx.x == 0) && (!should_block_y_reduce() || threadIdx.y == 0); } C10_DEVICE bool should_reduce_tail() const { return (!should_block_y_reduce() || threadIdx.y == 0) && (!should_global_reduce() || blockIdx.y == 0); } C10_HOST_DEVICE int input_idx() const { int lane = threadIdx.x; int warp = threadIdx.y; int cta2 = blockIdx.y; return (lane * input_mult[BLOCK_X] + warp * input_mult[BLOCK_Y] + cta2 * input_mult[CTA]); } template C10_HOST_DEVICE int output_idx() const { int lane = threadIdx.x; int warp = threadIdx.y; int cta1 = blockIdx.x; return (lane * output_mult[BLOCK_X] + warp * output_mult[BLOCK_Y] + cta1 * step_output) * output_vec_size; } C10_DEVICE int shared_memory_offset(int offset) const { return threadIdx.x + (threadIdx.y + offset) * blockDim.x; } C10_DEVICE int staging_memory_offset(int cta2) const { int offset = cta2 + blockIdx.x * gridDim.y; if (!should_block_x_reduce()) { offset = threadIdx.x + offset * blockDim.x; } return offset; } }; //TODO this will need to be different for more generic reduction functions namespace reducer { using scalar_t = ${scalar_type}; using arg_t = ${reduction_accum_type}; using out_scalar_t = ${result_type}; inline __device__ ${functor} inline __device__ out_scalar_t project(arg_t arg) { return (out_scalar_t) arg; } inline __device__ arg_t warp_shfl_down(arg_t arg, int offset) { return WARP_SHFL_DOWN(arg, offset); } inline __device__ arg_t translate_idx(arg_t acc, int64_t /*idx*/) { return acc; } // wrap a normal reduction that ignores the index inline __device__ arg_t reduce(arg_t acc, arg_t val, int64_t idx) { return combine(acc, val); } } struct ReduceJitOp { using scalar_t = ${scalar_type}; using arg_t = ${reduction_accum_type}; using out_scalar_t = ${result_type}; using InputCalculator = OffsetCalculator<1>; using OutputCalculator = OffsetCalculator<2>; // static constexpr bool can_accumulate_in_output = // std::is_convertible::value // && std::is_convertible::value; static constexpr int input_vec_size = ReduceConfig::input_vec_size; arg_t ident; ReduceConfig config; InputCalculator input_calc; OutputCalculator output_calc; const void* src; const char* dst[2]; //it accepts at most two destinations // acc_buf used for accumulation among sub Tensor Iterator when accumulation on // output is not permissible void* acc_buf; // cta_buf used for accumulation between blocks during global reduction void* cta_buf; int* semaphores; int64_t base_idx; bool accumulate; bool final_output; int noutputs; C10_DEVICE void run() const { extern __shared__ char shared_memory[]; uint32_t output_idx = config.output_idx<${output_vec_size}>(); uint32_t input_idx = config.input_idx(); auto base_offsets1 = output_calc.get(output_idx)[1]; using arg_vec_t = Array; arg_vec_t value; if (output_idx < config.num_outputs && input_idx < config.num_inputs) { const scalar_t* input_slice = (const scalar_t*)((const char*)src + base_offsets1); value = thread_reduce<${output_vec_size}>(input_slice); } if (config.should_block_y_reduce()) { value = block_y_reduce<${output_vec_size}>(value, shared_memory); } if (config.should_block_x_reduce()) { value = block_x_reduce<${output_vec_size}>(value, shared_memory); } using out_ptr_vec_t = Array; using offset_vec_t = Array; offset_vec_t base_offsets; out_ptr_vec_t out; #pragma unroll for (int i = 0; i < ${output_vec_size}; i++) { base_offsets[i] = output_calc.get(output_idx + i)[0]; out[i] = (out_scalar_t*)((char*)dst[0] + base_offsets[i]); } arg_vec_t* acc = nullptr; if (acc_buf != nullptr) { size_t numerator = sizeof(arg_t); size_t denominator = sizeof(out_scalar_t); reduce_fraction(numerator, denominator); acc = (arg_vec_t*)((char*)acc_buf + (base_offsets[0] * numerator / denominator)); } if (config.should_global_reduce()) { value = global_reduce<${output_vec_size}>(value, acc, shared_memory); } else if (config.should_store(output_idx)) { if (accumulate) { #pragma unroll for (int i = 0; i < ${output_vec_size}; i++) { value[i] = reducer::translate_idx(value[i], base_idx); } } if (acc == nullptr) { if (accumulate) { value = accumulate_in_output<${output_vec_size}>(out, value); } if (final_output) { set_results_to_output<${output_vec_size}>(value, base_offsets); } else { #pragma unroll for (int i = 0; i < ${output_vec_size}; i++) { *(out[i]) = get_accumulated_output(out[i], value[i]); } } } else { if (accumulate) { #pragma unroll for (int i = 0; i < ${output_vec_size}; i++) { value[i] = reducer::combine((*acc)[i], value[i]); } } if (final_output) { set_results_to_output<${output_vec_size}>(value, base_offsets); } else { *acc = value; } } } } template C10_DEVICE Array thread_reduce(const scalar_t* data) const { if (config.vectorize_input) { assert(output_vec_size == 1); // reduce at the header of input_slice where memory is not aligned, // so that thread_reduce will have an aligned memory to work on. return {input_vectorized_thread_reduce_impl(data)}; } else { uint32_t element_stride = input_calc.strides_[0][0] / sizeof(scalar_t); bool is_contiguous = (input_calc.dims == 1 && element_stride == 1); if (is_contiguous) { return thread_reduce_impl(data, [](uint32_t idx) { return idx; }); } else if (input_calc.dims == 1) { return thread_reduce_impl(data, [&](uint32_t idx) { return idx * element_stride; }); } else { return thread_reduce_impl(data, [&](uint32_t idx) { return input_calc.get(idx)[0] / sizeof(scalar_t); }); } } } C10_DEVICE arg_t input_vectorized_thread_reduce_impl(const scalar_t* data) const { uint32_t end = config.num_inputs; // Handle the head of input slice where data is not aligned arg_t value = ident; constexpr int align_bytes = alignof(aligned_vector); constexpr int align_elements = align_bytes / sizeof(scalar_t); int shift = ((int64_t)data) % align_bytes / sizeof(scalar_t); if (shift > 0) { data -= shift; end += shift; if(threadIdx.x >= shift && threadIdx.x < align_elements && config.should_reduce_tail()){ value = reducer::reduce(value, data[threadIdx.x], threadIdx.x - shift); } end -= align_elements; data += align_elements; shift = align_elements - shift; } // Do the vectorized reduction using load_t = aligned_vector; uint32_t idx = config.input_idx(); const uint32_t stride = config.step_input; // Multiple accumulators to remove dependency between unrolled loops. arg_t value_list[input_vec_size]; value_list[0] = value; #pragma unroll for (int i = 1; i < input_vec_size; i++) { value_list[i] = ident; } scalar_t values[input_vec_size]; load_t *values_vector = reinterpret_cast(&values[0]); while (idx * input_vec_size + input_vec_size - 1 < end) { *values_vector = reinterpret_cast(data)[idx]; #pragma unroll for (uint32_t i = 0; i < input_vec_size; i++) { value_list[i] = reducer::reduce(value_list[i], values[i], shift + idx * input_vec_size + i); } idx += stride; } // tail uint32_t tail_start = end - end % input_vec_size; if (config.should_reduce_tail()) { int idx = tail_start + threadIdx.x; if (idx < end) { value_list[0] = reducer::reduce(value_list[0], data[idx], idx + shift); } } // combine accumulators #pragma unroll for (int i = 1; i < input_vec_size; i++) { value_list[0] = reducer::combine(value_list[0], value_list[i]); } return value_list[0]; } template C10_DEVICE Array thread_reduce_impl(const scalar_t* data_, offset_calc_t calc) const { uint32_t idx = config.input_idx(); const uint32_t end = config.num_inputs; const uint32_t stride = config.step_input; const int vt0=${vt0}; using arg_vec_t = Array; using load_t = aligned_vector; const load_t* data = reinterpret_cast(data_); // Multiple accumulators to remove dependency between unrolled loops. arg_vec_t value_list[vt0]; #pragma unroll for (int i = 0; i < vt0; i++) { #pragma unroll for (int j = 0; j < output_vec_size; j++) { value_list[i][j] = ident; } } load_t values[vt0]; while (idx + (vt0 - 1) * stride < end) { #pragma unroll for (uint32_t i = 0; i < vt0; i++) { values[i] = data[calc(idx + i * stride) / output_vec_size]; } #pragma unroll for (uint32_t i = 0; i < vt0; i++) { #pragma unroll for (uint32_t j = 0; j < output_vec_size; j++) { value_list[i][j] = reducer::reduce(value_list[i][j], values[i].val[j], idx + i * stride); } } idx += stride * vt0; } // tail int idx_ = idx; #pragma unroll for (uint32_t i = 0; i < vt0; i++) { if (idx >= end) { break; } values[i] = data[calc(idx) / output_vec_size]; idx += stride; } idx = idx_; #pragma unroll for (uint32_t i = 0; i < vt0; i++) { if (idx >= end) { break; } #pragma unroll for (uint32_t j = 0; j < output_vec_size; j++) { value_list[i][j] = reducer::reduce(value_list[i][j], values[i].val[j], idx); } idx += stride; } // combine accumulators #pragma unroll for (int i = 1; i < vt0; i++) { #pragma unroll for (uint32_t j = 0; j < output_vec_size; j++) { value_list[0][j] = reducer::combine(value_list[0][j], value_list[i][j]); } } return value_list[0]; } template C10_DEVICE Array block_x_reduce(Array value, char* shared_memory) const { using args_vec_t = Array; int dim_x = blockDim.x; args_vec_t* shared = (args_vec_t*)shared_memory; if (dim_x > warpSize) { int address_base = threadIdx.x + threadIdx.y*blockDim.x; shared[address_base] = value; for (int offset = dim_x/2; offset >= warpSize; offset >>= 1) { __syncthreads(); if (threadIdx.x < offset && threadIdx.x + offset < blockDim.x) { args_vec_t other = shared[address_base + offset]; #pragma unroll for (int i = 0; i < output_vec_size; i++) { value[i] = reducer::combine(value[i], other[i]); } shared[address_base] = value; } } dim_x = warpSize; } __syncthreads(); for (int offset = 1; offset < dim_x; offset <<= 1) { #pragma unroll for (int i = 0; i < output_vec_size; i++) { arg_t other = reducer::warp_shfl_down(value[i], offset); value[i] = reducer::combine(value[i], other); } } return value; } template C10_DEVICE Array block_y_reduce(Array value, char* shared_memory) const { using args_vec_t = Array; args_vec_t* shared = (args_vec_t*)shared_memory; shared[config.shared_memory_offset(0)] = value; for (int offset = blockDim.y / 2; offset > 0; offset >>= 1) { __syncthreads(); if (threadIdx.y < offset && threadIdx.y + offset < blockDim.y) { args_vec_t other = shared[config.shared_memory_offset(offset)]; #pragma unroll for (int i = 0; i < output_vec_size; i++) { value[i] = reducer::combine(value[i], other[i]); } shared[config.shared_memory_offset(0)] = value; } } return value; } )ESCAPE"; const std::string reduction_template_1 = R"ESCAPE( C10_DEVICE bool mark_block_finished() const { __shared__ bool is_last_block_done_shared; __syncthreads(); if (threadIdx.x == 0 && threadIdx.y == 0) { int prev_blocks_finished = atomicAdd(&semaphores[blockIdx.x], 1); is_last_block_done_shared = (prev_blocks_finished == gridDim.y - 1); } __syncthreads(); return is_last_block_done_shared; } template C10_DEVICE Array accumulate_in_output( Array out, Array value ) const { Array ret; #pragma unroll for (int i = 0; i < output_vec_size; i++) { ret[i] = reducer::combine(*(out[i]), value[i]); } return ret; } C10_DEVICE out_scalar_t get_accumulated_output( out_scalar_t* out, arg_t value ) const { assert(!final_output); return (out_scalar_t)value; } template C10_DEVICE void set_results(const T x, const uint32_t base_offset) const { assert(noutputs == 1); auto res = (out_scalar_t*)((char*)dst[0] + base_offset); *res = x; } //TODO - multi-output reduction - we won't be able to use thrust::pair //just explicitly specify typed output reads/writes //Currently implemented for max of two outputs // template // C10_DEVICE void set_results(const thrust::pair x, const index_t base_offset) const { // if (noutputs >= 1) { // auto res0 = (T1*)((char*)dst[0] + base_offset); // *res0 = x.first; // } // if (noutputs >= 2) { // // base offset is computed assuming element size being sizeof(T1), so we need to make a // // correction to obtain the correct base offset // auto res1 = (T2*) ((char *) dst[1] + base_offset / sizeof(T1) * sizeof(T2)); // *res1 = x.second; // } // } template C10_DEVICE void set_results_to_output(Array value, Array base_offset) const { assert(final_output); #pragma unroll for (int i = 0; i < output_vec_size; i++) { set_results(reducer::project(value[i]), base_offset[i]); } } template C10_DEVICE Array global_reduce(Array value, Array *acc, char* shared_memory) const { using arg_vec_t = Array; using out_ptr_vec_t = Array; using offset_vec_t = Array; arg_vec_t* reduce_buffer = (arg_vec_t*)cta_buf; uint32_t output_idx = config.output_idx(); offset_vec_t base_offsets; out_ptr_vec_t out; #pragma unroll for (int i = 0; i < output_vec_size; i++) { base_offsets[i] = output_calc.get(output_idx + i)[0]; out[i] = (out_scalar_t*)((char*)dst[0] + base_offsets[i]); } bool should_store = config.should_store(output_idx); if (should_store) { uint32_t offset = config.staging_memory_offset(blockIdx.y); reduce_buffer[offset] = value; } __threadfence(); // make sure writes are globally visible __syncthreads(); // if multiple warps in this block wrote to staging, make sure they're all done bool is_last_block_done = mark_block_finished(); if (is_last_block_done) { value = ident; if (config.should_block_x_reduce()) { uint32_t input_offset = threadIdx.x + threadIdx.y * blockDim.x; uint32_t step = blockDim.x * blockDim.y; for (; input_offset < config.ctas_per_output; input_offset += step) { uint32_t idx = config.staging_memory_offset(input_offset); arg_vec_t next = reduce_buffer[idx]; #pragma unroll for (int i = 0; i < output_vec_size; i++) { value[i] = reducer::combine(value[i], next[i]); } } } else { uint32_t input_offset = threadIdx.y; uint32_t step = blockDim.y; for (; input_offset < config.ctas_per_output; input_offset += step) { uint32_t idx = config.staging_memory_offset(input_offset); arg_vec_t next = reduce_buffer[idx]; #pragma unroll for (int i = 0; i < output_vec_size; i++) { value[i] = reducer::combine(value[i], next[i]); } } } value = block_y_reduce(value, shared_memory); if (config.should_block_x_reduce()) { value = block_x_reduce(value, shared_memory); } if (should_store) { if (accumulate) { #pragma unroll for (int i = 0; i < output_vec_size; i++) { value[i] = reducer::translate_idx(value[i], base_idx); } } if (acc == nullptr) { if (accumulate) { value = accumulate_in_output(out, value); } if (final_output) { set_results_to_output(value, base_offsets); } else { #pragma unroll for (int i = 0; i < output_vec_size; i++) { *(out[i]) = get_accumulated_output(out[i], value[i]); } } } else { if (accumulate) { #pragma unroll for (int i = 0; i < output_vec_size; i++) { value[i] = reducer::combine((*acc)[i], value[i]); } } if (final_output) { set_results_to_output(value, base_offsets); } else { *acc = value; } } } } return value; } }; extern "C" __launch_bounds__(${max_threads_lb}, 4) __global__ void reduction_${name}_kernel(ReduceJitOp r){; } )ESCAPE"; const std::string reduction_template = reduction_template_0 + reduction_template_1; const std::string &get_reduction_template() { return reduction_template; } }}