#pragma once #include namespace at { namespace detail { template inline void check_size_nonnegative(ArrayRefType size) { for (const auto& x : size) { TORCH_CHECK( x >= 0, "Trying to create tensor with negative dimension ", x, ": ", size); } } TORCH_API size_t computeStorageNbytesContiguous( IntArrayRef sizes, size_t itemsize, size_t storage_offset = 0); TORCH_API SymInt computeStorageNbytesContiguous( SymIntArrayRef sizes, const SymInt& itemsize, const SymInt& storage_offset = 0); TORCH_API size_t computeStorageNbytes( IntArrayRef sizes, IntArrayRef strides, size_t itemsize, size_t storage_offset = 0); TORCH_API SymInt computeStorageNbytes( SymIntArrayRef sizes, SymIntArrayRef strides, const SymInt& itemsize, const SymInt& storage_offset = 0); TORCH_API TensorBase empty_generic( IntArrayRef size, c10::Allocator* allocator, c10::DispatchKeySet ks, ScalarType scalar_type, c10::optional memory_format_opt); TORCH_API TensorBase empty_strided_generic( IntArrayRef size, IntArrayRef stride, c10::Allocator* allocator, c10::DispatchKeySet ks, ScalarType scalar_type); TORCH_API TensorBase empty_strided_symint_generic( SymIntArrayRef size, SymIntArrayRef stride, c10::Allocator* allocator, c10::DispatchKeySet ks, ScalarType scalar_type); TORCH_API TensorBase empty_cpu( IntArrayRef size, ScalarType dtype, bool pin_memory = false, c10::optional memory_format_opt = c10::nullopt); TORCH_API TensorBase empty_cpu( IntArrayRef size, c10::optional dtype_opt, c10::optional layout_opt, c10::optional device_opt, c10::optional pin_memory_opt, c10::optional memory_format_opt); TORCH_API TensorBase empty_cpu(IntArrayRef size, const TensorOptions& options); TORCH_API TensorBase empty_strided_cpu( IntArrayRef size, IntArrayRef stride, ScalarType dtype, bool pin_memory = false); TORCH_API TensorBase empty_strided_cpu( IntArrayRef size, IntArrayRef stride, c10::optional dtype_opt, c10::optional layout_opt, c10::optional device_opt, c10::optional pin_memory_opt); TORCH_API TensorBase empty_strided_cpu( IntArrayRef size, IntArrayRef stride, const TensorOptions& options); TORCH_API TensorBase empty_meta( IntArrayRef size, ScalarType dtype, c10::optional memory_format_opt = c10::nullopt); TORCH_API TensorBase empty_meta( IntArrayRef size, c10::optional dtype_opt, c10::optional layout_opt, c10::optional device_opt, c10::optional pin_memory_opt, c10::optional memory_format_opt); TORCH_API TensorBase empty_symint_meta( SymIntArrayRef size, c10::optional dtype_opt, c10::optional layout_opt, c10::optional device_opt, c10::optional pin_memory_opt, c10::optional memory_format_opt); TORCH_API TensorBase empty_meta(IntArrayRef size, const TensorOptions& options); TORCH_API TensorBase empty_strided_meta(IntArrayRef size, IntArrayRef stride, ScalarType dtype); TORCH_API TensorBase empty_strided_meta( IntArrayRef size, IntArrayRef stride, c10::optional dtype_opt, c10::optional layout_opt, c10::optional device_opt, c10::optional pin_memory_opt); TORCH_API TensorBase empty_strided_meta( IntArrayRef size, IntArrayRef stride, const TensorOptions& options); TORCH_API TensorBase empty_strided_symint_meta( SymIntArrayRef size, SymIntArrayRef stride, ScalarType dtype); TORCH_API TensorBase empty_strided_symint_meta( SymIntArrayRef size, SymIntArrayRef stride, c10::optional dtype_opt, c10::optional layout_opt, c10::optional device_opt, c10::optional pin_memory_opt); TORCH_API TensorBase empty_strided_symint_meta( SymIntArrayRef size, SymIntArrayRef stride, const TensorOptions& options); } // namespace detail } // namespace at