from dataclasses import dataclass, field from collections import defaultdict import copy import torch from torch.fx.graph import Graph from torch.fx.node import Node from torch.fx._compatibility import compatibility from typing import Dict, List, Set, Any, Union, Tuple import logging import os __all__ = ['SubgraphMatcher', 'InternalMatch'] # Set`PYTORCH_MATCHER_LOGLEVEL=INFO` to see debug logs def _init_logger(): logger = logging.getLogger(__name__) level = os.environ.get('PYTORCH_MATCHER_LOGLEVEL', 'WARNING').upper() logger.setLevel(level) console = logging.StreamHandler() formatter = logging.Formatter("%(filename)s > %(message)s") console.setFormatter(formatter) console.setLevel(level) # add the handlers to the logger logger.addHandler(console) logger.propagate = False return logger logger = _init_logger() @compatibility(is_backward_compatible=False) @dataclass class InternalMatch(): # Nodes from which the match was found anchors: List[Node] # Maps nodes in the pattern subgraph to nodes in the larger graph nodes_map: Dict[Node, Node] = field(default_factory=dict) # nodes in target graph that are matched placeholder in pattern placeholder_nodes: List[Node] = field(default_factory=list) # nodes in matched subgraph returned by output returning_nodes: List[Node] = field(default_factory=list) def __copy__(self): return InternalMatch(anchors=self.anchors, nodes_map=self.nodes_map.copy(), placeholder_nodes=self.placeholder_nodes.copy(), returning_nodes=self.returning_nodes.copy()) @compatibility(is_backward_compatible=False) class SubgraphMatcher: def __init__(self, pattern: Graph, match_output: bool = False, match_placeholder: bool = False, remove_overlapping_matches: bool = True) -> None: """ Args: pattern: the targeted matching pattern, represented in fx.Graph. match_output: If True, output node in the pattern graph will be treated as a part of the targeted pattern. If False, output node is ignored during match. match_placeholder: If True, placeholder node in the pattern graph will be treated as a part of the targeted pattern. If False, placeholder nodes will be used a wildcard. remove_overlapping_matches: If True, in the case of overlapping matches, only the first match will be returned. """ self.pattern = pattern self.match_output = match_output self.match_placeholder = match_placeholder self.remove_overlapping_matches = remove_overlapping_matches if len(pattern.nodes) == 0: raise ValueError("SubgraphMatcher cannot be initialized with an empty pattern") for node in pattern.nodes: if node.op != "output": assert len(node.users) > 0, \ "SubgraphMatcher cannot be initialized with an pattern with dead code" # TODO: assert pattern is a connected graph self.pattern_placeholder_nodes = [n for n in pattern.nodes if n.op == "placeholder"] output_node = next(iter(reversed(pattern.nodes))) # nodes returned by outputs self.pattern_returning_nodes: List[Node] = output_node.all_input_nodes self.pattern_anchors: List[Node] = [] if match_output: self.pattern_anchors = [output_node] else: # If a node has output_node as the ONLY user, then this node is a graph sink, # and should be matched against as an anchor self.pattern_anchors = [n for n in output_node.all_input_nodes if len(n.users) == 1] def _match_attributes(self, pn: Node, gn: Node) -> bool: # Attributes matching is compilcated. Right now we only support matching constant tensor assert isinstance(, str), f" {} must be a string." assert isinstance(, str), f" {} must be a string." pn_value = getattr(pn.graph.owning_module, gn_value = getattr(gn.graph.owning_module, if type(pn_value) != type(gn_value): return False # Don't require exact match on tensor values. if isinstance(pn_value, torch.Tensor): return isinstance(gn_value, torch.Tensor) else: raise RuntimeError(f"Unsupported type {pn_value} when matching attributes") return False def _nodes_are_equal(self, pn: Node, gn: Node) -> bool: # if exact match for placeholder is not required, then use placeholder as a wildcard if not self.match_placeholder and pn.op == "placeholder": return True if pn.op == gn.op: if pn.op == "placeholder" or pn.op == "output": return True elif pn.op == "get_attr": return self._match_attributes(pn, gn) return == return False def _is_contained(self, nodes_map: Dict[Node, Node]) -> bool: # `lookup` represents all the nodes in `original_graph` # that are part of `pattern` # Placeholders can be used by other nodes in the graphs lookup: Dict[Node, Node] = {gn : pn for pn, gn in nodes_map.items() if pn.op != "placeholder"} for gn, pn in lookup.items(): # nodes returned by output are allowed to be used in other areas of the graph if pn in self.pattern_returning_nodes: continue for user in gn.users: # If this node has users that were not in `lookup`, then it must leak out of the # pattern subgraph if user not in lookup: return False return True def _remove_overlapping_matches(self, matches: List[InternalMatch]) -> List[InternalMatch]: non_overlapping_matches: List[InternalMatch] = list() nodes_matched: Set[Node] = set() for match in matches: found_overlap = False for pn, gn in match.nodes_map.items(): if pn.op not in {"placeholder", "output"} and gn in nodes_matched: found_overlap = True break if not found_overlap: non_overlapping_matches.append(match) for pn, gn in match.nodes_map.items(): if pn.op not in {"placeholder", "output"}: nodes_matched.add(gn) return non_overlapping_matches def _match_literals(self, pn: Any, gn: Any, match: InternalMatch) -> bool: assert not (isinstance(pn, Node) and isinstance(gn, Node)), "pn and gn cannot both be Node" if isinstance(pn, Node) and not isinstance(gn, Node): if pn.op == "placeholder": # Check if we've already matched these nodes in the current # traversal if pn in match.nodes_map: return match.nodes_map[pn] == gn match.nodes_map[pn] = gn return True else: return False elif not isinstance(pn, Node) and isinstance(gn, Node): return False else: return type(gn) == type(pn) and gn == pn def _match_nodes(self, pn: Node, gn: Node, match: InternalMatch) -> bool:" matching {pn} to {gn}") assert isinstance(pn, Node) and isinstance(gn, Node), str(f"pn and gn must be Node, pn: {pn}, gn: {gn}") # Check if we've already matched these nodes in the current # traversal if pn in match.nodes_map: return match.nodes_map[pn] == gn # TODO: use a more efficienty way to check if gn is matched before: two-way dict if gn in match.nodes_map.values(): return False if not self._nodes_are_equal(pn, gn): return False # Optimistically mark `pn` as a match for `gn`, and save a local copy of match saved_match = copy.copy(match) match.nodes_map[pn] = gn # Placeholder is a wildcard and can be matched with any python object # (including list/tuple) if pn.op == "placeholder": return True # Recursively traverse upwards to check if `pn` is a true # match for `gn` match_found = True def _match_args(args1: Union[List, Tuple], args2: Union[List, Tuple]) -> bool: if len(args1) != len(args2): return False for a1, a2 in zip(args1, args2): if isinstance(a1, Node) and isinstance(a2, Node): matched = self._match_nodes(a1, a2, match) elif isinstance(a1, (list, tuple)) and isinstance(a2, (list, tuple)): matched = _match_args(a1, a2) else: matched = self._match_literals(a1, a2, match) if not matched: return False return True match_found = match_found and _match_args(pn.args, gn.args) pn_kwargs, gn_kwargs = [], [] if pn.kwargs.keys() == gn.kwargs.keys(): for key in pn.kwargs.keys(): pn_kwargs.append(pn.kwargs[key]) gn_kwargs.append(gn.kwargs[key]) else: match_found = False match_found = match_found and _match_args(pn_kwargs, gn_kwargs) if not match_found: # revert to saved_match before matching with current node match = copy.copy(saved_match) return False return True def match(self, graph: Graph) -> List[InternalMatch]: """ Returns: The matched subgraphs. Thre returned subgraph would be fully self-contained, meaning the nodes (except placeholder and nodes returned by output) can only be consumed by nodes within the matched subgraph. Subgraph pattern matcher is implemented with the backtracking style in the following steps: 1. We first identify all the anchor nodes in the pattern graph. The anchor nodes are the "sinks" (nodes with no user other than the output node) of the pattern graph. One pattern graph could have multiple anchors if it has multiple return values. 2. In the target graph, we identify the potential candidate nodes that can be matched with each anchor. These anchor-candidate pairs are the starting points for pairwise per-node matching. 3. For each anchor-candidate pair, we simultaneously traverse backwards (DFS) in both pattern and target graphs. For every pattern nodes along traversal path, we compare it against the target nodes. In case any comparison failed, the match for this anchor-candidate pair fails. A match is found when DFS completes traversing the graph. See `self._match_nodes` for more details. 4. In the case of multiple anchors, every anchor will need to find a match using step 3. In addition, the matches found between anchors need to have a common intersection node in order for the match to be valid. This is implemented with backtracking. See `backtracking` for more details. Notice: graph traversal must be done in the reverser order because a tensor can have multiple consumers, but can only have a single producer. Only with reverser order, we can we jointly traverse the pattern and target graph in a deterministic path. Warning: In theory, this backtracking algorithm have an **exponential** time complexity. However, in practice, it's unlikely to blow up. """ from torch.fx.passes.utils.fuser_utils import validate_partition # find candidate nodes to match with pattern anchors match_candidates: Dict[Node, List[Node]] = defaultdict(list) for pattern_anchor in self.pattern_anchors: for node in graph.nodes: if self._nodes_are_equal(pattern_anchor, node): match_candidates[pattern_anchor].append(node) match_candidates_list = list(match_candidates.items())"Initial match_candidates_list: {match_candidates_list}\n") matches: List[InternalMatch] = [] def backtracking(anchor_index, match): if anchor_index == len(match_candidates_list): match.placeholder_nodes = [match.nodes_map[pn] for pn in self.pattern_placeholder_nodes] match.returning_nodes = [match.nodes_map[pn] for pn in self.pattern_returning_nodes] matches.append(match)"Found a match: {match}\n") return pattern_anchor, candidate_nodes = match_candidates_list[anchor_index] saved_match = copy.copy(match) for node in candidate_nodes:"Trying to match anchor {pattern_anchor} to {node}") match_found = self._match_nodes(pattern_anchor, node, match) if match_found: # match next anchor backtracking(anchor_index + 1, match) else:"Failed to match anchor {pattern_anchor} to {node}\n") # revert to saved_match before matching with current anchor match = copy.copy(saved_match) match = InternalMatch(anchors=self.pattern_anchors) if match_candidates_list: backtracking(0, match) # filter out the matches where the subgraph is not fully_contained before = len(matches) matches = [match for match in matches if self._is_contained(match.nodes_map)] after = len(matches) if before != after:"Filtered out {before - after} matches because they are not fully contained") # filter out the matches that that forms a cycle if the subgraph is fused valid_matches = [] for match in matches: matched_compute_nodes = \ [gn for pn, gn in match.nodes_map.items() if pn.op not in {"placeholder", "output"}] if validate_partition(matched_compute_nodes): valid_matches.append(match) if len(valid_matches) != len(matches):"Filtered out {len(matches) - len(valid_matches)} matches because \ matched subgraph would form a cycle if fused") if self.remove_overlapping_matches: before = len(valid_matches) matches = self._remove_overlapping_matches(valid_matches) after = len(matches) if before != after:"Filtered out {before - after} matches because matched subgraphs are overlapping")"Matches returned: {matches}") return matches