import pickle import sys import os import io import subprocess import json from functools import lru_cache from typing import List, Tuple cache = lru_cache(None) __all__ = ["format_flamegraph", "segments", "memory", "compare"] def _frame_fmt(f, full_filename=False): i = f['line'] fname = f['filename'] if not full_filename: fname = fname.split('/')[-1] func = f['name'] return f'{fname}:{i}:{func}' def format_flamegraph(flamegraph_lines, flamegraph_script=None): if flamegraph_script is None: flamegraph_script = f'/tmp/{os.getuid()}' if not os.path.exists(flamegraph_script): import urllib.request print(f"Downloading to: {flamegraph_script}") urllib.request.urlretrieve( '', flamegraph_script)['chmod', '+x', flamegraph_script]) args = [flamegraph_script, '--countname', 'bytes'] p = subprocess.Popen(args, stdin=subprocess.PIPE, stdout=subprocess.PIPE, encoding='utf-8') assert p.stdin is not None assert p.stdout is not None p.stdin.write(flamegraph_lines) p.stdin.close() result = p.stdout.close() p.wait() assert p.wait() == 0 return result def _write_blocks(f, prefix, blocks): for b in blocks: if 'history' not in b: f.write(f'{prefix};{b["state"]} {b["size"]}\n') continue accounted_for_size = 0 for h in b['history']: sz = h['real_size'] accounted_for_size += sz if 'frames' in h: frames = h['frames'] if frames: frame_s = ';'.join([_frame_fmt(f) for f in reversed(frames)]) else: frame_s = "" f.write(f'{prefix};{b["state"]};{frame_s} {sz}\n') else: f.write(f'{prefix};{b["state"]}; {sz}\n') gaps = b['size'] - accounted_for_size if gaps: f.write(f'{prefix};{b["state"]}; {gaps}\n') def segments(snapshot, format_flamegraph=format_flamegraph): f = io.StringIO() for seg in snapshot['segments']: prefix = f'stream_{seg["stream"]};seg_{seg["address"]}' _write_blocks(f, prefix, seg['blocks']) return format_flamegraph(f.getvalue()) def memory(snapshot, format_flamegraph=format_flamegraph): f = io.StringIO() for seg in snapshot['segments']: prefix = f'stream_{seg["stream"]}' _write_blocks(f, prefix, seg['blocks']) return format_flamegraph(f.getvalue()) def compare(before, after, format_flamegraph=format_flamegraph): def _seg_key(seg): return (seg['address'], seg['total_size']) def _seg_info(seg): return f'stream_{seg["stream"]};seg_{seg["address"]}' f = io.StringIO() before_segs = {_seg_key(seg) for seg in before} after_segs = {_seg_key(seg) for seg in after} print(f'only_before = {[a for a,_ in (before_segs - after_segs)]}') print(f'only_after = {[a for a,_ in (after_segs - before_segs)]}') for seg in before: if _seg_key(seg) not in after_segs: _write_blocks(f, f'only_before;{_seg_info(seg)}', seg['blocks']) for seg in after: if _seg_key(seg) not in before_segs: _write_blocks(f, f'only_after;{_seg_info(seg)}', seg['blocks']) return format_flamegraph(f.getvalue()) def _format_size(num): # for unit in ["", "Ki", "Mi", "Gi", "Ti", "Pi", "Ei", "Zi"]: if abs(num) < 1024.0: return f"{num:3.1f}{unit}B" num /= 1024.0 return f"{num:.1f}YiB" class Bytes: def __init__(self, value): self.value = value def __add__(self, rhs): return Bytes(self.value + rhs) def __repr__(self): return _format_size(self.value) def calc_active(seg): return sum(b['size'] for b in seg['blocks'] if b['state'] == 'active_allocated') def _report_free(free_external, free_internal): total = free_external + free_internal pct = (free_internal / total) * 100 suffix = f' ({pct:.1f}% internal)' return f'{Bytes(total)}{suffix}' PAGE_SIZE = 1024 * 1024 * 20 legend = f"""\ Legend: [a ] - a segment in the allocator ^-- a page {Bytes(PAGE_SIZE)} of memory in the segment a-z: pages filled with a single block's content ' ': page is completely free *: page if completely full with multiple blocks 0-9: page is partially full with tensors of multiple blocks (9 == 90% full) (X% internal) - of the free memory, X% is free because we rounded the size of the allocation. """ def segsum(data): """" Visually reports how the allocator has filled its segments. This printout can help debug fragmentation issues since free fragments will appear as gaps in this printout. The amount of free space is reported for each segment. We distinguish between internal free memory which occurs because the allocator rounds the allocation size, and external free memory, which are the gaps between allocations in a segment. Args: data: snapshot dictionary created from _snapshot() """ segments = [] out = io.StringIO() out.write(f"Summary of segments >= {Bytes(PAGE_SIZE)} in size\n") total_reserved = 0 total_allocated = 0 free_external = 0 free_internal = 0 for seg in sorted(data['segments'], key=lambda x: (x['total_size'], calc_active(x))): total_reserved += seg['total_size'] seg_free_external = 0 seg_free_internal = 0 seg_allocated = 0 all_ranges = [] boffset = 0 for b in seg['blocks']: active = b['state'] == 'active_allocated' if 'history' in b: # use the more accureate real_size to account for internal fragmenetation if we have it for h in b['history']: if active: all_ranges.append((h['addr'] - seg['address'], h['real_size'], active)) seg_allocated += h['real_size'] assert len(b['history']) == 1 seg_free_internal += b['size'] - h['real_size'] else: if active: all_ranges.append((boffset, b['size'], True)) seg_allocated += b['size'] if not active: seg_free_external += b['size'] boffset += b['size'] total_allocated += seg_allocated free_external += seg_free_external free_internal += seg_free_internal nseg = (seg['total_size'] - 1) // PAGE_SIZE + 1 occupied = [' ' for _ in range(nseg)] frac = [0.0 for _ in range(nseg)] active_size = 0 for i, (start_, size, active) in enumerate(all_ranges): active_size += size finish_ = (start_ + size) start = start_ // PAGE_SIZE finish = (finish_ - 1) // PAGE_SIZE + 1 m = chr((ord('a' if active else 'A') + (i % 26))) for j in range(start, finish): s = max(start_, j * PAGE_SIZE) e = min(finish_, (j + 1) * PAGE_SIZE) frac[j] += (e - s) / PAGE_SIZE if occupied[j] != ' ': occupied[j] = '0123456789*'[int(frac[j] * 10)] else: occupied[j] = m stream = '' if seg['stream'] == 0 else f', stream_{seg["stream"]}' body = ''.join(occupied) assert seg_free_external + seg_free_internal + seg_allocated == seg['total_size'] stream = f' stream_{seg["stream"]}' if seg['stream'] != 0 else '' if seg['total_size'] >= PAGE_SIZE: out.write(f'[{body}] {Bytes(seg["total_size"])} allocated, ' f'{_report_free(seg_free_external, seg_free_internal)} free{stream}\n') out.write(f'segments: {len(data["segments"])}\n') out.write(f'total_reserved: {Bytes(total_reserved)}\n') out.write(f'total_allocated: {Bytes(total_allocated)}\n') internal_external = f' ({Bytes(free_internal)} internal + {Bytes(free_external)} external)' if free_internal else '' out.write(f'total_free: {_report_free(free_external, free_internal)}\n') out.write(legend) assert free_internal + free_external + total_allocated == total_reserved return out.getvalue() def trace(data): out = io.StringIO() def format(entries): segment_intervals : list = [] segment_addr_to_name = {} allocation_addr_to_name = {} free_names : list = [] next_name = 0 def _name(): nonlocal next_name if free_names: return free_names.pop() r, m = next_name // 26, next_name % 26 next_name += 1 return f'{chr(ord("a") + m)}{"" if r == 0 else r}' def find_segment(addr): for name, saddr, size in segment_intervals: if addr >= saddr and addr < saddr + size: return name, saddr for i, seg in enumerate(data['segments']): saddr = seg['address'] size = seg['allocated_size'] if addr >= saddr and addr < saddr + size: return f'seg_{i}', saddr return None, None count = 0 out.write(f'{len(entries)} entries\n') total_reserved = 0 for seg in data['segments']: total_reserved += seg['total_size'] for count, e in enumerate(entries): if e['action'] == 'alloc': addr, size = e['addr'], e['size'] n = _name() seg_name, seg_addr = find_segment(addr) if seg_name is None: seg_name = "MEM" offset = addr else: offset = addr - seg_addr out.write(f'{n} = {seg_name}[{offset}:{Bytes(size)}]\n') allocation_addr_to_name[addr] = (n, size, count) count += size elif e['action'] == 'free_requested': addr, size = e['addr'], e['size'] name, _, _ = allocation_addr_to_name.get(addr, (addr, None, None)) out.write(f'del {name} # {Bytes(size)}\n') elif e['action'] == 'free_completed': addr, size = e['addr'], e['size'] count -= size name, _, _ = allocation_addr_to_name.get(addr, (addr, None, None)) out.write(f'# free completed for {name} {Bytes(size)}\n') if name in allocation_addr_to_name: free_names.append(name) del allocation_addr_to_name[name] elif e['action'] == 'segment_alloc': addr, size = e['addr'], e['size'] name = _name() out.write(f'{name} = cudaMalloc({addr}, {Bytes(size)})\n') segment_intervals.append((name, addr, size)) segment_addr_to_name[addr] = name elif e['action'] == 'segment_free': addr, size = e['addr'], e['size'] name = segment_addr_to_name.get(addr, addr) out.write(f'cudaFree({name}) # {Bytes(size)}\n') if name in segment_addr_to_name: free_names.append(name) del segment_addr_to_name[name] elif e['action'] == 'oom': size = e['size'] free = e['device_free'] out.write(f'raise OutOfMemoryError() # {Bytes(size)} requested, {Bytes(free)} free in CUDA\n') else: out.write(f'{e}\n') out.write(f"TOTAL MEM: {Bytes(count)}") for i, d in enumerate(data['device_traces']): if d: out.write(f'Device {i} ----------------\n') format(d) return out.getvalue() class PlotWriter: def __init__(self): string_table: List[str] = [] suffix_table: List[Tuple[int, int]] = [] elements = [] actions: List[int] = [] initially_allocated: List[int] = [] @cache def intern_str(s): string_table.append(s) return len(string_table) - 1 @cache def intern_suffix(sid, restid): suffix_table.append((sid, restid)) return len(suffix_table) - 1 def intern_stack(frames): sids = [intern_str(f) for f in frames] next_id = None for sid in reversed(sids): next_id = intern_suffix(sid, next_id) return next_id def add_element(size, lines): elements.append({'size': size, 'info': intern_stack(lines)}) return len(elements) - 1 def to_html(): r = { 'actions': actions, 'elements': elements, 'suffix_table': suffix_table, 'string_table': string_table, 'initially_allocated': list(reversed(initially_allocated)), } plot_data = json.dumps(r) return _memory_over_time_template.replace('$PLOT_DATA', plot_data) self.add_element = add_element self.allocate = actions.append = actions.append self.initially_allocated = initially_allocated.append self.to_html = to_html def trace_plot(data, device=None, plot_segments=False): w = PlotWriter() addr_to_alloc = {} if device is None: for i, t in enumerate(data['device_traces']): if len(t) > 0: if device is not None: raise ValueError(f'Both device {device} and {i} have traces, use --device to specify which trace.') device = i if device is None: raise ValueError('No trace information was recorded.') trace = data['device_traces'][device] if plot_segments: alloc = 'segment_alloc' free = 'segment_free' else: alloc = 'alloc' free = 'free_completed' def add_element(size, frames, extra=()): frames = [f"{_format_size(size)} allocation", *extra, *(_frame_fmt(f, full_filename=True) for f in frames)] return w.add_element(size, frames) for i, e in enumerate(trace): if e['action'] == alloc: elemid = add_element(e['size'], e['frames']) addr_to_alloc[e['addr']] = elemid w.allocate(elemid) elif e['action'] == free: idx = addr_to_alloc.pop(e['addr'], None) if idx is None: idx = add_element(e['size'], e['frames'], extra=('alloc not recorded, stack trace for free:',)) w.initially_allocated(idx) return w.to_html() def profile_plot(memory_profile, device=None): import torch from torch.profiler._memory_profiler import Action, TensorKey from torch._C._profiler import _EventType if device is None: if torch.cuda.is_available(): device = torch.device('cuda', torch.cuda.current_device()) else: device = torch.device('cpu') w = PlotWriter() allocation_stacks = {} for event in memory_profile._op_tree.sorted_nodes: if event.tag == _EventType.Allocation: parent = event.parent python_parents = [] while parent: if parent.tag in (_EventType.PyCall, _EventType.PyCCall): python_parents.append(parent) parent = parent.parent key = TensorKey.from_allocation(event.extra_fields) # Corner case: If allocation doesn't have an ID (can't prove it was used as a Tensor) # key will be None. I should add some way to identify these, I just haven't yet. if key and event.extra_fields.alloc_size > 0: allocation_stacks[key] = python_parents def add_element(size, tensor_key, version): category = memory_profile._categories.get(tensor_key, version) if category is None: category = 'unknown' else: category = stack = allocation_stacks.get(tensor_key, ()) return w.add_element(size, [f"{_format_size(size)} allocation ({category})", *( for p in stack)]) kv_to_elem = {} for time, action, (tensor_key, version), size in memory_profile.timeline: if tensor_key.device != device: continue if action == Action.CREATE: kv_to_elem[(tensor_key, version)] = elemid = add_element(size, tensor_key, version) w.allocate(elemid) elif action == Action.DESTROY:, version))) elif action == Action.INCREMENT_VERSION:, version))) kv_to_elem[(tensor_key, version + 1)] = elemid = add_element(size, tensor_key, version + 1) w.allocate(elemid) elif action == Action.PREEXISTING: kv_to_elem[(tensor_key, version)] = elemid = add_element(size, tensor_key, version) w.initially_allocated(elemid) return w.to_html() # note: this template should eventually move to its own file, # however, we first need to package so that it can be # pip-installed separately from pytorch so it is easy to run e.g. # on a laptop with downloaded snapshots. Currently this is # accomplished by downloading so the template # needs to be included _memory_over_time_template = r""" """ if __name__ == "__main__": import os.path thedir = os.path.realpath(os.path.dirname(__file__)) if thedir in sys.path: # otherwise we find cuda/ as random... sys.path.remove(thedir) import argparse fn_name = 'torch.cuda.memory._snapshot()' pickled = f'pickled memory statistics from {fn_name}' parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(description=f'Visualize memory dumps produced by {fn_name}') subparsers = parser.add_subparsers(dest='action') def _output(p): p.add_argument('-o', '--output', default='output.svg', help='flamegraph svg (default: output.svg)') description = 'Prints overall allocation statistics and a visualization of how the allocators segments are currently filled.' stats_a = subparsers.add_parser('stats', description=description) stats_a.add_argument('input', help=pickled) description = 'Prints buffer of the most recent allocation events embedded in the snapshot in a Pythonic style.' trace_a = subparsers.add_parser('trace', description=description) trace_a.add_argument('input', help=pickled) description = 'Generate a flamegraph that visualizes what memory is stored in each allocator segment (aka block)' segments_a = subparsers.add_parser('segments', description=description) segments_a.add_argument('input', help=pickled) _output(segments_a) description = "Generate a flamegraph the program locations contributing to CUDA memory usage." memory_a = subparsers.add_parser('memory', description=description) memory_a.add_argument('input', help=pickled) _output(memory_a) description = 'Generate a flamegraph that shows segments (aka blocks) that have been added ' \ 'or removed between two different memorys snapshots.' compare_a = subparsers.add_parser('compare', description=description) compare_a.add_argument('before', help=pickled) compare_a.add_argument('after', help=pickled) _output(compare_a) description = "Generate a visualization over time of the memory usage recorded by the trace as an html file." trace_plot_a = subparsers.add_parser('trace_plot', description=description) trace_plot_a.add_argument('input', help=pickled) help = 'visualize trace from this device (default: chooses the only device with trace info or errors)' trace_plot_a.add_argument('-d', '--device', type=int, default=None, help=help) help = 'path to save the visualization(default: output.html)' trace_plot_a.add_argument('-o', '--output', default='output.html', help=help) help = 'visualize change to segments rather than individual allocations' trace_plot_a.add_argument('-s', '--segments', action='store_true', help=help) args = parser.parse_args() def _read(name): if name == '-': f = sys.stdin.buffer else: f = open(name, 'rb') data = pickle.load(f) if isinstance(data, list): # segments only... data = {'segments': data, 'traces': []} return data def _write(name, data): with open(name, 'w') as f: f.write(data) if args.action == 'segments': data = _read(args.input) _write(args.output, segments(data)) elif args.action == 'memory': data = _read(args.input) _write(args.output, memory(data)) elif args.action == 'stats': data = _read(args.input) print(segsum(data)) elif args.action == 'trace': data = _read(args.input) print(trace(data)) elif args.action == 'compare': before = _read(args.before) after = _read(args.after) _write(args.output, compare(before, after)) elif args.action == 'trace_plot': data = _read(args.input) _write(args.output, trace_plot(data, device=args.device, plot_segments=args.segments))