import copy import functools import getpass import logging import os import shutil import subprocess import textwrap import uuid from collections import Counter from importlib import import_module from tempfile import TemporaryFile import torch import torch.fx as fx from torch._prims_common import is_float_dtype from . import config from .backends.registry import lookup_backend, register_debug_backend from .utils import clone_inputs, get_debug_dir log = logging.getLogger(__name__) inductor_config = import_module("torch._inductor.config") use_buck = inductor_config.is_fbcode() extra_deps = [] extra_imports = "" if use_buck: extra_deps = [ "//caffe2/fb/custom_ops/sparsenn:sparsenn-all_operators", "//caffe2/torch/fb/sparsenn:sparsenn_operators_gpu", "//caffe2/torch/fb/sparsenn:sparsenn_operators", "//deeplearning/fbgemm/fbgemm_gpu:sparse_ops_cpu", "//deeplearning/fbgemm/fbgemm_gpu:sparse_ops", ] extra_imports = "\n".join([f'torch.ops.load_library("{x}")' for x in extra_deps]) class BuckTargetWriter: def __init__(self, filename): self.subdir, self.py_file = os.path.split(filename) = self.py_file.replace(".py", "") # Get main_module path from fbcode self.path = f'{self.subdir.replace("/", ".")}.{}' self.path = self.path[self.path.find("fbcode.") :] self.path = self.path[7:] # Get cmd line path tmp = self.subdir tmp = tmp[tmp.find("fbcode/") :][7:] self.cmd_line_path = f"//{tmp}:{}" def build(self): extra_cpp_deps = "\n".join([f' "{x}",' for x in extra_deps]) return textwrap.dedent( f""" load("@fbcode_macros//build_defs:python_binary.bzl", "python_binary") python_binary( name="{}", srcs = ["{self.py_file}"], compile = False, deps = [ "//caffe2:torch", "//caffe2/functorch:functorch", "//triton:triton", ], cpp_deps = [ {extra_cpp_deps} ], main_module = "{self.path}", ) """ ) def write(self, print_msg=True): target_file = os.path.join(self.subdir, "TARGETS") with open(target_file, "w") as fd: fd.write( # log.warning(f"Wrote isolation TARGETS file at {target_file}") cmd = ["buck2", "run", "@mode/dev-nosan", self.cmd_line_path] if print_msg: log.warning( f'Found an example that reproduces the error. Run this cmd to repro - {" ".join(cmd)}' ) return cmd def minifier_dir(): path = os.path.join(get_debug_dir(), "minifier") if path is None: path = f"{tempfile.gettempdir()}/minifier_{getpass.getuser()}" if not os.path.exists(path): os.makedirs(path, exist_ok=True) return path class NNModuleToString: safe_reprs = [ torch.nn.Linear, torch.nn.Conv1d, torch.nn.Conv2d, torch.nn.Conv3d, torch.nn.BatchNorm1d, torch.nn.BatchNorm2d, torch.nn.BatchNorm3d, torch.nn.LayerNorm, torch.nn.Dropout, torch.nn.Softmax, torch.nn.ReLU, torch.nn.GELU, torch.nn.Identity, torch.nn.MaxPool2d, torch.nn.Embedding, torch.nn.Tanh, torch.nn.ConvTranspose1d, torch.nn.GLU, torch.nn.LSTM, torch.nn.Flatten, torch.nn.AdaptiveAvgPool2d, ] @staticmethod def can_convert_to_string(gm): cant_convert = set() for _, module in gm.named_children(): if type(module) not in NNModuleToString.safe_reprs: cant_convert.add(module) if len(cant_convert) > 0: log.warning(f"We have not tested reprs of some modules - {cant_convert}") # TODO - Assuming that all modules can be safely repr'd. Check if that assumption is correct. return True @staticmethod def convert(gm): from torch.nn.modules.module import _addindent tab = " " * 4 model_str = textwrap.dedent( """ from torch.nn import * class Repro(torch.nn.Module): def __init__(self): super().__init__() """ ) for module_name, module in gm.named_children(): module_str = f"{module.__repr__()}" # module should be a core torch.nn.Module, so all parameters # should be on the same device. example_param = next(module.parameters(), None) if example_param is not None and example_param.is_cuda: module_str = f"{module_str}.cuda()" model_str += f"{tab*2}self.{module_name} = {module_str}\n" for buffer_name, buffer in gm._buffers.items(): if buffer is None: continue if torch.is_floating_point(buffer): tensor_str = f"torch.randn({list(buffer.shape)}, dtype={buffer.dtype})" else: tensor_str = ( f"torch.randint(1, size={list(buffer.shape)}, dtype={buffer.dtype})" ) if buffer.is_cuda: tensor_str = f"{tensor_str}.cuda()" model_str += f"{tab*2}self.register_buffer('{buffer_name}', {tensor_str})\n" for param_name, param in gm._parameters.items(): if param is None: continue tensor_str = f"torch.nn.Parameter(torch.randn({list(param.shape)}, dtype={param.dtype}))" if param.is_cuda: tensor_str = f"{tensor_str}.cuda()" model_str += f"{tab*2}self.{param_name} = {tensor_str}\n" # TODO - Keep this code for now. But, I don't think we will need this. # attrs = dir(gm) # for attr in attrs: # if "_tensor_constant" in attr: # val = getattr(gm, attr) # model_str += f" {attr} = {val!r}\n" model_str += f"{_addindent(gm.code, 4)}\n" return model_str @functools.lru_cache(None) # subprocess is expensive def _cuda_system_info_comment(): if not torch.cuda.is_available(): return "# torch.cuda.is_available()==False, no GPU info collected\n" model_str = "# CUDA Info: \n" try: cuda_version_out =["nvcc", "--version"], stdout=subprocess.PIPE) cuda_version_lines = cuda_version_out.stdout.decode().split("\n") cuda_version_out = "".join( [f"# {s} \n" for s in cuda_version_lines if s not in [""]] ) model_str += f"{cuda_version_out}\n" except FileNotFoundError: model_str += "# nvcc not found\n" gpu_names = Counter( torch.cuda.get_device_name(i) for i in range(torch.cuda.device_count()) ) model_str += "# GPU Hardware Info: \n" for name, count in gpu_names.items(): model_str += f"# {name} : {count} \n" model_str += "\n" return model_str def generate_config_string(): import torch._functorch.config import torch._inductor.config return textwrap.dedent( f"""\ import torch._dynamo.config import torch._inductor.config import torch._functorch.config torch._dynamo.config.load_config({repr(torch._dynamo.config.save_config())}) torch._inductor.config.load_config({repr(torch._inductor.config.save_config())}) torch._functorch.config.load_config({repr(torch._functorch.config.save_config())}) """ ) TEST_REPLACEABLE_COMMENT = "# REPLACEABLE COMMENT FOR TESTING PURPOSES" def generate_compiler_repro_string(gm, args): model_str = textwrap.dedent( f""" import torch from torch import tensor, device import torch.fx as fx from torch._dynamo.testing import rand_strided from math import inf from torch.fx.experimental.proxy_tensor import make_fx {generate_config_string()} {TEST_REPLACEABLE_COMMENT} {extra_imports} """ ) model_str += f"# torch version: {torch.version.__version__}\n" if hasattr(torch.version, "cuda"): model_str += f"# torch cuda version: {torch.version.cuda}\n" if hasattr(torch.version, "git_version"): model_str += f"# torch git version: {torch.version.git_version}\n\n\n" model_str += _cuda_system_info_comment() model_str += NNModuleToString.convert(gm) model_str += f"args = {[(tuple(a.shape), tuple(a.stride()), a.dtype, a.device.type) for a in args]!r}\n" model_str += ( "args = [rand_strided(sh, st, dt, dev) for (sh, st, dt, dev) in args]\n" ) # TODO: fake may be better for performance here tracing_mode = "real" if config.dynamic_shapes: tracing_mode = "symbolic" model_str += f"mod = make_fx(Repro(), tracing_mode={repr(tracing_mode)})(*args)\n" return model_str INDUCTOR_IMPORT = """ from torch._inductor.compile_fx import compile_fx_inner from torch._dynamo.debug_utils import same_two_models """ COMPILER_REPRO_OPTIONS = { "inductor": (INDUCTOR_IMPORT, "compile_fx_inner", "inductor_fails"), "inductor_accuracy": ( INDUCTOR_IMPORT, "compile_fx_inner", "inductor_accuracy_fails", ), } def dump_compiler_graph_state(gm, args, compiler_name): subdir = os.path.join(minifier_dir(), "checkpoints") if not os.path.exists(subdir): os.makedirs(subdir, exist_ok=True) file_name = os.path.join(subdir, f"{len(gm.graph.nodes)}.py") log.warning(f"Writing checkpoint with {len(gm.graph.nodes)} nodes to {file_name}") with open(file_name, "w") as fd: save_graph_repro(fd, gm, args, compiler_name) curdir = os.getcwd() repro_path = os.path.join(curdir, "") try: shutil.copyfile(file_name, repro_path) log.warning(f"Copying repro file for convenience to {repro_path}") if use_buck: BuckTargetWriter(file_name).write() except OSError: log.warning(f"No write permissions for {repro_path}") pass def save_graph_repro(fd, gm, args, compiler_name): sync_line = "" for arg in args: if arg.is_cuda: sync_line = "torch.cuda.synchronize() # Ensures that segfaults are surfaced" break if "inductor" in compiler_name: fd.write("import torch._inductor.overrides\n") fd.write(generate_compiler_repro_string(gm, args)) fd.write(COMPILER_REPRO_OPTIONS[compiler_name][0]) if "_accuracy" in compiler_name: fd.write( textwrap.dedent( f""" compiled = {COMPILER_REPRO_OPTIONS[compiler_name][1]}(mod, args) class AccuracyError(Exception): pass if not same_two_models(mod, compiled, args, only_fwd=True): raise AccuracyError("Bad accuracy detected") """ ) ) else: fd.write( textwrap.dedent( f""" compiled = {COMPILER_REPRO_OPTIONS[compiler_name][1]}(mod, args) ref = compiled(args) {sync_line} """ ) ) def isolate_fails(fx_g, args, compiler_name: str, env=None, patch_code=None): if env is None: env = {} subdir = os.path.join(os.getcwd(), "isolate") if not os.path.exists(subdir): os.makedirs(subdir, exist_ok=True) file_name = os.path.join(subdir, f"{str(uuid.uuid4())[:5]}.py") with open(file_name, "w") as fd: repro_code = generate_compiler_repro_string(fx_g, args) if patch_code is not None: repro_code = repro_code.replace(TEST_REPLACEABLE_COMMENT, patch_code) fd.write(repro_code) fail_fn = COMPILER_REPRO_OPTIONS[compiler_name][2] fd.write( textwrap.dedent( f""" from {__name__} import {fail_fn} """ ) ) fd.write( textwrap.dedent( f""" if {fail_fn}(mod, args): exit(1) else: exit(0) """ ) ) # with open(file_name, "r") as fd: # print( new_env = os.environ.copy() new_env = {**new_env, **env} stdout, stderr = TemporaryFile(), TemporaryFile() if use_buck: cmd = BuckTargetWriter(file_name).write(print_msg=False) else: cmd = ["python", file_name] p = subprocess.Popen( cmd, cwd=subdir, stdout=stdout, stderr=stderr, env=new_env, ) p.wait() if p.returncode != 0: print(textwrap.indent("utf-8"), prefix=">> ")) print(textwrap.indent("utf-8"), prefix=">> ")) # print(f"Isolated test failed - {file_name}") return True return False def inductor_fails(fx_g, args, check_str=None): has_cuda = False for arg in args: if arg.is_cuda: has_cuda = True break def sync(): if has_cuda: # Ensures that segfaults are surfaced torch.cuda.synchronize() from torch._inductor.compile_fx import compile_fx_inner try: result = fx_g(*args) assert isinstance(result, (tuple, list)) assert not any([isinstance(x, (tuple, list)) for x in result]) except Exception: return False sync() try: compile_mod = compile_fx_inner(fx_g, args) compile_mod(args) sync() except Exception as e: if check_str is not None and check_str not in repr(e): return False print(repr(e)) return True return False def inductor_accuracy_fails(fx_g, args, check_str=None): from torch._inductor.compile_fx import compile_fx_inner return backend_aot_accuracy_fails(fx_g, args, compile_fx_inner) def get_minifier_repro_path(): return os.path.join(minifier_dir(), "") def helper_for_dump_minify(contents): minified_repro_path = get_minifier_repro_path() log.warning(f"Writing minified repro to {minified_repro_path}") if use_buck: BuckTargetWriter(minified_repro_path).write() try: with open(minified_repro_path, "w") as fd: fd.write(contents) except OSError as e: log.exception(e) raise NotImplementedError("Could not write to {minified_repro_path}") from e def dump_to_minify(gm, args, compiler_name: str): favored_device = 1 if torch.cuda.device_count() >= 2 else 0 contents = textwrap.dedent( f""" isolate_fails_code_str = None {generate_compiler_repro_string(gm, args)} from functools import partial from {__name__} import ( isolate_fails, dump_compiler_graph_state, ) from functorch.compile import minifier env_variables = {{"CUDA_VISIBLE_DEVICES": "{favored_device}"}} minifier( mod, args, module_fails=partial(isolate_fails, env=env_variables, compiler_name="{compiler_name}", patch_code=isolate_fails_code_str), dump_state=partial(dump_compiler_graph_state, compiler_name="{compiler_name}"), ) """ ) return helper_for_dump_minify(contents) class AccuracyError(Exception): pass def wrap_compiler_debug(unconfigured_compiler_fn, compiler_name: str): """ Minifier for Fx Graph modules after Aot Autograd has finished. We wrap both forward and backward call separately with the backend compiler_fn - like inductor or nvfuser. Intercepting after Aot Autograd presents neat abstration, where all the params are lifted as graph inputs, making it easy to save the graph as a string. """ @functools.wraps(unconfigured_compiler_fn) def debug_wrapper(gm, example_inputs, **kwargs): from torch._subclasses import FakeTensorMode compiler_fn = functools.partial(unconfigured_compiler_fn, **kwargs) orig_graph = copy.deepcopy(gm.graph) assert config.repro_after in ("dynamo", "aot", None) inner_compiled_fn = None def deferred_for_real_inputs(real_inputs): """ Aot Autograd fw_compiler and bw_compiler can have fake tensors. So, example_inputs can be fake tensors. We can call compiler_fn (which is inductor or nvfuser) with fake tensors but the actualy compiled_fn should be called with real tensors. Therefore, the actual invocation is deffered. """ # Avoid re-compiling when we call the compiled function twice. This happens # when we run the model inference or training in a for loop like here # nonlocal inner_compiled_fn # Copy the tensor attrs like shape, stride etc by converting to Fake Tensor # because inductor clears the tensor list in its codegen. And example_inputs # are available only for the first invocation. fake_mode = FakeTensorMode() copy_tensor_attrs = [fake_mode.from_tensor(x) for x in real_inputs] if config.repro_level == 3: # Always dump the original module in case we have segfaults dump_to_minify( fx.GraphModule(gm, orig_graph), real_inputs, compiler_name ) if config.repro_level == 4: if compiler_name != "inductor": raise NotImplementedError( "Accuracy minification is supported for inductor only" ) if inner_compiled_fn is None: inner_compiled_fn = compiler_fn(gm, example_inputs) if backend_aot_accuracy_fails(gm, real_inputs, compiler_fn): log.warning("Accuracy failed for the AOT Autograd graph") dump_compiler_graph_state( fx.GraphModule(gm, orig_graph), copy_tensor_attrs, f"{compiler_name}_accuracy", ) dump_to_minify( fx.GraphModule(gm, orig_graph), copy_tensor_attrs, f"{compiler_name}_accuracy", ) raise AccuracyError("Bad accuracy detected") else: # Call the compiled function with real inputs return inner_compiled_fn(real_inputs) else: try: # Call the compiler_fn - which is either aot_autograd or inductor # with fake inputs if inner_compiled_fn is None: inner_compiled_fn = compiler_fn(gm, example_inputs) # Call the compiled function with real inputs return inner_compiled_fn(real_inputs) except Exception as e: if config.repro_level == 1: dump_compiler_graph_state( fx.GraphModule(gm, orig_graph), copy_tensor_attrs, compiler_name, ) elif config.repro_level == 2: dump_to_minify( fx.GraphModule(gm, orig_graph), copy_tensor_attrs, compiler_name, ) log.error("CompilerError") raise if config.repro_after == "aot": compiled_fn = deferred_for_real_inputs compiled_fn._boxed_call = True else: compiled_fn = compiler_fn(gm, example_inputs) return compiled_fn return debug_wrapper def run_fwd_maybe_bwd(gm, args, only_fwd=False): """ Runs a forward and possibly backward iteration for a given mod and args. """ from torch._functorch.aot_autograd import make_boxed_func from .testing import collect_results, reduce_to_scalar_loss, requires_bwd_pass gm = copy.deepcopy(gm) new_args = clone_inputs(args) # Set the requires_grad field explicitly because clone_inputs only sets # requires_grad for leaf tensors. for narg, arg in zip(new_args, args): narg.requires_grad_(arg.requires_grad) args = new_args if hasattr(gm, "zero_grad"): gm.zero_grad(True) # TorchInductor returned callable expects lists. So, boxing the call. orig_named_parameters = getattr(gm, "named_parameters", None) orig_named_buffers = getattr(gm, "named_buffers", None) if not hasattr(gm, "_boxed_call") and ( orig_named_parameters is not None or orig_named_buffers is not None ): gm = make_boxed_func(gm) if orig_named_parameters is not None: gm.named_parameters = orig_named_parameters if orig_named_buffers is not None: gm.named_buffers = orig_named_buffers out = gm(args) if only_fwd: return out if requires_bwd_pass(out): loss = reduce_to_scalar_loss(out) loss.backward() return collect_results(gm, out, None, args) def same_two_models(gm, opt_gm, example_inputs, only_fwd=False): """ Check two models have same accuracy. """ from .eval_frame import OptimizedModule from .testing import ( named_buffers_for_optimized_module, named_parameters_for_optimized_module, ) from .utils import same if isinstance(gm, OptimizedModule): gm.named_parameters = named_parameters_for_optimized_module(gm) gm.named_buffers = named_buffers_for_optimized_module(gm) if isinstance(opt_gm, OptimizedModule): opt_gm.named_parameters = named_parameters_for_optimized_module(opt_gm) opt_gm.named_buffers = named_buffers_for_optimized_module(opt_gm) ref = run_fwd_maybe_bwd(gm, example_inputs, only_fwd) try: fp64_model, fp64_examples = cast_to_fp64( copy.deepcopy(gm), clone_inputs(example_inputs) ) fp64_ref = run_fwd_maybe_bwd(fp64_model, fp64_examples, only_fwd) except Exception: log.warning("Could not generate fp64 outputs") fp64_ref = None try: res = run_fwd_maybe_bwd(opt_gm, example_inputs, only_fwd) except Exception as e: # This means that the the minified graph is bad/exposes a different problem. # As we are checking accuracy here, lets log the exception and return True. log.exception( ( "While minifying the program in accuracy minification mode, " "ran into a runtime exception which is likely an unrelated issue." " Skipping this graph." ) ) return True passing = same(ref, res, fp64_ref, tol=config.repro_tolerance, equal_nan=True) return passing def cast_convert_element_type_to_fp64(model): for node in model.graph.nodes: if ( node.op == "call_function" and == torch.ops.prims.convert_element_type.default ): assert len(node.args) == 2 if is_float_dtype(node.args[1]) and node.args[1] != torch.float64: node.args = (node.args[0], torch.float64) model.graph.lint() model.recompile() return model def cast_to(dtype, model, inputs): from torch.utils._pytree import tree_map model = if dtype == torch.float64: # If casting to fp64 for accuracy comparison, we need to # take care of convert_element_type explicitly model = cast_convert_element_type_to_fp64(model) inputs = tree_map( lambda x: if isinstance(x, torch.Tensor) and x.is_floating_point() else x, inputs, ) return model, inputs def cast_to_fp64(model, inputs): return cast_to(torch.float64, model, inputs) def generate_dynamo_fx_repro_string( model_str, args, compiler_name, check_accuracy=False ): """ Generate a repro string for backend-agnostic minified version. """ run_code = textwrap.dedent( f""" with torch.cuda.amp.autocast(enabled={torch.is_autocast_enabled()}): ref = run_fwd_maybe_bwd(mod, args) res = run_fwd_maybe_bwd(opt_mod, args) """ ) if config.repro_level == 4 or check_accuracy: run_code = textwrap.dedent( f""" mod.eval() opt_mod.eval() class AccuracyError(Exception): pass with torch.cuda.amp.autocast(enabled={torch.is_autocast_enabled()}): assert same_two_models(mod, mod, args), "Eager itself failed" if not same_two_models(mod, opt_mod, args): raise AccuracyError("Dynamo failed") """ ) return textwrap.dedent( f""" from math import inf import torch from torch import tensor, device import torch.fx as fx import torch._dynamo from torch._dynamo.testing import rand_strided from torch._dynamo.debug_utils import run_fwd_maybe_bwd from torch._dynamo.debug_utils import same_two_models {generate_config_string()} {TEST_REPLACEABLE_COMMENT} {extra_imports} args = {[(tuple(a.shape), tuple(a.stride()), a.dtype, a.device.type, a.requires_grad) for a in args]} args = [rand_strided(sh, st, dt, dev).requires_grad_(rg) for (sh, st, dt, dev, rg) in args] {model_str} mod = Repro() opt_mod = torch._dynamo.optimize("{compiler_name}")(mod) {run_code} """ ) def dump_backend_repro_as_file(gm, args, compiler_name, check_accuracy=False): """ Saves the repro to a file """ curdir = os.getcwd() subdir = os.path.join(os.getcwd(), "checkpoints") if not os.path.exists(subdir): os.makedirs(subdir, exist_ok=True) file_name = os.path.join(subdir, f"minified_{len(gm.graph.nodes)}") log.warning(f"Writing checkpoint with {len(gm.graph.nodes)} nodes to {file_name}") model_str = NNModuleToString.convert(gm) with open(file_name, "w") as fd: fd.write( generate_dynamo_fx_repro_string( model_str, args, compiler_name, check_accuracy ) ) latest_repro = os.path.join(curdir, "") log.warning(f"Copying {file_name} to {latest_repro} for convenience") if use_buck: BuckTargetWriter(latest_repro).write() shutil.copyfile(file_name, latest_repro) # TODO - Commented because we are assuming that nn.Modules can be safely repr'd # If that does not work, we might have to bring this code back. So, keeping it # as it is for now. # def dump_backend_repro_as_tarfile(gm, args, compiler_name): # """ # Saves the repro in repro.tar.gz, as opposed to a file. This is used for # cases, where we can't convert a Fx GraphModule to a string, and therefore # fallback to to_folder for serialization. We accompany this with a # script that imports the saved module, sets it up and runs the model to repro # the error. # """ # import tarfile # subdir = os.path.join(minifier_dir(), "checkpoints") # if not os.path.exists(subdir): # os.makedirs(subdir, exist_ok=True) # tmp_dir = os.path.join(subdir, f"{len(gm.graph.nodes)}") # if os.path.exists(tmp_dir): # shutil.rmtree(tmp_dir) # os.makedirs(tmp_dir, exist_ok=True) # file_name = os.path.join(tmp_dir, "") # gm_dir = os.path.join(tmp_dir, "module") # if not os.path.exists(gm_dir): # os.makedirs(gm_dir, exist_ok=True) # for node in gm.graph.nodes: # new_kwargs = {} # for k, v in node.kwargs.items(): # if isinstance(v, torch.device): # v = v.type # new_kwargs[k] = v # node.kwargs = new_kwargs # gm.recompile() # print(f"Writing checkpoint with {len(gm.graph.nodes)} nodes to {file_name}") # with open(file_name, "w") as fd: # # TODO - Add the readable version of to_folder when available # gm.to_folder(gm_dir, "Repro") # fd.write( # generate_dynamo_fx_repro_string( # "from module import Repro", args, compiler_name # ) # ) # local_dir = os.path.join(config.base_dir, "repro") # if os.path.exists(local_dir): # shutil.rmtree(local_dir) # shutil.copytree(tmp_dir, local_dir) # local_tar_file = os.path.join(config.base_dir, "repro.tar.gz") # print(f"Writing checkpoint with {len(gm.graph.nodes)} locally to {local_tar_file}") # with, "w:gz") as tar: # tar.add(local_dir, arcname=os.path.basename(local_dir)) def dump_backend_state(gm, args, compiler_name, check_accuracy=False): """ Dumps the dynamo graph to repro the issue. 1) It tries to convert Fx GraphModule to a string. If we can, it writes to a file. 2) If we can't convert Fx GraphModule to a string, we use to_folder to save the module and save a tar file. """ assert NNModuleToString.can_convert_to_string(gm) return dump_backend_repro_as_file(gm, args, compiler_name, check_accuracy) # return dump_backend_repro_as_tarfile(gm, args, compiler_name) def backend_accuracy_fails(gm, example_inputs, compiler_fn, only_fwd=False): try: compiled_gm = compiler_fn(copy.deepcopy(gm), clone_inputs(example_inputs)) except Exception as e: # This means that the the minified graph is bad/exposes a different problem. # As we are checking accuracy here, lets log the exception and return False. log.exception( ( "While minifying the program in accuracy minification mode, " "ran into a runtime exception which is likely an unrelated issue." " Skipping this graph" ) ) return False return not same_two_models(gm, compiled_gm, example_inputs, only_fwd) backend_aot_accuracy_fails = functools.partial(backend_accuracy_fails, only_fwd=True) # Please see NOTE: [Real Tensors in Accuracy Evaluation] MINIFIER_SPAWNED = False def backend_fails(gm, example_inputs, compiler_fn, orig_failure): """ Minifier uses this function to identify if the minified graph module fails with the same error. One caveat is that minifier can potentially go into a wrong direction when the resulting graph module fails for a different reason. To avoid this, we save the string for the original exception and check similarity between new and old exception. They can be somewhat different in some cases, when the exception string depends on the failing node information. So, we have a loose similarity metric to guide the minifier path. """ from difflib import SequenceMatcher try: compiled_gm = compiler_fn(gm, example_inputs) run_fwd_maybe_bwd(compiled_gm, clone_inputs(example_inputs)) return False except Exception as e: new_failure = str(e) if SequenceMatcher(None, orig_failure, new_failure).ratio() > 0.5: return True return False def dump_to_minify_after_dynamo(gm, args, compiler_name): model_str = NNModuleToString.convert(gm) minifier_backend = "dynamo_minifier_backend" if config.repro_level == 4: minifier_backend = "dynamo_accuracy_minifier_backend" custom_compiler_error = ( textwrap.dedent( """\ raise RuntimeError( 'Compiler name is None - this likely means that a custom compiler ' 'was called by torchdynamo. Please remove this error, import your ' 'custom compiler function, and replace the compiler_name="None" ' 'line below to compiler_name=' ) """ ) if compiler_name is None else "" ) contents = textwrap.dedent( f""" import os from math import inf import torch from torch import tensor, device import torch.fx as fx import functools import torch._dynamo from torch._dynamo.debug_utils import run_fwd_maybe_bwd from torch._dynamo.backends.registry import lookup_backend from torch._dynamo.testing import rand_strided {generate_config_string()} {TEST_REPLACEABLE_COMMENT} {extra_imports} args = {[(tuple(a.shape), tuple(a.stride()), a.dtype, a.device.type, a.requires_grad) for a in args]} args = [rand_strided(sh, st, dt, dev).requires_grad_(rg) for (sh, st, dt, dev, rg) in args] {model_str} mod = Repro() # Setup debug minifier compiler torch._dynamo.debug_utils.MINIFIER_SPAWNED = True compiler_fn = lookup_backend("{minifier_backend}") {custom_compiler_error} dynamo_minifier_backend = functools.partial( compiler_fn, compiler_name="{compiler_name}", ) opt_mod = torch._dynamo.optimize(dynamo_minifier_backend)(mod) with torch.cuda.amp.autocast(enabled={torch.is_autocast_enabled()}): opt_mod(*args) """ ) helper_for_dump_minify(contents) def wrap_backend_debug(unconfigured_compiler_fn, compiler_name: str): """ A minifier decorator that wraps the TorchDynamo produced Fx graph modules. As opposed to wrap_compiler_debug, this wrapper intercepts at the TorchDynamo produced Fx Graph Module. This makes it backend-agnostic to some level, e.g., it is useful for minifying issues related to Aot Autograd tracing. If an error is found, we minify and save the minified repro in repro.tar.gz. """ @functools.wraps(unconfigured_compiler_fn) def debug_wrapper(gm, example_inputs, **kwargs): compiler_fn = functools.partial(unconfigured_compiler_fn, **kwargs) assert config.repro_after in ("dynamo", "aot", None) if config.repro_after == "dynamo": if config.repro_level == 3: dump_to_minify_after_dynamo(gm, example_inputs, compiler_name) # Check for either accuracy (level 4) or other type of failures. if config.repro_level == 4: # Check Accuracy compiled_gm = compiler_fn(copy.deepcopy(gm), example_inputs) if backend_accuracy_fails(gm, example_inputs, compiler_fn): log.warning( "Accuracy failed for the TorchDyanmo produced graph. Creating script to minify the error." ) dump_to_minify_after_dynamo( fx.GraphModule(gm, copy.deepcopy(gm.graph)), example_inputs, compiler_name, ) exc = AccuracyError("Bad accuracy detected.") exc.minifier_path = os.path.join( minifier_dir(), "" ) raise exc else: try: compiled_gm = compiler_fn(copy.deepcopy(gm), example_inputs) run_fwd_maybe_bwd(compiled_gm, example_inputs) except Exception as exc: log.warning( "Compiled Fx GraphModule failed. Creating script to minify the error." ) if config.repro_level == 1: dump_state_fn = functools.partial( dump_backend_state, compiler_name=compiler_name ) dump_state_fn( fx.GraphModule(gm, copy.deepcopy(gm.graph)), example_inputs ) elif config.repro_level == 2: dump_to_minify_after_dynamo( fx.GraphModule(gm, copy.deepcopy(gm.graph)), example_inputs, compiler_name, ) exc.minifier_path = os.path.join( minifier_dir(), "" ) raise else: compiled_gm = compiler_fn(gm, example_inputs) return compiled_gm debug_wrapper._torchdynamo_orig_callable = unconfigured_compiler_fn return debug_wrapper @register_debug_backend def dynamo_minifier_backend(gm, example_inputs, compiler_name): from functorch.compile import minifier compiler_fn = lookup_backend(compiler_name) try: compiled_gm = compiler_fn(gm, example_inputs) run_fwd_maybe_bwd(compiled_gm, example_inputs) raise ValueError("No issue was detected") except Exception as exc: orig_failure = str(exc) log.warning( "Compiled Fx GraphModule failed. Creating script to minify the error." ) dump_state_fn = functools.partial( dump_backend_state, compiler_name=compiler_name ) dump_state_fn(fx.GraphModule(gm, copy.deepcopy(gm.graph)), example_inputs) fails_fn = functools.partial( backend_fails, compiler_fn=compiler_fn, orig_failure=orig_failure, ) minifier( gm, example_inputs, module_fails=fails_fn, dump_state=dump_state_fn, ) return gm @register_debug_backend def dynamo_accuracy_minifier_backend(gm, example_inputs, compiler_name): from functorch.compile import minifier compiler_fn = lookup_backend(compiler_name) # Set the eval mode to remove randomness. gm.eval() # Check Accuracy if backend_accuracy_fails( gm, example_inputs, compiler_fn, only_fwd=config.repro_forward_only ): log.warning("Accuracy failed for the TorchDynamo produced graph") dump_state_fn = functools.partial( dump_backend_state, compiler_name=compiler_name, check_accuracy=True ) fails_fn = functools.partial( backend_accuracy_fails, compiler_fn=compiler_fn, only_fwd=config.repro_forward_only, ) dump_state_fn(fx.GraphModule(gm, copy.deepcopy(gm.graph)), example_inputs) minifier( gm, example_inputs, module_fails=fails_fn, dump_state=dump_state_fn, ) else: log.error("Input graph does not fail accuracy testing") return gm