import dataclasses import dis import itertools import sys import types from typing import Any, Dict, List, Optional, Tuple from .bytecode_analysis import ( propagate_line_nums, remove_extra_line_nums, stacksize_analysis, ) @dataclasses.dataclass class Instruction: """A mutable version of dis.Instruction""" opcode: int opname: str arg: Optional[int] argval: Any offset: Optional[int] = None starts_line: Optional[int] = None is_jump_target: bool = False # extra fields to make modification easier: target: Optional["Instruction"] = None def __hash__(self): return id(self) def __eq__(self, other): return id(self) == id(other) def convert_instruction(i: dis.Instruction): return Instruction( i.opcode, i.opname, i.arg, i.argval, i.offset, i.starts_line, i.is_jump_target, ) class _NotProvided: pass def create_instruction(name, arg=None, argval=_NotProvided, target=None): if argval is _NotProvided: argval = arg return Instruction( opcode=dis.opmap[name], opname=name, arg=arg, argval=argval, target=target ) # Python 3.11 remaps def create_jump_absolute(target): inst = "JUMP_FORWARD" if sys.version_info >= (3, 11) else "JUMP_ABSOLUTE" return create_instruction(inst, target=target) def create_dup_top(): if sys.version_info >= (3, 11): return create_instruction("COPY", 1) return create_instruction("DUP_TOP") def create_rot_n(n): """ Returns a "simple" sequence of instructions that rotates TOS to the n-th position in the stack. For Python < 3.11, returns a single ROT_* instruction. If no such instruction exists, an error is raised and the caller is expected to generate an equivalent sequence of instructions. For Python >= 3.11, any rotation can be expressed as a simple sequence of swaps. """ if n <= 1: # don't rotate return [] if sys.version_info >= (3, 11): # rotate can be expressed as a sequence of swap operations # e.g. rotate 3 is equivalent to swap 3, swap 2 return [create_instruction("SWAP", i) for i in range(n, 1, -1)] # ensure desired rotate function exists if sys.version_info < (3, 8) and n >= 4: raise AttributeError(f"rotate {n} not supported for Python < 3.8") if sys.version_info < (3, 10) and n >= 5: raise AttributeError(f"rotate {n} not supported for Python < 3.10") if n <= 4: return [create_instruction("ROT_" + ["TWO", "THREE", "FOUR"][n - 2])] return [create_instruction("ROT_N", n)] def lnotab_writer(lineno, byteno=0): """ Used to create typing.CodeType.co_lnotab See This is the internal format of the line number table if Python < 3.10 """ assert sys.version_info < (3, 10) lnotab = [] def update(lineno_new, byteno_new): nonlocal byteno, lineno while byteno_new != byteno or lineno_new != lineno: byte_offset = max(0, min(byteno_new - byteno, 255)) line_offset = max(-128, min(lineno_new - lineno, 127)) assert byte_offset != 0 or line_offset != 0 byteno += byte_offset lineno += line_offset lnotab.extend((byte_offset, line_offset & 0xFF)) return lnotab, update def linetable_writer(first_lineno): """ Used to create typing.CodeType.co_linetable See This is the internal format of the line number table if Python >= 3.10 """ assert sys.version_info >= (3, 10) linetable = [] lineno = first_lineno lineno_delta = 0 byteno = 0 def _update(byteno_delta, lineno_delta): while byteno_delta != 0 or lineno_delta != 0: byte_offset = max(0, min(byteno_delta, 254)) line_offset = max(-127, min(lineno_delta, 127)) assert byte_offset != 0 or line_offset != 0 byteno_delta -= byte_offset lineno_delta -= line_offset linetable.extend((byte_offset, line_offset & 0xFF)) def update(lineno_new, byteno_new): nonlocal lineno, lineno_delta, byteno byteno_delta = byteno_new - byteno byteno = byteno_new _update(byteno_delta, lineno_delta) lineno_delta = lineno_new - lineno lineno = lineno_new def end(total_bytes): _update(total_bytes - byteno, lineno_delta) return linetable, update, end def assemble(instructions: List[Instruction], firstlineno): """Do the opposite of dis.get_instructions()""" code = [] if sys.version_info < (3, 10): lnotab, update_lineno = lnotab_writer(firstlineno) else: lnotab, update_lineno, end = linetable_writer(firstlineno) for inst in instructions: if inst.starts_line is not None: update_lineno(inst.starts_line, len(code)) arg = inst.arg or 0 code.extend((inst.opcode, arg & 0xFF)) if sys.version_info >= (3, 11): for _ in range(instruction_size(inst) // 2 - 1): code.extend((0, 0)) if sys.version_info >= (3, 10): end(len(code)) return bytes(code), bytes(lnotab) def virtualize_jumps(instructions): """Replace jump targets with pointers to make editing easier""" jump_targets = {inst.offset: inst for inst in instructions} for inst in instructions: if inst.opcode in dis.hasjabs or inst.opcode in dis.hasjrel: for offset in (0, 2, 4, 6): if jump_targets[inst.argval + offset].opcode != dis.EXTENDED_ARG: = jump_targets[inst.argval + offset] break _REL_JUMPS = set(dis.hasjrel) def flip_jump_direction(instruction): if sys.version_info < (3, 11): raise RuntimeError("Cannot flip jump direction in Python < 3.11") if "FORWARD" in instruction.opname: instruction.opname = instruction.opname.replace("FORWARD", "BACKWARD") elif "BACKWARD" in instruction.opname: instruction.opname = instruction.opname.replace("BACKWARD", "FORWARD") else: raise AttributeError("Instruction is not a forward or backward jump") instruction.opcode = dis.opmap[instruction.opname] assert instruction.opcode in _REL_JUMPS def devirtualize_jumps(instructions): """Fill in args for virtualized jump target after instructions may have moved""" indexof = {id(inst): i for i, inst, in enumerate(instructions)} jumps = set(dis.hasjabs).union(set(dis.hasjrel)) for inst in instructions: if inst.opcode in jumps: target = target_index = indexof[id(target)] for offset in (1, 2, 3): if ( target_index >= offset and instructions[target_index - offset].opcode == dis.EXTENDED_ARG ): target = instructions[target_index - offset] else: break if inst.opcode in dis.hasjabs: if sys.version_info < (3, 10): inst.arg = target.offset elif sys.version_info < (3, 11): # `arg` is expected to be bytecode offset, whereas `offset` is byte offset. # Divide since bytecode is 2 bytes large. inst.arg = int(target.offset / 2) else: raise RuntimeError("Python 3.11+ should not have absolute jumps") else: # relative jump # byte offset between target and next instruction inst.arg = int(target.offset - inst.offset - instruction_size(inst)) if inst.arg < 0: if sys.version_info < (3, 11): raise RuntimeError("Got negative jump offset for Python < 3.11") inst.arg = -inst.arg # forward jumps become backward if "FORWARD" in inst.opname: flip_jump_direction(inst) elif inst.arg > 0: # backward jumps become forward if sys.version_info >= (3, 11) and "BACKWARD" in inst.opname: flip_jump_direction(inst) if sys.version_info >= (3, 10): # see bytecode size comment in the absolute jump case above inst.arg //= 2 inst.argval = target.offset inst.argrepr = f"to {target.offset}" def strip_extended_args(instructions: List[Instruction]): instructions[:] = [i for i in instructions if i.opcode != dis.EXTENDED_ARG] def remove_load_call_method(instructions: List[Instruction]): """LOAD_METHOD puts a NULL on the stack which causes issues, so remove it""" rewrites = {"LOAD_METHOD": "LOAD_ATTR", "CALL_METHOD": "CALL_FUNCTION"} for inst in instructions: if inst.opname in rewrites: inst.opname = rewrites[inst.opname] inst.opcode = dis.opmap[inst.opname] return instructions def explicit_super(code: types.CodeType, instructions: List[Instruction]): """convert super() with no args into explict arg form""" cell_and_free = (code.co_cellvars or tuple()) + (code.co_freevars or tuple()) output = [] for idx, inst in enumerate(instructions): output.append(inst) if inst.opname == "LOAD_GLOBAL" and inst.argval == "super": nexti = instructions[idx + 1] if nexti.opname == "CALL_FUNCTION" and nexti.arg == 0: assert "__class__" in cell_and_free output.append( create_instruction( "LOAD_DEREF", cell_and_free.index("__class__"), "__class__" ) ) first_var = code.co_varnames[0] if first_var in cell_and_free: output.append( create_instruction( "LOAD_DEREF", cell_and_free.index(first_var), first_var ) ) else: output.append(create_instruction("LOAD_FAST", 0, first_var)) nexti.arg = 2 nexti.argval = 2 instructions[:] = output def fix_extended_args(instructions: List[Instruction]): """Fill in correct argvals for EXTENDED_ARG ops""" output = [] def maybe_pop_n(n): for _ in range(n): if output and output[-1].opcode == dis.EXTENDED_ARG: output.pop() for i, inst in enumerate(instructions): if inst.opcode == dis.EXTENDED_ARG: # Leave this instruction alone for now so we never shrink code inst.arg = 0 elif inst.arg and inst.arg > 0xFFFFFF: maybe_pop_n(3) output.append(create_instruction("EXTENDED_ARG", inst.arg >> 24)) output.append(create_instruction("EXTENDED_ARG", inst.arg >> 16)) output.append(create_instruction("EXTENDED_ARG", inst.arg >> 8)) elif inst.arg and inst.arg > 0xFFFF: maybe_pop_n(2) output.append(create_instruction("EXTENDED_ARG", inst.arg >> 16)) output.append(create_instruction("EXTENDED_ARG", inst.arg >> 8)) elif inst.arg and inst.arg > 0xFF: maybe_pop_n(1) output.append(create_instruction("EXTENDED_ARG", inst.arg >> 8)) output.append(inst) added = len(output) - len(instructions) assert added >= 0 instructions[:] = output return added # from # TODO use the actual object instead, can interface from eval_frame.c _PYOPCODE_CACHES = { "BINARY_SUBSCR": 4, "STORE_SUBSCR": 1, "UNPACK_SEQUENCE": 1, "STORE_ATTR": 4, "LOAD_ATTR": 4, "COMPARE_OP": 2, "LOAD_GLOBAL": 5, "BINARY_OP": 1, "LOAD_METHOD": 10, "PRECALL": 1, "CALL": 4, } def instruction_size(inst): if sys.version_info >= (3, 11): return 2 * (_PYOPCODE_CACHES.get(dis.opname[inst.opcode], 0) + 1) return 2 def check_offsets(instructions): offset = 0 for inst in instructions: assert inst.offset == offset offset += instruction_size(inst) def update_offsets(instructions): offset = 0 for inst in instructions: inst.offset = offset offset += instruction_size(inst) def debug_bytes(*args): index = range(max(map(len, args))) result = [] for arg in ( [index] + list(args) + [[int(a != b) for a, b in zip(args[-1], args[-2])]] ): result.append(" ".join(f"{x:03}" for x in arg)) return "bytes mismatch\n" + "\n".join(result) def debug_checks(code): """Make sure our assembler produces same bytes as we start with""" dode = transform_code_object(code, lambda x, y: None, safe=True) assert code.co_code == dode.co_code, debug_bytes(code.co_code, dode.co_code) assert code.co_lnotab == dode.co_lnotab, debug_bytes(code.co_lnotab, dode.co_lnotab) HAS_LOCAL = set(dis.haslocal) HAS_NAME = set(dis.hasname) def fix_vars(instructions: List[Instruction], code_options): varnames = {name: idx for idx, name in enumerate(code_options["co_varnames"])} names = {name: idx for idx, name in enumerate(code_options["co_names"])} for i in range(len(instructions)): if instructions[i].opcode in HAS_LOCAL: instructions[i].arg = varnames[instructions[i].argval] elif instructions[i].opcode in HAS_NAME: instructions[i].arg = names[instructions[i].argval] def transform_code_object(code, transformations, safe=False): # Python 3.11 changes to code keys are not fully documented. # See # for new format. keys = ["co_argcount"] keys.append("co_posonlyargcount") keys.extend( [ "co_kwonlyargcount", "co_nlocals", "co_stacksize", "co_flags", "co_code", "co_consts", "co_names", "co_varnames", "co_filename", "co_name", ] ) if sys.version_info >= (3, 11): keys.append("co_qualname") keys.append("co_firstlineno") if sys.version_info >= (3, 10): keys.append("co_linetable") else: keys.append("co_lnotab") if sys.version_info >= (3, 11): # not documented, but introduced in keys.append("co_exceptiontable") keys.extend( [ "co_freevars", "co_cellvars", ] ) code_options = {k: getattr(code, k) for k in keys} assert len(code_options["co_varnames"]) == code_options["co_nlocals"] instructions = cleaned_instructions(code, safe) propagate_line_nums(instructions) transformations(instructions, code_options) return clean_and_assemble_instructions(instructions, keys, code_options)[1] def clean_and_assemble_instructions( instructions: List[Instruction], keys: List[str], code_options: Dict[str, Any] ) -> Tuple[List[Instruction], types.CodeType]: fix_vars(instructions, code_options) dirty = True while dirty: update_offsets(instructions) devirtualize_jumps(instructions) # this pass might change offsets, if so we need to try again dirty = fix_extended_args(instructions) remove_extra_line_nums(instructions) bytecode, lnotab = assemble(instructions, code_options["co_firstlineno"]) if sys.version_info < (3, 10): code_options["co_lnotab"] = lnotab else: code_options["co_linetable"] = lnotab code_options["co_code"] = bytecode code_options["co_nlocals"] = len(code_options["co_varnames"]) code_options["co_stacksize"] = stacksize_analysis(instructions) assert set(keys) - {"co_posonlyargcount"} == set(code_options.keys()) - { "co_posonlyargcount" } if sys.version_info >= (3, 11): # generated code doesn't contain exceptions, so leave exception table empty code_options["co_exceptiontable"] = b"" return instructions, types.CodeType(*[code_options[k] for k in keys]) def cleaned_instructions(code, safe=False): instructions = list(map(convert_instruction, dis.get_instructions(code))) check_offsets(instructions) virtualize_jumps(instructions) strip_extended_args(instructions) if not safe: remove_load_call_method(instructions) explicit_super(code, instructions) return instructions _unique_id_counter = itertools.count() def unique_id(name): return f"{name}_{next(_unique_id_counter)}" def is_generator(code: types.CodeType): co_generator = 0x20 return (code.co_flags & co_generator) > 0