import import operator from collections import defaultdict, Counter from functools import reduce import itertools from itertools import accumulate from typing import Optional, List, Tuple as tTuple import typing from sympy.core.numbers import Integer from sympy.core.relational import Equality from sympy.functions.special.tensor_functions import KroneckerDelta from sympy.core.basic import Basic from sympy.core.containers import Tuple from sympy.core.expr import Expr from sympy.core.function import (Function, Lambda) from sympy.core.mul import Mul from sympy.core.singleton import S from sympy.core.sorting import default_sort_key from sympy.core.symbol import (Dummy, Symbol) from sympy.matrices.common import MatrixCommon from sympy.matrices.expressions.diagonal import diagonalize_vector from sympy.matrices.expressions.matexpr import MatrixExpr from sympy.matrices.expressions.special import ZeroMatrix from sympy.tensor.array.arrayop import (permutedims, tensorcontraction, tensordiagonal, tensorproduct) from sympy.tensor.array.dense_ndim_array import ImmutableDenseNDimArray from sympy.tensor.array.ndim_array import NDimArray from sympy.tensor.indexed import (Indexed, IndexedBase) from sympy.matrices.expressions.matexpr import MatrixElement from sympy.tensor.array.expressions.utils import _apply_recursively_over_nested_lists, _sort_contraction_indices, \ _get_mapping_from_subranks, _build_push_indices_up_func_transformation, _get_contraction_links, \ _build_push_indices_down_func_transformation from sympy.combinatorics import Permutation from sympy.combinatorics.permutations import _af_invert from sympy.core.sympify import _sympify class _ArrayExpr(Expr): shape: tTuple[Expr, ...] def __getitem__(self, item): if not isinstance(item, item = (item,) ArrayElement._check_shape(self, item) return self._get(item) def _get(self, item): return _get_array_element_or_slice(self, item) class ArraySymbol(_ArrayExpr): """ Symbol representing an array expression """ def __new__(cls, symbol, shape: typing.Iterable) -> "ArraySymbol": if isinstance(symbol, str): symbol = Symbol(symbol) # symbol = _sympify(symbol) shape = Tuple(*map(_sympify, shape)) obj = Expr.__new__(cls, symbol, shape) return obj @property def name(self): return self._args[0] @property def shape(self): return self._args[1] def as_explicit(self): if not all(i.is_Integer for i in self.shape): raise ValueError("cannot express explicit array with symbolic shape") data = [self[i] for i in itertools.product(*[range(j) for j in self.shape])] return ImmutableDenseNDimArray(data).reshape(*self.shape) class ArrayElement(Expr): """ An element of an array. """ _diff_wrt = True is_symbol = True is_commutative = True def __new__(cls, name, indices): if isinstance(name, str): name = Symbol(name) name = _sympify(name) if not isinstance(indices, indices = (indices,) indices = _sympify(tuple(indices)) cls._check_shape(name, indices) obj = Expr.__new__(cls, name, indices) return obj @classmethod def _check_shape(cls, name, indices): indices = tuple(indices) if hasattr(name, "shape"): index_error = IndexError("number of indices does not match shape of the array") if len(indices) != len(name.shape): raise index_error if any((i >= s) == True for i, s in zip(indices, name.shape)): raise ValueError("shape is out of bounds") if any((i < 0) == True for i in indices): raise ValueError("shape contains negative values") @property def name(self): return self._args[0] @property def indices(self): return self._args[1] def _eval_derivative(self, s): if not isinstance(s, ArrayElement): return S.Zero if s == self: return S.One if != return S.Zero return Mul.fromiter(KroneckerDelta(i, j) for i, j in zip(self.indices, s.indices)) class ZeroArray(_ArrayExpr): """ Symbolic array of zeros. Equivalent to ``ZeroMatrix`` for matrices. """ def __new__(cls, *shape): if len(shape) == 0: return S.Zero shape = map(_sympify, shape) obj = Expr.__new__(cls, *shape) return obj @property def shape(self): return self._args def as_explicit(self): if not all(i.is_Integer for i in self.shape): raise ValueError("Cannot return explicit form for symbolic shape.") return ImmutableDenseNDimArray.zeros(*self.shape) def _get(self, item): return S.Zero class OneArray(_ArrayExpr): """ Symbolic array of ones. """ def __new__(cls, *shape): if len(shape) == 0: return S.One shape = map(_sympify, shape) obj = Expr.__new__(cls, *shape) return obj @property def shape(self): return self._args def as_explicit(self): if not all(i.is_Integer for i in self.shape): raise ValueError("Cannot return explicit form for symbolic shape.") return ImmutableDenseNDimArray([S.One for i in range(reduce(operator.mul, self.shape))]).reshape(*self.shape) def _get(self, item): return S.One class _CodegenArrayAbstract(Basic): @property def subranks(self): """ Returns the ranks of the objects in the uppermost tensor product inside the current object. In case no tensor products are contained, return the atomic ranks. Examples ======== >>> from sympy.tensor.array import tensorproduct, tensorcontraction >>> from sympy import MatrixSymbol >>> M = MatrixSymbol("M", 3, 3) >>> N = MatrixSymbol("N", 3, 3) >>> P = MatrixSymbol("P", 3, 3) Important: do not confuse the rank of the matrix with the rank of an array. >>> tp = tensorproduct(M, N, P) >>> tp.subranks [2, 2, 2] >>> co = tensorcontraction(tp, (1, 2), (3, 4)) >>> co.subranks [2, 2, 2] """ return self._subranks[:] def subrank(self): """ The sum of ``subranks``. """ return sum(self.subranks) @property def shape(self): return self._shape def doit(self, **hints): deep = hints.get("deep", True) if deep: return self.func(*[arg.doit(**hints) for arg in self.args])._canonicalize() else: return self._canonicalize() class ArrayTensorProduct(_CodegenArrayAbstract): r""" Class to represent the tensor product of array-like objects. """ def __new__(cls, *args, **kwargs): args = [_sympify(arg) for arg in args] canonicalize = kwargs.pop("canonicalize", False) ranks = [get_rank(arg) for arg in args] obj = Basic.__new__(cls, *args) obj._subranks = ranks shapes = [get_shape(i) for i in args] if any(i is None for i in shapes): obj._shape = None else: obj._shape = tuple(j for i in shapes for j in i) if canonicalize: return obj._canonicalize() return obj def _canonicalize(self): args = self.args args = self._flatten(args) ranks = [get_rank(arg) for arg in args] # Check if there are nested permutation and lift them up: permutation_cycles = [] for i, arg in enumerate(args): if not isinstance(arg, PermuteDims): continue permutation_cycles.extend([[k + sum(ranks[:i]) for k in j] for j in arg.permutation.cyclic_form]) args[i] = arg.expr if permutation_cycles: return _permute_dims(_array_tensor_product(*args), Permutation(sum(ranks)-1)*Permutation(permutation_cycles)) if len(args) == 1: return args[0] # If any object is a ZeroArray, return a ZeroArray: if any(isinstance(arg, (ZeroArray, ZeroMatrix)) for arg in args): shapes = reduce(operator.add, [get_shape(i) for i in args], ()) return ZeroArray(*shapes) # If there are contraction objects inside, transform the whole # expression into `ArrayContraction`: contractions = {i: arg for i, arg in enumerate(args) if isinstance(arg, ArrayContraction)} if contractions: ranks = [_get_subrank(arg) if isinstance(arg, ArrayContraction) else get_rank(arg) for arg in args] cumulative_ranks = list(accumulate([0] + ranks))[:-1] tp = _array_tensor_product(*[arg.expr if isinstance(arg, ArrayContraction) else arg for arg in args]) contraction_indices = [tuple(cumulative_ranks[i] + k for k in j) for i, arg in contractions.items() for j in arg.contraction_indices] return _array_contraction(tp, *contraction_indices) diagonals = {i: arg for i, arg in enumerate(args) if isinstance(arg, ArrayDiagonal)} if diagonals: inverse_permutation = [] last_perm = [] ranks = [get_rank(arg) for arg in args] cumulative_ranks = list(accumulate([0] + ranks))[:-1] for i, arg in enumerate(args): if isinstance(arg, ArrayDiagonal): i1 = get_rank(arg) - len(arg.diagonal_indices) i2 = len(arg.diagonal_indices) inverse_permutation.extend([cumulative_ranks[i] + j for j in range(i1)]) last_perm.extend([cumulative_ranks[i] + j for j in range(i1, i1 + i2)]) else: inverse_permutation.extend([cumulative_ranks[i] + j for j in range(get_rank(arg))]) inverse_permutation.extend(last_perm) tp = _array_tensor_product(*[arg.expr if isinstance(arg, ArrayDiagonal) else arg for arg in args]) ranks2 = [_get_subrank(arg) if isinstance(arg, ArrayDiagonal) else get_rank(arg) for arg in args] cumulative_ranks2 = list(accumulate([0] + ranks2))[:-1] diagonal_indices = [tuple(cumulative_ranks2[i] + k for k in j) for i, arg in diagonals.items() for j in arg.diagonal_indices] return _permute_dims(_array_diagonal(tp, *diagonal_indices), _af_invert(inverse_permutation)) return self.func(*args, canonicalize=False) @classmethod def _flatten(cls, args): args = [i for arg in args for i in (arg.args if isinstance(arg, cls) else [arg])] return args def as_explicit(self): return tensorproduct(*[arg.as_explicit() if hasattr(arg, "as_explicit") else arg for arg in self.args]) class ArrayAdd(_CodegenArrayAbstract): r""" Class for elementwise array additions. """ def __new__(cls, *args, **kwargs): args = [_sympify(arg) for arg in args] ranks = [get_rank(arg) for arg in args] ranks = list(set(ranks)) if len(ranks) != 1: raise ValueError("summing arrays of different ranks") shapes = [arg.shape for arg in args] if len({i for i in shapes if i is not None}) > 1: raise ValueError("mismatching shapes in addition") canonicalize = kwargs.pop("canonicalize", False) obj = Basic.__new__(cls, *args) obj._subranks = ranks if any(i is None for i in shapes): obj._shape = None else: obj._shape = shapes[0] if canonicalize: return obj._canonicalize() return obj def _canonicalize(self): args = self.args # Flatten: args = self._flatten_args(args) shapes = [get_shape(arg) for arg in args] args = [arg for arg in args if not isinstance(arg, (ZeroArray, ZeroMatrix))] if len(args) == 0: if any(i for i in shapes if i is None): raise NotImplementedError("cannot handle addition of ZeroMatrix/ZeroArray and undefined shape object") return ZeroArray(*shapes[0]) elif len(args) == 1: return args[0] return self.func(*args, canonicalize=False) @classmethod def _flatten_args(cls, args): new_args = [] for arg in args: if isinstance(arg, ArrayAdd): new_args.extend(arg.args) else: new_args.append(arg) return new_args def as_explicit(self): return reduce( operator.add, [arg.as_explicit() if hasattr(arg, "as_explicit") else arg for arg in self.args]) class PermuteDims(_CodegenArrayAbstract): r""" Class to represent permutation of axes of arrays. Examples ======== >>> from sympy.tensor.array import permutedims >>> from sympy import MatrixSymbol >>> M = MatrixSymbol("M", 3, 3) >>> cg = permutedims(M, [1, 0]) The object ``cg`` represents the transposition of ``M``, as the permutation ``[1, 0]`` will act on its indices by switching them: `M_{ij} \Rightarrow M_{ji}` This is evident when transforming back to matrix form: >>> from sympy.tensor.array.expressions.from_array_to_matrix import convert_array_to_matrix >>> convert_array_to_matrix(cg) M.T >>> N = MatrixSymbol("N", 3, 2) >>> cg = permutedims(N, [1, 0]) >>> cg.shape (2, 3) There are optional parameters that can be used as alternative to the permutation: >>> from sympy.tensor.array.expressions import ArraySymbol, PermuteDims >>> M = ArraySymbol("M", (1, 2, 3, 4, 5)) >>> expr = PermuteDims(M, index_order_old="ijklm", index_order_new="kijml") >>> expr PermuteDims(M, (0 2 1)(3 4)) >>> expr.shape (3, 1, 2, 5, 4) Permutations of tensor products are simplified in order to achieve a standard form: >>> from sympy.tensor.array import tensorproduct >>> M = MatrixSymbol("M", 4, 5) >>> tp = tensorproduct(M, N) >>> tp.shape (4, 5, 3, 2) >>> perm1 = permutedims(tp, [2, 3, 1, 0]) The args ``(M, N)`` have been sorted and the permutation has been simplified, the expression is equivalent: >>> perm1.expr.args (N, M) >>> perm1.shape (3, 2, 5, 4) >>> perm1.permutation (2 3) The permutation in its array form has been simplified from ``[2, 3, 1, 0]`` to ``[0, 1, 3, 2]``, as the arguments of the tensor product `M` and `N` have been switched: >>> perm1.permutation.array_form [0, 1, 3, 2] We can nest a second permutation: >>> perm2 = permutedims(perm1, [1, 0, 2, 3]) >>> perm2.shape (2, 3, 5, 4) >>> perm2.permutation.array_form [1, 0, 3, 2] """ def __new__(cls, expr, permutation=None, index_order_old=None, index_order_new=None, **kwargs): from sympy.combinatorics import Permutation expr = _sympify(expr) expr_rank = get_rank(expr) permutation = cls._get_permutation_from_arguments(permutation, index_order_old, index_order_new, expr_rank) permutation = Permutation(permutation) permutation_size = permutation.size if permutation_size != expr_rank: raise ValueError("Permutation size must be the length of the shape of expr") canonicalize = kwargs.pop("canonicalize", False) obj = Basic.__new__(cls, expr, permutation) obj._subranks = [get_rank(expr)] shape = get_shape(expr) if shape is None: obj._shape = None else: obj._shape = tuple(shape[permutation(i)] for i in range(len(shape))) if canonicalize: return obj._canonicalize() return obj def _canonicalize(self): expr = self.expr permutation = self.permutation if isinstance(expr, PermuteDims): subexpr = expr.expr subperm = expr.permutation permutation = permutation * subperm expr = subexpr if isinstance(expr, ArrayContraction): expr, permutation = self._PermuteDims_denestarg_ArrayContraction(expr, permutation) if isinstance(expr, ArrayTensorProduct): expr, permutation = self._PermuteDims_denestarg_ArrayTensorProduct(expr, permutation) if isinstance(expr, (ZeroArray, ZeroMatrix)): return ZeroArray(*[expr.shape[i] for i in permutation.array_form]) plist = permutation.array_form if plist == sorted(plist): return expr return self.func(expr, permutation, canonicalize=False) @property def expr(self): return self.args[0] @property def permutation(self): return self.args[1] @classmethod def _PermuteDims_denestarg_ArrayTensorProduct(cls, expr, permutation): # Get the permutation in its image-form: perm_image_form = _af_invert(permutation.array_form) args = list(expr.args) # Starting index global position for every arg: cumul = list(accumulate([0] + expr.subranks)) # Split `perm_image_form` into a list of list corresponding to the indices # of every argument: perm_image_form_in_components = [perm_image_form[cumul[i]:cumul[i+1]] for i in range(len(args))] # Create an index, target-position-key array: ps = [(i, sorted(comp)) for i, comp in enumerate(perm_image_form_in_components)] # Sort the array according to the target-position-key: # In this way, we define a canonical way to sort the arguments according # to the permutation. ps.sort(key=lambda x: x[1]) # Read the inverse-permutation (i.e. image-form) of the args: perm_args_image_form = [i[0] for i in ps] # Apply the args-permutation to the `args`: args_sorted = [args[i] for i in perm_args_image_form] # Apply the args-permutation to the array-form of the permutation of the axes (of `expr`): perm_image_form_sorted_args = [perm_image_form_in_components[i] for i in perm_args_image_form] new_permutation = Permutation(_af_invert([j for i in perm_image_form_sorted_args for j in i])) return _array_tensor_product(*args_sorted), new_permutation @classmethod def _PermuteDims_denestarg_ArrayContraction(cls, expr, permutation): if not isinstance(expr, ArrayContraction): return expr, permutation if not isinstance(expr.expr, ArrayTensorProduct): return expr, permutation args = expr.expr.args subranks = [get_rank(arg) for arg in expr.expr.args] contraction_indices = expr.contraction_indices contraction_indices_flat = [j for i in contraction_indices for j in i] cumul = list(accumulate([0] + subranks)) # Spread the permutation in its array form across the args in the corresponding # tensor-product arguments with free indices: permutation_array_blocks_up = [] image_form = _af_invert(permutation.array_form) counter = 0 for i, e in enumerate(subranks): current = [] for j in range(cumul[i], cumul[i+1]): if j in contraction_indices_flat: continue current.append(image_form[counter]) counter += 1 permutation_array_blocks_up.append(current) # Get the map of axis repositioning for every argument of tensor-product: index_blocks = [list(range(cumul[i], cumul[i+1])) for i, e in enumerate(expr.subranks)] index_blocks_up = expr._push_indices_up(expr.contraction_indices, index_blocks) inverse_permutation = permutation**(-1) index_blocks_up_permuted = [[inverse_permutation(j) for j in i if j is not None] for i in index_blocks_up] # Sorting key is a list of tuple, first element is the index of `args`, second element of # the tuple is the sorting key to sort `args` of the tensor product: sorting_keys = list(enumerate(index_blocks_up_permuted)) sorting_keys.sort(key=lambda x: x[1]) # Now we can get the permutation acting on the args in its image-form: new_perm_image_form = [i[0] for i in sorting_keys] # Apply the args-level permutation to various elements: new_index_blocks = [index_blocks[i] for i in new_perm_image_form] new_index_perm_array_form = _af_invert([j for i in new_index_blocks for j in i]) new_args = [args[i] for i in new_perm_image_form] new_contraction_indices = [tuple(new_index_perm_array_form[j] for j in i) for i in contraction_indices] new_expr = _array_contraction(_array_tensor_product(*new_args), *new_contraction_indices) new_permutation = Permutation(_af_invert([j for i in [permutation_array_blocks_up[k] for k in new_perm_image_form] for j in i])) return new_expr, new_permutation @classmethod def _check_permutation_mapping(cls, expr, permutation): subranks = expr.subranks index2arg = [i for i, arg in enumerate(expr.args) for j in range(expr.subranks[i])] permuted_indices = [permutation(i) for i in range(expr.subrank())] new_args = list(expr.args) arg_candidate_index = index2arg[permuted_indices[0]] current_indices = [] new_permutation = [] inserted_arg_cand_indices = set() for i, idx in enumerate(permuted_indices): if index2arg[idx] != arg_candidate_index: new_permutation.extend(current_indices) current_indices = [] arg_candidate_index = index2arg[idx] current_indices.append(idx) arg_candidate_rank = subranks[arg_candidate_index] if len(current_indices) == arg_candidate_rank: new_permutation.extend(sorted(current_indices)) local_current_indices = [j - min(current_indices) for j in current_indices] i1 = index2arg[i] new_args[i1] = _permute_dims(new_args[i1], Permutation(local_current_indices)) inserted_arg_cand_indices.add(arg_candidate_index) current_indices = [] new_permutation.extend(current_indices) # TODO: swap args positions in order to simplify the expression: # TODO: this should be in a function args_positions = list(range(len(new_args))) # Get possible shifts: maps = {} cumulative_subranks = [0] + list(accumulate(subranks)) for i in range(len(subranks)): s = {index2arg[new_permutation[j]] for j in range(cumulative_subranks[i], cumulative_subranks[i+1])} if len(s) != 1: continue elem = next(iter(s)) if i != elem: maps[i] = elem # Find cycles in the map: lines = [] current_line = [] while maps: if len(current_line) == 0: k, v = maps.popitem() current_line.append(k) else: k = current_line[-1] if k not in maps: current_line = [] continue v = maps.pop(k) if v in current_line: lines.append(current_line) current_line = [] continue current_line.append(v) for line in lines: for i, e in enumerate(line): args_positions[line[(i + 1) % len(line)]] = e # TODO: function in order to permute the args: permutation_blocks = [[new_permutation[cumulative_subranks[i] + j] for j in range(e)] for i, e in enumerate(subranks)] new_args = [new_args[i] for i in args_positions] new_permutation_blocks = [permutation_blocks[i] for i in args_positions] new_permutation2 = [j for i in new_permutation_blocks for j in i] return _array_tensor_product(*new_args), Permutation(new_permutation2) # **(-1) @classmethod def _check_if_there_are_closed_cycles(cls, expr, permutation): args = list(expr.args) subranks = expr.subranks cyclic_form = permutation.cyclic_form cumulative_subranks = [0] + list(accumulate(subranks)) cyclic_min = [min(i) for i in cyclic_form] cyclic_max = [max(i) for i in cyclic_form] cyclic_keep = [] for i, cycle in enumerate(cyclic_form): flag = True for j in range(len(cumulative_subranks) - 1): if cyclic_min[i] >= cumulative_subranks[j] and cyclic_max[i] < cumulative_subranks[j+1]: # Found a sinkable cycle. args[j] = _permute_dims(args[j], Permutation([[k - cumulative_subranks[j] for k in cyclic_form[i]]])) flag = False break if flag: cyclic_keep.append(cyclic_form[i]) return _array_tensor_product(*args), Permutation(cyclic_keep, size=permutation.size) def nest_permutation(self): r""" DEPRECATED. """ ret = self._nest_permutation(self.expr, self.permutation) if ret is None: return self return ret @classmethod def _nest_permutation(cls, expr, permutation): if isinstance(expr, ArrayTensorProduct): return _permute_dims(*cls._check_if_there_are_closed_cycles(expr, permutation)) elif isinstance(expr, ArrayContraction): # Invert tree hierarchy: put the contraction above. cycles = permutation.cyclic_form newcycles = ArrayContraction._convert_outer_indices_to_inner_indices(expr, *cycles) newpermutation = Permutation(newcycles) new_contr_indices = [tuple(newpermutation(j) for j in i) for i in expr.contraction_indices] return _array_contraction(PermuteDims(expr.expr, newpermutation), *new_contr_indices) elif isinstance(expr, ArrayAdd): return _array_add(*[PermuteDims(arg, permutation) for arg in expr.args]) return None def as_explicit(self): expr = self.expr if hasattr(expr, "as_explicit"): expr = expr.as_explicit() return permutedims(expr, self.permutation) @classmethod def _get_permutation_from_arguments(cls, permutation, index_order_old, index_order_new, dim): if permutation is None: if index_order_new is None or index_order_old is None: raise ValueError("Permutation not defined") return PermuteDims._get_permutation_from_index_orders(index_order_old, index_order_new, dim) else: if index_order_new is not None: raise ValueError("index_order_new cannot be defined with permutation") if index_order_old is not None: raise ValueError("index_order_old cannot be defined with permutation") return permutation @classmethod def _get_permutation_from_index_orders(cls, index_order_old, index_order_new, dim): if len(set(index_order_new)) != dim: raise ValueError("wrong number of indices in index_order_new") if len(set(index_order_old)) != dim: raise ValueError("wrong number of indices in index_order_old") if len(set.symmetric_difference(set(index_order_new), set(index_order_old))) > 0: raise ValueError("index_order_new and index_order_old must have the same indices") permutation = [index_order_old.index(i) for i in index_order_new] return permutation class ArrayDiagonal(_CodegenArrayAbstract): r""" Class to represent the diagonal operator. Explanation =========== In a 2-dimensional array it returns the diagonal, this looks like the operation: `A_{ij} \rightarrow A_{ii}` The diagonal over axes 1 and 2 (the second and third) of the tensor product of two 2-dimensional arrays `A \otimes B` is `\Big[ A_{ab} B_{cd} \Big]_{abcd} \rightarrow \Big[ A_{ai} B_{id} \Big]_{adi}` In this last example the array expression has been reduced from 4-dimensional to 3-dimensional. Notice that no contraction has occurred, rather there is a new index `i` for the diagonal, contraction would have reduced the array to 2 dimensions. Notice that the diagonalized out dimensions are added as new dimensions at the end of the indices. """ def __new__(cls, expr, *diagonal_indices, **kwargs): expr = _sympify(expr) diagonal_indices = [Tuple(*sorted(i)) for i in diagonal_indices] canonicalize = kwargs.get("canonicalize", False) shape = get_shape(expr) if shape is not None: cls._validate(expr, *diagonal_indices, **kwargs) # Get new shape: positions, shape = cls._get_positions_shape(shape, diagonal_indices) else: positions = None if len(diagonal_indices) == 0: return expr obj = Basic.__new__(cls, expr, *diagonal_indices) obj._positions = positions obj._subranks = _get_subranks(expr) obj._shape = shape if canonicalize: return obj._canonicalize() return obj def _canonicalize(self): expr = self.expr diagonal_indices = self.diagonal_indices trivial_diags = [i for i in diagonal_indices if len(i) == 1] if len(trivial_diags) > 0: trivial_pos = {e[0]: i for i, e in enumerate(diagonal_indices) if len(e) == 1} diag_pos = {e: i for i, e in enumerate(diagonal_indices) if len(e) > 1} diagonal_indices_short = [i for i in diagonal_indices if len(i) > 1] rank1 = get_rank(self) rank2 = len(diagonal_indices) rank3 = rank1 - rank2 inv_permutation = [] counter1 = 0 indices_down = ArrayDiagonal._push_indices_down(diagonal_indices_short, list(range(rank1)), get_rank(expr)) for i in indices_down: if i in trivial_pos: inv_permutation.append(rank3 + trivial_pos[i]) elif isinstance(i, (Integer, int)): inv_permutation.append(counter1) counter1 += 1 else: inv_permutation.append(rank3 + diag_pos[i]) permutation = _af_invert(inv_permutation) if len(diagonal_indices_short) > 0: return _permute_dims(_array_diagonal(expr, *diagonal_indices_short), permutation) else: return _permute_dims(expr, permutation) if isinstance(expr, ArrayAdd): return self._ArrayDiagonal_denest_ArrayAdd(expr, *diagonal_indices) if isinstance(expr, ArrayDiagonal): return self._ArrayDiagonal_denest_ArrayDiagonal(expr, *diagonal_indices) if isinstance(expr, PermuteDims): return self._ArrayDiagonal_denest_PermuteDims(expr, *diagonal_indices) if isinstance(expr, (ZeroArray, ZeroMatrix)): positions, shape = self._get_positions_shape(expr.shape, diagonal_indices) return ZeroArray(*shape) return self.func(expr, *diagonal_indices, canonicalize=False) @staticmethod def _validate(expr, *diagonal_indices, **kwargs): # Check that no diagonalization happens on indices with mismatched # dimensions: shape = get_shape(expr) for i in diagonal_indices: if any(j >= len(shape) for j in i): raise ValueError("index is larger than expression shape") if len({shape[j] for j in i}) != 1: raise ValueError("diagonalizing indices of different dimensions") if not kwargs.get("allow_trivial_diags", False) and len(i) <= 1: raise ValueError("need at least two axes to diagonalize") if len(set(i)) != len(i): raise ValueError("axis index cannot be repeated") @staticmethod def _remove_trivial_dimensions(shape, *diagonal_indices): return [tuple(j for j in i) for i in diagonal_indices if shape[i[0]] != 1] @property def expr(self): return self.args[0] @property def diagonal_indices(self): return self.args[1:] @staticmethod def _flatten(expr, *outer_diagonal_indices): inner_diagonal_indices = expr.diagonal_indices all_inner = [j for i in inner_diagonal_indices for j in i] all_inner.sort() # TODO: add API for total rank and cumulative rank: total_rank = _get_subrank(expr) inner_rank = len(all_inner) outer_rank = total_rank - inner_rank shifts = [0 for i in range(outer_rank)] counter = 0 pointer = 0 for i in range(outer_rank): while pointer < inner_rank and counter >= all_inner[pointer]: counter += 1 pointer += 1 shifts[i] += pointer counter += 1 outer_diagonal_indices = tuple(tuple(shifts[j] + j for j in i) for i in outer_diagonal_indices) diagonal_indices = inner_diagonal_indices + outer_diagonal_indices return _array_diagonal(expr.expr, *diagonal_indices) @classmethod def _ArrayDiagonal_denest_ArrayAdd(cls, expr, *diagonal_indices): return _array_add(*[_array_diagonal(arg, *diagonal_indices) for arg in expr.args]) @classmethod def _ArrayDiagonal_denest_ArrayDiagonal(cls, expr, *diagonal_indices): return cls._flatten(expr, *diagonal_indices) @classmethod def _ArrayDiagonal_denest_PermuteDims(cls, expr: PermuteDims, *diagonal_indices): back_diagonal_indices = [[expr.permutation(j) for j in i] for i in diagonal_indices] nondiag = [i for i in range(get_rank(expr)) if not any(i in j for j in diagonal_indices)] back_nondiag = [expr.permutation(i) for i in nondiag] remap = {e: i for i, e in enumerate(sorted(back_nondiag))} new_permutation1 = [remap[i] for i in back_nondiag] shift = len(new_permutation1) diag_block_perm = [i + shift for i in range(len(back_diagonal_indices))] new_permutation = new_permutation1 + diag_block_perm return _permute_dims( _array_diagonal( expr.expr, *back_diagonal_indices ), new_permutation ) def _push_indices_down_nonstatic(self, indices): transform = lambda x: self._positions[x] if x < len(self._positions) else None return _apply_recursively_over_nested_lists(transform, indices) def _push_indices_up_nonstatic(self, indices): def transform(x): for i, e in enumerate(self._positions): if (isinstance(e, int) and x == e) or (isinstance(e, tuple) and x in e): return i return _apply_recursively_over_nested_lists(transform, indices) @classmethod def _push_indices_down(cls, diagonal_indices, indices, rank): positions, shape = cls._get_positions_shape(range(rank), diagonal_indices) transform = lambda x: positions[x] if x < len(positions) else None return _apply_recursively_over_nested_lists(transform, indices) @classmethod def _push_indices_up(cls, diagonal_indices, indices, rank): positions, shape = cls._get_positions_shape(range(rank), diagonal_indices) def transform(x): for i, e in enumerate(positions): if (isinstance(e, int) and x == e) or (isinstance(e, (tuple, Tuple)) and (x in e)): return i return _apply_recursively_over_nested_lists(transform, indices) @classmethod def _get_positions_shape(cls, shape, diagonal_indices): data1 = tuple((i, shp) for i, shp in enumerate(shape) if not any(i in j for j in diagonal_indices)) pos1, shp1 = zip(*data1) if data1 else ((), ()) data2 = tuple((i, shape[i[0]]) for i in diagonal_indices) pos2, shp2 = zip(*data2) if data2 else ((), ()) positions = pos1 + pos2 shape = shp1 + shp2 return positions, shape def as_explicit(self): expr = self.expr if hasattr(expr, "as_explicit"): expr = expr.as_explicit() return tensordiagonal(expr, *self.diagonal_indices) class ArrayElementwiseApplyFunc(_CodegenArrayAbstract): def __new__(cls, function, element): if not isinstance(function, Lambda): d = Dummy('d') function = Lambda(d, function(d)) obj = _CodegenArrayAbstract.__new__(cls, function, element) obj._subranks = _get_subranks(element) return obj @property def function(self): return self.args[0] @property def expr(self): return self.args[1] @property def shape(self): return self.expr.shape def _get_function_fdiff(self): d = Dummy("d") function = self.function(d) fdiff = function.diff(d) if isinstance(fdiff, Function): fdiff = type(fdiff) else: fdiff = Lambda(d, fdiff) return fdiff def as_explicit(self): expr = self.expr if hasattr(expr, "as_explicit"): expr = expr.as_explicit() return expr.applyfunc(self.function) class ArrayContraction(_CodegenArrayAbstract): r""" This class is meant to represent contractions of arrays in a form easily processable by the code printers. """ def __new__(cls, expr, *contraction_indices, **kwargs): contraction_indices = _sort_contraction_indices(contraction_indices) expr = _sympify(expr) canonicalize = kwargs.get("canonicalize", False) obj = Basic.__new__(cls, expr, *contraction_indices) obj._subranks = _get_subranks(expr) obj._mapping = _get_mapping_from_subranks(obj._subranks) free_indices_to_position = {i: i for i in range(sum(obj._subranks)) if all(i not in cind for cind in contraction_indices)} obj._free_indices_to_position = free_indices_to_position shape = get_shape(expr) cls._validate(expr, *contraction_indices) if shape: shape = tuple(shp for i, shp in enumerate(shape) if not any(i in j for j in contraction_indices)) obj._shape = shape if canonicalize: return obj._canonicalize() return obj def _canonicalize(self): expr = self.expr contraction_indices = self.contraction_indices if len(contraction_indices) == 0: return expr if isinstance(expr, ArrayContraction): return self._ArrayContraction_denest_ArrayContraction(expr, *contraction_indices) if isinstance(expr, (ZeroArray, ZeroMatrix)): return self._ArrayContraction_denest_ZeroArray(expr, *contraction_indices) if isinstance(expr, PermuteDims): return self._ArrayContraction_denest_PermuteDims(expr, *contraction_indices) if isinstance(expr, ArrayTensorProduct): expr, contraction_indices = self._sort_fully_contracted_args(expr, contraction_indices) expr, contraction_indices = self._lower_contraction_to_addends(expr, contraction_indices) if len(contraction_indices) == 0: return expr if isinstance(expr, ArrayDiagonal): return self._ArrayContraction_denest_ArrayDiagonal(expr, *contraction_indices) if isinstance(expr, ArrayAdd): return self._ArrayContraction_denest_ArrayAdd(expr, *contraction_indices) # Check single index contractions on 1-dimensional axes: contraction_indices = [i for i in contraction_indices if len(i) > 1 or get_shape(expr)[i[0]] != 1] if len(contraction_indices) == 0: return expr return self.func(expr, *contraction_indices, canonicalize=False) def __mul__(self, other): if other == 1: return self else: raise NotImplementedError("Product of N-dim arrays is not uniquely defined. Use another method.") def __rmul__(self, other): if other == 1: return self else: raise NotImplementedError("Product of N-dim arrays is not uniquely defined. Use another method.") @staticmethod def _validate(expr, *contraction_indices): shape = get_shape(expr) if shape is None: return # Check that no contraction happens when the shape is mismatched: for i in contraction_indices: if len({shape[j] for j in i if shape[j] != -1}) != 1: raise ValueError("contracting indices of different dimensions") @classmethod def _push_indices_down(cls, contraction_indices, indices): flattened_contraction_indices = [j for i in contraction_indices for j in i] flattened_contraction_indices.sort() transform = _build_push_indices_down_func_transformation(flattened_contraction_indices) return _apply_recursively_over_nested_lists(transform, indices) @classmethod def _push_indices_up(cls, contraction_indices, indices): flattened_contraction_indices = [j for i in contraction_indices for j in i] flattened_contraction_indices.sort() transform = _build_push_indices_up_func_transformation(flattened_contraction_indices) return _apply_recursively_over_nested_lists(transform, indices) @classmethod def _lower_contraction_to_addends(cls, expr, contraction_indices): if isinstance(expr, ArrayAdd): raise NotImplementedError() if not isinstance(expr, ArrayTensorProduct): return expr, contraction_indices subranks = expr.subranks cumranks = list(accumulate([0] + subranks)) contraction_indices_remaining = [] contraction_indices_args = [[] for i in expr.args] backshift = set() for i, contraction_group in enumerate(contraction_indices): for j in range(len(expr.args)): if not isinstance(expr.args[j], ArrayAdd): continue if all(cumranks[j] <= k < cumranks[j+1] for k in contraction_group): contraction_indices_args[j].append([k - cumranks[j] for k in contraction_group]) backshift.update(contraction_group) break else: contraction_indices_remaining.append(contraction_group) if len(contraction_indices_remaining) == len(contraction_indices): return expr, contraction_indices total_rank = get_rank(expr) shifts = list(accumulate([1 if i in backshift else 0 for i in range(total_rank)])) contraction_indices_remaining = [Tuple.fromiter(j - shifts[j] for j in i) for i in contraction_indices_remaining] ret = _array_tensor_product(*[ _array_contraction(arg, *contr) for arg, contr in zip(expr.args, contraction_indices_args) ]) return ret, contraction_indices_remaining def split_multiple_contractions(self): """ Recognize multiple contractions and attempt at rewriting them as paired-contractions. This allows some contractions involving more than two indices to be rewritten as multiple contractions involving two indices, thus allowing the expression to be rewritten as a matrix multiplication line. Examples: * `A_ij b_j0 C_jk` ===> `A*DiagMatrix(b)*C` Care for: - matrix being diagonalized (i.e. `A_ii`) - vectors being diagonalized (i.e. `a_i0`) Multiple contractions can be split into matrix multiplications if not more than two arguments are non-diagonals or non-vectors. Vectors get diagonalized while diagonal matrices remain diagonal. The non-diagonal matrices can be at the beginning or at the end of the final matrix multiplication line. """ editor = _EditArrayContraction(self) contraction_indices = self.contraction_indices onearray_insert = [] for indl, links in enumerate(contraction_indices): if len(links) <= 2: continue # Check multiple contractions: # # Examples: # # * `A_ij b_j0 C_jk` ===> `A*DiagMatrix(b)*C \otimes OneArray(1)` with permutation (1 2) # # Care for: # - matrix being diagonalized (i.e. `A_ii`) # - vectors being diagonalized (i.e. `a_i0`) # Multiple contractions can be split into matrix multiplications if # not more than three arguments are non-diagonals or non-vectors. # # Vectors get diagonalized while diagonal matrices remain diagonal. # The non-diagonal matrices can be at the beginning or at the end # of the final matrix multiplication line. positions = editor.get_mapping_for_index(indl) # Also consider the case of diagonal matrices being contracted: current_dimension = self.expr.shape[links[0]] not_vectors = [] vectors = [] for arg_ind, rel_ind in positions: arg = editor.args_with_ind[arg_ind] mat = arg.element abs_arg_start, abs_arg_end = editor.get_absolute_range(arg) other_arg_pos = 1-rel_ind other_arg_abs = abs_arg_start + other_arg_pos if ((1 not in mat.shape) or ((current_dimension == 1) is True and mat.shape != (1, 1)) or any(other_arg_abs in l for li, l in enumerate(contraction_indices) if li != indl) ): not_vectors.append((arg, rel_ind)) else: vectors.append((arg, rel_ind)) if len(not_vectors) > 2: # If more than two arguments in the multiple contraction are # non-vectors and non-diagonal matrices, we cannot find a way # to split this contraction into a matrix multiplication line: continue # Three cases to handle: # - zero non-vectors # - one non-vector # - two non-vectors for v, rel_ind in vectors: v.element = diagonalize_vector(v.element) vectors_to_loop = not_vectors[:1] + vectors + not_vectors[1:] first_not_vector, rel_ind = vectors_to_loop[0] new_index = first_not_vector.indices[rel_ind] for v, rel_ind in vectors_to_loop[1:-1]: v.indices[rel_ind] = new_index new_index = editor.get_new_contraction_index() assert v.indices.index(None) == 1 - rel_ind v.indices[v.indices.index(None)] = new_index onearray_insert.append(v) last_vec, rel_ind = vectors_to_loop[-1] last_vec.indices[rel_ind] = new_index for v in onearray_insert: editor.insert_after(v, _ArgE(OneArray(1), [None])) return editor.to_array_contraction() def flatten_contraction_of_diagonal(self): if not isinstance(self.expr, ArrayDiagonal): return self contraction_down = self.expr._push_indices_down(self.expr.diagonal_indices, self.contraction_indices) new_contraction_indices = [] diagonal_indices = self.expr.diagonal_indices[:] for i in contraction_down: contraction_group = list(i) for j in i: diagonal_with = [k for k in diagonal_indices if j in k] contraction_group.extend([l for k in diagonal_with for l in k]) diagonal_indices = [k for k in diagonal_indices if k not in diagonal_with] new_contraction_indices.append(sorted(set(contraction_group))) new_contraction_indices = ArrayDiagonal._push_indices_up(diagonal_indices, new_contraction_indices) return _array_contraction( _array_diagonal( self.expr.expr, *diagonal_indices ), *new_contraction_indices ) @staticmethod def _get_free_indices_to_position_map(free_indices, contraction_indices): free_indices_to_position = {} flattened_contraction_indices = [j for i in contraction_indices for j in i] counter = 0 for ind in free_indices: while counter in flattened_contraction_indices: counter += 1 free_indices_to_position[ind] = counter counter += 1 return free_indices_to_position @staticmethod def _get_index_shifts(expr): """ Get the mapping of indices at the positions before the contraction occurs. Examples ======== >>> from sympy.tensor.array import tensorproduct, tensorcontraction >>> from sympy import MatrixSymbol >>> M = MatrixSymbol("M", 3, 3) >>> N = MatrixSymbol("N", 3, 3) >>> cg = tensorcontraction(tensorproduct(M, N), [1, 2]) >>> cg._get_index_shifts(cg) [0, 2] Indeed, ``cg`` after the contraction has two dimensions, 0 and 1. They need to be shifted by 0 and 2 to get the corresponding positions before the contraction (that is, 0 and 3). """ inner_contraction_indices = expr.contraction_indices all_inner = [j for i in inner_contraction_indices for j in i] all_inner.sort() # TODO: add API for total rank and cumulative rank: total_rank = _get_subrank(expr) inner_rank = len(all_inner) outer_rank = total_rank - inner_rank shifts = [0 for i in range(outer_rank)] counter = 0 pointer = 0 for i in range(outer_rank): while pointer < inner_rank and counter >= all_inner[pointer]: counter += 1 pointer += 1 shifts[i] += pointer counter += 1 return shifts @staticmethod def _convert_outer_indices_to_inner_indices(expr, *outer_contraction_indices): shifts = ArrayContraction._get_index_shifts(expr) outer_contraction_indices = tuple(tuple(shifts[j] + j for j in i) for i in outer_contraction_indices) return outer_contraction_indices @staticmethod def _flatten(expr, *outer_contraction_indices): inner_contraction_indices = expr.contraction_indices outer_contraction_indices = ArrayContraction._convert_outer_indices_to_inner_indices(expr, *outer_contraction_indices) contraction_indices = inner_contraction_indices + outer_contraction_indices return _array_contraction(expr.expr, *contraction_indices) @classmethod def _ArrayContraction_denest_ArrayContraction(cls, expr, *contraction_indices): return cls._flatten(expr, *contraction_indices) @classmethod def _ArrayContraction_denest_ZeroArray(cls, expr, *contraction_indices): contraction_indices_flat = [j for i in contraction_indices for j in i] shape = [e for i, e in enumerate(expr.shape) if i not in contraction_indices_flat] return ZeroArray(*shape) @classmethod def _ArrayContraction_denest_ArrayAdd(cls, expr, *contraction_indices): return _array_add(*[_array_contraction(i, *contraction_indices) for i in expr.args]) @classmethod def _ArrayContraction_denest_PermuteDims(cls, expr, *contraction_indices): permutation = expr.permutation plist = permutation.array_form new_contraction_indices = [tuple(permutation(j) for j in i) for i in contraction_indices] new_plist = [i for i in plist if not any(i in j for j in new_contraction_indices)] new_plist = cls._push_indices_up(new_contraction_indices, new_plist) return _permute_dims( _array_contraction(expr.expr, *new_contraction_indices), Permutation(new_plist) ) @classmethod def _ArrayContraction_denest_ArrayDiagonal(cls, expr: 'ArrayDiagonal', *contraction_indices): diagonal_indices = list(expr.diagonal_indices) down_contraction_indices = expr._push_indices_down(expr.diagonal_indices, contraction_indices, get_rank(expr.expr)) # Flatten diagonally contracted indices: down_contraction_indices = [[k for j in i for k in (j if isinstance(j, (tuple, Tuple)) else [j])] for i in down_contraction_indices] new_contraction_indices = [] for contr_indgrp in down_contraction_indices: ind = contr_indgrp[:] for j, diag_indgrp in enumerate(diagonal_indices): if diag_indgrp is None: continue if any(i in diag_indgrp for i in contr_indgrp): ind.extend(diag_indgrp) diagonal_indices[j] = None new_contraction_indices.append(sorted(set(ind))) new_diagonal_indices_down = [i for i in diagonal_indices if i is not None] new_diagonal_indices = ArrayContraction._push_indices_up(new_contraction_indices, new_diagonal_indices_down) return _array_diagonal( _array_contraction(expr.expr, *new_contraction_indices), *new_diagonal_indices ) @classmethod def _sort_fully_contracted_args(cls, expr, contraction_indices): if expr.shape is None: return expr, contraction_indices cumul = list(accumulate([0] + expr.subranks)) index_blocks = [list(range(cumul[i], cumul[i+1])) for i in range(len(expr.args))] contraction_indices_flat = {j for i in contraction_indices for j in i} fully_contracted = [all(j in contraction_indices_flat for j in range(cumul[i], cumul[i+1])) for i, arg in enumerate(expr.args)] new_pos = sorted(range(len(expr.args)), key=lambda x: (0, default_sort_key(expr.args[x])) if fully_contracted[x] else (1,)) new_args = [expr.args[i] for i in new_pos] new_index_blocks_flat = [j for i in new_pos for j in index_blocks[i]] index_permutation_array_form = _af_invert(new_index_blocks_flat) new_contraction_indices = [tuple(index_permutation_array_form[j] for j in i) for i in contraction_indices] new_contraction_indices = _sort_contraction_indices(new_contraction_indices) return _array_tensor_product(*new_args), new_contraction_indices def _get_contraction_tuples(self): r""" Return tuples containing the argument index and position within the argument of the index position. Examples ======== >>> from sympy import MatrixSymbol >>> from import N >>> from sympy.tensor.array import tensorproduct, tensorcontraction >>> A = MatrixSymbol("A", N, N) >>> B = MatrixSymbol("B", N, N) >>> cg = tensorcontraction(tensorproduct(A, B), (1, 2)) >>> cg._get_contraction_tuples() [[(0, 1), (1, 0)]] Notes ===== Here the contraction pair `(1, 2)` meaning that the 2nd and 3rd indices of the tensor product `A\otimes B` are contracted, has been transformed into `(0, 1)` and `(1, 0)`, identifying the same indices in a different notation. `(0, 1)` is the second index (1) of the first argument (i.e. 0 or `A`). `(1, 0)` is the first index (i.e. 0) of the second argument (i.e. 1 or `B`). """ mapping = self._mapping return [[mapping[j] for j in i] for i in self.contraction_indices] @staticmethod def _contraction_tuples_to_contraction_indices(expr, contraction_tuples): # TODO: check that `expr` has `.subranks`: ranks = expr.subranks cumulative_ranks = [0] + list(accumulate(ranks)) return [tuple(cumulative_ranks[j]+k for j, k in i) for i in contraction_tuples] @property def free_indices(self): return self._free_indices[:] @property def free_indices_to_position(self): return dict(self._free_indices_to_position) @property def expr(self): return self.args[0] @property def contraction_indices(self): return self.args[1:] def _contraction_indices_to_components(self): expr = self.expr if not isinstance(expr, ArrayTensorProduct): raise NotImplementedError("only for contractions of tensor products") ranks = expr.subranks mapping = {} counter = 0 for i, rank in enumerate(ranks): for j in range(rank): mapping[counter] = (i, j) counter += 1 return mapping def sort_args_by_name(self): """ Sort arguments in the tensor product so that their order is lexicographical. Examples ======== >>> from sympy.tensor.array.expressions.from_matrix_to_array import convert_matrix_to_array >>> from sympy import MatrixSymbol >>> from import N >>> A = MatrixSymbol("A", N, N) >>> B = MatrixSymbol("B", N, N) >>> C = MatrixSymbol("C", N, N) >>> D = MatrixSymbol("D", N, N) >>> cg = convert_matrix_to_array(C*D*A*B) >>> cg ArrayContraction(ArrayTensorProduct(A, D, C, B), (0, 3), (1, 6), (2, 5)) >>> cg.sort_args_by_name() ArrayContraction(ArrayTensorProduct(A, D, B, C), (0, 3), (1, 4), (2, 7)) """ expr = self.expr if not isinstance(expr, ArrayTensorProduct): return self args = expr.args sorted_data = sorted(enumerate(args), key=lambda x: default_sort_key(x[1])) pos_sorted, args_sorted = zip(*sorted_data) reordering_map = {i: pos_sorted.index(i) for i, arg in enumerate(args)} contraction_tuples = self._get_contraction_tuples() contraction_tuples = [[(reordering_map[j], k) for j, k in i] for i in contraction_tuples] c_tp = _array_tensor_product(*args_sorted) new_contr_indices = self._contraction_tuples_to_contraction_indices( c_tp, contraction_tuples ) return _array_contraction(c_tp, *new_contr_indices) def _get_contraction_links(self): r""" Returns a dictionary of links between arguments in the tensor product being contracted. See the example for an explanation of the values. Examples ======== >>> from sympy import MatrixSymbol >>> from import N >>> from sympy.tensor.array.expressions.from_matrix_to_array import convert_matrix_to_array >>> A = MatrixSymbol("A", N, N) >>> B = MatrixSymbol("B", N, N) >>> C = MatrixSymbol("C", N, N) >>> D = MatrixSymbol("D", N, N) Matrix multiplications are pairwise contractions between neighboring matrices: `A_{ij} B_{jk} C_{kl} D_{lm}` >>> cg = convert_matrix_to_array(A*B*C*D) >>> cg ArrayContraction(ArrayTensorProduct(B, C, A, D), (0, 5), (1, 2), (3, 6)) >>> cg._get_contraction_links() {0: {0: (2, 1), 1: (1, 0)}, 1: {0: (0, 1), 1: (3, 0)}, 2: {1: (0, 0)}, 3: {0: (1, 1)}} This dictionary is interpreted as follows: argument in position 0 (i.e. matrix `A`) has its second index (i.e. 1) contracted to `(1, 0)`, that is argument in position 1 (matrix `B`) on the first index slot of `B`, this is the contraction provided by the index `j` from `A`. The argument in position 1 (that is, matrix `B`) has two contractions, the ones provided by the indices `j` and `k`, respectively the first and second indices (0 and 1 in the sub-dict). The link `(0, 1)` and `(2, 0)` respectively. `(0, 1)` is the index slot 1 (the 2nd) of argument in position 0 (that is, `A_{\ldot j}`), and so on. """ args, dlinks = _get_contraction_links([self], self.subranks, *self.contraction_indices) return dlinks def as_explicit(self): expr = self.expr if hasattr(expr, "as_explicit"): expr = expr.as_explicit() return tensorcontraction(expr, *self.contraction_indices) class Reshape(_CodegenArrayAbstract): """ Reshape the dimensions of an array expression. Examples ======== >>> from sympy.tensor.array.expressions import ArraySymbol, Reshape >>> A = ArraySymbol("A", (6,)) >>> A.shape (6,) >>> Reshape(A, (3, 2)).shape (3, 2) Check the component-explicit forms: >>> A.as_explicit() [A[0], A[1], A[2], A[3], A[4], A[5]] >>> Reshape(A, (3, 2)).as_explicit() [[A[0], A[1]], [A[2], A[3]], [A[4], A[5]]] """ def __new__(cls, expr, shape): expr = _sympify(expr) if not isinstance(shape, Tuple): shape = Tuple(*shape) if Equality(Mul.fromiter(expr.shape), Mul.fromiter(shape)) == False: raise ValueError("shape mismatch") obj = Expr.__new__(cls, expr, shape) obj._shape = tuple(shape) obj._expr = expr return obj @property def shape(self): return self._shape @property def expr(self): return self._expr def doit(self, *args, **kwargs): if kwargs.get("deep", True): expr = self.expr.doit(*args, **kwargs) else: expr = self.expr if isinstance(expr, (MatrixCommon, NDimArray)): return expr.reshape(*self.shape) return Reshape(expr, self.shape) def as_explicit(self): ee = self.expr if hasattr(ee, "as_explicit"): ee = ee.as_explicit() if isinstance(ee, MatrixCommon): from sympy import Array ee = Array(ee) elif isinstance(ee, MatrixExpr): return self return ee.reshape(*self.shape) class _ArgE: """ The ``_ArgE`` object contains references to the array expression (``.element``) and a list containing the information about index contractions (``.indices``). Index contractions are numbered and contracted indices show the number of the contraction. Uncontracted indices have ``None`` value. For example: ``_ArgE(M, [None, 3])`` This object means that expression ``M`` is part of an array contraction and has two indices, the first is not contracted (value ``None``), the second index is contracted to the 4th (i.e. number ``3``) group of the array contraction object. """ indices: List[Optional[int]] def __init__(self, element, indices: Optional[List[Optional[int]]] = None): self.element = element if indices is None: self.indices = [None for i in range(get_rank(element))] else: self.indices = indices def __str__(self): return "_ArgE(%s, %s)" % (self.element, self.indices) __repr__ = __str__ class _IndPos: """ Index position, requiring two integers in the constructor: - arg: the position of the argument in the tensor product, - rel: the relative position of the index inside the argument. """ def __init__(self, arg: int, rel: int): self.arg = arg self.rel = rel def __str__(self): return "_IndPos(%i, %i)" % (self.arg, self.rel) __repr__ = __str__ def __iter__(self): yield from [self.arg, self.rel] class _EditArrayContraction: """ Utility class to help manipulate array contraction objects. This class takes as input an ``ArrayContraction`` object and turns it into an editable object. The field ``args_with_ind`` of this class is a list of ``_ArgE`` objects which can be used to easily edit the contraction structure of the expression. Once editing is finished, the ``ArrayContraction`` object may be recreated by calling the ``.to_array_contraction()`` method. """ def __init__(self, base_array: typing.Union[ArrayContraction, ArrayDiagonal, ArrayTensorProduct]): expr: Basic diagonalized: tTuple[tTuple[int, ...], ...] contraction_indices: List[tTuple[int]] if isinstance(base_array, ArrayContraction): mapping = _get_mapping_from_subranks(base_array.subranks) expr = base_array.expr contraction_indices = base_array.contraction_indices diagonalized = () elif isinstance(base_array, ArrayDiagonal): if isinstance(base_array.expr, ArrayContraction): mapping = _get_mapping_from_subranks(base_array.expr.subranks) expr = base_array.expr.expr diagonalized = ArrayContraction._push_indices_down(base_array.expr.contraction_indices, base_array.diagonal_indices) contraction_indices = base_array.expr.contraction_indices elif isinstance(base_array.expr, ArrayTensorProduct): mapping = {} expr = base_array.expr diagonalized = base_array.diagonal_indices contraction_indices = [] else: mapping = {} expr = base_array.expr diagonalized = base_array.diagonal_indices contraction_indices = [] elif isinstance(base_array, ArrayTensorProduct): expr = base_array contraction_indices = [] diagonalized = () else: raise NotImplementedError() if isinstance(expr, ArrayTensorProduct): args = list(expr.args) else: args = [expr] args_with_ind: List[_ArgE] = [_ArgE(arg) for arg in args] for i, contraction_tuple in enumerate(contraction_indices): for j in contraction_tuple: arg_pos, rel_pos = mapping[j] args_with_ind[arg_pos].indices[rel_pos] = i self.args_with_ind: List[_ArgE] = args_with_ind self.number_of_contraction_indices: int = len(contraction_indices) self._track_permutation: Optional[List[List[int]]] = None mapping = _get_mapping_from_subranks(base_array.subranks) # Trick: add diagonalized indices as negative indices into the editor object: for i, e in enumerate(diagonalized): for j in e: arg_pos, rel_pos = mapping[j] self.args_with_ind[arg_pos].indices[rel_pos] = -1 - i def insert_after(self, arg: _ArgE, new_arg: _ArgE): pos = self.args_with_ind.index(arg) self.args_with_ind.insert(pos + 1, new_arg) def get_new_contraction_index(self): self.number_of_contraction_indices += 1 return self.number_of_contraction_indices - 1 def refresh_indices(self): updates = {} for arg_with_ind in self.args_with_ind: updates.update({i: -1 for i in arg_with_ind.indices if i is not None}) for i, e in enumerate(sorted(updates)): updates[e] = i self.number_of_contraction_indices = len(updates) for arg_with_ind in self.args_with_ind: arg_with_ind.indices = [updates.get(i, None) for i in arg_with_ind.indices] def merge_scalars(self): scalars = [] for arg_with_ind in self.args_with_ind: if len(arg_with_ind.indices) == 0: scalars.append(arg_with_ind) for i in scalars: self.args_with_ind.remove(i) scalar = Mul.fromiter([i.element for i in scalars]) if len(self.args_with_ind) == 0: self.args_with_ind.append(_ArgE(scalar)) else: from sympy.tensor.array.expressions.from_array_to_matrix import _a2m_tensor_product self.args_with_ind[0].element = _a2m_tensor_product(scalar, self.args_with_ind[0].element) def to_array_contraction(self): # Count the ranks of the arguments: counter = 0 # Create a collector for the new diagonal indices: diag_indices = defaultdict(list) count_index_freq = Counter() for arg_with_ind in self.args_with_ind: count_index_freq.update(Counter(arg_with_ind.indices)) free_index_count = count_index_freq[None] # Construct the inverse permutation: inv_perm1 = [] inv_perm2 = [] # Keep track of which diagonal indices have already been processed: done = set() # Counter for the diagonal indices: counter4 = 0 for arg_with_ind in self.args_with_ind: # If some diagonalization axes have been removed, they should be # permuted in order to keep the permutation. # Add permutation here counter2 = 0 # counter for the indices for i in arg_with_ind.indices: if i is None: inv_perm1.append(counter4) counter2 += 1 counter4 += 1 continue if i >= 0: continue # Reconstruct the diagonal indices: diag_indices[-1 - i].append(counter + counter2) if count_index_freq[i] == 1 and i not in done: inv_perm1.append(free_index_count - 1 - i) done.add(i) elif i not in done: inv_perm2.append(free_index_count - 1 - i) done.add(i) counter2 += 1 # Remove negative indices to restore a proper editor object: arg_with_ind.indices = [i if i is not None and i >= 0 else None for i in arg_with_ind.indices] counter += len([i for i in arg_with_ind.indices if i is None or i < 0]) inverse_permutation = inv_perm1 + inv_perm2 permutation = _af_invert(inverse_permutation) # Get the diagonal indices after the detection of HadamardProduct in the expression: diag_indices_filtered = [tuple(v) for v in diag_indices.values() if len(v) > 1] self.merge_scalars() self.refresh_indices() args = [arg.element for arg in self.args_with_ind] contraction_indices = self.get_contraction_indices() expr = _array_contraction(_array_tensor_product(*args), *contraction_indices) expr2 = _array_diagonal(expr, *diag_indices_filtered) if self._track_permutation is not None: permutation2 = _af_invert([j for i in self._track_permutation for j in i]) expr2 = _permute_dims(expr2, permutation2) expr3 = _permute_dims(expr2, permutation) return expr3 def get_contraction_indices(self) -> List[List[int]]: contraction_indices: List[List[int]] = [[] for i in range(self.number_of_contraction_indices)] current_position: int = 0 for i, arg_with_ind in enumerate(self.args_with_ind): for j in arg_with_ind.indices: if j is not None: contraction_indices[j].append(current_position) current_position += 1 return contraction_indices def get_mapping_for_index(self, ind) -> List[_IndPos]: if ind >= self.number_of_contraction_indices: raise ValueError("index value exceeding the index range") positions: List[_IndPos] = [] for i, arg_with_ind in enumerate(self.args_with_ind): for j, arg_ind in enumerate(arg_with_ind.indices): if ind == arg_ind: positions.append(_IndPos(i, j)) return positions def get_contraction_indices_to_ind_rel_pos(self) -> List[List[_IndPos]]: contraction_indices: List[List[_IndPos]] = [[] for i in range(self.number_of_contraction_indices)] for i, arg_with_ind in enumerate(self.args_with_ind): for j, ind in enumerate(arg_with_ind.indices): if ind is not None: contraction_indices[ind].append(_IndPos(i, j)) return contraction_indices def count_args_with_index(self, index: int) -> int: """ Count the number of arguments that have the given index. """ counter: int = 0 for arg_with_ind in self.args_with_ind: if index in arg_with_ind.indices: counter += 1 return counter def get_args_with_index(self, index: int) -> List[_ArgE]: """ Get a list of arguments having the given index. """ ret: List[_ArgE] = [i for i in self.args_with_ind if index in i.indices] return ret @property def number_of_diagonal_indices(self): data = set() for arg in self.args_with_ind: data.update({i for i in arg.indices if i is not None and i < 0}) return len(data) def track_permutation_start(self): permutation = [] perm_diag = [] counter = 0 counter2 = -1 for arg_with_ind in self.args_with_ind: perm = [] for i in arg_with_ind.indices: if i is not None: if i < 0: perm_diag.append(counter2) counter2 -= 1 continue perm.append(counter) counter += 1 permutation.append(perm) max_ind = max([max(i) if i else -1 for i in permutation]) if permutation else -1 perm_diag = [max_ind - i for i in perm_diag] self._track_permutation = permutation + [perm_diag] def track_permutation_merge(self, destination: _ArgE, from_element: _ArgE): index_destination = self.args_with_ind.index(destination) index_element = self.args_with_ind.index(from_element) self._track_permutation[index_destination].extend(self._track_permutation[index_element]) # type: ignore self._track_permutation.pop(index_element) # type: ignore def get_absolute_free_range(self, arg: _ArgE) -> typing.Tuple[int, int]: """ Return the range of the free indices of the arg as absolute positions among all free indices. """ counter = 0 for arg_with_ind in self.args_with_ind: number_free_indices = len([i for i in arg_with_ind.indices if i is None]) if arg_with_ind == arg: return counter, counter + number_free_indices counter += number_free_indices raise IndexError("argument not found") def get_absolute_range(self, arg: _ArgE) -> typing.Tuple[int, int]: """ Return the absolute range of indices for arg, disregarding dummy indices. """ counter = 0 for arg_with_ind in self.args_with_ind: number_indices = len(arg_with_ind.indices) if arg_with_ind == arg: return counter, counter + number_indices counter += number_indices raise IndexError("argument not found") def get_rank(expr): if isinstance(expr, (MatrixExpr, MatrixElement)): return 2 if isinstance(expr, _CodegenArrayAbstract): return len(expr.shape) if isinstance(expr, NDimArray): return expr.rank() if isinstance(expr, Indexed): return expr.rank if isinstance(expr, IndexedBase): shape = expr.shape if shape is None: return -1 else: return len(shape) if hasattr(expr, "shape"): return len(expr.shape) return 0 def _get_subrank(expr): if isinstance(expr, _CodegenArrayAbstract): return expr.subrank() return get_rank(expr) def _get_subranks(expr): if isinstance(expr, _CodegenArrayAbstract): return expr.subranks else: return [get_rank(expr)] def get_shape(expr): if hasattr(expr, "shape"): return expr.shape return () def nest_permutation(expr): if isinstance(expr, PermuteDims): return expr.nest_permutation() else: return expr def _array_tensor_product(*args, **kwargs): return ArrayTensorProduct(*args, canonicalize=True, **kwargs) def _array_contraction(expr, *contraction_indices, **kwargs): return ArrayContraction(expr, *contraction_indices, canonicalize=True, **kwargs) def _array_diagonal(expr, *diagonal_indices, **kwargs): return ArrayDiagonal(expr, *diagonal_indices, canonicalize=True, **kwargs) def _permute_dims(expr, permutation, **kwargs): return PermuteDims(expr, permutation, canonicalize=True, **kwargs) def _array_add(*args, **kwargs): return ArrayAdd(*args, canonicalize=True, **kwargs) def _get_array_element_or_slice(expr, indices): return ArrayElement(expr, indices)