"""Unit tests for the :mod:`networkx.generators.duplication` module. """ import pytest from networkx.exception import NetworkXError from networkx.generators.duplication import ( duplication_divergence_graph, partial_duplication_graph, ) class TestDuplicationDivergenceGraph: """Unit tests for the :func:`networkx.generators.duplication.duplication_divergence_graph` function. """ def test_final_size(self): G = duplication_divergence_graph(3, 1) assert len(G) == 3 G = duplication_divergence_graph(3, 1, seed=42) assert len(G) == 3 def test_probability_too_large(self): with pytest.raises(NetworkXError): duplication_divergence_graph(3, 2) def test_probability_too_small(self): with pytest.raises(NetworkXError): duplication_divergence_graph(3, -1) class TestPartialDuplicationGraph: """Unit tests for the :func:`networkx.generators.duplication.partial_duplication_graph` function. """ def test_final_size(self): N = 10 n = 5 p = 0.5 q = 0.5 G = partial_duplication_graph(N, n, p, q) assert len(G) == N G = partial_duplication_graph(N, n, p, q, seed=42) assert len(G) == N def test_initial_clique_size(self): N = 10 n = 10 p = 0.5 q = 0.5 G = partial_duplication_graph(N, n, p, q) assert len(G) == n def test_invalid_initial_size(self): with pytest.raises(NetworkXError): N = 5 n = 10 p = 0.5 q = 0.5 G = partial_duplication_graph(N, n, p, q) def test_invalid_probabilities(self): N = 1 n = 1 for p, q in [(0.5, 2), (0.5, -1), (2, 0.5), (-1, 0.5)]: args = (N, n, p, q) pytest.raises(NetworkXError, partial_duplication_graph, *args)