#pragma once #include "media/base/video_broadcaster.h" #include "api/media_stream_interface.h" #include "api/video/i420_buffer.h" class VideoScaler : public rtc::VideoSinkInterface, public rtc::VideoSourceInterface { public: VideoScaler(rtc::scoped_refptr videoSource, const std::map &opts) : m_videoSource(videoSource), m_width(0), m_height(0), m_rotation(webrtc::kVideoRotation_0)//, // m_roi_x(0), m_roi_y(0), m_roi_width(0), m_roi_height(0) { if (opts.find("width") != opts.end()) { m_width = std::stoi(opts.at("width")); } if (opts.find("height") != opts.end()) { m_height = std::stoi(opts.at("height")); } if (opts.find("rotation") != opts.end()) { int rotation = std::stoi(opts.at("rotation")); switch (rotation) { case 90: m_rotation = webrtc::kVideoRotation_90; break; case 180: m_rotation = webrtc::kVideoRotation_180; break; case 270: m_rotation = webrtc::kVideoRotation_270; break; } } /* if (opts.find("roi_x") != opts.end()) { m_roi_x = std::stoi(opts.at("roi_x")); if (m_roi_x < 0) { RTC_LOG(LS_ERROR) << "Ignore roi_x=" << m_roi_x << ", it muss be >=0"; m_roi_x = 0; } } if (opts.find("roi_y") != opts.end()) { m_roi_y = std::stoi(opts.at("roi_y")); if (m_roi_y < 0) { RTC_LOG(LS_ERROR) << "Ignore roi_<=" << m_roi_y << ", it muss be >=0"; m_roi_y = 0; } } if (opts.find("roi_width") != opts.end()) { m_roi_width = std::stoi(opts.at("roi_width")); if (m_roi_width <= 0) { RTC_LOG(LS_ERROR) << "Ignore roi_width<=" << m_roi_width << ", it muss be >0"; m_roi_width = 0; } } if (opts.find("roi_height") != opts.end()) { m_roi_height = std::stoi(opts.at("roi_height")); if (m_roi_height <= 0) { RTC_LOG(LS_ERROR) << "Ignore roi_height<=" << m_roi_height << ", it muss be >0"; m_roi_height = 0; } } */ } virtual ~VideoScaler() { } void OnFrame(const webrtc::VideoFrame &frame) override { /* if (m_roi_x >= frame.width()) { RTC_LOG(LS_ERROR) << "The ROI position protrudes beyond the right edge of the image. Ignore roi_x."; m_roi_x = 0; } if (m_roi_y >= frame.height()) { RTC_LOG(LS_ERROR) << "The ROI position protrudes beyond the bottom edge of the image. Ignore roi_y."; m_roi_y = 0; } if (m_roi_width != 0 && (m_roi_width + m_roi_x) > frame.width()) { RTC_LOG(LS_ERROR) << "The ROI protrudes beyond the right edge of the image. Ignore roi_width."; m_roi_width = 0; } if (m_roi_height != 0 && (m_roi_height + m_roi_y) > frame.height()) { RTC_LOG(LS_ERROR) << "The ROI protrudes beyond the bottom edge of the image. Ignore roi_height."; m_roi_height = 0; } if (m_roi_width == 0) { m_roi_width = frame.width() - m_roi_x; } if (m_roi_height == 0) { m_roi_height = frame.height() - m_roi_y; } // source image is croped but destination image size is not set if ((m_roi_width != frame.width() || m_roi_height != frame.height()) && (m_height == 0 && m_width == 0)) { m_height = m_roi_height; m_width = m_roi_width; } if ( ((m_height == 0) && (m_width == 0) && (m_rotation == webrtc::kVideoRotation_0)) || (frame.video_frame_buffer()->type() == webrtc::VideoFrameBuffer::Type::kNative) ) { m_broadcaster.OnFrame(frame); } else { int height = m_height; int width = m_width; if ( (height == 0) && (width == 0) ) { height = frame.height(); width = frame.width(); } else if (height == 0) { height = (m_roi_height * width) / m_roi_width; } else if (width == 0) { width = (m_roi_width * height) / m_roi_height; } rtc::scoped_refptr scaled_buffer = webrtc::I420Buffer::Create(width, height); if (m_roi_width != frame.width() || m_roi_height != frame.height()) { scaled_buffer->CropAndScaleFrom(*frame.video_frame_buffer()->ToI420(), m_roi_x, m_roi_y, m_roi_width, m_roi_height); } else { scaled_buffer->ScaleFrom(*frame.video_frame_buffer()->ToI420()); } */ // webrtc::VideoFrame scaledFrame = webrtc::VideoFrame(scaled_buffer, frame.timestamp(), // frame.render_time_ms(), m_rotation); /* if(m_rotation!=webrtc::kVideoRotation_0) { rtc::scoped_refptr scaled_buffer = webrtc::I420Buffer::Rotate(*frame.video_frame_buffer()->ToI420(),m_rotation); std::cout<width()<<","<height()<ScaleFrom(*frame.video_frame_buffer()->ToI420()); // webrtc::VideoFrame scaledFrame = webrtc::VideoFrame::Builder().set_video_frame_buffer(scaled_buffer, m_rotation)) // .set_rotation(webrtc::kVideoRotation_0).set_timestamp_us(frame.timestamp_us()).set_id(frame.id()).build(); // webrtc::VideoFrame scaledFrame = webrtc::VideoFrame::Builder().set_video_frame_buffer(webrtc::I420Buffer::Rotate(*frame.video_frame_buffer()->ToI420(), m_rotation)) // .set_rotation(webrtc::kVideoRotation_0).set_timestamp_us(frame.timestamp_us()).set_id(frame.id()).build(); webrtc::VideoFrame scaledFrame = webrtc::VideoFrame(scaled_buffer,frame.timestamp(),frame.render_time_ms(),m_rotation); // scaledFrame.set_rotation(webrtc::kVideoRotation_0); m_broadcaster.OnFrame(scaledFrame); } else{ */ m_broadcaster.OnFrame(frame); // // } } void AddOrUpdateSink(rtc::VideoSinkInterface *sink, const rtc::VideoSinkWants &wants) override { m_videoSource->AddOrUpdateSink(this,wants); m_broadcaster.AddOrUpdateSink(sink, wants); } void RemoveSink(rtc::VideoSinkInterface *sink) override { m_videoSource->RemoveSink(this); m_broadcaster.RemoveSink(sink); } // int width() { return m_roi_width; } // int height() { return m_roi_height; } private: rtc::scoped_refptr m_videoSource; rtc::VideoBroadcaster m_broadcaster; int m_width; int m_height; webrtc::VideoRotation m_rotation; /* int m_roi_x; int m_roi_y; int m_roi_width; int m_roi_height; */ };