from hub import methods, Global

import asyncio
import threading
import traceback

class LineManage(object):

    line_dict = {}  # {<line_id>: <ws>, <now_ts>}

    def run_forever(cls):
        tasks = [cls.check_loop()]
        _loop = asyncio.new_event_loop()
        loop = asyncio.get_event_loop()

    def run_background(cls, is_back_run=True):
        t1 = threading.Thread(target=cls.run_forever)

    async def check_loop(cls):

        # --- define ---
        # last_send_id = str()

        while True:


                # --- debug ---
                # methods.debug_log(f"LineManage.check_loop44", f"#run at {methods.now_string()} "
                #                                                f"| {len(cls.line_dict.values())}")
                # await asyncio.sleep(3)
                # await asyncio.sleep(0.5)

                # --- get send_data ---
                # """
                # send_data = {
                #     send_id: 数据id
                #     send_list: 数据列表
                # }
                # """
                # send_data = Global.rdb.get_one(key='send_data')
                # send_data = db0.get_one(key='send_data')

                # --- check ---
                # if not send_data:
                #     continue

                # --- check ---
                # send_id = send_data.get('send_id')
                # if not send_id:
                #     continue

                # --- check ---
                # if send_id == last_send_id:
                #     continue

                # --- check ---
                # send_list = send_data.get('send_list')
                # if send_list is None or len(send_list) == 0:
                #     continue

                # --- debug ---
                # await asyncio.sleep(3)
                # await asyncio.sleep(0.5)
                # methods.debug_log(f"LineManage", f"m-74: run at {methods.now_string()} "
                #                                  f"| send count is {len(send_list)} "
                #                                  f"| online count is {len(cls.line_dict.values())}")

                # --- define ---
                now_ts = methods.now_ts()

                # --- check ---
                for username in list(cls.line_dict.keys()):


                        # --- debug ---
                        _ws, last_live_at, _id = cls.line_dict.get(username)
                        methods.debug_log(f"LineManage.check_loop87", f"#username: {username}"
                                                                      f" | #last_live_at: {last_live_at}"
                                                                      f" | #now_ts: {now_ts}")

                        # --- check 180s ---
                        if now_ts - last_live_at >= 3 * 60:

                        # --- check ---
                        # if not cls.check_line_is_live(line_id):
                        #     methods.debug_log(f"LineManage", f"m-56: websocket link broken.")
                        #     cls.line_dict.pop(line_id)
                        #     continue

                        # --- send ---
                        # """
                        # send_list = [
                        #     {
                        #         base_face_uuid: 底库人脸id
                        #         snap_face_image: 抓拍人脸
                        #         base_face_image_path: 底库人脸路径
                        #         face_similarity: 相似度
                        #     }
                        # ]
                        # """
                        # for data in send_list:
                        #     # --- check ---
                        #     if data.get('snap_face_image') is None:
                        #         continue
                        #     # --- define ---
                        #     """
                        #     send_dict = {
                        #         input_face_b64: 抓拍人脸图像
                        #         face_uuid: 人脸id
                        #         face_name: 人脸名称
                        #         known_face_b64: 底库人脸图像
                        #         face_similarity: 相似度
                        #         face_type_name_list: 人员类型
                        #     }
                        #     """
                        #     send_dict = dict(
                        #         input_face_b64=cls.image_to_b64(data.get('snap_face_image')),
                        #         # input_face_b64=str(),
                        #         known_face_b64=str(),
                        #         face_uuid=str(),
                        #         face_name=str(),
                        #         face_similarity=data.get('face_similarity'),
                        #         face_type_name_list=list(),
                        #     )
                        #     # --- fill input_face_b64 ---
                        #     # snap_face_image_path = data.get('snap_face_image_path')
                        #     # if snap_face_image_path and methods.is_file(snap_face_image_path):
                        #     #     frame = cv2.imread(snap_face_image_path)
                        #     #     if frame is not None:
                        #     #         _, image = cv2.imencode('.jpg', frame)
                        #     #         base64_data = base64.b64encode(image)  # byte to b64 byte
                        #     #         s = base64_data.decode()  # byte to str
                        #     #         send_dict['input_face_b64'] = f'data:image/jpeg;base64,{s}'
                        #     # --- fill known_face_b64 ---
                        #     base_face_image_path = data.get('base_face_image_path')
                        #     if base_face_image_path and methods.is_file(base_face_image_path):
                        #         frame = cv2.imread(base_face_image_path)
                        #         if frame is not None:
                        #             _, image = cv2.imencode('.jpg', frame)
                        #             base64_data = base64.b64encode(image)  # byte to b64 byte
                        #             s = base64_data.decode()  # byte to str
                        #             send_dict['known_face_b64'] = f'data:image/jpeg;base64,{s}'
                        #     # --- fill face_uuid and face_name ---
                        #     """
                        #     Face: 陌生人脸表
                        #     Face.face_name: 人脸名称
                        #     """
                        #     face_uuid = data.get('base_face_uuid')
                        #     if face_uuid:
                        #         send_dict['face_uuid'] = face_uuid
                        #         face = Global.mdb.get_one_by_id('Face', face_uuid)
                        #         if face and face.get('face_name'):
                        #             send_dict['face_name'] = face.get('face_name')
                        #         # --- fill face_type_name_list ---
                        #         face_type_uuid_list = face.get('face_type_uuid_list')
                        #         if face_type_uuid_list:
                        #             send_dict['face_type_name_list'] = [face_type_name_dict.get(i)
                        #                                                 for i in face_type_uuid_list
                        #                                                 if face_type_name_dict.get(i)]
                        #     # --- send ---
                        #     # methods.debug_log(f"LineManage", f"m-153: send_dict is {send_dict}")
                        #     line = cls.line_dict.get(line_id)
                        #     send_json = methods.json_dumps(send_dict)
                        #     await line.send_text(send_json)
                        #     # methods.debug_log(f"LineManage",
                        #     #                   f"m-161: end at {'%H:%M:%S.%f')}")
                        #     # await asyncio.sleep(0.1)

                    except Exception as exception:

                        # --- check ---
                        if not cls.check_line_is_live(username):

                        if exception.__class__.__name__ == 'RuntimeError':
                            methods.debug_log(f"LineManage.check_loop194", f"d2: {cls.get_line_state()}")
                            methods.debug_log("LineManage.check_loop194", f"#e: {exception.__class__.__name__}")
                            methods.debug_log("LineManage.check_loop194", f"#t: {traceback.format_exc()}")

                    # --- debug ---
                    methods.debug_log(f"LineManage.check_loop198", f"wait 1 minutes check again")
                    await asyncio.sleep(60)
                    # await asyncio.sleep(60)
                    # await asyncio.sleep(60)

            except Exception as exception:

                methods.debug_log(f"LineManage.check_loop208", f"#e: {exception.__class__.__name__}")
                methods.debug_log(f"LineManage.check_loop208", f"#t: {traceback.format_exc()}")
                methods.debug_log(f"LineManage.check_loop208", f"wait 1 minutes try again!")
                await asyncio.sleep(60)

    def get_line_total(cls):
        count = 0
        for k, v in cls.line_dict.items():
            count += 1
        return count

    def check_line_is_live(cls, line_id):
        d1 = {
            0: 'CONNECTING',
            1: 'CONNECTED',
            2: 'DISCONNECTED',
        _ws, _, _ = cls.line_dict.get(line_id)
        if _ws and d1.get(_ws.client_state.value) != 'DISCONNECTED':
            return True
            return False

    def get_line_state(cls):
        d1 = {
            0: 'CONNECTING',
            1: 'CONNECTED',
            2: 'DISCONNECTED',
        d2 = dict()  # {<line_id>: <state>}
        for line_id, line in cls.line_dict.items():
            state = d1.get(line.client_state.value)
            _id = line_id[-6:]
            d2[_id] = state
        return d2

    # @staticmethod
    # def image_to_b64(image):
    #     frame = numpy_method.to_array(image)  # list to numpy array
    #     _, image = cv2.imencode('.jpg', frame)
    #     base64_data = base64.b64encode(image)
    #     s = base64_data.decode()
    #     return f'data:image/jpeg;base64,{s}'