Casper 4 months ago

+ 0 - 471

@@ -1,471 +0,0 @@
-package RemoNet;
-enum CSMessage
-  CS_NONE=0;
-  CS_Sign=2000;
-  CS_Req=2001;
-  CS_Rep=2002;
-  CS_CancelReq=2003;
-  CS_Offer=2004;
-  CS_Answer=2005;
-  CS_Candidate=2006;
-  CS_Leave=2007;
-  CS_KeepAlive=2008;
-  CS_Add=2009;
-  CS_Robot=2010;
-  CS_CloseVideo=2011;
-  CS_MoveBegin=2012;
-  CS_MoveEnd=2013;
-  CS_State=2014;
-  CS_SwitchDriver=2015;
-  CS_MoveRet=2016;
-  CS_SyncTime=2017;
-enum SCMessage
-  SC_NONE=0;
-  SC_Sign=4000;
-  SC_Req=4001;
-  SC_Rep=4002;
-  SC_Cancel=4003;
-  SC_Offer=4004;
-  SC_Answer=4005;
-  SC_Candidate=4006;
-  SC_Add =4007; 
-  SC_Robot=4008; 
-  SC_NotifyReq=4009;
-  SC_NotifyRep=4010;
-  SC_NotifyAnswer=4011;
-  SC_NotifyOffer=4012;
-  SC_NotifyCandidate=4013;
-  SC_NotifyLeave=4014;
-  SC_NotifyCancel=4015;
-  SC_NotifyAdd=4016;
-  SC_NotifyDel=4017;
-  SC_NotifyCloseVideo=4018;
-  SC_KickOff=4019;
-  SC_MoveBegin=4020;
-  SC_MoveEnd=4021;
-  SC_State=4022;
-  SC_SwitchDriver=4023;
-  SC_MoveRet=4024;
-  SC_NotifyState=4025;
-  SC_SyncTime=4026;
-enum CCMessage
-   CC_None=0;
-   CC_Text=8000;
-   CC_CAN=8001;
-   CC_IMU=8002;
-   CC_Manipulation=8004;
-   CC_Radar=8005;
-   CC_Switch=8006;
-   CC_Ping=8007;
-   CC_SensorStop=8008;
-   CC_StopACK=8009;
-   CC_Lidar=8010;
-   CC_CANMSG=8011;
-   CC_STATE=8012;
-   CC_NDTPOS=8013;
-enum VideoDesc
-	OK=0;
-	Busy=1;
-	Reject=2;
-	NoFound=3;
-	IsVideoing=4;
-message SwitchDriver
-int32 peer=1;
-message NDTPos
-  float x  =1;
-  float y  =2;
-  float z  =3;
-  float rx =4;
-  float ry =5;
-  float rz =6;
-  float rw =7;
-message CSMoveBegin
-int32 peer=1;
-int32 area=2;
-int32 no=3;
-enum MoveDesc
-   Move_OK=0;
-   Move_Encode_Fail=1;
-   Move_Unknow_Faile=2;
-message MoveRet
-   MoveDesc desc=1;
-   int32 peer=2;
-message CSMoveEnd
-   int32 area=1;
-   int32 no=2;
-   int32 uid=3;
-message SCMoveBegin
-   int32 uid=1;
-   int32 area=2;
-   int32 no=3;
-   float x=4;
-   float y=5;
-message SCMoveEnd
-  int32 area=1;
-  int32 no=2;
-  int32 uid=3;
-message CSAdd
-   string serial=1;
-   int32  type=2;
-   string name=3;
-   int32  car=4;
-message SCAdd
-  bool  ret=1;
-  int32 uid=2;
-  string name=3;
-  int32 car=4;
-message SCKickOff
-enum UserState
-   Offline=0;
-   Idle=1;
-   Remote=2;
-   Automotive=3;
-   AskRemote=4;
-message CSState
-  UserState state=1;
-  int32 uid=2;
-message SCState
- UserState state=1;
- int32 uid=2;
-message Robot
-   int32 rid=1;
-   string name=2;
-   int32  type=3;
-   UserState state=4;
-   int32  carType=5;
-message CSRobot
-message SCRobot
- repeated Robot robot=1;
-message CSSign
-  string account=1;
-  string password=2;
-message SCSign
-    bool  ret=1;
-    int32 uid=2;
-    string name=3;
-message CSReq
-   int32 peer=1;
-   int32 index=2;
-   int32 egotype=3;
-message SCReq
-    VideoDesc desc=1;
-    int32 peer=2;
-    int32 egotype=3;
-message CSRep
-   VideoDesc desc=1;
-   int32 peer=2;
-   int32 index=3;
-    int32 egotype=4;
-message SCRep
-   VideoDesc desc=1;
-     int32 index=2;
-	 int32 egotype=3;
-   int32 peer=4;
-message Offer
-  int32 index=1;
-  int32 peer=2;
-  string type=3;
-  string sdp=4;
-message Answer
-  int32 index=1;
-  int32 peer=2;
-  string type=3;
-  string sdp=4;
-message Candidate
-   int32 index=1;
-   int32 peer=2;
-   string type=3;
-   string candidate=4;
-   int32 sdpMLineIndex =5;
-   string sdpMid =6;
-   int32 egotype=7;
-message Leave
-   int32 peer=1;
-   int32 egotype=2;
- message Close
-int32 peer=1;
-int32 egotype=2;
-int32 index=3;
-message TestTextReq
-  string text=1;
-message SyncTime
-  	int32 tm_sec =1;   // seconds after the minute - [0, 60] including leap second
-    int32 tm_min =2;   // minutes after the hour - [0, 59]
-    int32 tm_hour =3;  // hours since midnight - [0, 23]
-    int32 tm_mday =4;  // day of the month - [1, 31]
-    int32 tm_mon =5;   // months since January - [0, 11]
-    int32 tm_year =6;  // years since 1900
-	int32 tm_wday =7;  // days since Sunday - [0, 6]
-    int32 tm_yday =8;  // days since January 1 - [0, 365]
-    int32 tm_isdst =9; // daylight savings time flag
-	bool  update_time=10;
-message CCAskDataChannel
-message IMuMessage
-   float rx=1; 
-   float ry=2;
-  // float rz=3;
-message CCPing
-  int64 tick=1;
-  double temp=2;
-message radar_info
- .. int32 index=1;
-  int32 range=2;
- // int32 azimuth=3;
- // float verl=4;
- // int32 count=5;
- // int32 snr=6;
-message radar_node
-    int32 id =1;
-	int32 range=2;
-message CCRadarMessage
-   int32 radar0=1;
-   int32 radar1=2;
-   int32 radar2=3;
-   int32 radar3=4;
-   int32 radar4=5;
-   int32 radar5=6;
-   int32 radar6=7;
-   int32 radar7=8;
-message CCSensor
-   repeated radar_node node=1;
-   int32 left_encode=2;
-   int32 right_encode=3;
-message CCSwitch
-   bool front=1;
-message State
-   /*
-   int32 work_pressure=1;//工作系统压力
-   int32 brake_pressure=2; //制动系统压力
-   int32 gearbox_oil_temp=3;//变速箱油温
-   int32 gearbox_oil_pressure=4; //变速箱油压
-   int32 engine_rpm=5;//发动机转速
-   int32 speed=6;
-  // int32 gear=7;
-   int32 engine_pressure=8;
-   int32 cold_water=9;
-   int32 steer_angle=10;
-   int32 left_lock=11;
-   int32 right_lock=12;
-   */
-   ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////状态参数
-   int32 engine_speed = 1;//发动机转速
-   int32 travel_speed = 2;//行驶速度
-   int32 fuel_level = 3;//燃油油位
-   int32 engine_temperature = 4;//发动机水温
-   int32 hydraulic_oil_temperature = 5;//液压油油温
-   int32 main_pump_1_pressure = 6;//主泵1压力
-   int32 main_pump_2_pressure = 7;//主泵2压力
-   int32 hand_gear = 8;//手挡挡位----改为水箱水位
-   int32 actual_gear = 9;//实际挡位----改为发动机机油压力
-   float gripper_height = 10;//抓具高度
-   float amplitude = 11;//幅度
-   int32 boom_angle = 12;//动臂角度
-   int32 stick_angle = 13;//斗杆角度
-   ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////报警信息
-   int32 idle_protection = 14;//怠速保护
-   int32 front_toggle = 15;//前轮对中-----新增的
-   int32 back_toggle = 16;//后轮对中-----新增的
-   bytes error_Buff = 17;//报警信息-----由原来的15改为17
-   int32 interlock = 18;//启动联锁
-   int32 safety_switch = 19;//安全开关阀异常
-   int32 arm_lift_pilot = 20;//大臂提升先导比例阀异常
-   int32 arm_lowering_pilot = 21;//大臂下降先导比例阀异常
-   int32 lever_lifting_pilot = 22;//斗杆提升先导比例阀异常
-   int32 rod_lowering_pilot = 23;//斗杆下降先导比例阀异常
-   int32 left_rotary_pilot = 24;//左回转先导比例阀异常
-   int32 right_rotary_pilot = 25;//右回转先导比例阀异常
-   int32 grab_open_pilot = 26;//抓斗开启先导比例阀异常
-   int32 grab_close_pilot = 27;//抓斗闭合先导比例阀异常
-   int32 safety_valves = 28;//安全开关阀
-   //增加 0x384
-	int32 function_code =29 ;  //功能码
-	int32 main_add =30;        //主地址
-	int32 sub_add =31;         //次地址
-	int32 paramter=32 ;        //参数值
-    //增加0x28b  
-   int32 engine_spn =33;        //发动机实时故障SPN
-   int32 engine_fmi =34;       //发动机实时故障FMI
-   int32 engine_num =35;        //发动机故障次数
-   //增加0x28f
-   bytes all_Buff =36;
-message LidarPoint
- optional double timestamp = 1; 
- optional uint32 seq = 2;
- optional string frame_id = 3;
- optional uint32 height=4;
- optional uint32 width=5;
- optional bool is_dense=6;
- optional bool is_left=7;
- repeated float data = 8;
-message SensorStop
-message StopAck
-message CCManipulation
-  bytes sensor=1;
-  bytes  car=2;
-message can_net_frame
-   sint32 dlc =1;
-   int32 canid =2;
-   bytes data=3;
-message CCCanMsg
-    repeated can_net_frame frams=1;
-message SCAddRobot
-   Robot robot=1;
-message SCDelRobot
-   int32 peer=1;
-   int32 egotype=2;

+ 0 - 459

@@ -1,459 +0,0 @@
-package RemoNet;
-enum CSMessage
-  CS_NONE=0;
-  CS_Sign=2000;
-  CS_Req=2001;
-  CS_Rep=2002;
-  CS_CancelReq=2003;
-  CS_Offer=2004;
-  CS_Answer=2005;
-  CS_Candidate=2006;
-  CS_Leave=2007;
-  CS_KeepAlive=2008;
-  CS_Add=2009;
-  CS_Robot=2010;
-  CS_CloseVideo=2011;
-  CS_MoveBegin=2012;
-  CS_MoveEnd=2013;
-  CS_State=2014;
-  CS_SwitchDriver=2015;
-  CS_MoveRet=2016;
-  CS_SyncTime=2017;
-enum SCMessage
-  SC_NONE=0;
-  SC_Sign=4000;
-  SC_Req=4001;
-  SC_Rep=4002;
-  SC_Cancel=4003;
-  SC_Offer=4004;
-  SC_Answer=4005;
-  SC_Candidate=4006;
-  SC_Add =4007; 
-  SC_Robot=4008; 
-  SC_NotifyReq=4009;
-  SC_NotifyRep=4010;
-  SC_NotifyAnswer=4011;
-  SC_NotifyOffer=4012;
-  SC_NotifyCandidate=4013;
-  SC_NotifyLeave=4014;
-  SC_NotifyCancel=4015;
-  SC_NotifyAdd=4016;
-  SC_NotifyDel=4017;
-  SC_NotifyCloseVideo=4018;
-  SC_KickOff=4019;
-  SC_MoveBegin=4020;
-  SC_MoveEnd=4021;
-  SC_State=4022;
-  SC_SwitchDriver=4023;
-  SC_MoveRet=4024;
-  SC_NotifyState=4025;
-  SC_SyncTime=4026;
-enum CCMessage
-   CC_None=0;
-   CC_Text=8000;
-   CC_CAN=8001;
-   CC_IMU=8002;
-   CC_Manipulation=8004;
-   CC_Radar=8005;
-   CC_Switch=8006;
-   CC_Ping=8007;
-   CC_SensorStop=8008;
-   CC_StopACK=8009;
-   CC_Lidar=8010;
-   CC_CANMSG=8011;
-   CC_STATE=8012;
-   CC_NDTPOS=8013;
-enum VideoDesc
-	OK=0;
-	Busy=1;
-	Reject=2;
-	NoFound=3;
-	IsVideoing=4;
-message SwitchDriver
-int32 peer=1;
-message NDTPos
-  float x  =1;
-  float y  =2;
-  float z  =3;
-  float rx =4;
-  float ry =5;
-  float rz =6;
-  float rw =7;
-message CSMoveBegin
-int32 peer=1;
-int32 area=2;
-int32 no=3;
-enum MoveDesc
-   Move_OK=0;
-   Move_Encode_Fail=1;
-   Move_Unknow_Faile=2;
-message MoveRet
-   MoveDesc desc=1;
-   int32 peer=2;
-message CSMoveEnd
-   int32 area=1;
-   int32 no=2;
-   int32 uid=3;
-message SCMoveBegin
-   int32 uid=1;
-   int32 area=2;
-   int32 no=3;
-   float x=4;
-   float y=5;
-message SCMoveEnd
-  int32 area=1;
-  int32 no=2;
-  int32 uid=3;
-message CSAdd
-   string serial=1;
-   int32  type=2;
-   string name=3;
-   int32  car=4;
-message SCAdd
-  bool  ret=1;
-  int32 uid=2;
-  string name=3;
-  int32 car=4;
-message SCKickOff
-enum UserState
-   Offline=0;
-   Idle=1;
-   Remote=2;
-   Automotive=3;
-   AskRemote=4;
-message CSState
-    UserState state=1;
-    int32 uid=2;
-message SCState
- UserState state=1;
- int32 uid=2;
-message Robot
-   int32 rid=1;
-   string name=2;
-   int32  type=3;
-   UserState state=4;
-   int32  carType=5;
-message CSRobot
-message SCRobot
- repeated Robot robot=1;
-message CSSign
-  string account=1;
-  string password=2;
-message SCSign
-  bool  ret=1;
-  int32 uid=2;
-  string name=3;
-message CSReq
-   int32 peer=1;
-   int32 index=2;
-   int32 egotype=3;
-message SCReq
-    VideoDesc desc=1;
-    int32 peer=2;
-    int32 egotype=3;
-message CSRep
-   VideoDesc desc=1;
-   int32 peer=2;
-   int32 index=3;
-    int32 egotype=4;
-message SCRep
-   VideoDesc desc=1;
-     int32 index=2;
-	 int32 egotype=3;
-   int32 peer=4;
-message Offer
-  int32 index=1;
-  int32 peer=2;
-  string type=3;
-  string sdp=4;
-message Answer
-  int32 index=1;
-  int32 peer=2;
-  string type=3;
-  string sdp=4;
-message Candidate
-   int32 index=1;
-   int32 peer=2;
-   string type=3;
-   string candidate=4;
-   int32 sdpMLineIndex =5;
-   string sdpMid =6;
-   int32 egotype=7;
-message Leave
-   int32 peer=1;
-   int32 egotype=2;
- message Close
-int32 peer=1;
-int32 egotype=2;
-int32 index=3;
-message TestTextReq
-  string text=1;
-message SyncTime
-  	int32 tm_sec =1;   // seconds after the minute - [0, 60] including leap second
-    int32 tm_min =2;   // minutes after the hour - [0, 59]
-    int32 tm_hour =3;  // hours since midnight - [0, 23]
-    int32 tm_mday =4;  // day of the month - [1, 31]
-    int32 tm_mon =5;   // months since January - [0, 11]
-    int32 tm_year =6;  // years since 1900
-	int32 tm_wday =7;  // days since Sunday - [0, 6]
-    int32 tm_yday =8;  // days since January 1 - [0, 365]
-    int32 tm_isdst =9; // daylight savings time flag
-	bool  update_time=10;
-message CCAskDataChannel
-message IMuMessage
-   float rx=1; 
-   float ry=2;
-  // float rz=3;
-message CCPing
-  int64 tick=1;
-  double temp=2;
-message radar_info
- .. int32 index=1;
-  int32 range=2;
- // int32 azimuth=3;
- // float verl=4;
- // int32 count=5;
- // int32 snr=6;
-message radar_node
-    int32 id =1;
-	int32 range=2;
-message CCRadarMessage
-   int32 radar0=1;
-   int32 radar1=2;
-   int32 radar2=3;
-   int32 radar3=4;
-   int32 radar4=5;
-   int32 radar5=6;
-   int32 radar6=7;
-   int32 radar7=8;
-message CCSensor
-   repeated radar_node node=1;
-   int32 left_encode=2;
-   int32 right_encode=3;
-message CCSwitch
-   bool front=1;
-message State
-   /*
-   int32 work_pressure=1;//工作系统压力
-   int32 brake_pressure=2; //制动系统压力
-   int32 gearbox_oil_temp=3;//变速箱油温
-   int32 gearbox_oil_pressure=4; //变速箱油压
-   int32 engine_rpm=5;//发动机转速
-   int32 speed=6;
-  // int32 gear=7;
-   int32 engine_pressure=8;
-   int32 cold_water=9;
-   int32 steer_angle=10;
-   int32 left_lock=11;
-   int32 right_lock=12;
-   */
-   ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////状态参数
-   int32 engine_speed = 1;//发动机转速
-   int32 travel_speed = 2;//行驶速度
-   int32 fuel_level = 3;//燃油油位
-   int32 engine_temperature = 4;//发动机水温
-   int32 hydraulic_oil_temperature = 5;//液压油油温
-   int32 main_pump_1_pressure = 6;//主泵1压力
-   int32 main_pump_2_pressure = 7;//主泵2压力
-   int32 hand_gear = 8;//手挡挡位----改为水箱水位
-   int32 actual_gear = 9;//实际挡位----改为发动机机油压力
-   float gripper_height = 10;//抓具高度
-   float amplitude = 11;//幅度
-   int32 boom_angle = 12;//动臂角度
-   int32 stick_angle = 13;//斗杆角度
-   ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////报警信息
-   int32 idle_protection = 14;//怠速保护
-   int32 front_toggle = 15;//前轮对中-----新增的
-   int32 back_toggle = 16;//后轮对中-----新增的
-   bytes error_Buff = 17;//报警信息-----由原来的15改为17
-   int32 interlock = 18;//启动联锁
-   int32 safety_switch = 19;//安全开关阀异常
-   int32 arm_lift_pilot = 20;//大臂提升先导比例阀异常
-   int32 arm_lowering_pilot = 21;//大臂下降先导比例阀异常
-   int32 lever_lifting_pilot = 22;//斗杆提升先导比例阀异常
-   int32 rod_lowering_pilot = 23;//斗杆下降先导比例阀异常
-   int32 left_rotary_pilot = 24;//左回转先导比例阀异常
-   int32 right_rotary_pilot = 25;//右回转先导比例阀异常
-   int32 grab_open_pilot = 26;//抓斗开启先导比例阀异常
-   int32 grab_close_pilot = 27;//抓斗闭合先导比例阀异常
-   int32 safety_valves = 28;//安全开关阀
-message LidarPoint
- optional double timestamp = 1; 
- optional uint32 seq = 2;
- optional string frame_id = 3;
- optional uint32 height=4;
- optional uint32 width=5;
- optional bool is_dense=6;
- optional bool is_left=7;
- repeated float data = 8;
-message SensorStop
-message StopAck
-message CCManipulation
-  bytes sensor=1;
-  bytes  car=2;
-message can_net_frame
-   sint32 dlc =1;
-   int32 canid =2;
-   bytes data=3;
-message CCCanMsg
-    repeated can_net_frame frams=1;
-message SCAddRobot
-   Robot robot=1;
-message SCDelRobot
-   int32 peer=1;
-   int32 egotype=2;

+ 1 - 0

@@ -128,6 +128,7 @@ message SCSign
     bool  ret=1;
     int32 uid=2;
     string name=3;
+    string user_uuid=4;
 message CSReq

File diff suppressed because it is too large
+ 0 - 0

Some files were not shown because too many files changed in this diff