@@ -0,0 +1,833 @@
+# update: 2022-7-18
+from urllib import parse
+import requests
+import time
+import traceback
+import sys
+import importlib
+# sys.path.append(r'D:\share\gitee\casper.supplement-python') # for pc
+methods = importlib.import_module(f"libraries.base_original")
+class Api(object):
+ # def __init__(self, username='System001', password='Swdx@143',
+ def __init__(self, username='500A7062', password='198797#cjhxbin',
+ project_id='d0f254cc-8196-499a-8f0d-52bf8ba91486',
+ project_name='山东省公共卫生临床中心(济南市传染病医院二期)项目工程总承包(EPC)'):
+ """
+ 第1现场:
+ 济南市中心医院(东院区)项目工程总承包(EPC)
+ 7eeb53a1-2bbd-4efa-8c8e-66936476226c
+ 第2现场:
+ 山东省大数据产业基地建设项目施工总承包
+ 项目编号:500D10301958
+ ORGID:63729db2-ea9c-4096-b5d9-3ad0369903c8
+ 第3现场:
+ 山东省公共卫生临床中心(济南市传染病医院二期)项目工程总承包(EPC)
+ ORGID:d0f254cc-8196-499a-8f0d-52bf8ba91486
+ 第4现场:
+ 济南奥体东 13 及 17-2 号地块开发项目工程总 承包(EPC)
+ a8defc53-76b3-4f4e-931d-8dd35ba310c7
+ """
+ # --- define ---
+ self.service_url = 'http://app.cscec81.com/api' # 正式环境
+ # self.service_url = f"http://pmdev.cscec81.com/api" # 正式环境
+ # self.service_url = '' # 公网测试地址
+ # self.service_url = '' # vpn测试环境 gelubo01 Gelubo@2022
+ # --- release ---
+ self.project_id = project_id
+ self.project_name = project_name
+ # --- release ---
+ self.token = None
+ if username and password:
+ session_id, user_code, user_id = self.get_user_info(username, password)
+ self.token = f"Bearer {self.get_token(session_id, user_code, user_id)}"
+ # --- test ---
+ # self.token_test = 'Bearer eyJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiIsInR5cCI6IkpXVCJ9.eyJleHAiOjE2NjAxMTgyODIsInVzZXJfbmFtZSI6Iui1tei_nuWxsTM0NTBhMjI0NmZiLTkwMWYtNGIwNi1hMjU2LTY4YTI4Y2VkZTU2Y2UwZDk5OTk3LTkzNzEtNGMwZi04NDNjLTUyNTMzYjE4ZTYxNSIsImp0aSI6Ijg3MzcxZTY0LTgwNzEtNGJlYy04YWMzLTUxMzViMTU5MzhjMyIsImNsaWVudF9pZCI6ImJyb3dzZXIiLCJzY29wZSI6WyJjbGllbnQiXX0.NF0IXabm_7RRqcdra6A7fsBvyBWa_62rkppQAFxalc4'
+ @staticmethod
+ def get_user_info(username, password):
+ """
+ 获取用户信息
+ url: http://pmdev.cscec81.com/Login/Login.ashx?t=' + new Date().getTime() + '&method=CheckLogin
+ """
+ # url = f"{self.service_url}/Login/Login.ashx"
+ url = f"http://app.cscec81.com/Login/Login.ashx" # 正式环境
+ # url = f"http://pm.cscec81.com/Login/Login.ashx" # 测试环境
+ # url = f"" # 测试环境
+ url += f"?t={int(time.time() * 1000)}&method=CheckLogin"
+ data = {
+ 'Username': username,
+ 'password': password,
+ 'usertype': '0',
+ 'sys': 'sitemanage',
+ 'clientType': '5',
+ }
+ payload = parse.urlencode(data, encoding='utf-8')
+ headers = {
+ 'Content-Type': 'application/x-www-form-urlencoded',
+ 'Cookie': 'ASP.NET_SessionId=luy3wg10b2kymc2nbiytn4xt'
+ }
+ print('Api.get_user_info.url:', url)
+ # print('Api.get_user_info.headers:', headers)
+ # print('Api.get_user_info.payload:', payload)
+ response = requests.request('POST', url, headers=headers, data=payload)
+ if response.status_code > 300:
+ print('Api.get_user_info.result:', response.status_code)
+ print('Api.get_user_info.detail:', response.text)
+ return '', '', ''
+ print('Api.get_user_info.result:', response.status_code)
+ json_data = response.json()
+ # print('Api.get_user_info.json_data:', json_data)
+ if not json_data or not json_data.get('data'):
+ return '', '', ''
+ session_id = json_data.get('data').get('ticketID')
+ user_code = json_data.get('data').get('userCode')
+ user_id = json_data.get('data').get('userID')
+ # print('Api.get_user_info.session_id:', session_id)
+ # print('Api.get_user_info.user_code:', user_code)
+ # print('Api.get_user_info.user_id:', user_id)
+ return session_id, user_code, user_id
+ @staticmethod
+ def get_token(session_id, user_code, user_id):
+ """
+ 获取令牌
+ url: http://pmdev.cscec81.com/api/oauth/token?grant_type=session&sessionId="
+ + ticketID + "&userCode=" + userCode + "&userId=" + userID + "&client_type=web&system=1
+ """
+ # url = f"{self.service_url}/oauth/token"
+ url = f"http://app.cscec81.com/api/oauth/token" # 正式环境
+ # url = f"http://pm.cscec81.com/api/oauth/token" # 测试环境
+ url += f"?grant_type=session&sessionId={session_id}&userCode={user_code}&userId={user_id}"
+ url += f"&client_type=web&system=1"
+ headers = {
+ 'Authorization': 'Basic YnJvd3Nlcjo='
+ }
+ print('Api.get_token.url:', url)
+ # print('Api.get_token.headers:', headers)
+ response = requests.post(url=url, headers=headers)
+ if response.status_code > 300:
+ print('Api.get_token.result:', response.status_code)
+ print('Api.get_token.detail:', response.text)
+ return ''
+ else:
+ print('Api.get_token.result:', response.status_code)
+ # return response.headers.get('authorization')
+ return response.json().get('access_token')
+ def get_cscec8_user_list(self):
+ """
+ 获取八局管理人员
+ /api/economic/indoor/getProjectUserList?projectId=05037f9b-5cb6-4a43-9410-c0e6a83f280e
+ return [
+ {
+ cardId: 身份证号
+ imgUrl: 人脸图片
+ dutyId: 职务id
+ dutyName: 职务名称
+ }
+ ]
+ """
+ url = f"http://app.cscec81.com/api/economic/indoor/getProjectUserFaceList?projectId={self.project_id}"
+ print('Api.get_cscec8_user_list.url:', url)
+ response = requests.get(url, headers={'content-type': 'application/json'})
+ if response.status_code > 300:
+ print('Api.get_cscec8_user_list.result:', response.status_code)
+ print('Api.get_cscec8_user_list.detail:', response.text)
+ return []
+ json_data = response.json()
+ # print(json_data)
+ return json_data
+ def get_worker_list(self):
+ """
+ 获取工人列表(云筑网工人信息)
+ url: http://app.cscec81.com/api/safeeducation/workerInfo/workers?projectName=济南市中心医院(东院区)项目工程总承包(EPC)
+ url:丽泽SOHO项目
+ return [
+ {
+ headImagePath: 人脸图像地址
+ subContractorName: 劳务公司
+ workTypeName: 工种
+ }
+ ]
+ """
+ url = f"http://app.cscec81.com/api/safeeducation/workerInfo/workers?projectName={self.project_name}"
+ url += f"&page=0&size=5000"
+ print('Api.get_worker_list.url:', url)
+ response = requests.get(url, headers={'content-type': 'application/json'})
+ print('Api.get_worker_list.result:', response.status_code)
+ if response.status_code > 300:
+ print('Api.get_worker_list.result:', response.status_code)
+ print('Api.get_worker_list.detail:', response.text)
+ return []
+ json_data = response.json()
+ # {'projectName': '济南市中心医院(东院区)项目工程总承包(EPC)', 'workerName': '高玉锋',
+ # 'idCardNumber': '372527198311022813', 'workTypeName': '电气设备安装工', 'headImagePath': None}
+ if not json_data or not json_data.get('success') or not json_data.get('data'):
+ return []
+ if not json_data.get('data').get('content'):
+ return []
+ # print(json_data.get('data').keys())
+ # print(json_data.get('data').get('totalElements'))
+ # print(len(json_data.get('data').get('content')))
+ # print(json_data.get('data').get('content')[0])
+ return json_data.get('data').get('content')
+ @staticmethod
+ def get_face_image_by_path(image_path):
+ """
+ 获取工人照片
+ url: https://lwres.yzw.cn/worker-avatar/Original/2018/0612/f3230a72-57ab-4aaf-a741-61d8c078fe89.jpg
+ """
+ while True:
+ try:
+ url = f"https://lwres.yzw.cn/{image_path}"
+ # print('Api.get_face_image_by_path.url:', url)
+ response = requests.get(url, headers={'content-type': 'application/json'})
+ # print('Api.get_face_image_by_path.result:', response.status_code)
+ if response.status_code > 300:
+ print('Api.get_face_image_by_path.result:', response.status_code)
+ print('Api.get_face_image_by_path.detail:', response.text)
+ return b''
+ else:
+ return response.content
+ except Exception as exception:
+ if exception.__class__.__name__ == 'ConnectionError':
+ print(f"Api.get_face_image_by_path: sleep 60s")
+ time.sleep(60)
+ else:
+ print(f"Api.get_face_image_by_path.exception:{exception.__class__.__name__}")
+ print(f"Api.get_face_image_by_path.traceback:{traceback.format_exc()}")
+ return b''
+ @staticmethod
+ def get_face_image_by_path_v2(image_path):
+ """
+ 获取工人高清头像
+ url: http://app.cscec81.com/media/202110/25/20211025-161726-381-4862.jpg
+ """
+ while True:
+ try:
+ url = f"http://app.cscec81.com/media/{image_path}"
+ # print('Api.get_face_image_by_path_v2.url:', url)
+ response = requests.get(url, headers={'content-type': 'application/json'})
+ # print('Api.get_face_image_by_path_v2.result:', response.status_code)
+ if response.status_code > 300:
+ print('Api.get_face_image_by_path_v2.result:', response.status_code)
+ print('Api.get_face_image_by_path_v2.detail:', response.text)
+ return b''
+ else:
+ return response.content
+ except Exception as exception:
+ if exception.__class__.__name__ == 'ConnectionError':
+ print(f"Api.get_face_image_by_path_v2: sleep 60s")
+ time.sleep(60)
+ else:
+ print(f"Api.get_face_image_by_path_v2.exception:{exception.__class__.__name__}")
+ print(f"Api.get_face_image_by_path_v2.traceback:{traceback.format_exc()}")
+ return b''
+ @staticmethod
+ def get_face_image_by_url(image_url):
+ """
+ 获取八局管理人员人脸图像
+ url: https://hcm.cscec81.com/img?type=photo&size=120&index=ae2f8424-c63f-11ea-b0a9-ea6f5cf6388d&rnd=1653618903725
+ """
+ while True:
+ try:
+ # print('Api.get_face_image_by_url.url:', url)
+ response = requests.get(image_url, headers={'content-type': 'application/json'})
+ # print('Api.get_face_image_by_url.result:', response.status_code)
+ if response.status_code > 300:
+ print('Api.get_face_image_by_url.result:', response.status_code)
+ print('Api.get_face_image_by_url.detail:', response.text)
+ return b''
+ else:
+ return response.content
+ except Exception as exception:
+ if exception.__class__.__name__ == 'ConnectionError':
+ print(f"Api.get_face_image_by_url: sleep 60s")
+ time.sleep(60)
+ else:
+ print(f"Api.get_face_image_by_url.exception:{exception.__class__.__name__}")
+ print(f"Api.get_face_image_by_url.traceback:{traceback.format_exc()}")
+ return b''
+ def upload_file(self, face_uuid, file_path):
+ """
+ 上传文件图片
+ """
+ # service_url = ''
+ # url = f"{service_url}/storages/files/anonymousUpload"
+ url = f"{self.service_url}/storages/files/anonymousUpload"
+ files = {
+ 'id': (None, face_uuid),
+ 'file': ('1.jpg', open(file_path, 'rb'), 'image/jpg'),
+ }
+ headers = {
+ 'Authorization': self.token,
+ }
+ print('Api.upload_file.url:', url)
+ response = requests.post(url=url, files=files, headers=headers)
+ if response.status_code > 300:
+ print('Api.upload_file.result:', response.status_code)
+ # print('Api.upload_file.detail:', response.text)
+ return ''
+ else:
+ print('Api.upload_file.result:', response.status_code)
+ """
+ 原地址
+ 替换后地址
+ http://app.cscec81.com/media/202110/12/20211012-161022-713-7035.jpg
+ """
+ link = response.json().get('link')
+ # link = link.replace('', '') # 测试
+ # link = link.replace('', 'http://app.cscec81.com/media') # 正式
+ # link = f"{link.split('cscec81-cloud')[1]}" # 测试环境
+ link = f"http://app.cscec81.com/media{link.split('cscec81-cloud')[1]}" # 正式环境
+ return link
+ def get_user_list(self):
+ """
+ 获取在职人员列表
+ """
+ url = f"{self.service_url}/system/users/getUserList"
+ data = {
+ 'companyId': self.project_id, # 单位id
+ 'userName': '', # 人员名称
+ 'isMainPosition': '', # 1 主职 0 主职+兼职
+ 'postId': '', # 职务
+ 'postName': '',
+ }
+ headers = {
+ 'Authorization': self.token
+ }
+ # print('Api.get_user_list.url:', url)
+ response = requests.get(url, params=data, headers=headers)
+ # print('Api.get_user_list.result:', response.status_code)
+ if response.status_code > 300:
+ print('Api.get_user_list.result:', response.status_code)
+ print('Api.get_user_list.detail:', response.text)
+ return []
+ json_data = response.json()
+ if not json_data.get('content'):
+ return []
+ print(json_data.get('content')[0])
+ return json_data.get('content')
+ def push_face(self, send_at, face_file_link, face_name, cscec8_duty_name, cscec8_id, age, group, source):
+ """
+ 上传新增人脸(上传八局管理人员接口)
+ """
+ # test_service_url = ''
+ # url = f"{test_service_url}/worker/userInfo"
+ url = f"{self.service_url}/worker/userInfo"
+ data = [{
+ 'groupId': group, # 分组ID 001 陌生人 002 劳务工人 003 临时用工 004 项目管理人员 005 VIP 006 黑名单 007 其他
+ 'equipmentId': self.project_id, # 设备id
+ 'userId': cscec8_id, # 用户唯一标识 人脸id
+ 'userName': face_name, # 用户名 人脸名称
+ 'age': age, # 年龄
+ 'postInfoName': cscec8_duty_name, # 职务
+ 'lastEnterTime': send_at, # 最后进入时间 '2021-08-10 08:00:00'
+ 'faceInfo': face_file_link, # 文件链接地址
+ 'sourceType': source, # 是否是八局人脸库信息 0 不是 1 是
+ }]
+ # print('Api.push_face:data:', data)
+ # methods.debug_log('Api.push_face', f"m-418 | data: {data}")
+ headers = {
+ 'Authorization': self.token,
+ # 'Authorization': self.token_test,
+ }
+ # print('Api.push_face.url:', url)
+ response = requests.post(url, json=data, headers=headers)
+ if response.status_code > 300:
+ print('Api.push_face.result:', response.status_code)
+ print('Api.push_face.detail:', response.text)
+ methods.debug_log('apis.u3_for_cscec', f"m-395: url -> {url}")
+ methods.debug_log('apis.u3_for_cscec', f"m-395: data -> {data}")
+ methods.debug_log('apis.u3_for_cscec', f"m-395: result -> {response.status_code}")
+ methods.debug_log('apis.u3_for_cscec', f"m-395: detail -> {response.text}")
+ return False
+ else:
+ # print('Api.push_face.result:', response.status_code)
+ # print('Api.push_face:json:', response.json())
+ return True
+ def push_work_info(self, send_at, face_file_link, face_name, prc_id, worker_contractor, worker_type_name, age,
+ find_at):
+ """
+ 添加劳务人员接口(上传农民工接口)
+ """
+ # test_service_url = 'http://425ax87563.zicp.vip'
+ # url = f"{test_service_url}/worker/userInfo/workerInfo"
+ url = f"{self.service_url}/worker/userInfo/workerInfo"
+ data = [{
+ 'equipmentId': self.project_id, # 设备id
+ 'userId': prc_id, # 用户唯一标识 农民工身份证id
+ 'userName': face_name, # 用户名 工人名称
+ 'userCerd': prc_id, # 用户身份证号
+ 'age': age, # 年龄
+ 'postInfoName': '', # 职务
+ 'workType': worker_type_name, # 工种(农民工)
+ 'labourCompany': worker_contractor, # 劳务公司(农民工)
+ 'enterState': '', # 进场状态
+ 'enterTime': '', # 进场时间
+ 'synTime': find_at, # 同步时间(同步云筑网时间)
+ 'lastEnterTime': send_at, # 最后进入时间 '2021-08-10 08:00:00'
+ 'faceInfo': face_file_link, # 文件链接地址 人脸信息(图片传八局服务器系统,入参只传服务器文件地址)
+ 'labourSource': str(0), # 是否八局底库人员 0 不是 1 是
+ }]
+ # data = [
+ # {'equipmentId': '63729db2-ea9c-4096-b5d9-3ad0369903c8', 'userId': '511025199009011013', 'userName': '赵润',
+ # 'userCerd': '511025199009011013', 'age': '', 'postInfoName': '', 'workType': None, 'labourCompany': None,
+ # 'enterState': '', 'enterTime': '', 'synTime': '', 'lastEnterTime': '2022-05-27 10:10:56',
+ # 'faceInfo': '',
+ # 'labourSource': '0'}]
+ # print('Api.push_work_info:data:', data)
+ # methods.debug_log('Api.push_work_info', f"m-464 | data: {data}")
+ headers = {
+ 'Authorization': self.token,
+ # 'Authorization': self.token_test,
+ }
+ # print('Api.push_work_info.url:', url)
+ response = requests.post(url, json=data, headers=headers)
+ if response.status_code > 300:
+ # print('Api.push_work_info.result:', response.status_code)
+ # print('Api.push_work_info.detail:', response.text)
+ methods.debug_log('apis.u3_for_cscec', f"m-457: url -> {url}")
+ methods.debug_log('apis.u3_for_cscec', f"m-457: data -> {data}")
+ methods.debug_log('apis.u3_for_cscec', f"m-457: result -> {response.status_code}")
+ methods.debug_log('apis.u3_for_cscec', f"m-457: detail -> {response.text}")
+ return False
+ else:
+ # print('Api.push_work_info:json:', response.json())
+ return True
+ def pull_update_info(self, start_at):
+ """
+ 获取线上更新数据 todo 定时请求更新本地数据相关的数据
+ """
+ # test_service_url = 'http://425ax87563.zicp.vip'
+ # url = f"{test_service_url}/worker/userInfo/findUpdateUserByTime"
+ url = f"{self.service_url}/worker/userInfo/findUpdateUserByTime"
+ # url = f"http://425ax87563.zicp.vip/worker/userInfo/findUpdateUserByTime?queryStartTime=2022-05-27 11:09:00"
+ # url += '?queryStartTime=2022-05-27 11:09:00'
+ url += f"?queryStartTime={start_at}"
+ data = {
+ # 'companyId': self.project_id, # 单位id
+ # 'queryStartTime': '2021-10-21 11:09:00',
+ # 'queryStartTime': '2022-05-27 11:09:00',
+ }
+ headers = {
+ 'Authorization': self.token,
+ # 'Authorization': self.token_test,
+ }
+ print('Api.pull_update_info.url:', url)
+ response = requests.get(url, params=data, headers=headers)
+ print('Api.pull_update_info.result:', response.status_code)
+ print('Api.pull_update_info:text:', response.json())
+ return []
+ # if response.status_code > 300:
+ # print('Api.pull_update_info:text:', response.text)
+ # return []
+ # json_data = response.json()
+ # if not json_data.get('content'):
+ # return []
+ # print(json_data.get('content')[0])
+ # return json_data.get('content')
+ def pull_alarm_list(self, create_at):
+ """
+ 获取告警列表
+ """
+ # test_service_url = 'http://425ax87563.zicp.vip'
+ # url = f"{test_service_url}/worker/alarm/alarmPageList"
+ # url += f"?createTime={create_at}"
+ url = f"{self.service_url}/worker/alarm/alarmPageList"
+ url += f"?createTime={create_at}"
+ params = {
+ # 'createTime': '2021-08-10 08:00:00'
+ }
+ headers = {
+ 'Authorization': self.token,
+ # 'Authorization': self.token_test,
+ }
+ print('Api.pull_alarm_list.url:', url)
+ response = requests.get(url, params=params, headers=headers)
+ if response.status_code > 300:
+ print('Api.pull_alarm_list.result:', response.status_code)
+ print('Api.pull_alarm_list.detail:', response.text)
+ return {}
+ else:
+ print('Api.pull_alarm_list.result:', response.status_code)
+ return response.json()
+ def pull_alarm_group_list(self, create_at):
+ """
+ 获取报警分组列表
+ return [
+ {
+ ALARM_GROUP_STRATEGY_IDS: 1 现场屏显报警 2 现场语音报警 3 微信报警
+ }
+ ]
+ """
+ # test_service_url = 'http://425ax87563.zicp.vip'
+ # url = f"{test_service_url}/worker/alarm/alarmGroupList"
+ url = f"{self.service_url}/worker/alarm/alarmGroupList"
+ params = {
+ 'projectId': self.project_id,
+ 'createTime': create_at,
+ }
+ headers = {
+ 'Authorization': self.token,
+ # 'Authorization': self.token_test,
+ }
+ print('Api.pull_alarm_group_list.url:', url)
+ response = requests.get(url, params=params, headers=headers)
+ if response.status_code > 300:
+ print('Api.pull_alarm_group_list.result:', response.status_code)
+ print('Api.pull_alarm_group_list.detail:', response.text)
+ return []
+ else:
+ print('Api.pull_alarm_group_list.result:', response.status_code)
+ return response.json()
+ def push_message(self):
+ """
+ 推送微信消息
+ {'ALARM_TYPE': 1, 'ALARM_USER_ID': 'f6bae517-0a28-429c-b65b-b16548ab2ca4', 'ALARM_GROUP_NAME': '屏显报警',
+ 'id': '17ee224382634361bc5b9ef41ce09eb1', 'ALARM_STRATEGY_GROUP_ID': '5e58ed8828c84c779b3cddb0257d6f5f',
+ 'ALARM_PROJECT_ID': '63729db2-ea9c-4096-b5d9-3ad0369903c8', 'ALARM_NAME': '刘美琪'}
+ {'ALARM_TYPE': 1, 'ALARM_USER_ID': '7a574580-6af1-40af-a3c8-1c0d5aee567b', 'ALARM_GROUP_NAME': '微信报警',
+ 'id': '04bb6b4628954b2282b15a3cb2e74ab8', 'ALARM_STRATEGY_GROUP_ID': '0f695744b43447b2b4cbad8dc78389f4',
+ 'ALARM_PROJECT_ID': '63729db2-ea9c-4096-b5d9-3ad0369903c8', 'ALARM_NAME': '吴非'}
+ 微信推送结果查询接口 worker/alarm/getWxPushState
+ 状态 00 未发送 01 发送成功 02 发送失败 03 发送异常
+ """
+ # test_service_url = 'http://425ax87563.zicp.vip'
+ # url = f"{test_service_url}/worker/alarm/getWxAlarmUser"
+ url = f"{self.service_url}/worker/alarm/getWxAlarmUser"
+ data = {
+ 'projectId': self.project_id, # 项目id
+ # 'groupId': '5e58ed8828c84c779b3cddb0257d6f5f', # 告警组id ALARM_STRATEGY_GROUP_ID
+ 'groupId': '0f695744b43447b2b4cbad8dc78389f4', # 告警组id ALARM_STRATEGY_GROUP_ID
+ # 'userId': 'f6bae517-0a28-429c-b65b-b16548ab2ca4', # 告警用户id ALARM_USER_ID
+ 'userId': '7a574580-6af1-40af-a3c8-1c0d5aee567b', # 告警用户id ALARM_USER_ID
+ }
+ print(f"Api.push_message:data: {data}")
+ headers = {
+ 'Authorization': self.token,
+ # 'Authorization': self.token_test,
+ }
+ print('Api.push_message.url:', url)
+ response = requests.post(url, json=data, headers=headers)
+ if response.status_code > 300:
+ print('Api.push_message.result:', response.status_code)
+ print('Api.push_message.detail:', response.text)
+ return {}
+ else:
+ print('Api.push_message.result:', response.status_code)
+ return response.json()
+ def check_message_state(self):
+ """
+ 微信推送结果查询接口 worker/alarm/getWxPushState
+ 状态 00 未发送 01 发送成功 02 发送失败 03 发送异常
+ """
+ # test_service_url = 'http://425ax87563.zicp.vip'
+ # url = f"{test_service_url}/worker/alarm/getWxPushState"
+ url = f"{self.service_url}/worker/alarm/getWxPushState"
+ # url += f"?wxPushId=24290bde-09d7-444b-b2ea-039213f8b628"
+ url += f"?wxPushId=77c36ad2-ad35-464b-bf52-6d16fd9c74e0"
+ data = {
+ # 'wxPushId': mid,
+ # 'wxPushId': '24290bde-09d7-444b-b2ea-039213f8b628',
+ }
+ headers = {
+ 'Authorization': self.token,
+ # 'Authorization': self.token_test,
+ }
+ print('Api.check_message_state.url:', url)
+ # response = requests.get(url, json=data, headers=headers)
+ response = requests.get(url, headers=headers)
+ if response.status_code > 300:
+ print('Api.check_message_state.result:', response.status_code)
+ print('Api.check_message_state.detail:', response.text)
+ return {}
+ else:
+ print('Api.check_message_state.result:', response.status_code)
+ # return response.json()
+ return response.text
+ def push_state(self):
+ """
+ 每分钟发送心跳请求接口
+ """
+ # test_service_url = 'http://425ax87563.zicp.vip'
+ # url = f"{test_service_url}/worker/equipmentMaintain/updateEquStateTime"
+ url = f"{self.service_url}/worker/equipmentMaintain/updateEquStateTime"
+ data = {
+ 'projectId': self.project_id,
+ }
+ headers = {
+ 'Authorization': self.token,
+ # 'Authorization': self.token_test,
+ }
+ # print('Api.push_state.url:', url)
+ response = requests.post(url, json=data, headers=headers)
+ if response.status_code > 300:
+ print('Api.push_state.result:', response.status_code)
+ print('Api.push_state.detail:', response.text)
+ return {}
+ else:
+ # print('Api.push_state.result:', response.status_code)
+ return response.json()
+ def push_face_log(self, user_id, find_at, face_link=''):
+ """
+ 上传识别记录
+ methods.ts_to_string(item.get('create_at'), '%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S')
+ """
+ # test_service_url = ''
+ # url = f"{test_service_url}/worker/ledger/addLedger"
+ url = f"{self.service_url}/worker/ledger/addLedger"
+ data = [{
+ 'projectId': self.project_id, # 项目id
+ 'equipmentInfo': self.project_id, # 设备id
+ 'equipmentRecognitionTime': find_at, # 识别时间 '2021-10-21 11:09:00'
+ 'userId': user_id, # 人脸标识 八局人员使用uuid 劳务人员使用身份证号
+ 'faceInfo': face_link, # 文件链接地址 人脸信息(图片传八局服务器系统,入参只传服务器文件地址)
+ }]
+ headers = {
+ 'Authorization': self.token,
+ # 'Authorization': self.token_test,
+ }
+ # methods.debug_log('apis.u3_for_cscec', f"m-651: project_id -> {self.project_id}")
+ print('Api.push_face_log.url:', url)
+ # print('Api.push_face_log:data:', data)
+ response = requests.post(url, json=data, headers=headers)
+ if response.status_code > 300:
+ # print('Api.push_face_log.result:', response.status_code)
+ # print('Api.push_face_log.detail:', response.text)
+ methods.debug_log('apis.u3_for_cscec', f"m-678: url -> {url}")
+ methods.debug_log('apis.u3_for_cscec', f"m-678: data -> {data}")
+ methods.debug_log('apis.u3_for_cscec', f"m-678: result -> {response.status_code}")
+ methods.debug_log('apis.u3_for_cscec', f"m-678: detail -> {response.text}")
+ return False
+ else:
+ print('Api.push_face_log.result:', response.status_code)
+ print('Api.push_face_log.detail:', response.text)
+ # methods.debug_log('apis.u3_for_cscec', f"m-668: result -> {response.status_code}")
+ # methods.debug_log('apis.u3_for_cscec', f"m-668: detail -> {response.text}")
+ # methods.debug_log('apis.u3_for_cscec', f"m-668: detail -> {response.json()}")
+ return True
+if __name__ == '__main__':
+ # --- init ---
+ # api = Api(username='500A4475', password='cscec81#')
+ # api = Api(username='500A7062', password='198797#cjhxbin') # 侯经理 正式环境
+ api = Api(project_id='63729db2-ea9c-4096-b5d9-3ad0369903c8',
+ project_name='山东省大数据产业基地建设项目施工总承包') # 正式环境账号
+ # api = Api(project_id='a8defc53-76b3-4f4e-931d-8dd35ba310c7',
+ # project_name='济南奥体东 13 及 17-2 号地块开发项目工程总 承包(EPC)') # 正式环境账号
+ # api = Api() # 正式环境账号
+ # --- test ---
+ # out = api.upload_file('aabbccdd-aabbccss-ssggaaff-sseeqqhh', r"D:\3.jpg")
+ # print(out)
+ # --- test ---
+ # api.push_state()
+ # api.push_face(
+ # send_at='2022-07-18 08:09:00',
+ # face_file_link='http://app.cscec81.com/media/202207/18/20220718-105339-394-2140.jpg',
+ # face_name='张三001',
+ # cscec8_duty_name='司机',
+ # cscec8_id='aabbccdd-aabbccss-ssggaaff-sseeqqhh',
+ # age=60,
+ # group='004',
+ # source=1)
+ # api.push_face_log('aabbccdd-aabbccss-ssggaaff-sseeqqhh', '2022-06-02 08:09:01',
+ # 'http://app.cscec81.com/media/202207/18/20220718-111202-730-7523.jpg')
+ # --- test ---
+ # _dict = {}
+ # items = api.get_worker_list()
+ # print(items[0])
+ # print(len(items))
+ # for item in items:
+ # _dict[item.get('idCardNumber')] = 1
+ # print(len(_dict.keys()))
+ # --- check 八局人员 ---
+ # items = api.get_cscec8_user_list()
+ # for item in items:
+ # if item.get('userName') in ['孙会沅']:
+ # print(item)
+ # --- check avatarAddress ---
+ # out = api.get_worker_list()
+ # for one in out:
+ # if one.get('workerName') in ['鲁成', '韩继涛', '丁保树', '金义莲']:
+ # print(one)
+ # # if one.get('subContractorName'):
+ # # print(one.get('avatarAddress'))
+ # # print(one.get('flag'), type(one.get('flag')))
+ # # image = api.get_face_image_by_path_v2(one.get('avatarAddress'))
+ # # print(type(image), len(image))
+ # --- test ---
+ # uuid = '62a166f324bfcf82f7066b65'
+ # face_image_path = '/home/server/resources/vms-files/2022-0609-112017-618668-raw.jpg'
+ # face_image_path = '/home/server/resources/vms-files/2022-0601-172536-193936.jpg'
+ # out = api.upload_file(uuid, face_image_path)
+ # print(out)
+ # --- test ---
+ # o = api.pull_alarm_list('2021-06-01 08:00:00')
+ # print(o)
+ # o = api.pull_alarm_group_list('2021-06-01 08:00:00')
+ # print(o)
+ # o = api.push_message()
+ # print(o)
+ # o = api.check_message_state()
+ # print(o)
+ # --- test ---
+ # o = api.pull_update_info('2022-05-27 11:09:00')
+ # o = api.pull_alarm_list('2022-05-27 11:09:00')
+ # o = api.pull_alarm_group_list()
+ # print(o)
+ # --- test ---
+ # o = api.push_work_info(1, 2, 3, 4, 1, 1)
+ # print(o)
+ # --- test ---
+ # u = 'https://hcm.cscec81.com/img?type=photo&size=120&index=ae2f8424-c63f-11ea-b0a9-ea6f5cf6388d&rnd=1653618903725'
+ # u = 'https://hcm.cscec81.com/img?type=photo&size=120&index=6605f16a-095a-11ec-99ad-da7e2f6980d1&rnd=1653620550071'
+ # o = api.get_face_image_by_url(u)
+ # print(o)
+ # --- test ---
+ # out = api.get_cscec8_user_list()
+ # print(len(out))
+ # for i in out:
+ # if i.get('userName') == '杜兴昌':
+ # print(i)
+ # --- test ---
+ # out = api.push_face('6166f0ab95a68293064d97c4', '2021-04-14 14:43:55',
+ # '', 1, '张001')
+ # out = api.push_work_info('6166f0ab95a68293064d97c4', '2021-10-13 14:43:55',
+ # '')
+ # print(out)
+ # --- test ---
+ # out = api.pull_alarm_group_list()
+ # print(out)
+ # --- test ---
+ # alarm_group_id = '1dfcd494affd4ee9aeb533c2d12558e7'
+ # out = api.push_message(alarm_group_id)
+ # --- test ---
+ # out = api.pull_alarm_group_list()
+ # out = api.get_user_list()
+ # print(out)
+ # --- test ---
+ # out = api.get_user_list()
+ # print(out)
+ # --- test ---
+ # def write_bytes(path, data=b''):
+ # with open(path, 'wb') as f:
+ # f.write(data)
+ # outputs = api.get_worker_list_by_project_name('济南市中心医院(东院区)项目工程总承包(EPC)')
+ # count = 0
+ # for i in outputs:
+ # if not i.get('headImagePath'):
+ # continue
+ # url = f"https://lwres.yzw.cn/{i.get('headImagePath')}"
+ # r = requests.get(url, headers={'content-type': 'application/json'})
+ # count += 1
+ # name = str(count).zfill(6)
+ # write_bytes(f"D:\\test\\111\\{name}.jpg", r.content)
+ # --- test ---
+ # def write_bytes(path, data=b''):
+ # with open(path, 'wb') as f:
+ # f.write(data)
+ # _url = f"https://lwres.yzw.cn/worker-avatar/Original/2021/0303/0f735c37-118f-4cd8-a0a5-753e0e2fc7d7.jpg"
+ # r = requests.get(_url, headers={'content-type': 'application/json'})
+ # write_bytes(f"D:\\test\\111\\{1}.jpg", r.content)
+ # --- test ---
+ # d1 = {}
+ # outputs = api.get_worker_list_by_project_name('济南市中心医院(东院区)项目工程总承包(EPC)')
+ # for i in outputs:
+ # if i.get('workTypeName') not in d1:
+ # d1[i.get('workTypeName')] = 0
+ # d1[i.get('workTypeName')] += 1
+ # print(d1)
+ # --- test ---
+ # api.get_image('worker-avatar/Original/2018/0612/f3230a72-57ab-4aaf-a741-61d8c078fe89.jpg')
+ # out = api.get_worker_list_by_project_name('济南市中心医院(东院区)项目工程总承包(EPC)')
+ # print(len(out))