ie.hpp 24 KB

  1. // This file is part of OpenCV project.
  2. // It is subject to the license terms in the LICENSE file found in the top-level directory
  3. // of this distribution and at
  4. //
  5. // Copyright (C) 2019-2023 Intel Corporation
  8. #include <unordered_map>
  9. #include <unordered_set>
  10. #include <string>
  11. #include <array>
  12. #include <tuple> // tuple, tuple_size
  13. #include <map>
  14. #include <opencv2/gapi/opencv_includes.hpp>
  15. #include <opencv2/gapi/util/any.hpp>
  16. #include <opencv2/core/cvdef.h> // GAPI_EXPORTS
  17. #include <opencv2/gapi/gkernel.hpp> // GKernelPackage
  18. #include <opencv2/gapi/infer.hpp> // Generic
  19. #include <opencv2/gapi/streaming/onevpl/accel_types.hpp> // Preproc Dev & Ctx
  20. namespace cv {
  21. namespace gapi {
  22. // FIXME: introduce a new sub-namespace for NN?
  23. /**
  24. * @brief This namespace contains G-API OpenVINO backend functions,
  25. * structures, and symbols.
  26. */
  27. namespace ie {
  28. GAPI_EXPORTS cv::gapi::GBackend backend();
  29. /**
  30. * Specifies how G-API and IE should trait input data
  31. *
  32. * In OpenCV, the same cv::Mat is used to represent both
  33. * image and tensor data. Sometimes those are hardly distinguishable,
  34. * so this extra parameter is used to give G-API a hint.
  35. *
  36. * This hint controls how G-API reinterprets the data when converting
  37. * it to IE Blob format (and which layout/etc is assigned to this data).
  38. */
  39. enum class TraitAs: int
  40. {
  41. TENSOR, //!< G-API traits an associated cv::Mat as a raw tensor and passes dimensions as-is
  42. IMAGE //!< G-API traits an associated cv::Mat as an image so creates an "image" blob (NCHW/NHWC, etc)
  43. };
  44. using IEConfig = std::map<std::string, std::string>;
  45. enum InferMode {Sync, Async};
  46. namespace detail {
  47. template <typename T>
  48. using AttrMap = std::map<std::string, T>;
  49. // NB: This type is used to hold in/out layers
  50. // attributes such as precision, layout, shape etc.
  51. //
  52. // User can provide attributes either:
  53. // 1. cv::util::monostate - No value specified explicitly.
  54. // 2. Attr - value specified explicitly that should be broadcasted to all layers.
  55. // 3. AttrMap[str->T] - map specifies value for particular layer.
  56. template <typename Attr>
  57. using LayerVariantAttr = cv::util::variant< cv::util::monostate
  58. , AttrMap<Attr>
  59. , Attr>;
  60. struct ParamDesc {
  61. std::string model_path;
  62. std::string weights_path;
  63. std::string device_id;
  64. std::vector<std::string> input_names;
  65. std::vector<std::string> output_names;
  66. using ConstInput = std::pair<cv::Mat, TraitAs>;
  67. std::unordered_map<std::string, ConstInput> const_inputs;
  68. std::size_t num_in;
  69. std::size_t num_out;
  70. enum class Kind {Load, Import};
  71. Kind kind;
  72. bool is_generic;
  73. IEConfig config;
  74. std::map<std::string, std::vector<std::size_t>> reshape_table;
  75. std::unordered_set<std::string> layer_names_to_reshape;
  76. // NB: Number of asyncrhonious infer requests
  77. size_t nireq;
  78. // NB: An optional config to setup RemoteContext for IE
  79. cv::util::any context_config;
  80. // NB: batch_size can't be equal to 1 by default, because some of models
  81. // have 2D (Layout::NC) input and if the first dimension not equal to 1
  82. // net.setBatchSize(1) will overwrite it.
  83. cv::optional<size_t> batch_size;
  84. cv::optional<cv::gapi::wip::onevpl::Device> vpl_preproc_device;
  85. cv::optional<cv::gapi::wip::onevpl::Context> vpl_preproc_ctx;
  86. InferMode mode;
  87. using PrecisionT = int;
  88. using PrecisionMapT = std::unordered_map<std::string, PrecisionT>;
  89. // NB: This parameter can contain:
  90. // 1. cv::util::monostate - Don't specify precision, but use default from IR/Blob.
  91. // 2. PrecisionT (CV_8U, CV_32F, ...) - Specifies precision for all output layers.
  92. // 3. PrecisionMapT ({{"layer0", CV_32F}, {"layer1", CV_16F}} - Specifies precision for certain output layer.
  93. // cv::util::monostate is default value that means precision wasn't specified.
  94. using PrecisionVariantT = cv::util::variant<cv::util::monostate,
  95. PrecisionT,
  96. PrecisionMapT>;
  97. PrecisionVariantT output_precision;
  98. LayerVariantAttr<std::string> input_layout;
  99. LayerVariantAttr<std::string> output_layout;
  100. LayerVariantAttr<int> interpolation;
  101. };
  102. } // namespace detail
  103. // FIXME: this is probably a shared (reusable) thing
  104. template<typename Net>
  105. struct PortCfg {
  106. using In = std::array
  107. < std::string
  108. , std::tuple_size<typename Net::InArgs>::value >;
  109. using Out = std::array
  110. < std::string
  111. , std::tuple_size<typename Net::OutArgs>::value >;
  112. };
  113. /**
  114. * @brief This structure provides functions
  115. * that fill inference parameters for "OpenVINO Toolkit" model.
  116. */
  117. template<typename Net> class Params {
  118. public:
  119. /** @brief Class constructor.
  120. Constructs Params based on model information and specifies default values for other
  121. inference description parameters. Model is loaded and compiled using "OpenVINO Toolkit".
  122. @param model Path to topology IR (.xml file).
  123. @param weights Path to weights (.bin file).
  124. @param device target device to use.
  125. */
  126. Params(const std::string &model,
  127. const std::string &weights,
  128. const std::string &device)
  129. : desc{ model, weights, device, {}, {}, {}
  130. , std::tuple_size<typename Net::InArgs>::value // num_in
  131. , std::tuple_size<typename Net::OutArgs>::value // num_out
  132. , detail::ParamDesc::Kind::Load
  133. , false
  134. , {}
  135. , {}
  136. , {}
  137. , 1u
  138. , {}
  139. , {}
  140. , {}
  141. , {}
  142. , InferMode::Async
  143. , {}
  144. , {}
  145. , {}
  146. , {} } {
  147. }
  148. /** @overload
  149. Use this constructor to work with pre-compiled network.
  150. Model is imported from a pre-compiled blob.
  151. @param model Path to model.
  152. @param device target device to use.
  153. */
  154. Params(const std::string &model,
  155. const std::string &device)
  156. : desc{ model, {}, device, {}, {}, {}
  157. , std::tuple_size<typename Net::InArgs>::value // num_in
  158. , std::tuple_size<typename Net::OutArgs>::value // num_out
  159. , detail::ParamDesc::Kind::Import
  160. , false
  161. , {}
  162. , {}
  163. , {}
  164. , 1u
  165. , {}
  166. , {}
  167. , {}
  168. , {}
  169. , InferMode::Async
  170. , {}
  171. , {}
  172. , {}
  173. , {} } {
  174. }
  175. /** @brief Specifies sequence of network input layers names for inference.
  176. The function is used to associate cv::gapi::infer<> inputs with the model inputs.
  177. Number of names has to match the number of network inputs as defined in G_API_NET().
  178. In case a network has only single input layer, there is no need to specify name manually.
  179. @param layer_names std::array<std::string, N> where N is the number of inputs
  180. as defined in the @ref G_API_NET. Contains names of input layers.
  181. @return reference to this parameter structure.
  182. */
  183. Params<Net>& cfgInputLayers(const typename PortCfg<Net>::In &layer_names) {
  184. desc.input_names.clear();
  185. desc.input_names.reserve(layer_names.size());
  186. std::copy(layer_names.begin(), layer_names.end(),
  187. std::back_inserter(desc.input_names));
  188. return *this;
  189. }
  190. /** @brief Specifies sequence of network output layers names for inference.
  191. The function is used to associate cv::gapi::infer<> outputs with the model outputs.
  192. Number of names has to match the number of network outputs as defined in G_API_NET().
  193. In case a network has only single output layer, there is no need to specify name manually.
  194. @param layer_names std::array<std::string, N> where N is the number of outputs
  195. as defined in the @ref G_API_NET. Contains names of output layers.
  196. @return reference to this parameter structure.
  197. */
  198. Params<Net>& cfgOutputLayers(const typename PortCfg<Net>::Out &layer_names) {
  199. desc.output_names.clear();
  200. desc.output_names.reserve(layer_names.size());
  201. std::copy(layer_names.begin(), layer_names.end(),
  202. std::back_inserter(desc.output_names));
  203. return *this;
  204. }
  205. /** @brief Specifies a constant input.
  206. The function is used to set a constant input. This input has to be
  207. a preprocessed tensor if its type is TENSOR. Need to provide name of the
  208. network layer which will receive provided data.
  209. @param layer_name Name of network layer.
  210. @param data cv::Mat that contains data which will be associated with network layer.
  211. @param hint Input type @sa cv::gapi::ie::TraitAs.
  212. @return reference to this parameter structure.
  213. */
  214. Params<Net>& constInput(const std::string &layer_name,
  215. const cv::Mat &data,
  216. TraitAs hint = TraitAs::TENSOR) {
  217. desc.const_inputs[layer_name] = {data, hint};
  218. return *this;
  219. }
  220. /** @brief Specifies OpenVINO plugin configuration.
  221. The function is used to set configuration for OpenVINO plugin. Some parameters
  222. can be different for each plugin. Please follow
  223. to check information about specific plugin.
  224. @param cfg Map of pairs: (config parameter name, config parameter value).
  225. @return reference to this parameter structure.
  226. */
  227. Params& pluginConfig(const IEConfig& cfg) {
  228. desc.config = cfg;
  229. return *this;
  230. }
  231. /** @overload
  232. Function with a rvalue parameter.
  233. @param cfg rvalue map of pairs: (config parameter name, config parameter value).
  234. @return reference to this parameter structure.
  235. */
  236. Params& pluginConfig(IEConfig&& cfg) {
  237. desc.config = std::move(cfg);
  238. return *this;
  239. }
  240. /** @brief Specifies configuration for RemoteContext in InferenceEngine.
  241. When RemoteContext is configured the backend imports the networks using the context.
  242. It also expects cv::MediaFrames to be actually remote, to operate with blobs via the context.
  243. @param ctx_cfg cv::util::any value which holds InferenceEngine::ParamMap.
  244. @return reference to this parameter structure.
  245. */
  246. Params& cfgContextParams(const cv::util::any& ctx_cfg) {
  247. desc.context_config = ctx_cfg;
  248. return *this;
  249. }
  250. /** @overload
  251. Function with an rvalue parameter.
  252. @param ctx_cfg cv::util::any value which holds InferenceEngine::ParamMap.
  253. @return reference to this parameter structure.
  254. */
  255. Params& cfgContextParams(cv::util::any&& ctx_cfg) {
  256. desc.context_config = std::move(ctx_cfg);
  257. return *this;
  258. }
  259. /** @brief Specifies number of asynchronous inference requests.
  260. @param nireq Number of inference asynchronous requests.
  261. @return reference to this parameter structure.
  262. */
  263. Params& cfgNumRequests(size_t nireq) {
  264. GAPI_Assert(nireq > 0 && "Number of infer requests must be greater than zero!");
  265. desc.nireq = nireq;
  266. return *this;
  267. }
  268. /** @brief Specifies new input shapes for the network inputs.
  269. The function is used to specify new input shapes for the network inputs.
  270. Follow
  271. for additional information.
  272. @param reshape_table Map of pairs: name of corresponding data and its dimension.
  273. @return reference to this parameter structure.
  274. */
  275. Params<Net>& cfgInputReshape(const std::map<std::string, std::vector<std::size_t>>& reshape_table) {
  276. desc.reshape_table = reshape_table;
  277. return *this;
  278. }
  279. /** @overload */
  280. Params<Net>& cfgInputReshape(std::map<std::string, std::vector<std::size_t>>&& reshape_table) {
  281. desc.reshape_table = std::move(reshape_table);
  282. return *this;
  283. }
  284. /** @overload
  285. @param layer_name Name of layer.
  286. @param layer_dims New dimensions for this layer.
  287. @return reference to this parameter structure.
  288. */
  289. Params<Net>& cfgInputReshape(const std::string& layer_name, const std::vector<size_t>& layer_dims) {
  290. desc.reshape_table.emplace(layer_name, layer_dims);
  291. return *this;
  292. }
  293. /** @overload */
  294. Params<Net>& cfgInputReshape(std::string&& layer_name, std::vector<size_t>&& layer_dims) {
  295. desc.reshape_table.emplace(layer_name, layer_dims);
  296. return *this;
  297. }
  298. /** @overload
  299. @param layer_names set of names of network layers that will be used for network reshape.
  300. @return reference to this parameter structure.
  301. */
  302. Params<Net>& cfgInputReshape(const std::unordered_set<std::string>& layer_names) {
  303. desc.layer_names_to_reshape = layer_names;
  304. return *this;
  305. }
  306. /** @overload
  307. @param layer_names rvalue set of the selected layers will be reshaped automatically
  308. its input image size.
  309. @return reference to this parameter structure.
  310. */
  311. Params<Net>& cfgInputReshape(std::unordered_set<std::string>&& layer_names) {
  312. desc.layer_names_to_reshape = std::move(layer_names);
  313. return *this;
  314. }
  315. /** @brief Specifies the inference batch size.
  316. The function is used to specify inference batch size.
  317. Follow for additional information
  318. @param size batch size which will be used.
  319. @return reference to this parameter structure.
  320. */
  321. Params<Net>& cfgBatchSize(const size_t size) {
  322. desc.batch_size = cv::util::make_optional(size);
  323. return *this;
  324. }
  325. Params<Net>& cfgPreprocessingParams(const cv::gapi::wip::onevpl::Device &device,
  326. const cv::gapi::wip::onevpl::Context &ctx) {
  327. desc.vpl_preproc_device = cv::util::make_optional(device);
  328. desc.vpl_preproc_ctx = cv::util::make_optional(ctx);
  329. return *this;
  330. }
  331. /** @brief Specifies which api will be used to run inference.
  332. The function is used to specify mode for OpenVINO inference.
  333. OpenVINO has two options to run inference:
  334. 1. Asynchronous (using StartAsync:
  335. 2. Synchronous (using Infer:
  336. By default asynchronous mode is used.
  337. @param mode Inference mode which will be used.
  338. @return reference to this parameter structure.
  339. */
  340. Params<Net>& cfgInferMode(InferMode mode) {
  341. desc.mode = mode;
  342. return *this;
  343. }
  344. /** @brief Specifies the output precision for model.
  345. The function is used to set an output precision for model.
  346. @param precision Precision in OpenCV format (CV_8U, CV_32F, ...)
  347. will be applied to all output layers.
  348. @return reference to this parameter structure.
  349. */
  350. Params<Net>& cfgOutputPrecision(detail::ParamDesc::PrecisionT precision) {
  351. desc.output_precision = precision;
  352. return *this;
  353. }
  354. /** @overload
  355. @param precision_map Map of pairs: name of corresponding output layer
  356. and its precision in OpenCV format (CV_8U, CV_32F, ...)
  357. @return reference to this parameter structure.
  358. */
  359. Params<Net>&
  360. cfgOutputPrecision(detail::ParamDesc::PrecisionMapT precision_map) {
  361. desc.output_precision = precision_map;
  362. return *this;
  363. }
  364. /** @brief Specifies the input layout for model.
  365. The function is used to set an input layout for model.
  366. @param layout Layout in string representation ("NCHW", "NHWC", etc)
  367. will be applied to all input layers.
  368. @return reference to this parameter structure.
  369. */
  370. Params<Net>& cfgInputLayout(std::string layout) {
  371. desc.input_layout = std::move(layout);
  372. return *this;
  373. }
  374. /** @overload
  375. @param layout_map Map of pairs: name of corresponding input layer
  376. and its layout in string representation ("NCHW", "NHWC", etc)
  377. @return reference to this parameter structure.
  378. */
  379. Params<Net>&
  380. cfgInputLayout(detail::AttrMap<std::string> layout_map) {
  381. desc.input_layout = std::move(layout_map);
  382. return *this;
  383. }
  384. /** @brief Specifies the output layout for model.
  385. The function is used to set an output layout for model.
  386. @param layout Layout in string representation ("NCHW", "NHWC", etc)
  387. will be applied to all output layers.
  388. @return reference to this parameter structure.
  389. */
  390. Params<Net>& cfgOutputLayout(std::string layout) {
  391. desc.output_layout = std::move(layout);
  392. return *this;
  393. }
  394. /** @overload
  395. @param layout_map Map of pairs: name of corresponding output layer
  396. and its layout in string representation ("NCHW", "NHWC", etc)
  397. @return reference to this parameter structure.
  398. */
  399. Params<Net>&
  400. cfgOutputLayout(detail::AttrMap<std::string> layout_map) {
  401. desc.output_layout = std::move(layout_map);
  402. return *this;
  403. }
  404. /** @brief Specifies resize interpolation algorithm.
  405. *
  406. The function is used to configure resize preprocessing for input layer.
  407. @param interpolation Resize interpolation algorithm.
  408. Supported algorithms: #INTER_LINEAR, #INTER_AREA.
  409. @return reference to this parameter structure.
  410. */
  411. Params<Net>& cfgResize(int interpolation) {
  412. desc.interpolation = interpolation;
  413. return *this;
  414. }
  415. /** @overload
  416. @param interpolation Map of pairs: name of corresponding input layer
  417. and its resize algorithm.
  418. @return reference to this parameter structure.
  419. */
  420. Params<Net>& cfgResize(detail::AttrMap<int> interpolation) {
  421. desc.interpolation = std::move(interpolation);
  422. return *this;
  423. }
  424. // BEGIN(G-API's network parametrization API)
  425. GBackend backend() const { return cv::gapi::ie::backend(); }
  426. std::string tag() const { return Net::tag(); }
  427. cv::util::any params() const { return { desc }; }
  428. // END(G-API's network parametrization API)
  429. protected:
  430. detail::ParamDesc desc;
  431. };
  432. /*
  433. * @brief This structure provides functions for generic network type that
  434. * fill inference parameters.
  435. * @see struct Generic
  436. */
  437. template<>
  438. class Params<cv::gapi::Generic> {
  439. public:
  440. /** @brief Class constructor.
  441. Constructs Params based on model information and sets default values for other
  442. inference description parameters. Model is loaded and compiled using OpenVINO Toolkit.
  443. @param tag string tag of the network for which these parameters are intended.
  444. @param model path to topology IR (.xml file).
  445. @param weights path to weights (.bin file).
  446. @param device target device to use.
  447. */
  448. Params(const std::string &tag,
  449. const std::string &model,
  450. const std::string &weights,
  451. const std::string &device)
  452. : desc{ model, weights, device, {}, {}, {}, 0u, 0u,
  453. detail::ParamDesc::Kind::Load, true, {}, {}, {}, 1u,
  454. {}, {}, {}, {}, InferMode::Async, {}, {}, {}, {} },
  455. m_tag(tag) {
  456. }
  457. /** @overload
  458. This constructor for pre-compiled networks. Model is imported from pre-compiled
  459. blob.
  460. @param tag string tag of the network for which these parameters are intended.
  461. @param model path to model.
  462. @param device target device to use.
  463. */
  464. Params(const std::string &tag,
  465. const std::string &model,
  466. const std::string &device)
  467. : desc{ model, {}, device, {}, {}, {}, 0u, 0u,
  468. detail::ParamDesc::Kind::Import, true, {}, {}, {}, 1u,
  469. {}, {}, {}, {}, InferMode::Async, {}, {}, {}, {} },
  470. m_tag(tag) {
  471. }
  472. /** @see ie::Params::pluginConfig. */
  473. Params& pluginConfig(const IEConfig& cfg) {
  474. desc.config = cfg;
  475. return *this;
  476. }
  477. /** @overload */
  478. Params& pluginConfig(IEConfig&& cfg) {
  479. desc.config = std::move(cfg);
  480. return *this;
  481. }
  482. /** @see ie::Params::constInput. */
  483. Params& constInput(const std::string &layer_name,
  484. const cv::Mat &data,
  485. TraitAs hint = TraitAs::TENSOR) {
  486. desc.const_inputs[layer_name] = {data, hint};
  487. return *this;
  488. }
  489. /** @see ie::Params::cfgNumRequests. */
  490. Params& cfgNumRequests(size_t nireq) {
  491. GAPI_Assert(nireq > 0 && "Number of infer requests must be greater than zero!");
  492. desc.nireq = nireq;
  493. return *this;
  494. }
  495. /** @see ie::Params::cfgInputReshape */
  496. Params& cfgInputReshape(const std::map<std::string, std::vector<std::size_t>>&reshape_table) {
  497. desc.reshape_table = reshape_table;
  498. return *this;
  499. }
  500. /** @overload */
  501. Params& cfgInputReshape(std::map<std::string, std::vector<std::size_t>> && reshape_table) {
  502. desc.reshape_table = std::move(reshape_table);
  503. return *this;
  504. }
  505. /** @overload */
  506. Params& cfgInputReshape(std::string && layer_name, std::vector<size_t> && layer_dims) {
  507. desc.reshape_table.emplace(layer_name, layer_dims);
  508. return *this;
  509. }
  510. /** @overload */
  511. Params& cfgInputReshape(const std::string & layer_name, const std::vector<size_t>&layer_dims) {
  512. desc.reshape_table.emplace(layer_name, layer_dims);
  513. return *this;
  514. }
  515. /** @overload */
  516. Params& cfgInputReshape(std::unordered_set<std::string> && layer_names) {
  517. desc.layer_names_to_reshape = std::move(layer_names);
  518. return *this;
  519. }
  520. /** @overload */
  521. Params& cfgInputReshape(const std::unordered_set<std::string>&layer_names) {
  522. desc.layer_names_to_reshape = layer_names;
  523. return *this;
  524. }
  525. /** @see ie::Params::cfgBatchSize */
  526. Params& cfgBatchSize(const size_t size) {
  527. desc.batch_size = cv::util::make_optional(size);
  528. return *this;
  529. }
  530. /** @see ie::Params::cfgInferAPI */
  531. Params& cfgInferMode(InferMode mode) {
  532. desc.mode = mode;
  533. return *this;
  534. }
  535. /** @see ie::Params::cfgOutputPrecision */
  536. Params& cfgOutputPrecision(detail::ParamDesc::PrecisionT precision) {
  537. desc.output_precision = precision;
  538. return *this;
  539. }
  540. /** @overload */
  541. Params&
  542. cfgOutputPrecision(detail::ParamDesc::PrecisionMapT precision_map) {
  543. desc.output_precision = precision_map;
  544. return *this;
  545. }
  546. /** @see ie::Params::cfgInputLayout */
  547. Params& cfgInputLayout(std::string layout) {
  548. desc.input_layout = std::move(layout);
  549. return *this;
  550. }
  551. /** @overload */
  552. Params&
  553. cfgInputLayout(detail::AttrMap<std::string> layout_map) {
  554. desc.input_layout = std::move(layout_map);
  555. return *this;
  556. }
  557. /** @see ie::Params::cfgOutputLayout */
  558. Params& cfgOutputLayout(std::string layout) {
  559. desc.output_layout = std::move(layout);
  560. return *this;
  561. }
  562. /** @overload */
  563. Params&
  564. cfgOutputLayout(detail::AttrMap<std::string> layout_map) {
  565. desc.output_layout = std::move(layout_map);
  566. return *this;
  567. }
  568. /** @see ie::Params::cfgResize */
  569. Params& cfgResize(int interpolation) {
  570. desc.interpolation = interpolation;
  571. return *this;
  572. }
  573. /** @overload */
  574. Params& cfgResize(detail::AttrMap<int> interpolation) {
  575. desc.interpolation = std::move(interpolation);
  576. return *this;
  577. }
  578. // BEGIN(G-API's network parametrization API)
  579. GBackend backend() const { return cv::gapi::ie::backend(); }
  580. std::string tag() const { return m_tag; }
  581. cv::util::any params() const { return { desc }; }
  582. // END(G-API's network parametrization API)
  583. protected:
  584. detail::ParamDesc desc;
  585. std::string m_tag;
  586. };
  587. } // namespace ie
  588. } // namespace gapi
  589. } // namespace cv
  590. #endif // OPENCV_GAPI_INFER_IE_HPP