123456789101112131415161718192021222324252627282930313233343536373839404142434445464748495051525354555657585960616263646566676869707172737475767778798081828384858687888990919293949596979899100101102103104105106107108109110111112113114115116117118119120121122123124125126127128129130131132133134135136137138139140141142143144145146147148149150151152153154155156157158159160161162163164165166167168169170171172173174175176177178179180181182183184185186187188189190191192193194195196197198199200201202203204205206207208209210211212213214215216217218219220221222223224225226227228229230231232233234235236237238239240241242243244245246247248249250251252253254255256257258259260261262263264265266267268269270271272273274275276277278279280281282283284285286287288289290291292293294295296297298299300301302303304305306307308309310311312313314315316317318319320321322323324325326327328329330331332333334335336337338339340341342343344345346347348349350351352353354355356357358359360361362363364365366367368369370371372373374375376377378379380381382383384385386387388389390391392393394395396397398399400401402403404405406407408409410411412413414 |
- //
- // Copyright (c) 2016-2019 Vinnie Falco (vinnie dot falco at gmail dot com)
- //
- // Distributed under the Boost Software License, Version 1.0. (See accompanying
- // file LICENSE_1_0.txt or copy at http://www.boost.org/LICENSE_1_0.txt)
- //
- // Official repository: https://github.com/boostorg/beast
- //
- #include <boost/beast/core/detail/config.hpp>
- #include <boost/beast/core/string.hpp>
- #include <iosfwd>
- namespace boost {
- namespace beast {
- namespace http {
- enum class field : unsigned short
- {
- unknown = 0,
- a_im,
- accept,
- accept_additions,
- accept_charset,
- accept_datetime,
- accept_encoding,
- accept_features,
- accept_language,
- accept_patch,
- accept_post,
- accept_ranges,
- access_control,
- access_control_allow_credentials,
- access_control_allow_headers,
- access_control_allow_methods,
- access_control_allow_origin,
- access_control_expose_headers,
- access_control_max_age,
- access_control_request_headers,
- access_control_request_method,
- age,
- allow,
- alpn,
- also_control,
- alt_svc,
- alt_used,
- alternate_recipient,
- alternates,
- apparently_to,
- apply_to_redirect_ref,
- approved,
- archive,
- archived_at,
- article_names,
- article_updates,
- authentication_control,
- authentication_info,
- authentication_results,
- authorization,
- auto_submitted,
- autoforwarded,
- autosubmitted,
- base,
- bcc,
- body,
- c_ext,
- c_man,
- c_opt,
- c_pep,
- c_pep_info,
- cache_control,
- caldav_timezones,
- cancel_key,
- cancel_lock,
- cc,
- close,
- comments,
- compliance,
- connection,
- content_alternative,
- content_base,
- content_description,
- content_disposition,
- content_duration,
- content_encoding,
- content_features,
- content_id,
- content_identifier,
- content_language,
- content_length,
- content_location,
- content_md5,
- content_range,
- content_return,
- content_script_type,
- content_style_type,
- content_transfer_encoding,
- content_type,
- content_version,
- control,
- conversion,
- conversion_with_loss,
- cookie,
- cookie2,
- cost,
- dasl,
- date,
- date_received,
- dav,
- default_style,
- deferred_delivery,
- delivery_date,
- delta_base,
- depth,
- derived_from,
- destination,
- differential_id,
- digest,
- discarded_x400_ipms_extensions,
- discarded_x400_mts_extensions,
- disclose_recipients,
- disposition_notification_options,
- disposition_notification_to,
- distribution,
- dkim_signature,
- dl_expansion_history,
- downgraded_bcc,
- downgraded_cc,
- downgraded_disposition_notification_to,
- downgraded_final_recipient,
- downgraded_from,
- downgraded_in_reply_to,
- downgraded_mail_from,
- downgraded_message_id,
- downgraded_original_recipient,
- downgraded_rcpt_to,
- downgraded_references,
- downgraded_reply_to,
- downgraded_resent_bcc,
- downgraded_resent_cc,
- downgraded_resent_from,
- downgraded_resent_reply_to,
- downgraded_resent_sender,
- downgraded_resent_to,
- downgraded_return_path,
- downgraded_sender,
- downgraded_to,
- ediint_features,
- eesst_version,
- encoding,
- encrypted,
- errors_to,
- etag,
- expect,
- expires,
- expiry_date,
- ext,
- followup_to,
- forwarded,
- from,
- generate_delivery_report,
- getprofile,
- hobareg,
- host,
- http2_settings,
- if_,
- if_match,
- if_modified_since,
- if_none_match,
- if_range,
- if_schedule_tag_match,
- if_unmodified_since,
- im,
- importance,
- in_reply_to,
- incomplete_copy,
- injection_date,
- injection_info,
- jabber_id,
- keep_alive,
- keywords,
- label,
- language,
- last_modified,
- latest_delivery_time,
- lines,
- link,
- list_archive,
- list_help,
- list_id,
- list_owner,
- list_post,
- list_subscribe,
- list_unsubscribe,
- list_unsubscribe_post,
- location,
- lock_token,
- man,
- max_forwards,
- memento_datetime,
- message_context,
- message_id,
- message_type,
- meter,
- method_check,
- method_check_expires,
- mime_version,
- mmhs_acp127_message_identifier,
- mmhs_authorizing_users,
- mmhs_codress_message_indicator,
- mmhs_copy_precedence,
- mmhs_exempted_address,
- mmhs_extended_authorisation_info,
- mmhs_handling_instructions,
- mmhs_message_instructions,
- mmhs_message_type,
- mmhs_originator_plad,
- mmhs_originator_reference,
- mmhs_other_recipients_indicator_cc,
- mmhs_other_recipients_indicator_to,
- mmhs_primary_precedence,
- mmhs_subject_indicator_codes,
- mt_priority,
- negotiate,
- newsgroups,
- nntp_posting_date,
- nntp_posting_host,
- non_compliance,
- obsoletes,
- opt,
- optional,
- optional_www_authenticate,
- ordering_type,
- organization,
- origin,
- original_encoded_information_types,
- original_from,
- original_message_id,
- original_recipient,
- original_sender,
- original_subject,
- originator_return_address,
- overwrite,
- p3p,
- path,
- pep,
- pep_info,
- pics_label,
- position,
- posting_version,
- pragma,
- prefer,
- preference_applied,
- prevent_nondelivery_report,
- priority,
- privicon,
- profileobject,
- protocol,
- protocol_info,
- protocol_query,
- protocol_request,
- proxy_authenticate,
- proxy_authentication_info,
- proxy_authorization,
- proxy_connection,
- proxy_features,
- proxy_instruction,
- public_,
- public_key_pins,
- public_key_pins_report_only,
- range,
- received,
- received_spf,
- redirect_ref,
- references,
- referer,
- referer_root,
- relay_version,
- reply_by,
- reply_to,
- require_recipient_valid_since,
- resent_bcc,
- resent_cc,
- resent_date,
- resent_from,
- resent_message_id,
- resent_reply_to,
- resent_sender,
- resent_to,
- resolution_hint,
- resolver_location,
- retry_after,
- return_path,
- safe,
- schedule_reply,
- schedule_tag,
- sec_fetch_dest,
- sec_fetch_mode,
- sec_fetch_site,
- sec_fetch_user,
- sec_websocket_accept,
- sec_websocket_extensions,
- sec_websocket_key,
- sec_websocket_protocol,
- sec_websocket_version,
- security_scheme,
- see_also,
- sender,
- sensitivity,
- server,
- set_cookie,
- set_cookie2,
- setprofile,
- sio_label,
- sio_label_history,
- slug,
- soapaction,
- solicitation,
- status_uri,
- strict_transport_security,
- subject,
- subok,
- subst,
- summary,
- supersedes,
- surrogate_capability,
- surrogate_control,
- tcn,
- te,
- timeout,
- title,
- to,
- topic,
- trailer,
- transfer_encoding,
- ttl,
- ua_color,
- ua_media,
- ua_pixels,
- ua_resolution,
- ua_windowpixels,
- upgrade,
- urgency,
- uri,
- user_agent,
- variant_vary,
- vary,
- vbr_info,
- version,
- via,
- want_digest,
- warning,
- www_authenticate,
- x_archived_at,
- x_device_accept,
- x_device_accept_charset,
- x_device_accept_encoding,
- x_device_accept_language,
- x_device_user_agent,
- x_frame_options,
- x_mittente,
- x_pgp_sig,
- x_ricevuta,
- x_riferimento_message_id,
- x_tiporicevuta,
- x_trasporto,
- x_verificasicurezza,
- x400_content_identifier,
- x400_content_return,
- x400_content_type,
- x400_mts_identifier,
- x400_originator,
- x400_received,
- x400_recipients,
- x400_trace,
- xref
- };
- /** Convert a field enum to a string.
- @param f The field to convert
- */
- string_view
- to_string(field f);
- /** Attempt to convert a string to a field enum.
- The string comparison is case-insensitive.
- @return The corresponding field, or @ref field::unknown
- if no known field matches.
- */
- field
- string_to_field(string_view s);
- /// Write the text for a field name to an output stream.
- std::ostream&
- operator<<(std::ostream& os, field f);
- } // http
- } // beast
- } // boost
- #include <boost/beast/http/impl/field.ipp>
- #endif
- #endif