// Jacobi theta functions // Copyright Evan Miller 2020 // // Use, modification and distribution are subject to the // Boost Software License, Version 1.0. (See accompanying file // LICENSE_1_0.txt or copy at http://www.boost.org/LICENSE_1_0.txt) // // Four main theta functions with various flavors of parameterization, // floating-point policies, and bonus "minus 1" versions of functions 3 and 4 // designed to preserve accuracy for small q. Twenty-four C++ functions are // provided in all. // // The functions take a real argument z and a parameter known as q, or its close // relative tau. // // The mathematical functions are best understood in terms of their Fourier // series. Using the q parameterization, and summing from n = 0 to ∞: // // θ₁(z,q) = 2 Σ (-1)ⁿ * q^(n+1/2)² * sin((2n+1)z) // θ₂(z,q) = 2 Σ q^(n+1/2)² * cos((2n+1)z) // θ₃(z,q) = 1 + 2 Σ q^n² * cos(2nz) // θ₄(z,q) = 1 + 2 Σ (-1)ⁿ * q^n² * cos(2nz) // // Appropriately multiplied and divided, these four theta functions can be used // to implement the famous Jacabi elliptic functions - but this is not really // recommended, as the existing Boost implementations are likely faster and // more accurate. More saliently, setting z = 0 on the fourth theta function // will produce the limiting CDF of the Kolmogorov-Smirnov distribution, which // is this particular implementation’s raison d'être. // // Separate C++ functions are provided for q and for tau. The main q functions are: // // template inline T jacobi_theta1(T z, T q); // template inline T jacobi_theta2(T z, T q); // template inline T jacobi_theta3(T z, T q); // template inline T jacobi_theta4(T z, T q); // // The parameter q, also known as the nome, is restricted to the domain (0, 1), // and will throw a domain error otherwise. // // The equivalent functions that use tau instead of q are: // // template inline T jacobi_theta1tau(T z, T tau); // template inline T jacobi_theta2tau(T z, T tau); // template inline T jacobi_theta3tau(T z, T tau); // template inline T jacobi_theta4tau(T z, T tau); // // Mathematically, q and τ are related by: // // q = exp(iπτ) // // However, the τ in the equation above is *not* identical to the tau in the function // signature. Instead, `tau` is the imaginary component of τ. Mathematically, τ can // be complex - but practically, most applications call for a purely imaginary τ. // Rather than provide a full complex-number API, the author decided to treat the // parameter `tau` as an imaginary number. So in computational terms, the // relationship between `q` and `tau` is given by: // // q = exp(-constants::pi() * tau) // // The tau versions are provided for the sake of accuracy, as well as conformance // with common notation. If your q is an exponential, you are better off using // the tau versions, e.g. // // jacobi_theta1(z, exp(-a)); // rather poor accuracy // jacobi_theta1tau(z, a / constants::pi()); // better accuracy // // Similarly, if you have a precise (small positive) value for the complement // of q, you can obtain a more precise answer overall by passing the result of // `log1p` to the tau parameter: // // jacobi_theta1(z, 1-q_complement); // precision lost in subtraction // jacobi_theta1tau(z, -log1p(-q_complement) / constants::pi()); // better! // // A third quartet of functions are provided for improving accuracy in cases // where q is small, specifically |q| < exp(-π) ≅ 0.04 (or, equivalently, tau // greater than unity). In this domain of q values, the third and fourth theta // functions always return values close to 1. So the following "m1" functions // are provided, similar in spirit to `expm1`, which return one less than their // regular counterparts: // // template inline T jacobi_theta3m1(T z, T q); // template inline T jacobi_theta4m1(T z, T q); // template inline T jacobi_theta3m1tau(T z, T tau); // template inline T jacobi_theta4m1tau(T z, T tau); // // Note that "m1" versions of the first and second theta would not be useful, // as their ranges are not confined to a neighborhood around 1 (see the Fourier // transform representations above). // // Finally, the twelve functions above are each available with a third Policy // argument, which can be used to define a custom epsilon value. These Policy // versions bring the total number of functions provided by jacobi_theta.hpp // to twenty-four. // // See: // https://mathworld.wolfram.com/JacobiThetaFunctions.html // https://dlmf.nist.gov/20 #ifndef BOOST_MATH_JACOBI_THETA_HPP #define BOOST_MATH_JACOBI_THETA_HPP #include #include #include #include #include namespace boost{ namespace math{ // Simple functions - parameterized by q template inline typename tools::promote_args::type jacobi_theta1(T z, U q); template inline typename tools::promote_args::type jacobi_theta2(T z, U q); template inline typename tools::promote_args::type jacobi_theta3(T z, U q); template inline typename tools::promote_args::type jacobi_theta4(T z, U q); // Simple functions - parameterized by tau (assumed imaginary) // q = exp(iπτ) // tau = -log(q)/π template inline typename tools::promote_args::type jacobi_theta1tau(T z, U tau); template inline typename tools::promote_args::type jacobi_theta2tau(T z, U tau); template inline typename tools::promote_args::type jacobi_theta3tau(T z, U tau); template inline typename tools::promote_args::type jacobi_theta4tau(T z, U tau); // Minus one versions for small q / large tau template inline typename tools::promote_args::type jacobi_theta3m1(T z, U q); template inline typename tools::promote_args::type jacobi_theta4m1(T z, U q); template inline typename tools::promote_args::type jacobi_theta3m1tau(T z, U tau); template inline typename tools::promote_args::type jacobi_theta4m1tau(T z, U tau); // Policied versions - parameterized by q template inline typename tools::promote_args::type jacobi_theta1(T z, U q, const Policy& pol); template inline typename tools::promote_args::type jacobi_theta2(T z, U q, const Policy& pol); template inline typename tools::promote_args::type jacobi_theta3(T z, U q, const Policy& pol); template inline typename tools::promote_args::type jacobi_theta4(T z, U q, const Policy& pol); // Policied versions - parameterized by tau template inline typename tools::promote_args::type jacobi_theta1tau(T z, U tau, const Policy& pol); template inline typename tools::promote_args::type jacobi_theta2tau(T z, U tau, const Policy& pol); template inline typename tools::promote_args::type jacobi_theta3tau(T z, U tau, const Policy& pol); template inline typename tools::promote_args::type jacobi_theta4tau(T z, U tau, const Policy& pol); // Policied m1 functions template inline typename tools::promote_args::type jacobi_theta3m1(T z, U q, const Policy& pol); template inline typename tools::promote_args::type jacobi_theta4m1(T z, U q, const Policy& pol); template inline typename tools::promote_args::type jacobi_theta3m1tau(T z, U tau, const Policy& pol); template inline typename tools::promote_args::type jacobi_theta4m1tau(T z, U tau, const Policy& pol); // Compare the non-oscillating component of the delta to the previous delta. // Both are assumed to be non-negative. template inline bool _jacobi_theta_converged(RealType last_delta, RealType delta, RealType eps) { return delta == 0.0 || delta < eps*last_delta; } template inline RealType _jacobi_theta_sum(RealType tau, RealType z_n, RealType z_increment, RealType eps) { BOOST_MATH_STD_USING RealType delta = 0, partial_result = 0; RealType last_delta = 0; do { last_delta = delta; delta = exp(-tau*z_n*z_n/constants::pi()); partial_result += delta; z_n += z_increment; } while (!_jacobi_theta_converged(last_delta, delta, eps)); return partial_result; } // The following _IMAGINARY theta functions assume imaginary z and are for // internal use only. They are designed to increase accuracy and reduce the // number of iterations required for convergence for large |q|. The z argument // is scaled by tau, and the summations are rewritten to be double-sided // following DLMF 20.13.4 and 20.13.5. The return values are scaled by // exp(-tau*z²/π)/sqrt(tau). // // These functions are triggered when tau < 1, i.e. |q| > exp(-π) ≅ 0.043 // // Note that jacobi_theta4 uses the imaginary version of jacobi_theta2 (and // vice-versa). jacobi_theta1 and jacobi_theta3 use the imaginary versions of // themselves, following DLMF 20.7.30 - 20.7.33. template inline RealType _IMAGINARY_jacobi_theta1tau(RealType z, RealType tau, const Policy&) { BOOST_MATH_STD_USING RealType eps = policies::get_epsilon(); RealType result = RealType(0); // n>=0 even result -= _jacobi_theta_sum(tau, RealType(z + constants::half_pi()), constants::two_pi(), eps); // n>0 odd result += _jacobi_theta_sum(tau, RealType(z + constants::half_pi() + constants::pi()), constants::two_pi(), eps); // n<0 odd result += _jacobi_theta_sum(tau, RealType(z - constants::half_pi()), RealType (-constants::two_pi()), eps); // n<0 even result -= _jacobi_theta_sum(tau, RealType(z - constants::half_pi() - constants::pi()), RealType (-constants::two_pi()), eps); return result * sqrt(tau); } template inline RealType _IMAGINARY_jacobi_theta2tau(RealType z, RealType tau, const Policy&) { BOOST_MATH_STD_USING RealType eps = policies::get_epsilon(); RealType result = RealType(0); // n>=0 result += _jacobi_theta_sum(tau, RealType(z + constants::half_pi()), constants::pi(), eps); // n<0 result += _jacobi_theta_sum(tau, RealType(z - constants::half_pi()), RealType (-constants::pi()), eps); return result * sqrt(tau); } template inline RealType _IMAGINARY_jacobi_theta3tau(RealType z, RealType tau, const Policy&) { BOOST_MATH_STD_USING RealType eps = policies::get_epsilon(); RealType result = 0; // n=0 result += exp(-z*z*tau/constants::pi()); // n>0 result += _jacobi_theta_sum(tau, RealType(z + constants::pi()), constants::pi(), eps); // n<0 result += _jacobi_theta_sum(tau, RealType(z - constants::pi()), RealType(-constants::pi()), eps); return result * sqrt(tau); } template inline RealType _IMAGINARY_jacobi_theta4tau(RealType z, RealType tau, const Policy&) { BOOST_MATH_STD_USING RealType eps = policies::get_epsilon(); RealType result = 0; // n = 0 result += exp(-z*z*tau/constants::pi()); // n > 0 odd result -= _jacobi_theta_sum(tau, RealType(z + constants::pi()), constants::two_pi(), eps); // n < 0 odd result -= _jacobi_theta_sum(tau, RealType(z - constants::pi()), RealType (-constants::two_pi()), eps); // n > 0 even result += _jacobi_theta_sum(tau, RealType(z + constants::two_pi()), constants::two_pi(), eps); // n < 0 even result += _jacobi_theta_sum(tau, RealType(z - constants::two_pi()), RealType (-constants::two_pi()), eps); return result * sqrt(tau); } // First Jacobi theta function (Parameterized by tau - assumed imaginary) // = 2 * Σ (-1)^n * exp(iπτ*(n+1/2)^2) * sin((2n+1)z) template inline RealType jacobi_theta1tau_imp(RealType z, RealType tau, const Policy& pol, const char *function) { BOOST_MATH_STD_USING unsigned n = 0; RealType eps = policies::get_epsilon(); RealType q_n = 0, last_q_n, delta, result = 0; if (tau <= 0.0) return policies::raise_domain_error(function, "tau must be greater than 0 but got %1%.", tau, pol); if (abs(z) == 0.0) return result; if (tau < 1.0) { z = fmod(z, constants::two_pi()); while (z > constants::pi()) { z -= constants::two_pi(); } while (z < -constants::pi()) { z += constants::two_pi(); } return _IMAGINARY_jacobi_theta1tau(z, RealType(1/tau), pol); } do { last_q_n = q_n; q_n = exp(-tau * constants::pi() * RealType(n + 0.5)*RealType(n + 0.5) ); delta = q_n * sin(RealType(2*n+1)*z); if (n%2) delta = -delta; result += delta + delta; n++; } while (!_jacobi_theta_converged(last_q_n, q_n, eps)); return result; } // First Jacobi theta function (Parameterized by q) // = 2 * Σ (-1)^n * q^(n+1/2)^2 * sin((2n+1)z) template inline RealType jacobi_theta1_imp(RealType z, RealType q, const Policy& pol, const char *function) { BOOST_MATH_STD_USING if (q <= 0.0 || q >= 1.0) { return policies::raise_domain_error(function, "q must be greater than 0 and less than 1 but got %1%.", q, pol); } return jacobi_theta1tau_imp(z, RealType (-log(q)/constants::pi()), pol, function); } // Second Jacobi theta function (Parameterized by tau - assumed imaginary) // = 2 * Σ exp(iπτ*(n+1/2)^2) * cos((2n+1)z) template inline RealType jacobi_theta2tau_imp(RealType z, RealType tau, const Policy& pol, const char *function) { BOOST_MATH_STD_USING unsigned n = 0; RealType eps = policies::get_epsilon(); RealType q_n = 0, last_q_n, delta, result = 0; if (tau <= 0.0) { return policies::raise_domain_error(function, "tau must be greater than 0 but got %1%.", tau, pol); } else if (tau < 1.0 && abs(z) == 0.0) { return jacobi_theta4tau(z, 1/tau, pol) / sqrt(tau); } else if (tau < 1.0) { // DLMF 20.7.31 z = fmod(z, constants::two_pi()); while (z > constants::pi()) { z -= constants::two_pi(); } while (z < -constants::pi()) { z += constants::two_pi(); } return _IMAGINARY_jacobi_theta4tau(z, RealType(1/tau), pol); } do { last_q_n = q_n; q_n = exp(-tau * constants::pi() * RealType(n + 0.5)*RealType(n + 0.5)); delta = q_n * cos(RealType(2*n+1)*z); result += delta + delta; n++; } while (!_jacobi_theta_converged(last_q_n, q_n, eps)); return result; } // Second Jacobi theta function, parameterized by q // = 2 * Σ q^(n+1/2)^2 * cos((2n+1)z) template inline RealType jacobi_theta2_imp(RealType z, RealType q, const Policy& pol, const char *function) { BOOST_MATH_STD_USING if (q <= 0.0 || q >= 1.0) { return policies::raise_domain_error(function, "q must be greater than 0 and less than 1 but got %1%.", q, pol); } return jacobi_theta2tau_imp(z, RealType (-log(q)/constants::pi()), pol, function); } // Third Jacobi theta function, minus one (Parameterized by tau - assumed imaginary) // This function preserves accuracy for small values of q (i.e. |q| < exp(-π) ≅ 0.043) // For larger values of q, the minus one version usually won't help. // = 2 * Σ exp(iπτ*(n)^2) * cos(2nz) template inline RealType jacobi_theta3m1tau_imp(RealType z, RealType tau, const Policy& pol) { BOOST_MATH_STD_USING RealType eps = policies::get_epsilon(); RealType q_n = 0, last_q_n, delta, result = 0; unsigned n = 1; if (tau < 1.0) return jacobi_theta3tau(z, tau, pol) - RealType(1); do { last_q_n = q_n; q_n = exp(-tau * constants::pi() * RealType(n)*RealType(n)); delta = q_n * cos(RealType(2*n)*z); result += delta + delta; n++; } while (!_jacobi_theta_converged(last_q_n, q_n, eps)); return result; } // Third Jacobi theta function, parameterized by tau // = 1 + 2 * Σ exp(iπτ*(n)^2) * cos(2nz) template inline RealType jacobi_theta3tau_imp(RealType z, RealType tau, const Policy& pol, const char *function) { BOOST_MATH_STD_USING if (tau <= 0.0) { return policies::raise_domain_error(function, "tau must be greater than 0 but got %1%.", tau, pol); } else if (tau < 1.0 && abs(z) == 0.0) { return jacobi_theta3tau(z, RealType(1/tau), pol) / sqrt(tau); } else if (tau < 1.0) { // DLMF 20.7.32 z = fmod(z, constants::pi()); while (z > constants::half_pi()) { z -= constants::pi(); } while (z < -constants::half_pi()) { z += constants::pi(); } return _IMAGINARY_jacobi_theta3tau(z, RealType(1/tau), pol); } return RealType(1) + jacobi_theta3m1tau_imp(z, tau, pol); } // Third Jacobi theta function, minus one (parameterized by q) // = 2 * Σ q^n^2 * cos(2nz) template inline RealType jacobi_theta3m1_imp(RealType z, RealType q, const Policy& pol, const char *function) { BOOST_MATH_STD_USING if (q <= 0.0 || q >= 1.0) { return policies::raise_domain_error(function, "q must be greater than 0 and less than 1 but got %1%.", q, pol); } return jacobi_theta3m1tau_imp(z, RealType (-log(q)/constants::pi()), pol); } // Third Jacobi theta function (parameterized by q) // = 1 + 2 * Σ q^n^2 * cos(2nz) template inline RealType jacobi_theta3_imp(RealType z, RealType q, const Policy& pol, const char *function) { BOOST_MATH_STD_USING if (q <= 0.0 || q >= 1.0) { return policies::raise_domain_error(function, "q must be greater than 0 and less than 1 but got %1%.", q, pol); } return jacobi_theta3tau_imp(z, RealType (-log(q)/constants::pi()), pol, function); } // Fourth Jacobi theta function, minus one (Parameterized by tau) // This function preserves accuracy for small values of q (i.e. tau > 1) // = 2 * Σ (-1)^n exp(iπτ*(n)^2) * cos(2nz) template inline RealType jacobi_theta4m1tau_imp(RealType z, RealType tau, const Policy& pol) { BOOST_MATH_STD_USING RealType eps = policies::get_epsilon(); RealType q_n = 0, last_q_n, delta, result = 0; unsigned n = 1; if (tau < 1.0) return jacobi_theta4tau(z, tau, pol) - RealType(1); do { last_q_n = q_n; q_n = exp(-tau * constants::pi() * RealType(n)*RealType(n)); delta = q_n * cos(RealType(2*n)*z); if (n%2) delta = -delta; result += delta + delta; n++; } while (!_jacobi_theta_converged(last_q_n, q_n, eps)); return result; } // Fourth Jacobi theta function (Parameterized by tau) // = 1 + 2 * Σ (-1)^n exp(iπτ*(n)^2) * cos(2nz) template inline RealType jacobi_theta4tau_imp(RealType z, RealType tau, const Policy& pol, const char *function) { BOOST_MATH_STD_USING if (tau <= 0.0) { return policies::raise_domain_error(function, "tau must be greater than 0 but got %1%.", tau, pol); } else if (tau < 1.0 && abs(z) == 0.0) { return jacobi_theta2tau(z, 1/tau, pol) / sqrt(tau); } else if (tau < 1.0) { // DLMF 20.7.33 z = fmod(z, constants::pi()); while (z > constants::half_pi()) { z -= constants::pi(); } while (z < -constants::half_pi()) { z += constants::pi(); } return _IMAGINARY_jacobi_theta2tau(z, RealType(1/tau), pol); } return RealType(1) + jacobi_theta4m1tau_imp(z, tau, pol); } // Fourth Jacobi theta function, minus one (Parameterized by q) // This function preserves accuracy for small values of q // = 2 * Σ q^n^2 * cos(2nz) template inline RealType jacobi_theta4m1_imp(RealType z, RealType q, const Policy& pol, const char *function) { BOOST_MATH_STD_USING if (q <= 0.0 || q >= 1.0) { return policies::raise_domain_error(function, "q must be greater than 0 and less than 1 but got %1%.", q, pol); } return jacobi_theta4m1tau_imp(z, RealType (-log(q)/constants::pi()), pol); } // Fourth Jacobi theta function, parameterized by q // = 1 + 2 * Σ q^n^2 * cos(2nz) template inline RealType jacobi_theta4_imp(RealType z, RealType q, const Policy& pol, const char *function) { BOOST_MATH_STD_USING if (q <= 0.0 || q >= 1.0) { return policies::raise_domain_error(function, "|q| must be greater than zero and less than 1, but got %1%.", q, pol); } return jacobi_theta4tau_imp(z, RealType(-log(q)/constants::pi()), pol, function); } // Begin public API template inline typename tools::promote_args::type jacobi_theta1tau(T z, U tau, const Policy&) { BOOST_FPU_EXCEPTION_GUARD typedef typename tools::promote_args::type result_type; typedef typename policies::normalise< Policy, policies::promote_float, policies::promote_double, policies::discrete_quantile<>, policies::assert_undefined<> >::type forwarding_policy; static const char* function = "boost::math::jacobi_theta1tau<%1%>(%1%)"; return policies::checked_narrowing_cast( jacobi_theta1tau_imp(static_cast(z), static_cast(tau), forwarding_policy(), function), function); } template inline typename tools::promote_args::type jacobi_theta1tau(T z, U tau) { return jacobi_theta1tau(z, tau, policies::policy<>()); } template inline typename tools::promote_args::type jacobi_theta1(T z, U q, const Policy&) { BOOST_FPU_EXCEPTION_GUARD typedef typename tools::promote_args::type result_type; typedef typename policies::normalise< Policy, policies::promote_float, policies::promote_double, policies::discrete_quantile<>, policies::assert_undefined<> >::type forwarding_policy; static const char* function = "boost::math::jacobi_theta1<%1%>(%1%)"; return policies::checked_narrowing_cast( jacobi_theta1_imp(static_cast(z), static_cast(q), forwarding_policy(), function), function); } template inline typename tools::promote_args::type jacobi_theta1(T z, U q) { return jacobi_theta1(z, q, policies::policy<>()); } template inline typename tools::promote_args::type jacobi_theta2tau(T z, U tau, const Policy&) { BOOST_FPU_EXCEPTION_GUARD typedef typename tools::promote_args::type result_type; typedef typename policies::normalise< Policy, policies::promote_float, policies::promote_double, policies::discrete_quantile<>, policies::assert_undefined<> >::type forwarding_policy; static const char* function = "boost::math::jacobi_theta2tau<%1%>(%1%)"; return policies::checked_narrowing_cast( jacobi_theta2tau_imp(static_cast(z), static_cast(tau), forwarding_policy(), function), function); } template inline typename tools::promote_args::type jacobi_theta2tau(T z, U tau) { return jacobi_theta2tau(z, tau, policies::policy<>()); } template inline typename tools::promote_args::type jacobi_theta2(T z, U q, const Policy&) { BOOST_FPU_EXCEPTION_GUARD typedef typename tools::promote_args::type result_type; typedef typename policies::normalise< Policy, policies::promote_float, policies::promote_double, policies::discrete_quantile<>, policies::assert_undefined<> >::type forwarding_policy; static const char* function = "boost::math::jacobi_theta2<%1%>(%1%)"; return policies::checked_narrowing_cast( jacobi_theta2_imp(static_cast(z), static_cast(q), forwarding_policy(), function), function); } template inline typename tools::promote_args::type jacobi_theta2(T z, U q) { return jacobi_theta2(z, q, policies::policy<>()); } template inline typename tools::promote_args::type jacobi_theta3m1tau(T z, U tau, const Policy&) { BOOST_FPU_EXCEPTION_GUARD typedef typename tools::promote_args::type result_type; typedef typename policies::normalise< Policy, policies::promote_float, policies::promote_double, policies::discrete_quantile<>, policies::assert_undefined<> >::type forwarding_policy; static const char* function = "boost::math::jacobi_theta3m1tau<%1%>(%1%)"; return policies::checked_narrowing_cast( jacobi_theta3m1tau_imp(static_cast(z), static_cast(tau), forwarding_policy()), function); } template inline typename tools::promote_args::type jacobi_theta3m1tau(T z, U tau) { return jacobi_theta3m1tau(z, tau, policies::policy<>()); } template inline typename tools::promote_args::type jacobi_theta3tau(T z, U tau, const Policy&) { BOOST_FPU_EXCEPTION_GUARD typedef typename tools::promote_args::type result_type; typedef typename policies::normalise< Policy, policies::promote_float, policies::promote_double, policies::discrete_quantile<>, policies::assert_undefined<> >::type forwarding_policy; static const char* function = "boost::math::jacobi_theta3tau<%1%>(%1%)"; return policies::checked_narrowing_cast( jacobi_theta3tau_imp(static_cast(z), static_cast(tau), forwarding_policy(), function), function); } template inline typename tools::promote_args::type jacobi_theta3tau(T z, U tau) { return jacobi_theta3tau(z, tau, policies::policy<>()); } template inline typename tools::promote_args::type jacobi_theta3m1(T z, U q, const Policy&) { BOOST_FPU_EXCEPTION_GUARD typedef typename tools::promote_args::type result_type; typedef typename policies::normalise< Policy, policies::promote_float, policies::promote_double, policies::discrete_quantile<>, policies::assert_undefined<> >::type forwarding_policy; static const char* function = "boost::math::jacobi_theta3m1<%1%>(%1%)"; return policies::checked_narrowing_cast( jacobi_theta3m1_imp(static_cast(z), static_cast(q), forwarding_policy(), function), function); } template inline typename tools::promote_args::type jacobi_theta3m1(T z, U q) { return jacobi_theta3m1(z, q, policies::policy<>()); } template inline typename tools::promote_args::type jacobi_theta3(T z, U q, const Policy&) { BOOST_FPU_EXCEPTION_GUARD typedef typename tools::promote_args::type result_type; typedef typename policies::normalise< Policy, policies::promote_float, policies::promote_double, policies::discrete_quantile<>, policies::assert_undefined<> >::type forwarding_policy; static const char* function = "boost::math::jacobi_theta3<%1%>(%1%)"; return policies::checked_narrowing_cast( jacobi_theta3_imp(static_cast(z), static_cast(q), forwarding_policy(), function), function); } template inline typename tools::promote_args::type jacobi_theta3(T z, U q) { return jacobi_theta3(z, q, policies::policy<>()); } template inline typename tools::promote_args::type jacobi_theta4m1tau(T z, U tau, const Policy&) { BOOST_FPU_EXCEPTION_GUARD typedef typename tools::promote_args::type result_type; typedef typename policies::normalise< Policy, policies::promote_float, policies::promote_double, policies::discrete_quantile<>, policies::assert_undefined<> >::type forwarding_policy; static const char* function = "boost::math::jacobi_theta4m1tau<%1%>(%1%)"; return policies::checked_narrowing_cast( jacobi_theta4m1tau_imp(static_cast(z), static_cast(tau), forwarding_policy()), function); } template inline typename tools::promote_args::type jacobi_theta4m1tau(T z, U tau) { return jacobi_theta4m1tau(z, tau, policies::policy<>()); } template inline typename tools::promote_args::type jacobi_theta4tau(T z, U tau, const Policy&) { BOOST_FPU_EXCEPTION_GUARD typedef typename tools::promote_args::type result_type; typedef typename policies::normalise< Policy, policies::promote_float, policies::promote_double, policies::discrete_quantile<>, policies::assert_undefined<> >::type forwarding_policy; static const char* function = "boost::math::jacobi_theta4tau<%1%>(%1%)"; return policies::checked_narrowing_cast( jacobi_theta4tau_imp(static_cast(z), static_cast(tau), forwarding_policy(), function), function); } template inline typename tools::promote_args::type jacobi_theta4tau(T z, U tau) { return jacobi_theta4tau(z, tau, policies::policy<>()); } template inline typename tools::promote_args::type jacobi_theta4m1(T z, U q, const Policy&) { BOOST_FPU_EXCEPTION_GUARD typedef typename tools::promote_args::type result_type; typedef typename policies::normalise< Policy, policies::promote_float, policies::promote_double, policies::discrete_quantile<>, policies::assert_undefined<> >::type forwarding_policy; static const char* function = "boost::math::jacobi_theta4m1<%1%>(%1%)"; return policies::checked_narrowing_cast( jacobi_theta4m1_imp(static_cast(z), static_cast(q), forwarding_policy(), function), function); } template inline typename tools::promote_args::type jacobi_theta4m1(T z, U q) { return jacobi_theta4m1(z, q, policies::policy<>()); } template inline typename tools::promote_args::type jacobi_theta4(T z, U q, const Policy&) { BOOST_FPU_EXCEPTION_GUARD typedef typename tools::promote_args::type result_type; typedef typename policies::normalise< Policy, policies::promote_float, policies::promote_double, policies::discrete_quantile<>, policies::assert_undefined<> >::type forwarding_policy; static const char* function = "boost::math::jacobi_theta4<%1%>(%1%)"; return policies::checked_narrowing_cast( jacobi_theta4_imp(static_cast(z), static_cast(q), forwarding_policy(), function), function); } template inline typename tools::promote_args::type jacobi_theta4(T z, U q) { return jacobi_theta4(z, q, policies::policy<>()); } }} #endif