/******************************************************************************* * Copyright (c) 2009, 2019 IBM Corp. * * All rights reserved. This program and the accompanying materials * are made available under the terms of the Eclipse Public License v1.0 * and Eclipse Distribution License v1.0 which accompany this distribution. * * The Eclipse Public License is available at * http://www.eclipse.org/legal/epl-v10.html * and the Eclipse Distribution License is available at * http://www.eclipse.org/org/documents/edl-v10.php. * * Contributors: * Ian Craggs - initial API and implementation and/or initial documentation * Ian Craggs, Allan Stockdill-Mander - SSL updates * Ian Craggs - MQTT 3.1.1 support * Rong Xiang, Ian Craggs - C++ compatibility * Ian Craggs - binary password and will payload * Ian Craggs - MQTT 5.0 support *******************************************************************************/ /** * @file * \brief functions to deal with reading and writing of MQTT packets from and to sockets * * Some other related functions are in the MQTTPacket module */ #include "MQTTPacketOut.h" #include "Log.h" #include "StackTrace.h" #include #include #include "Heap.h" /** * Send an MQTT CONNECT packet down a socket for V5 or later * @param client a structure from which to get all the required values * @param MQTTVersion the MQTT version to connect with * @param connectProperties MQTT V5 properties for the connect packet * @param willProperties MQTT V5 properties for the will message, if any * @return the completion code (e.g. TCPSOCKET_COMPLETE) */ int MQTTPacket_send_connect(Clients* client, int MQTTVersion, MQTTProperties* connectProperties, MQTTProperties* willProperties) { char *buf, *ptr; Connect packet; int rc = -1, len; FUNC_ENTRY; packet.header.byte = 0; packet.header.bits.type = CONNECT; len = ((MQTTVersion == MQTTVERSION_3_1) ? 12 : 10) + (int)strlen(client->clientID)+2; if (client->will) len += (int)strlen(client->will->topic)+2 + client->will->payloadlen+2; if (client->username) len += (int)strlen(client->username)+2; if (client->password) len += client->passwordlen+2; if (MQTTVersion >= MQTTVERSION_5) { len += MQTTProperties_len(connectProperties); if (client->will) len += MQTTProperties_len(willProperties); } ptr = buf = malloc(len); if (MQTTVersion == MQTTVERSION_3_1) { writeUTF(&ptr, "MQIsdp"); writeChar(&ptr, (char)MQTTVERSION_3_1); } else if (MQTTVersion == MQTTVERSION_3_1_1 || MQTTVersion == MQTTVERSION_5) { writeUTF(&ptr, "MQTT"); writeChar(&ptr, (char)MQTTVersion); } else goto exit; packet.flags.all = 0; if (MQTTVersion >= MQTTVERSION_5) packet.flags.bits.cleanstart = client->cleanstart; else packet.flags.bits.cleanstart = client->cleansession; packet.flags.bits.will = (client->will) ? 1 : 0; if (packet.flags.bits.will) { packet.flags.bits.willQoS = client->will->qos; packet.flags.bits.willRetain = client->will->retained; } if (client->username) packet.flags.bits.username = 1; if (client->password) packet.flags.bits.password = 1; writeChar(&ptr, packet.flags.all); writeInt(&ptr, client->keepAliveInterval); if (MQTTVersion >= MQTTVERSION_5) MQTTProperties_write(&ptr, connectProperties); writeUTF(&ptr, client->clientID); if (client->will) { if (MQTTVersion >= MQTTVERSION_5) MQTTProperties_write(&ptr, willProperties); writeUTF(&ptr, client->will->topic); writeData(&ptr, client->will->payload, client->will->payloadlen); } if (client->username) writeUTF(&ptr, client->username); if (client->password) writeData(&ptr, client->password, client->passwordlen); rc = MQTTPacket_send(&client->net, packet.header, buf, len, 1, MQTTVersion); Log(LOG_PROTOCOL, 0, NULL, client->net.socket, client->clientID, MQTTVersion, client->cleansession, rc); exit: if (rc != TCPSOCKET_INTERRUPTED) free(buf); FUNC_EXIT_RC(rc); return rc; } /** * Function used in the new packets table to create connack packets. * @param MQTTVersion MQTT 5 or less? * @param aHeader the MQTT header byte * @param data the rest of the packet * @param datalen the length of the rest of the packet * @return pointer to the packet structure */ void* MQTTPacket_connack(int MQTTVersion, unsigned char aHeader, char* data, size_t datalen) { Connack* pack = NULL; char* curdata = data; char* enddata = &data[datalen]; FUNC_ENTRY; if ((pack = malloc(sizeof(Connack))) == NULL) goto exit; pack->MQTTVersion = MQTTVersion; pack->header.byte = aHeader; pack->flags.all = readChar(&curdata); /* connect flags */ pack->rc = readChar(&curdata); /* reason code */ if (MQTTVersion < MQTTVERSION_5) { if (datalen != 2) { free(pack); pack = NULL; } } else if (datalen > 2) { MQTTProperties props = MQTTProperties_initializer; pack->properties = props; if (MQTTProperties_read(&pack->properties, &curdata, enddata) != 1) { if (pack->properties.array) free(pack->properties.array); if (pack) free(pack); pack = NULL; /* signal protocol error */ goto exit; } } exit: FUNC_EXIT; return pack; } /** * Free allocated storage for a connack packet. * @param pack pointer to the connack packet structure */ void MQTTPacket_freeConnack(Connack* pack) { FUNC_ENTRY; if (pack->MQTTVersion >= MQTTVERSION_5) MQTTProperties_free(&pack->properties); free(pack); FUNC_EXIT; } /** * Send an MQTT PINGREQ packet down a socket. * @param socket the open socket to send the data to * @param clientID the string client identifier, only used for tracing * @return the completion code (e.g. TCPSOCKET_COMPLETE) */ int MQTTPacket_send_pingreq(networkHandles* net, const char* clientID) { Header header; int rc = 0; FUNC_ENTRY; header.byte = 0; header.bits.type = PINGREQ; rc = MQTTPacket_send(net, header, NULL, 0, 0, MQTTVERSION_3_1_1); Log(LOG_PROTOCOL, 20, NULL, net->socket, clientID, rc); FUNC_EXIT_RC(rc); return rc; } /** * Send an MQTT subscribe packet down a socket. * @param topics list of topics * @param qoss list of corresponding QoSs * @param msgid the MQTT message id to use * @param dup boolean - whether to set the MQTT DUP flag * @param socket the open socket to send the data to * @param clientID the string client identifier, only used for tracing * @return the completion code (e.g. TCPSOCKET_COMPLETE) */ int MQTTPacket_send_subscribe(List* topics, List* qoss, MQTTSubscribe_options* opts, MQTTProperties* props, int msgid, int dup, Clients* client) { Header header; char *data, *ptr; int rc = -1; ListElement *elem = NULL, *qosElem = NULL; int datalen, i = 0; FUNC_ENTRY; header.bits.type = SUBSCRIBE; header.bits.dup = dup; header.bits.qos = 1; header.bits.retain = 0; datalen = 2 + topics->count * 3; /* utf length + char qos == 3 */ while (ListNextElement(topics, &elem)) datalen += (int)strlen((char*)(elem->content)); if (client->MQTTVersion >= MQTTVERSION_5) datalen += MQTTProperties_len(props); ptr = data = malloc(datalen); writeInt(&ptr, msgid); if (client->MQTTVersion >= MQTTVERSION_5) MQTTProperties_write(&ptr, props); elem = NULL; while (ListNextElement(topics, &elem)) { char subopts = 0; ListNextElement(qoss, &qosElem); writeUTF(&ptr, (char*)(elem->content)); subopts = *(int*)(qosElem->content); if (client->MQTTVersion >= MQTTVERSION_5 && opts != NULL) { subopts |= (opts[i].noLocal << 2); /* 1 bit */ subopts |= (opts[i].retainAsPublished << 3); /* 1 bit */ subopts |= (opts[i].retainHandling << 4); /* 2 bits */ } writeChar(&ptr, subopts); ++i; } rc = MQTTPacket_send(&client->net, header, data, datalen, 1, client->MQTTVersion); Log(LOG_PROTOCOL, 22, NULL, client->net.socket, client->clientID, msgid, rc); if (rc != TCPSOCKET_INTERRUPTED) free(data); FUNC_EXIT_RC(rc); return rc; } /** * Function used in the new packets table to create suback packets. * @param MQTTVersion the version of MQTT * @param aHeader the MQTT header byte * @param data the rest of the packet * @param datalen the length of the rest of the packet * @return pointer to the packet structure */ void* MQTTPacket_suback(int MQTTVersion, unsigned char aHeader, char* data, size_t datalen) { Suback* pack = NULL; char* curdata = data; char* enddata = &data[datalen]; FUNC_ENTRY; if ((pack = malloc(sizeof(Suback))) == NULL) goto exit; pack->MQTTVersion = MQTTVersion; pack->header.byte = aHeader; pack->msgId = readInt(&curdata); if (MQTTVersion >= MQTTVERSION_5) { MQTTProperties props = MQTTProperties_initializer; pack->properties = props; if (MQTTProperties_read(&pack->properties, &curdata, enddata) != 1) { if (pack->properties.array) free(pack->properties.array); if (pack) free(pack); pack = NULL; /* signal protocol error */ goto exit; } } pack->qoss = ListInitialize(); while ((size_t)(curdata - data) < datalen) { unsigned int* newint; newint = malloc(sizeof(unsigned int)); *newint = (unsigned int)readChar(&curdata); ListAppend(pack->qoss, newint, sizeof(unsigned int)); } if (pack->qoss->count == 0) { if (pack->properties.array) free(pack->properties.array); if (pack) free(pack); ListFree(pack->qoss); pack = NULL; } exit: FUNC_EXIT; return pack; } /** * Send an MQTT unsubscribe packet down a socket. * @param topics list of topics * @param msgid the MQTT message id to use * @param dup boolean - whether to set the MQTT DUP flag * @param socket the open socket to send the data to * @param clientID the string client identifier, only used for tracing * @return the completion code (e.g. TCPSOCKET_COMPLETE) */ int MQTTPacket_send_unsubscribe(List* topics, MQTTProperties* props, int msgid, int dup, Clients* client) { Header header; char *data, *ptr; int rc = -1; ListElement *elem = NULL; int datalen; FUNC_ENTRY; header.bits.type = UNSUBSCRIBE; header.bits.dup = dup; header.bits.qos = 1; header.bits.retain = 0; datalen = 2 + topics->count * 2; /* utf length == 2 */ while (ListNextElement(topics, &elem)) datalen += (int)strlen((char*)(elem->content)); if (client->MQTTVersion >= MQTTVERSION_5) datalen += MQTTProperties_len(props); ptr = data = malloc(datalen); writeInt(&ptr, msgid); if (client->MQTTVersion >= MQTTVERSION_5) MQTTProperties_write(&ptr, props); elem = NULL; while (ListNextElement(topics, &elem)) writeUTF(&ptr, (char*)(elem->content)); rc = MQTTPacket_send(&client->net, header, data, datalen, 1, client->MQTTVersion); Log(LOG_PROTOCOL, 25, NULL, client->net.socket, client->clientID, msgid, rc); if (rc != TCPSOCKET_INTERRUPTED) free(data); FUNC_EXIT_RC(rc); return rc; } /** * Function used in the new packets table to create unsuback packets. * @param MQTTVersion the version of MQTT * @param aHeader the MQTT header byte * @param data the rest of the packet * @param datalen the length of the rest of the packet * @return pointer to the packet structure */ void* MQTTPacket_unsuback(int MQTTVersion, unsigned char aHeader, char* data, size_t datalen) { Unsuback* pack = NULL; char* curdata = data; char* enddata = &data[datalen]; FUNC_ENTRY; if ((pack = malloc(sizeof(Unsuback))) == NULL) goto exit; pack->MQTTVersion = MQTTVersion; pack->header.byte = aHeader; pack->msgId = readInt(&curdata); pack->reasonCodes = NULL; if (MQTTVersion >= MQTTVERSION_5) { MQTTProperties props = MQTTProperties_initializer; pack->properties = props; if (MQTTProperties_read(&pack->properties, &curdata, enddata) != 1) { if (pack->properties.array) free(pack->properties.array); if (pack) free(pack); pack = NULL; /* signal protocol error */ goto exit; } pack->reasonCodes = ListInitialize(); while ((size_t)(curdata - data) < datalen) { enum MQTTReasonCodes* newrc; newrc = malloc(sizeof(enum MQTTReasonCodes)); *newrc = (enum MQTTReasonCodes)readChar(&curdata); ListAppend(pack->reasonCodes, newrc, sizeof(enum MQTTReasonCodes)); } if (pack->reasonCodes->count == 0) { ListFree(pack->reasonCodes); if (pack->properties.array) free(pack->properties.array); if (pack) free(pack); pack = NULL; } } exit: FUNC_EXIT; return pack; }